Rivamika One Shots

By Min__Yuuki

13.1K 241 75

I'm going to write some one shot stories over the summer and I'm going to try to update at least twice a mont... More

Good talk
Last time together
Switching roles
The dress
The prince's ball
Date night


1.2K 33 11
By Min__Yuuki

In this au Mikasa is the daughter of the most rich man on Germany. After she escaped from her house, she moved to France. One year later, her dad received a threat note to his daughter about some gangsters were after her so her dad contract a group of hitmen.
Rating: PG13
Mikasa is 20 and Levi is 28

Nobody POV:

Was around 11:00 pm and Mikasa was walking back home after a long work shift. She lived in a small department with her friend Sasha. Before she arrived to her apartment, she wanted to bought some milk from a small shop close by her house. The area looked a little sketchy and dark. Walking in the area, she felt like someone was following her. She looked back and a man was walking behind, following her, he was a very tall man, looked very though, wearing dark clothing and a hat. So she started to walk faster and faster until she got inside the shop. She hid behind a cookie display. Where the man wouldn't see her. The man strolled in front of the shop and momentarily peered in. His dark eyes scanned the open aisles but couldn't find her. An exhale of relief left her when he slowly began to walk again and disappearing down the street, the opposite way from her had come.


Mikasa screeched and jumped, hitting her shoulder on a snack stand and scattering packaged food.

"I-I'm sorry" Mikasa nervously giggly. "I'll clean up, I promise"

"It's okay ma'am, everything it's fine?" The employee asked

"No, I mean yeah, I just need m-milk"

"Alright ma'am have a good night"

Sighing Mikasa cleaned up the mess she had make and wandered back to the refrigerated area. With some milk on her hand as she went through the self checkout, she started to dig in her hand on her pockets searching for her phone to call Sasha but for her luck she forgot her phone at home. Mikasa stood in the fluorescent light for a moment, debating whether it would be fine to just walk back home. The creepy man was gone, right? So it should fine. Not really seeing another option and not wanting to make a big deal of nothing, she quietly stepped back onto the street. There was no one in sight, which was good and bad sign. No creepy man, but neither any witnesses. She started to jog, moving the most quickly she could. Every shadow and darkened light pole looked like a person about mug in. Mikasa's ears caught for a minute sound, causing her to pause for a moment. There were footsteps behind her. She froze, being terrified of those footsteps, suddenly someone grabbed her carrying her bride way.

"If you scream, you and me are going to have a lot of trouble. Understand?" The man she carried her whisper softly to her ear with a slightly smirk on his face.

Mikasa terrified to died nodded softly closing her eyes. The man carried her, walking to another, suddenly she heard more footsteps 'Great more people to hurt me and possibly rape me.' She start to kick the man. Somehow she got herself free from the man. She ran to a dark ally hiding behind a dumpster. She sat down on the grounds leaning against the wall and turned around. A man crouching in front of her with his hand covering her mouth, but wasn't the same man who had chasing her down the street. Instead she saw a pair of sparkling silver-blue eyes stared calmly down hers, centered beautiful in a young masculine face framed by straight, black hair. A tall, straight nose bridge separated his sharp eyes. A black mask was hiding the lower half of his face, and his coat was light gray, almost matching his eyes. Behind him there was a younger man. Brown hair, beautiful tan skin and turquoise eyes. He glares at her with a grumpy/annoyed expression.

At the moment a deep voice called out into the alley "Come out little girl, I know that you are in here somewhere"

The voice make her skin crawl. Mikasa tried to communicate your panic to the two captors through her eyes, but the one holding you simply removed his hand and pressed a finger to your lips. He kept hold of your shoulder with a hand and she watched in confusion as the other disappeared under his shirt. Something glinted silver in the dim light.
A knife.
Her heart pounded in her chest as he gracefully drew a short blade out and gave her a wink.
Mikasa gulped.

"Little girl" the same creepy voice laughed again.

The laughter cut off abruptly as she heard more footsteps move into the alley.

"Hi there," said a cheerfully voice "we've been looking for you" The tone was strangely out of place in the situation. Mikasa curled up into a ball as small possible against the trash dumpster.

"I'm sorry," came the cruel voice "I'm not sure we've met"

"You don't usually do your dirty work on your own" the happy voice laughed. "Human-trafficking it's a risky business . Your cronies get paid big bucks for kidnapping women off of the street."

"What do you want?" The stalker growled "money? I can give you money"

"We don't want money" a new voice said.

