Dumbledore's Daughter

By Phoenix_The_Guardian

145K 3K 786

Annabelle Dumbledore. Adopted at a young age by none other than Albus Dumbledore, she's lived in Hogwarts Ca... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Hogwarts
Chapter 2 - The Sorting
Chapter 3 - The Bathroom
Chapter 4 - The Troll
Chapter 5 - Morning
Chapter 6 - The Sorcerers Stone
Chapter 7 - Nightmares
Chapter 8 - Great Friends and Homework
Chapter 9 - A Sneaking Suspision
Chapter 10 - Through the Trapdoor
Chapter 11 - Under the Turban
Chapter 12 - Hospital Wing
Chapter 13 - See You Soon
Chapter 14 - Secrets
Chapter 15 - I have no idea what to call this
Chapter 16 - The Wonderful Weasleys
Chapter 17 - Welcome Back
Chapter 18 - Petrified
Chapter 19 - The Legend
Chapter 20 - Quidditch Mishaps
Chapter 21 - Dueling Club Disasters
Chapter 22 - Lost
Chapter 23 - A Crushing Discovery
❤️ 1k READS!! ❤️
Chapter 24 - Meeting Dobby
Chapter 25 - Blue
Chapter 26 - Falling
Chapter 27 - He (Totally) Deserved It
Chapter 28 - Professor Lupin
Chapter 30: Intruder
Chapter 31: Idkwhattonamethisonesorry
Chapter 32: Oh Joy, Death (or close to it)
Sorry, not an update :")

Chapter 29 - Access Denied

1.7K 40 37
By Phoenix_The_Guardian

Finally, after a month of agonizing wait, it's the day of our first trip to Hogsmeade. I can't wait to go, and trust me, this is coming from someone who's lived right next door for most of my life, but Dad insisted that I wait until third year to go. Mmph. Whatever.

I do feel awful for Harry though. He doesn't have anyone at home to sign his pass because GOD FORBID THE DURSLEY'S DO SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF KINDNESS OR DECENCY. McGonagall's collecting passes in the front courtyard, where a small crowd of 3-7th years eagerly await to go to Hogsmeade. McGonagall's eyes snap up to me as the four of us approach the crowd.

"Miss Dumbledore, May I see you over here for a moment?" She calls. This can't be good. I never get called out by a teacher unless their relaying some news Dad has for me.

"I'll be right back." I mutter, speed walking over to McGonagall. "Yes Madame McGonagall?" I say sarcastically, something only I can get away, as I've technically lived with her for a good seven or eight years.

She sighs, obviously not in the mood. "I'm sorry Miss Dumbledore, but your father has requested for you not to enter Hogsmead until further notice."

"What? No! But-" She cuts me off.

"I'm sorry, but that's what your father said, I have no authority when it comes to your personal life. I suggest you go visit your father if it means that much to you." I'm about to walk away when she adds, "Oh, but not right now, he has a conference with the Minister of Magic."

I sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of my face irritably. "He always does. I swear the Minister doesn't know how to his damn job." McGonagall doesn't even bother to reprimand me - she just smiles dryly.

"Run along now." She sighs, turning to a group of Ravenclaw third years turning in their passes.

"Have fun in Hogsmeade." I grumble to Hermione and Ron as I approach.

"Huh? You're not going?" Hermione asks. I shake my head.

"Appearently "my father has requested for me not to enter Hogsmead until further notice."" I quote McGonagall. "But hey, at least Harry won't be alone." I add, to look on the bright side.

Harry grins, and Hermione nudges Ron and raises her eyebrows. Those two are really cute together.

"All third years over here!" McGonagall calls. Hermione and Ron bid us goodbye, promise to bring us back some sweets, and leave.

"So, where to? And no, you cant say studying." Harry adds as we walk back into the castle.

"Why would I say studying?" I ask, feigning disgust. "I'm not Hermione."

Harry shrugs. "I don't know, you two have been in the library a lot over the last month."

"Oh yeah," I say. "That was for...other reasons." Some that may or may not involve our current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"Sounds suspicious." Harry says, smiling softly.

"Yeah, whatever." Is my brilliant comeback, making Harry snicker. I slap him lightly in the shoulder as we both laugh at our stupid antics.

"Okay, um, want to go to the lake?" I ask. Harry raises an eyebrow.

"You always want to go to the lake." He says, smirking.

"I know, and we never go, so come on!" Its truly beautiful outside. Fall is my favorite season. Both because my birthday is in November, and all the leaves change to gorgeous colors... before they die. We can gloss over that part though. A soft breeze blows across the courtyard, and after some walking, we settle ourselves under a tree and watch the giant squid glide around the lake, disrupting its otherwise glassy and still surface.

It's all so calming and peaceful, sokn I feel myself drifting off into sleep...


"Good afternoon." Harry says once I wake up. I realize that I must've fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder, so I try to maneuver away the best I can while also trying not to be too awkward.

"What time...is it?" I say, my words punctuated by a yawn.

"Its only noon, you were probably asleep for two hours."

"Sorry." I mutter. He smiles shyly and stands up.

"Its fine." I'm pretty sure the constant blush on my face isn't going away soon, so I just turn away to try to hide it.

"Its it okay if we go see Professor Lupin? I need to ask him something." Harry says.

"Am I wrong in assuming it's about a certain Boggart?" I smirk, and Harry nods shyly.


"Well then, let's go break into a professor's office!" I cheer, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the castle.

"That's not what I - nevermind."  Harry mumbles from behind me, making me laugh a bit. We reach Professor Lupin's office relatively quickly. Harry knocks on the door, and is greeted with a "come in!"

Professor Lupins office is really quite interesting. A tank sits to the side holding a little water demon. A Grindylow a believe. And various other creatures are held within the room. Lupin himself sits at his desk, looking rather pale, but otherwise fine.

"Hello Harry, Annabelle. I expected you two would be at Hogsmeade." He says, making the annoyance with my father bubble up all over again.

"I didnt get my pass signed." Harry explains. Lupin looks at me expectantly.

"My dad is a drama queen." I say with a shrug. Lupin raises his eyebrows but says nothing.

"I'm assuming that you're here to adress the Boggart class?" He asks, and Harry nods.

"Well, I thought you would have guessed, but I assumed that the Boggart would take the form of Lord Voldemort, and I'm quite sure that neither the staff nor your classmates would appreciate that." Harry nods slowly, absorbing the information.

"Actually," Harry starts. "I think my Boggart would be a Dementor." Oh god... those things.

"Ah, your biggest fear is fear itself. Very wise." Lupin says, then he looks at me.

"What do you think your Boggart is, Annabelle?" He asks me.

"I - I honestly have no idea." I admit.

"Would you like to see?" I pause. The option is rather daunting. Basically, would you like to take a stroll up to see your biggest fear? Sure. Why not?

"Um...not today." I decide.


"That's quite alright" Lupin says. "I know the prospect of seeing your greatest fear can be daunting, especially when you're not sure what it is." He gives me a sympathetic smile then turns back to Harry.

"Will that be all?" He asks. Harry and I nod simultaneously.

"Thank you Professor." I call as we leave.

"Okay. Now what?" I ask Harry outside of Lupins office. Harry checks his watch, and announces that it's only noon.

"Wait, its lunch time. Are you hungry?" I ask, an idea popping into my head.

"Yeah, why?"

"You'll see, come on." I grab his hand and pull him all the way to a familiar painting of a bunch of fruit.

"Tickle the pear." I tell him. I immediately get a 'should I consider carting you off to St. Mungos?' kind of look.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, tickle the pear." He tickled the pear - which melted away to turn into a door handle. Isn't magic awesome?

"Oh." Harry breathes out as I open the the door, revealing the Hogwarts kitchens. House elves bustle around, some preparing for tonight's dinner, others cleaning up plates from the lunch above.

"Miss Dumbledore!" Squeaks a voice that I vaguely recognize. I turn around to see my one of my favourite house elves of all time - Toffee.

"Hey Toffee! Oh it's so great to see you again!" I gush. "Hows tonight's desserts going?"

"Oh, desert tonight will be great! Toffee is so excited to see Miss. Dumbledore again!" Squeals the house elf as she looks at me with her luminous blue eyes.

"Harry, this is Toffee. Shes head of desert making here, and we were great friends until I started my first year." I explain.

"Oh hello Mr. Potter! You don't know how much of a pleasure it is for Toffee to meet you!" She sqeaks brightly.

"Oh, hello." Harry greets. "Its great to meet you too."

"Is there anything that Miss. Dumbledore and Mr. Potter need from Toffee?" She asks.

"Um, yeah, could we just have some lunch? I think we missed it." I point to the ceiling, where above, the great hall sits, empty plates flashing down to the tables to be cleaned by the house elves.

"Of course!" Toffee cries, as about 10 elves come out holding a platter of all kinds of food, more than what I'm sure was served at lunch.

"Thank you Toffee, thank you everyone!" I call as we leave, the door behind us materializing into a painting once more.

"Well," I say breathlessly, looking down at the literal pile of food that they gave us, "that worked well."


After a ridiculously large lunch, Harry and I walk back up to the common room, having nothing else better to do.

"So. That was a thing." I announce as I flop onto am armchair in front of the happily leaping flames.

"I guess you could put it that way." Harry chuckles.

"Do we have any homework due?" I ask lazily.

"Um..." Harry starts.

"I'll take that as a no. If I fail, it's on you."

"Right." He mutters, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Now we just need to wait for everyone to get back."

Whoa, I'm not dead! Yeah, this took a while to write, and I sorry for that, but these keys are so damn tiny! As you can see, I'm still not used to typing on my phone, so if there are some weird typos in this chapter or chapters in the future, that's a mix of my clumsy fingers and autocorrect being stupid. This was a long authors note, I'll shut up now, thanks for reading! Love u all!

- Ember

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