Forbidden friends

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I look up to see two smiling girls with wings holding me up. One has long blue hair to match a lighter blue dress and pale skin. The other has copper hair in a long braid with an orange jumper and brown pants to go with her tan skin. They land me smoothly on the ground next to a large tree with door in it.

"Who are you?" I demand looking at both of them nervously as they release me.

"Your welcome! I am Silvermist and this is Fawn," the one with the blue hair says kindly.

"Hi, I am Tina. Are you guys fairies?" I ask staring at the wings.

"Yes," Fawn says as a mouse scurries towards her.

"Thank you for saving me but why?" Isn't everyone on this island Pan's slave doesn't he want me dead?" I say backing away from the pair as they go to the wooden door.

"Of course not he would have already killed you," Fawn says winking at Silvermist. Silvermist taps lightly on the door.

"That's reassuring," I say rolling my eyes but moving towards the door slowly.

"Sweetheart your stuck here you got to learn to trust some of us here even if it is not him," Fawn says. Slowly a fairy with dark hair pulled back, yellow dress, and caramel skin opened the door.

"Hey Iridessa, we caught this one before she hit the ground," Silvermist says pointing back at me.

"That boy has not even had her here a day and she is already trying to kill herself," she says letting us file in as she shuts the door behind us.

"I was not trying to kill myself I was exploring and a branch broke as I was climbing," I say probably a little too defensively.

"Chill, I was just messing with you dear," she says sweetly as a kettle squeals on a stove. This place is a lot bigger than I thought it is more like a huge cottage.

"Have a seat," Silvermist says gesturing to a tattered brown couch.

"Thank you," I say shyly recounting the stories I have been told about this place and how the fairies were slaves to Peter Pan. They seem like they are actually happy is it a spell?

"You are welcome. You are probably starving Fawn go turn the oven on their is some meat in the oven," Iridessa said kindly towards Fawn.

"I am a vegetarian," she retorts back to her shyly.

"That's okay we also have mixed vegetables and fruits. Do not worry there is also desserts,' Iridessa says as brightly as her name.

"Awesome, thank you so much. You ladies are much kinder than him and his boys. They are ruthless," I say thinking of my first arrival to this wretched place.

"Yeah they are but give them time and they will have to warm up to you whether they like it or not," Fawn says with a smirk.

"What you mean I cannot stay here you will send me back there with those heathens,"I say shockingly.

"Why are you so surprised this is a place for fairies and if he finds out you are here he will have our heads and yours," Silvermist retorts.

"He already has my head though that s the thing I am trying to avoid," I say with a slight smirk as I walk away from them knowing an expression for me to exit will be coming soon anyways.

"Wait we did not say you had to leave now," Silvermist says while I walk away however I just leave knowing my place is really my cup of tea that I have mastered since I was born.

I slide down the tree and shadow picks me up, knocks me out, and I wake up in my guest bed.

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