The Toughest Lesson

By CapricornKitty1975

27.3K 1.3K 453

Naruto just moved from a public school to a private school at the start of his junior year. The only thing t... More

Dark Horse
Mutual Mistake
The Tutor
The Point of No Return
Make Believe
Dinner Date
Pool House
Fools Rush In
... and Hell
The Toughest Lesson


482 34 1
By CapricornKitty1975

Naruto looked in the mirror. He hated tuxedos. However, today would be a perfect day for a tuxedo. Looking at the white tuxedo, he adjusted his cobalt blue vest and tie, fixing his cufflinks that looked like little foxes...a gift from Rinni. Looking over at Sasuke, he smiled, blue eyes taking in his best friend's concern for his nephew. Sasuke was finishing putting Hunter in a suit. The chunky brunette was fast asleep, looking adorable in the suit complete with a clip on tie. As Sasuke put Hunter in the stroller, Naruto let out a shaky sigh. Sasuke looked up. "Second thoughts?" Those onyx orbs studied the blonde youth.

Naruto glowered at Sasuke, sticking his tongue out. "No, dumbass. Just nervous. I want today to be perfect."

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "You are such a girl. No wonder Rinni calls you Mommy." Sasuke chided, chuckling at the look on Naruto's face. Ducking, Sasuke headed out before Naruto could throw anything at him.


Walking out from a side door, Naruto smiled at Kakashi. The black tuxedo with the red silk shirt and gray vest and tie accentuated the handsomeness of this man. Kakashi had invested in colored contacts to cover his Sharingan, so two stormy gray eyes stared at Naruto. Walking up to each other, Kakashi took Naruto's hands in his as the guests watched on...friends from Japan, as well as those whom the couple made in America. Turning, they faced each other as the pastor began the ceremony. When it came time for the vows, Kakashi cleared his throat.

"Naruto, today I become your husband. I will strive to give you the best of myself while accepting you the way you are. I promise to respect you as a whole person with your own interests, desires, and needs, and to realize that those are sometimes different, but no less important than my own. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change, keeping our relationship alive and exciting. And finally, I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how -- completely and forever." Smiling, he slipped an orange band with four sapphires back on Naruto's hand.

Naruto grinned, his eyes glassy. "Kakashi, this is the start of our new life together. Tomorrow we will be off on a brand new adventure. And like any good adventure, there are sure to be beautiful new things we have never seen before, unknown wonders we could never anticipate and exciting challenges. But even when our strength is tested, I know that we will persevere and our adventure will be even more wonderful than the journey that brought us to this place. I promise to always stay faithfully by your side, to be honest, loving and true, and most importantly to always, just in the nick of time, help you escape from fiery pits, imminent avalanches, or crocodile-infested rivers before the end credits roll." Kakashi laughed aloud as Naruto slipped the red band with black infinity symbols on it on Kakashi's finger.

After the sand ceremony, the couple was given permission to kiss. Leaning over, Kakashi kissed Naruto gently. Smiling into the kiss, Naruto grabbed Kakashi, dipping him and kissing him deeply. Rinni clapped, exclaiming "Mommy kisseded Daddy!" She giggled, as everyone laughed. Standing up, helping Kakashi to his feet, Naruto's face felt like it would burst with how big his smile was.


The reception was wonderful. Naruto could not remember everything, as the champagne was delicious and plentiful. Sasuke and Hinata were going to watch Rinni and Hunter for the weekend so Kakashi and Naruto could have a small honeymoon. What Naruto remembered more than anything was their first dance. He had agreed to let Kakashi pick the song, as Kakashi was more romantic and Naruto was sure he'd mess it up, since he suggested "Dark Horse" and Kakashi looked like he wanted to strangle Naruto. Kakashi refused to tell Naruto the song, wanting to keep it a surprise.

As the first notes started to play, Naruto teared up. He should have known.

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.
And when I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you.

And when I come home, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's coming home to you.
And when I'm dreamin', well I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you.

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

When I'm workin', yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's workin' hard for you.
And when the money comes in for the work I do
I'll pass along every cent of it to you.

And when I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you.
And if I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you.

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

When I wake up, well I hope I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's waking up to you.
And when I'm dreamin', well I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna dream about the time I had with you.


Lying in bed with Kakashi after the reception's "after reception celebration", Naruto snuggled into his husband's arms. "I love you Mr. Hatake."

Kakashi chuckled. "I love you too, Mr. Hatake." Naruto laid there for a moment, and then laughed. Raising an eyebrow, Kakashi looked at Naruto. "What's so funny?" he asked.

"Sasuke was right...I am such a girl." Chuckling, he leaned up, kissing Kakashi again, before snuggling down to fall asleep, spent from the reception and "the after reception celebration". As both men drifted to sleep, neither could think of a time when they had been happier.

A/N:  I don't own the song in this chapter.  It's "500 Miles" by Sleeping at Last.  I love this slow version, and it just seemed perfect as Kakanaru's first dance.  

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