"But we'll get it, right Armin?" The cheerfully voice softened and intensified as if spoke. "Have a nice afterlife." A gunshot was heard. The black hair man released her from as if on cue, springing out from behind the dumpster in a rush.
The brown hair sighed and sat down on his butt leaning against the wall.

"Why do they bring me to these stuffs?" He groaned "I'd rather be sleeping."

The black hair man reappeared, leaning around the corner. He began making expressive hand motions to the grumpy man, eyes echoing his excitement.

"I know Marco got to him first. He always does, you don't have to tell me."

He stood up and brushed off his pants, moving out to the opening of the alleyway.

"Come here Levi, let's get this body and out of here"

Mikasa began to slowly crawl to get out of the dark alley. But a few feet away was there another black hair man holding a gun with a blonde man around the body of the creepy stalker.

"Hey Levi, where is the girl?"

Mikasa heard the question, she got up and started to run. Halfway through the dark alley something hit Mikasa's head.

Mikasa POV:

I woke up on a big white bed on a gray room. My head pounding, trying to remember what happened last night but trying to remember just make my head hurt more.

"I'm sorry," a blonde/brunette man said "does Levi hit you too hard?"

"Ouch" I whisper in under my breath holding the spot that man, Levi, hit me.

The man sighed and grabbed a glass of water from somewhere out of my range of vision.

"Here, I brought you some medicine. Sit up"

My reluctantly followed his instructions, eyeing the small white in suspension.

"It's just Tylenol" he laughed "trust me"

I didn't but I knew that if I didn't take something for my head would just keep hurting like a bitch. So I did take the medicine.

"I'm Jean by the way and I'm sorry for your head. They knocked you down before I could tell them to not"

That grumpy brunette must told Levi to knocked me down before I tried to escape. But why did "save" me from that creepy man? After around 5 minutes my head stopped hurting and that boy Jean left me alone. Now I'm alone in a room that it's not mine. The bed it's soft and comfortable but I need to escape from this place. As soon I get some rest and food I tried to go out of the room but when I got up from the bed, the door opened. Levi, the man that knocked me out entered to the room. I quickly laid down on the bed facing away the door and pretended that I was sleeping.

"Mikasa," Levi said "I know that you are awake, I just want to say that I'm sorry" he got closer to me "Mikasa stop pretending that you are sleeping, I'm trying to apologize" he said in a deep voice that for a reason calmed me down.

I sat up and face him "I have 3 questions, how do you know my name? Why do you "save" from that creepy man? And why you are holding me like a prisoner?"

"Well Ms. Ackerman I actually can't reply to your questions" Levi replied

"Why not? You can talk, right?" I asked feeling a little mad.

"I don't have the right to reply to your questions right now, you need to ask that to Erwin" Levi replied with a blank face. "But don't worry, we aren't the bad guys, I promise"

One part of me was telling me to run away. To run away from those people that killed a man front of me. And another part was telling me to trust him, trust on those people that saved my life. Most of the people would try to run, right? But something on those silver eyes made me to feel safe. I stayed on the white bed.

"Anyway," Levi said "I want to rest on my bed" he laid down beside her.

"T-this is your bed?" Mikasa asked looking at Levi.

"Indeed, and there's no need to leave just be quiet for a while" Levi replied with his eyes closed.

I got up from the bed and I went to the bathroom. The room was very big, a big white bed, two nightstands, a little living room, a coffee table and a bathroom with a tub. I didn't need to go to the bathroom but being alone with a man that I just met it's a little uncomfortable. I spend 20 minutes at the bathroom and then I went back to the bed. Levi was still resting on the bed. I sat down on the little living room. Suddenly the door opened and a blonde young boy entered the room, he looked around my age.

"Well I see that you are finally awake, I'm glad, oh I'm Armin by the way" the boy said "your name is Mikasa, right?"

"Y-yes" I nodded my head "how do you knew that?"

"You see, I don't suppose to tell you anything until you talk with Erwin" the blonde boy said.

"Why everybody says that? Who is Erwin anyway?" I asked a little anxious.

"We said that because we don't have the right to answer that." Armin replied and sighed quietly "and Erwin is the leader of this group."

"I want to see him, now" I said.

"He's out to do some business right now but he always comes back at night"

"W-which type of business?" I asked scared.

"Well it's not easy to get rid off a body"

~ Skip Time ~

I stayed at Levi's room until was night. Not long after I talked with Armin, Levi woke up and left me alone again on his room. He let me borrow some comfortable clothes since I was wearing just skinny jeans, a black blouse and heels. He borrowed a pair of black sweatpants, a pair of sneakers, a white shirt and a  shirt to put it around my waist.

