Hamilton Soccer Moms AU

By locker130

22.6K 1.6K 11.4K

This is just a silly Hamilton AU where Burr and Hamilton are very proud soccer moms. Cover art credit to my t... More

A Birthday Invitation
Minivans & Party Plans
Target Trip
Party Preparations
Pre-Party Shenanigans
Burrthday Party Part 2
Burrthday Party Part 3
Burrthday Party Part 4
Burrthday Party Finale
Soccer Teams
Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 1
Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 2
Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 3
Take Your Kid to Work Day Finale
P&P Raps
Man of Honor?
Stress Baking
First Day of School
Halloween Bash
Third Grade Drama
The Grocery Store
Art Work
Christmas Tree
Christmas Party
Christmas Day!
New Year, Same Alexander
Dinner with the Jeffersons
The Hoverboard
The PTA Debate
The Race
Friendsentine Day
The PTA President
The Aftermatch
The Aftermatch of the Aftermatch
Roller Skating
Too Many Children
The Mug
Vacation (kinda)
Vacation (kinda) Part 2
Vacation (kinda) Part 2.5 + Delta Airlines
Kidz Bop
FANART!!!!! Part 2
FANART!!! Part 3
FANART!!!! Part 4
FANART!!!! Part 5
FANART!!! Part 6
Amelia's Birthday
Amelia's Birthday Part 2
FANART!!! Part 7
"Bonding" Time
Amelia's Birthday Part 3
Day at the Arcade
Teacher Meeting
The Funeral
Spa Day
"Lazy" Sunday
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts Part 2

Burrthday Party Part 1

422 33 117
By locker130

A/N: I wanted to include the kids of John Laurens, Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.  So this is not historically accurate at all because they all had kids at different times and their kids weren't all the same age.  But for the sake of this fanfiction we are going to pretend that all the kids are the same age and that all the kids are friends. Sorry for the long authors note! Enjoy!

Edit: Someone (MimiMangle and Turtleboi1781 ) suggested changing the chapter titles to this pun so enjoy it

"Ready to go, Philip?" Eliza asked as Philip finished tying his shoes.

"Yep." he said, bouncing up from the floor with excitement.

"Alexander!" Eliza shouted. "We are leaving!"

"Coming, coming." A dry Alex said as he ran down the stairs with the giant gift box that contained the unicorn. "Are we really going to that Burr's birthday party?"

Eliza rolled her eyes and said, "If we weren't going that would mean that we bought a giant unicorn for nothing."

"I wouldn't say for nothing. We could put it in my office and I could stare at its glory or I'm sure Philip would enjoy riding it around the house." Alex suggested.

"That sounds fun!" Philip said, smiling at the idea.

"See." Alex said while looking at his wife hopefully.

"Stop stalling, let's go." Eliza saw right through her husbands tricks.

"Alexander, just go to the party!" Angelica yelled from upstairs where she was watching the children.

"You can't escape this party!" Peggy also shouted from upstairs. (she's alive cuz I want her to be lol)

"The Schuyler sisters, always teaming up on me." Alexander muttered bitterly.

"So, no riding the magic horse-"

"Unicorn." Alex corrected.

"Okay, fine, unicorn around the house?" Philip asked with disappointment embedded in his voice.

"Philip, would you rather do that or go to Theo's party?" Eliza smiled sweetly down at her son.

"Theo's party!" Philip said while grabbing the gift and beginning to walk out the door. The present was almost the size of Philip so, it was a struggle for him to carry it.

Eliza linked arms with Alex while raising an eyebrow at him. Alex groaned and they walked out the door to the minivan together.

~At the Burr house~

"Lafayette! Long time, no see." Aaron greeted Laffy as he exited his car.

Lafayette waved at Burr with a friendly smile. The door to Lafayette's car swung open and three eight year old girls hopped out. Georges Washington had decided to skip out on this party. In his words the party was "going to be cootie filled." Anastasie, Marie and Henriette were Lafayette's absolute pride and joys. He loved those little girls to death. He had endured dress ups, tea parties and makeovers just to put a smile on his girl's faces.

"Theo!" Anastasie shrieked running over to her. Marie and Henriette ran after their sister.

"Happy birthday!" the triplets (they aren't actually triplets shhh) exclaimed in unison. Once they realized what they had done they looked at each other in shock and burst out in giggles.

Lafayette followed after his daughters into the house with Theo's presents in hand. Aaron shut the door after everyone was inside and sighed, "I think that's everyone."

He looked out over all the children. Martha Jefferson was being chased around by John Payne Todd, James' son. Her curly brown hair, which she definitely got from her father, was in braids that were already messed. The Mulligan boys, William and John, were in engaged in a very competitive rock paper scissors game and whoever won would then be chased by the loser. Frances Eleanor Laurens was doing a handstand competition with Anastasie and neither of them were giving in any time soon. Henriette was standing with her hands covering her eyes and counting very loudly. Theo and Marie were nowhere to be seen but, there was giggling coming from a closet and one of the curtains was moving on its own.

"Aaron, your forgetting the Hamiltons." Theodosia reminded him.

"Ughhhh, of course Alexander is late." Burr groaned.

"Alexander was invited?" John Laurens asked with excitement at the very idea of seeing his old friend.

"Sadly." Aaron answered. Maybe Philip changed his mind, Aaron thought.

The doorbell rang crushing Aaron's hopes. "I'll get it!" Theo said running to the door from her hiding place in the curtains.

"Found you!" Henriette said victoriously.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Theo protested.

"You can re-hide but only because it's your birthday." Henriette compromised. Theo smiled and continued to get the door. Theo opened the door and was greeted by a very large present, Eliza and a very grumpy looking Alexander.

"Where's Philip?" she asked, confused.

"Right here!" Philip shouted stepping out from behind the present.

"Oh!" Theo giggled.

"Happy birthday!" Philip said.


William Mulligan waved Philip over and Philip ran over to his friend.

"Happy birthday, Theo." Eliza said while smiling down at the little girl.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hamilton."

Eliza elbowed Alex and he hissed to his wife, "What was that for?"

Eliza nodded at Theo and Alex finally got the hint. "I wish you a happy birthday, little Burr." Alex deadpanned.

"Thanks?" Theo said looking puzzled. Before things could get worse, she ran off to go play hide-and-seek again.

"Alright," Aaron said quieting the children and chattering parents, "now that everyone has arrived the real party can begin!"

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