Secrets of Neverland

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"Pan is staring straight down at me  when is he says "Did you really think it would be that easy to escape this place princess?"

"I do not see why not but apparently I was wrong besides they just saved m life, which is more than anything you have done jerk, boy stealer. Why do you even do it?" I ask curiously.

"I see you do not know the truth of this island do you, that is certainly sad now is it, I am not the enemy of this place." He says taking my hand out to the open woods where his boys gather and I see m brother.

"I find that hard to believe," I say with a huff knowing so much better than this creature.

"He is right sis," my brother comes out and says

"What do you mean by he is right?" I say tilting my head back.

"I mean he is not the bad guy tinkerbell is," He says and I laugh but stop once I notice I am the only one.

"You cannot be serious, that tiny little sweet hardworking fairy is the bad guy," I say with a brief smirk that disappears as everyone else goes dim.

"We are and it is not the easiest curse to be broken we have tried several times," Pan says kindly.

"We all really thought Wendy would be the one, but she turned out to be like every other girl, maybe she will be different," a tan young man says eyeballing me.

"Hold on I am not here to break a curse I just want and need my brother back!" I exclaim straight up without an filter in my tone.

"Well you cannot rescue him without the curse being broken but if we tell you then that blows the entire thing, honestly just give Pan another chance to be your friend. Learn who he reallly is and you will understand sis," my brother says and I look at Peter who has the eyes of a puppy dog!

"Fine but alone I do not want everyone hearing our conversation," we both say surprisingly in unison.

"We will not be anywhere near you too," My brother says. The two of us start walking back into the woods until we look back and see no one he grabs my hand and drags me to a secret hole in a tree.

Here it is tight my chest is practically against his and his eyes lock on mine as he presses some magic but that makes the cramped room like a living room. I smirk and sit on the couch nearest to him.

"Now if she is the real bad guy why do you do it?" I ask.

"If I do not she will kill any boy without parents and that will not love he," Peter says bluntly.

"Well damn, how rude?" I say nonchalantly.

"yeah she was upset because i would not lay with her claiming no boy that lost their parents would so she cursed me. I was here looking for treasure to save my pa from the sea but she would not give me any pixie dust unless I lied with her, I was only seventeen there was no way," Peter said openly.

"Tell me about Wendy," I say nostagically.

"She was a girl in search of her brothers, I was hoping she would break the curse but she teased my like she was going to so she could get close to tinkerbell, in hopes of grasping some of her pixie dust. This however did not work she killed her right in front of all of us as a lesson that no one can cross her and if another girl was to come she was too be the first to know. However, if she was to never know that is our preference so do not wander too far we cannot lose you," he says with panic in his  voice.

"Okay, but how can I break the curse I want to help, " I say honestly.

"I cannot tell you besides it is not your burden to bear," he says thinking of Wendy's lips being so close.

"Then I do not know how to help," I say pitifully.

"You help by being our friend and especially being my friend, the next boy I bring hear you have to tell them the truth about this place then I will know the alliance is sealed!," he says kissing my cheek and floating away like the wind.

Pan's curseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