Nobody POV:

As soon Erwin returned to the house, he ordered to talk with Mikasa. He was in his office. Armin went to Levi's room to tell her that Erwin wanted to talk with her. She nodded her head softly and stand up from the bed. Armin lead Mikasa to Erwin's office. When they arrived to the entrance, Armin stopped walking and pointed the door with his hand.

"Enter here to talk with Erwin" Armin said quietly.

I nodded softly and opened the door. In the office were a dark green couch, a really big bookshelf, a wooden desk with a lot of papers on it, two wooden chairs front and one dark green chair behind the desk. Erwin was sitting on the dark green chair looking at some paperwork, he looked up and saw me standing front of him.

"Ms. Ackerman, please take a sit" He said calmly. I sat down slowly. "I'm Erwin Smith and I heard that you want to talk with me, that's right?"

I nodded her head "Indeed Mr. Smith, I want to talk with you"

"Very well what do you want from me? Oh and call me Erwin please" Erwin said with a slightly smirk on his face.

'Why he is smirking? He going to do something to me?' I though trying to figure out Erwin expression. "Well Erwin I have a couple of questions to ask you"

"Go ahead"

"Well first of all, why do those guys save me from that creep? Second, how do everybody here knows my name? And lastly, why you are holding me like a prisoner? I didn't do anything wrong" I asked bitter.

"First answer, your father hired us because he knew that bad people, like people who do human-trafficking for example," he raised his eyebrows when he said those last words "second answer, as I mentioned before your father hired us and gave us all your information, and lastly we need to keep you inside of this house because there's still some people that want to hurt you" Erwin answered.

I just stayed still, trying to process that information. 'If Erwin is saying the truth that's means that my father knows where I am.. shit, also means that I can not leave this house full of guys.' "Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath. "So I'm assuming that I'm going to stay here with 5 guys that I don't know to be safe?"
I asked a little astonished.

"Yes Mikasa that's I mean when I said that you can't leave this house and don't worry about the boys, we are pretty kind and respectful to women" Erwin said optimistic.

I thanked Erwin for his "kind" act and I left the office. Heading to Levi's room I saw Armin and Jean talking and laughing. I smiled a little and kept walking. When I arrived to the room, Levi was already in the bed and the lights were off. Walking to the bed I tripped with some clothes front of the bed.

"Fuck, my knee!" I whispered trying to don't woke up Levi.

I got up from the floor and laid on the bed beside Levi. I closed her eyes and relaxed my body. A few seconds later I felt Levi's arm around my waist pulling me to him. I was going to said something but for a reason I felt a lot relaxed like that, I soon fell asleep.

~ Time Skip ~

After a few weeks in that house and sleeping alone with Levi, I woke up one morning feeling kisses all over her neck. My face turned dark red but I stayed still. Letting Levi kiss my neck, after a while Levi started to slightly bit my neck. My eyes widen and I tried let herself from Levi's grip but I couldn't.

"Don't leave me babe, stay with me~" Levi said half asleep.

"L-Levi are you awake? If you are awake, can you let me go? Please" I said a little nervous.


"I said that if you can let me go" I said.

Levi opened his eyes and realized what he was doing. A soft smirk appeared on his face and he hugged me tighter. My face was red as a tomato.

"Why do you want to leave? It's not like you need to go somewhere" he whispered to my ear.

His deep voice make my body paralyzed and I closed my eyes. I sighed softly and relaxed my body. Levi quietly chuckled and kept kissing my neck softly.

"I like you Mikasa" Levi whispered.

I didn't knew how to feel. I developed feelings for him also but dating a hitmen is very dangerous. He proof me that he's a good guy. Should I accept his feelings? Fuck it... I turned my body to face him.

"I-I like you too Levi" I said shyly.

He hold my waist and pulled me to kiss me. He kissed me deeply, I could feel his hot tongue exploring every part of my mouth. I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He pulled back and started to kiss my neck. He  left purple marks on my neck.

"I thought you were going to punch me or something like that when I kissed your neck" Levi said and chuckled a little.

I giggled quietly "I'm glad that I didn't"

A/N: Hope that everyone liked this story. Please comment or vote on this story, if you guys do that would make me feel motivated to write more. Anyway til next time <3 (btw this is the last story before I start school, I may not upload often but I'll try my best)

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