By abhigya-fan500

17K 1.3K 272

This story is about ABHI ,who is repenting to be with his daughter. He is going to begin with Tanu. . . . I... More

PART - 1
PART - 2
PART - 3 A
PART - 3 B
PART - 4
PART - 6
PART - 7
PART - 8
PART - 9
PART 10 - A
PART 10 - B

PART - 5

823 86 17
By abhigya-fan500

I am is extremely thankful to all of you reading and voting my stories. It's an honour.
I hope this doesn't disappoint. .
We have reached the mid  of this story .
abhi has known and confirmed about tanu.
He is investigating his grandma's death ; working on his sister and found Pragya's new contact although he still doesn't know where they live.

In Mumbai:

"Woah, it's enormous like literally,"
Exclaimed King as he entered in their future home along with Pragya.
She smiled and said.
"Well , I had a big family,"

"Some one's been here,"
He mentioned studying the footprints in the thick dust.

"Must be some crook or drunkard who got lost."
She said absently as she gazed around the place that was once her home.

King felt that, he went up to her and clapped in front of her face pulling her out of trance.

He addressed.
"Come on Pragya, we don't have all day. Let's get the boxes , which room you want to clean again?"

"Upstairs ,1st one from right,"  replied Pragya.

King opened the door of the room and stated.
"Looks like your lost guy came here too,"

Pragya, who was following him with the boxes, puts them on the sofa and switched on the lights.

"So that's why you wanted us to clean it."
King said with all sincereness as he looked around the room.

Pragya didn't heard him , something else bothered her and she murmured to herself.
"He came her recently,but why?"

"Nice pictures,"
he commented.

A horn honked at the door that startled both of them. They both came out of their respective universes.

"Property papers." said king.

"It's in my locker , I will get them,"  she responded and headed to wardrobe.

"What the hell ? What was he looking for ?"
She muttered with a frown at the mess.
Ignoring that, she took out the property papers and handed them to king, who took them to lawyer waiting outside.
While she started cleaning the wardrobe.
At Mehra mansion:
It is a usual day. Everyone finished their morning meal and return back to their own mundane circus called life.
But Aliya felt a little lost as she kept on wandering in the house.
She missed her brother, something she hasn't done in ages.
It seemed a bit odd even for her but felt real good.
She glanced at the watch again and glued her eyes on the door.
When a sudden not so loud sound made her jump and yelp in freight.
She turned to find her brother laughing at her.

"You scared me." she groaned.
Abhi just laughed at her and moved to get some water from the dining table.

"When did you arrive ?"  She enquired , sounding like a child who has been eagerly waiting for his favourite person.

Abhi gave her an astounded side glance.

"I need to discuss a few things with you about a meeting,"  she made up an excuse.

Abhi made a face and whined "please Aali, can we not do it today. I am exhausted . I came a few hours ago. I haven't even had my breakfast.
(Changes tone and looked her in the eye)
Talking about that I want to go out for breakfast today , wanna join?"

After a little hesitation, she replied with a shrug
"Ye..yeah, sure"

"Cool, then you go get ready. And I'll take a shower . we will leave in 20."
Abhi shared his planned.
Abhi's Room:

Abhi locked his wardrobe door and made a call.

"Hello brother , I was about to call you. I have a good news for you,"  Veer greeted.

" hey, I can use that. But before that listen to me I have something for you as well."
Abhi said in a hushed tone.

Veer prompted.
"Okay , what is it?"

"There is one more person involved in my Grandma's death. I know her . you need to arrest her too "
Abhi spoke.

Veer thought for a while, he has been aware of how close Abhi was to his grandma.
He informed in a calm manner.
"So you doubt one more person, we will check Her as well. &  Look for some proof and arrest her."

Abhi countered.
" we will find proof against her , as we get hold of that caller or he will be a witness , I am sure of that.
Did you find him?"

"That's the good news , bro..."
Veer declared and continued.
"...we found him , we know who he is and we know where he lives. And also He is out of town right now but will be coming back soon."

"That's great , I guess. Thank you bro."
Abhi replied with both disbelief and some weird mix of happiness and sadness.

"We will catch him and the other one, you take care now. Not long till we avenge your Granma... Bye."
Veer assured.

Abhi whispered. "Hmm bye."

"It's too late already and it's my fault"

He said wiping his eyes.
He took a deep breath, ruffeled his hairs and head to take that shower.

Back at Mumbai:
King was talking down pictures from the wall and putting them in one of the boxes. After finishing the task, he appraised.
"He really loves you like mad"

"Hmm he does but he failed to prove it on many occasions".
Replied Pragya with a gloomy look.
She was catching some breath after clearing of the wardrobe.

" Can I suggest something?"
He approached politely.

"Yeah sure, we both know about each other. It's safe to assume we are friends"
Pragya said in a matter-of-fact tone and added.
"I am sorry , it should have happened earlier."

He ignored most of it.
"Nevermind , I am glad that you consider us as friends now,"
And put forward his suggestion.

"As much as I am happy that He is out of our lives for good, and will probably stay like that..."

This caught Pragya's attention and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You can't keep a father away from his daughter. He may have been a terrible husband. I agree he is an awful father .
I can't ... Actually I don't want to imagine what he is going through..
Each day something or someone would remind him of How he had missed the most beautiful years of his daughter's life.
Icing on the cake , he can't even tell he is the father. And
Now you have deprived him of only thing that might be keeping him sane: His Angel's voice
All I am saying is Let him talk to Kiara
Or he will go mad and once he lost it, I don't know what will happen . he might just find us,"
King enunciated.

"It's his fault,"
Pragya retorted and left the room with one of the boxes.

"Yeah , but give it a thought." King called out after her.

After she left , he thought to himself.

"I hope I haven't dropped  an axe on my foot, I sounded genuine enough , I think."

The end ..
Vote, if you feel it's worth it..
.drop your feedbacks .
.Thanks....Merci... Gracias... Shukriya... Dhanevat..

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