Pan's curse

By Majestica98

114 0 1

Enchanted forest, wonderland, arendelle, or human world, no matter where you are young boys are not safe from... More

Birthday Morning
Trip to Neverland
Far from home
Forbidden friends
Secrets of Neverland
Induction part 1
Induction part two
Cake by the ocean
Festering wounds
Final battle part one
Final Battle part two

Love and war

6 0 0
By Majestica98

I feel pretty good having passed his test but I was telling him to also be a good friend. He seems cute and kind and his grimace disappears when Pan says test.

"Test, so you only told me as a test about this not because we had a connection, how do I know if that was even the truth or if I could ever trust you again, " he says beginning to climb down the tree and I follow trying to catch up to him.

"Wait, we do have a connection I would have told you even if he did not ask you because I like," I say in a whimper as he backs down.

"Okay I believe in second chances so tell me who is Wendy, " he asks glaring towards Pan who I know would not want me to say anything however I cannot keep this from everyone forever.

"She is the girl who came on this island claiming to want to brake the curse and fall in love with Pan however she was only there for her brothers and Tinkerbell cursed Pan to kill her," I say with despair  in my voice.

"Wow, that must have been difficult for you considering you probably fell for her," he says with a smirk across his face.

"Yes, it was. I fell madly in love and Tink was jealous and I was upset when I found it was a scam that she could never truly love me when she betrothed to someone back home however I did not believe in dishonoring that, I was raised right," he says the winking at me.

"Do you believe you will ever find love?" he asked Pan desperately.

"I am hopeful, I want to let you boys off this wretched place," Pan says gesturing to the island.

"I agree you will because once people get to know you they will realize you are a good person deserving of any love the world will give you," I say almost blushing.

"My I ask you to an evening by the bay for a picnic and swim in the moonlight," Pan suddenly asks. I grimace so wide I pray he cannot see the butterflies in my stomach.

"I would love to tonight we shall just please let me go get ready for the evening while you gather food," I say girlishly blushing prancing towards the entryway. 

"I will and Chuck will gather some recipes from the fairies, "Pan demands Chuck who chuckles and then whisks around making his way to the fairy cottage. He seems to have everything pretty well oriented around this place even though today is his first day. Suspicion of him being here before crosses my mind but quickly leaves as I go back to my cottage finding a silver dress with shimmering sparkles lacing the sides and a black two piece swimsuit with a skirt. I slip the swimsuit on underneath the dress and walk out the door to the bay to find Pan in Black tux with a matching silver tie and shoes and handkerchief.

"You look sharp Pan," I say with a huge grin I am sure and I can feel the rouge fill my face quickly.

"Thank you, as do you cutie," he says pulling out my chair. This is more than a picnic I think to myself. It is a candlelit dinner on the beach what girl has not had this dream.

"What kind of picnic is this?" I ask him lovingly.

"A kind fit for a queen like yourself of course," he says with a smirk.

"Do you pray before you eat?" I ask not wanting to impose my religion on him.

"Yes, Ma'am, your brother asked the same thing, Dear God we thank thee for this blessed food and this moonlit dinner with a beautiful young woman and blessing me by putting her in my life, Amen." Pan says then grabbing the medium-well steak in front of him. I grab the one next to him and it does a dance on my tongue because my tastebuds are on fire and in love.

"Where did you learn this?" I nostalgically ask thinking of the steaks my mother use to make us years ago before my younger sister came along and we could afford the meat.

"Fawn do you like it?" he asks.

"I love it and everything else shall we go swimming now," I ask wiping my mouth and slipping off my dress slowly and he stares at my thighs.

"Yes," he says taking off his tux and snapping his fingers quickly. Suddenly, Chuck and a few other lost boys show up and they wisp the table away and gather his tux and my dress of course. He and I race to the beach as I stare at his ripped abs and muscular silhouette.

"You are beautiful," he says to me making me blush.

"Thank you handsome," I say swimming closer to him. He grabs my hand under the water.

"You are welcome," he says sweetly and slowly.

"May I kiss you?" I ask without even thinking.

"Yes," he says closing his eyes and pursing his lips and lean 90 degrees and kiss him slowly. When they mash Lake shutters and I am sucked in the water in a whirlpool of water and he doesn not follow which means this was trap someone must have set up. All I see is black.

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