Chapter 6 - The Sorcerers Stone

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~Harry's POV~

Ron and I decide to go back to the common room for a few games of Wizard Chess before bed. After 6 matches, (Ron won 5 matches but I miraculously pulled through a win on game number 4) we're about to call it a night when Annabelle and Hermione practically fall through the portrait hole, in their sprint to get up here.

While Hermione is wheezing and clutching a stitch in her side, Annabelle is already facing us. Looking flushed but excited. Her bright green eyes glinting in the firelight. I realize she holding a book, a big book. She walks over to the large couch and flops onto it, but still careful to keep the book steady. We all gather round her, with Hermione on the couch next to her, and Ron and I standing behind. She flips through the book quickly and stops when she reaches the page she wants.

"This," She says with a great air of purpose, and points at a picture of a shiny red rock. "is the Sorcerer's Stone."

~Annabelle's POV~

They don't seem to be very impressed. Ron and Harry share bemused looks, while Hermione sits reading the description of the Stone.

"So, er...what is this?" Ron asks, confused. I'm about to explain, when Hermione claps her hands over her mouth. "What,what is it?" Ron exclaims, startled.

"Immortality. The Sorcerers Stone is the only known substance that can create the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal!" Hermione gasps, then cries out. "But this is really, really bad!" 

"Why?" Ron asks stupidly. I groan in frustration.

"Who was the wizard who obsessed with being immortal?" I ask rhetorically. When Ron still looks pathetically dumbfounded, I give up. "Voldemort, you twat! Voldemort!" I cry in exasperation. Ron gives such a violent jump that he stumbles backwards, and Hermione lets out a shout that she attempts to disguise as a bad cough. The name, however, seems to have no effect on Harry, which I find odd, considering that Voldemort killed his parents and all...

"You're bloody mental, you are." Ron looks at me, shocked.

"My father told me to call Him by his true name, so I always have." I say simply.

"So, wait a moment." Harry starts. "You think Voldemort is after the Stone?" He asks, looking concerned. I nod, and Ron looks like he's about to faint.

Silence takes over. Everyone seems to be thinking about what this could mean. For the first time in my life, I really hope that we're wrong, too. That its all just a coincidence, and everything is fine. But I'm pretty sure it's not. Things are too connected. Voldemort's coming back, I know he is. I voice my concerns to the others, and they just nod, looking grave.

Harry winces and rubs his scar like it causing him pain, but the other two look too deep in thought to notice it.

"Are you okay, Harry?" I whisper.

"What? Oh-oh Yeah, I'm fine." He says unconvincingly. I raise an eyebrow at him, and he sighs. "My scar hurts when Voldemort's feeling something powerful." He explains. That makes a little more sense, at least. "I'm going to bed." He announces. I nudge the others, and they decide to turn in also. Hermione is halfway to the dormitory when she notices my absence.

"Are you coming?" She calls down. I shake my head.

"I'm not that tired, and I wanna check that book a bit more first." I tell her. She shrugs, waves goodnight, and sets off up the stairs.

I settle myself in my favorite chair in front of the roaring fire, and reopen the book that I discovered the Sorcerers Stone in. I read more about it.

Nicholas Flamel...immortality...Voldemort. Can turn any metal into pure I like gold...I think drowsily. And just like that, I fall asleep.

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