Final Battle part two

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She falls back to the ground but quickly gets back up and I hit her left wing with a fireball and a piece of it is chipped off. Tink is now furious so she comes towards me and hits me in the forehead with ice and I am down with brainfreeze. Instead of tumbling over I use this to  my advantage and blow some wind out of my mouth that freezes her but only temporarily. However it is enough time to recover. She  unfreezes and I hit her with everything I have fire from one hand and ice from the other and she is knocked out. Everyone begins to count down from ten. I start to shiver at the thought of winning and Pan being mine but suddenly once everyone hits nine she is back up.

"Did you really think it was going to be that easy," she says shoot a lazor of black out of her red eyes and I dodge the but jump back in front of them before they can hit Pan.

"I was a little hopeful," I say with a smirk and shoot her with fire lazors from the palms of my hands and she blocks it with the lava surrounding us.  She then dives into the lava probably to gain strength but I follow her anyway hoping that I can gain the same if not more strength and she is inside a cave at the bottom of the pit of lava and I grab my sword and we go back to no magic battling.

"Fine we can do some no magic for a while to at least give you a chance at defeating me," Tink says picking up her red sword with a emerald at the tip.

"You really think my magic is no match for you because I see different considering I nearly stopped your heart there for a while," I say grimacing at her as I make the first thrust towards her and she blocks.

"Maybe  but temporary will never be enough my friend you have to be willling to do it for a long period of time," Tink says then thrusting her sword towards me and she slices  part of my arm and we both raise our swords above our heads and fight that way for a while.  I then use my powers to heat up my sword so it is steaming as it fights her and it burns her precious white face causing a third degree burn not nearly as bad as the one she gave me but it will have to suffice. Vidia appears and grabs both of our swords and so we are hand to hand and I throw the first punch causing blood to drip from her nose.  She smiles as me and lazors are back on my heart but I freeze them before they are even halfway towards me. I then slide under her and threw lava up her spine and she shivers as if it were about to crack. She shoots poisonous gel at me but I redirect it at her and it hits her wing causing her to fall because she could no longer fly.

"Oh really, because I just easily dewinged you so now you cannot fly away from your problems," I say then thrashing green lightening towards which she redirects at me and it almost catches my heart thankfully though it does not. I redirect it at her and she takes it so Vidia behind her does not have and she begins to have compulsions.

I use this to my advantage and hit her with lava, fire, and hot rocks increasing the time she has compulsions. However, she begins to freeze herself so she can cool down and then hits me with dry ice from her fingertips and I block them with a lava rock shield I have created for myself. She grabs her sword and darts her way towards me but I put my shield in front of my face blocking her and then I thrust my sword towards her as is it fired up. It singes her hair and she throws a shadow towards me and I laugh and turn it to lava and redirect it to her heart. She has a shield up for it to bounce of and go straight into the the lake of lava outside of the cave. I chip off a piece of the rock from the and make it have fire on it and toss it straight at her and she falls dramatically. I then run towards her and stick my heart right between her breasts and she bleeds black and I take her body back up to the main arena and everyone begins clapping. Pan is rushing towards me and I drop her with a smirk and begin running towards him.

"Happy birthday," I say with a grimace and then grabbing him and begin kissing him and we are lifted up in the air and I feel a strong wind come across the entire island. After about ten minutes of kissing him I stop and everyone is now whistling.

"You have done it my future wife you have broken the course," Pan says with a smirk.

"I am going to stay here with you I will explain to my sister that I found true love," I say and begin kissing him again allowing my hands to reach his hair and underneath his shirt rubbing his back.

"True love seems to have found me," Pan says in between kisses and creates sparks with hand and when there lips clash again sparks come from there lips that then go to Tink and finish her off and her body turns  to shreds that is whisped away by the wind.


Pan's curseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon