Floral High #ProjectNigeria

By SweetPrincessGigi

21.1K 2.9K 611

Cover by ME! The world of highschool and teen life is shown in this story of a teen girl, Chioma. She meets... More

01//Chapter One
02//Chapter Two
03//Chapter Three
04//Chapter Four
05//Chapter Five
06//Chapter Six
07//Chapter Seven
08//Chapter Eight
09//Chapter Nine
10//Chapter Ten (Part One)
10//Chapter Ten (Part Two)
11//Chapter Eleven (The party)
11//Chapter Eleven (The Party)
12//Chapter Twelve - First Day Of School.
14//Chapter Fourteen - The Weekend.
15//Chapter Fifteen - Who is your Chioma?
16//Chapter Sixteen - At the mall
17//Chapter Seventeen - Agric Science.
18//Chapter Eighteen - Dinner

13//Chapter Thirteen - Desmond.

776 113 8
By SweetPrincessGigi

Chapter Thirteen.

Tobi's P.O.V

If only Chioma knew the actual reason why I decided to move in with my father. I don't really like him but for her, I have to. My father and mother got divorced when I was twelve years old after cheating on her. They've agreed to be friends, which is kinda awkward.

I go to visit my father once in while. He lives in Ikeja in a two storey building with a lot of maids and helpers. His house is close to my new school and that means I'm going to get closer to Chioma.

If you don't know I liked Chioma from the first day I set my two naked eyes on her. She was just so beautiful and smart. She talks so well and she's shy sometimes and I like that trait in her unlike some girls that are free with every guy, she's not.

Immediately I left Chioma, I got on a bike. Apparently my house was three streets away from hers. I would've considered it as far but with Chioma it's not. I could walk all the way from my father's house to hers everyday just so I get to see her.

What has suddenly come over me?

When I got home, my father wasn't back from work yet. He's the General Manager in an oil company. Apparently he works from 8am till 9pm, so I wasn't surprised that he wasn't back.

I took a shower, the maids made my lunch/dinner. I already missed my mom's meals. I missed Tessy too. I missed home. I can't believe I left all of them for Chioma. What if she doesn't feel the way I feel?

I picked up my phone and decided to reply to my uncountable messages. I haven't been online for a while so all my messages flew in faster than the wind. I had to wait for over ten minutes for everything to enter before I started replying to some.

I ignored all Facebook messages. It was starting to bore me. I went over to Instagram. I received a lot of Dm's, mostly from girls.

After that I went to whatsapp, I archived most of my messages so I don't have to reply. I viewed status of people who have sense and not those who make their status a gallery.

Mofe was online. Been a while we talked.

Me: Guy, how far? Been a while

Mofe: I dey o, you've moved already?

Me: Yeah, i'm coming to your house this weekend.

Mofe: Okay, I'm waiting

Me: That Chioma girl I told you about is now in my class. I don't know how to say it but I really like her.

Mofe: What class?

Me: ss2, my class

Mofe: Cool, the one I told you about is also in ss2. I'm coming for practice tomorrow. You'll introduce me to ur Chioma and I'll introduce you to mine.

Me: Lol, okay.

I can't wait to introduce Chioma to Mofe, he'll like her at first sight. My thoughts were interrupted by a cough. My dad was already back. Way to spoil my mood.

"Good Evening Sir" I greeted, I still respected him and I don't know why. He cheated on my mom.

"How are you, how was school? Your mom called" he said the last part in a low tone.

I don't even know what to answer.

"Okay" I said and I walked up to my room. Remind me why I agreed to live with him. Oh, yeah. Chioma.


Chioma's P.O.V

"Okay, I'll miss you " he said as I walked into my house. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even look back.

He'd miss me?

I walked into my house and tiredly slumped on the couch. Luckily for me, my parents weren't around, so there was no one to scold me. Mama was the only one at home.

I took my phone from where I was charging it last night. I had to wait for it to come on before I turned on my data connection. Some messages came in, I'm not like all those social media celebs that'll have over a thousand messages after being offline for less than an hour.

I received messages from my auntie, she always sends rhapsody of realities to me. I mean everyday, she doesn't miss it.

I received messages from two unknown numbers, Mofe and Tobi. I ignored the unknown numbers.

Mofe: Hey.

Me: Hi, awayu?

Mofe: Good... U?

Me: I'm okay..... (just that a certain guy that u don't know about told me that he'll miss me and I'm starting to think otherwise) 

I didn't type that tho...

From the time when I met Mofe, we've become pretty close. He told me about his family once and basically his life.

Mofe: I'm coming to ur school 2moro

Me: Okay (maybe you'll meet tobi)

Mofe: Expect the unexpected.

Me: Seriously Mofe😂 I'm hungry abeg lemme goan eat.

Mofe: Kk, ttyl. Xoxo

Me: 👋

"You'll come back from school, the first to do is to start pressing phone, abi? " Mama asked from above me with both hands on her waist.

"itsjustthattobiismakingmethinkthathelikesmeidontknow, justnowirecievedhismessagesayinghibabeyouhomeyet
I'm confused" I said a little too fast.

"Eh!" Mama said gesturing for me to repeat what I said.

"You heard me, right? " I asked looking down. What if I'm just over thinking things?

"Okay, so you think he likes you ehn? You, do you like him? " She questioned.

I've never been the one to like boys especially those in my school. I don't know what girls see in them. Adam Levine is the only person I crush on.

Weird, I know.

"I don't know sef, I don't know why he would like me. If only he knew that I don't really feel comfortable around him, That's if he likes me o" I said, stressing the o!

"Continue pretending, I want to sleep before mommy comes back" she said and went up to her room. Leaving me, laying on the couch still in my uniform with my phone.

I dropped my phone and showered, ate my lunch(indomie, I made for myself, mama didn't cook anything), and decided to read one of the novels my dad got me.

Unlike me, I got bored of the book and decided to go back to my phone. And I was about to drop it down again when it buzzed. Hoping it was a message from... Wait who?

It was an Instagram dm from a guy who started following me earlier. His account was private so I had to wait for him to accept my request. He should've done that by now.

After introduction and everything, I found out that it was a boy from my primary school. Desmond Bakare is his name, he was the cutest then in school and every girl had a crush on him including me. He lived abroad for a while before he was transferred to my school in Grade two. Apparently, he lives in Ikeja with his little sister.

What next?


"Mummy, Good evening" I greeted my mom. I helped her with some bags she was carrying. Mama was still asleep. Lazy lizard!

"Where is Mama?" She asked, shutting the door.

"She's asleep" I said.

"Lazy lizard" My mom muttered and started unpacking the foodstuffs she bought.

My dad returned later that night and we all had dinner.

"Ehen, Chioma" My mom called and I looked up. "Your father and I are travelling to the village for your father's uncle's burial and unfortunately Mama is going with us, so you'll have to stay with My friend's son and his father for the weekend, we'll be back by Monday. " She finished.

I knew where this was going. Why is Mama travelling with them sef?

"Why can't I stay at home?" I asked.

"You can't stay at home" My dad looked up from his phone and answered.

"Why?" I questioned again.

"So you'll burn down my house abi" She said and mama laughed. I sent her a glare before I continued with my food. I just stayed quiet throughout we were eating.

Now I have to stay with a stranger, well even though Tobi will be there but.. What if he's a rapist? Or ritualist? Or maybe I'm just over thinking.

Why am I always over thinking? Oh God!

My mother should actually listen to herself, why would she let me stay with two males. All could go wrong. Why did she not just send me to Ajah to stay with Tessy and her mom or just let me stay at home?. It's just for the weekend.

"Tessy and her mom travelled out of the country, you would have gone there instead" My mom said answering my thoughts.

Now, everything would go wrong.

We finished having our dinner. Mama and I cleared the table. It was my turn to wash plates so I washed them, arranged them properly in the plate rack and I went to my room. My parents had already retired to bed.

Early to bed, early to rise, like they always say. I don't believe in that though. Whenever I sleep early, I won't feel like waking up but when I sleep late, it's really easy for me to get up because I've not entered gear one of the sleep.

I picked up my phone as soon I got to my room and feel flat on my stomach. I wasn't planning to sleep anytime soon.

I had missed calls when I checked my phone. They were from Dez. He video called me on Instagram. I remember then in school, we weren't so close, if we talked, it was just a hi - hello conversation. He knew me and I knew him but we never really talked.

Should I call him back? Naaa

I wasn't nervous about talking to him, if nothing I was excited to. After a while, he called again and I picked. We talked for over an hour, at first we were just saying hi, I said that like ten times. Until we started gisting and talking about everything that happened after primary school. Surprisingly, he still had his accent. I thought Nigeria would've taken that away.

I forgot to say, he was looking more matured than he was when I saw him last, it was expected though. He looked cuter and a bit darker. Nigerian sun doesn't have mercy on us.


How was this chapter??

Tobi confessed his feelings for Chioma to himself and to Mofe.😂

Who remembers the part when Tobi said he likes Chioma cause she's shy.... If only he knew that she doesn't feel comfortable when she's around him and doesn't act herself 😢

I already like Desmond ♥







🎶 I really like you and it's true 🎶
🎶 There is only one, just youuuu you 🎶
🎶 I find it hard to say I wish you knew 🎶
🎶 I am on your Instagram all day, 🎶
🎶 Stalking you uuh 🎶

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