She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



1.6K 49 3
By True_Legend_

Ace's pov

I followed Hazel's older brother Jordan back to where she grew up. She looked out the window as we pulled into the beat up place with a huge smile on her face. As soon as I parked her car she jumped out and ran towards a group of kids who looked and ran towards her.

I got out the car and leaned against the hood just watching her hug and kiss the kids and a few adults that came too.

"She's one of a kind ain't she." I looked over to Keshawn who was also looking at her.

"She is, she never lets anyone down." I said smiling as a little boy jumped in her arms.

"Ma wants y'all to stay for dinner. Oh and Ace, one day her dad will come back. He promised it and that man never breaks a promise. When he comes, he will leave a mark. Make sure that mark hits my sister in the right place." I gave him a look of disbelief, mark hits her in the right place? What does he mean?

Before I could ask what he meant Hazel ran and jumped into my arms. When I looked back to him he was walking away with the little boy Hazel was hugging in his hands.

"Hello beautiful." I said smiling at her before kissing her lips gently. She gave me this smile, her real smiles and I swear my whole world froze.

"Well this is my home, well half of my home. The other half is with my adopted father and brothers." She said turning around leaning against my chest.

"It's a beautiful place, you seem to love it." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer as everyone around us began to cook and play around.

"I do. It's a place that means family, this is family." She sighed and I kissed her neck where my mark was starting to fade.

"You know love, once this one is gone I'm going to put another." She gave a small smile and tried to wiggle out my hold which I tightened.

"Wanna know the best thing about this place baby?" She asked with a huge smirk on her face.

"What's that??" I asked confused.

"Family. KIDS HELP MEEEEE!! HE IS EATING ME!" She screamed and before I knew it a group of about 14 kids came charging at me and Hazel slipped out my grip as I was tackled to the ground.

By the time I got up she was rolling on the ground laughing. I smirked and got on top of her pinning her down to the grass.

"That was mean." She just smiled and laughed. As I leaned down to give her another kiss someone shouted.

"GET THE CAMERA WE GONNA GET GRANDBABIES TONIGHT YALL!" Everyone laughed as I helped her up.

The rest of the night went by like a blur. After playing with the kids and eating we left back to my place. I tried to convince her to stay but she said she can't because of school I guess. But she did promise I can pick her up for school so I let her leave.

It was about midnight and I couldn't stop my thoughts that raced in my head. All the scenarios that could cause her to leave filled me.

"Daddy." I turned to my angel and picked her up.

"Yes beautiful?"

"Will Hazel be my new mommy? I know you said that mommy can't be replaced but daddy, she didn't act like a mommy, Hazel does." I was stunned by my beautiful baby.

"Well maybe we can ask her sometime okay? Now let's get you to bed you start school tomorrow." I walked her to her room which is now next to mine and kissed her goodnight.

I gathered my things for a shower and sent a text to Hazel jumping in. After finishing my beautiful thoughts and delt with my issue I jumped on my bed and FaceTimed my Queen.

"That addicted to me huh grey eyes?" She asked setting her phone up while pulling her tank top off. Damn that chest, I'm so lucky that mine.

"I am gorgeous, so addicted it showed in the shower." I replied as she turned her camera off.
"No show for me babygirl?" I whined to her while setting my own phone up.

"Sorry pretty boy...*turns camera back on* not today." I smirked as she laid down whistling for her dogs.

"So you called?" She questioned as Blu jumped up and laid on her chest.

"Yeah, how does the dog get to lay there but I don't? I wanna lay on some comfortable tatas and ass." I say putting my bottom lip out. Before I even realized it she took a screenshot.

"Awwww so cute!!" She laughed turning her camera off.

"No delete it!" I said

"Nope it's my new lock screen." She said turning it back on.

"But that isn't fairrrrrrrr! You aren't mine! I deserve a cute picture too!" I whined looking at her.

"So you ask for one like a grown man?" She said like a question.

"Fine please give me a cute picture of my gorgeous girlfriend."

"Now was that hard?" I got three new pictures of her, made the second one with her biting her lip my lock screen.

"No it wasn't hard. Than-" I was cut off.

"DADDY!" I turned to Heaven who sat with tears in her eyes and her favorite blanket.

"Aww baby what's wrong?" I question grabbing her as she snuggles into my neck.

"I had a bad dream. Can I pwease sleep with you." She looked up at me, her eyes a deep grey with brown tints.

"Yes baby, go get your favorite animal and then you can come sleep with me." She kissed my cheek and ran out.

"She is such a sweet girl. I have to get homework and you need to get her to sleep." I turned back to Hazel.

"Alright, still get to pick you up?" I said

"Yes grey eyes, now go. Goodnight." She blew me a kiss and I smiled.

"Goodnight gorgeous." She smiled and ended the call.

I laid there with Heaven in my arms. Life may actually not be that bad after all. I have my little girl and my gorgeous queen.

I kissed Heaven's head and wrapped my other arm around her, the last thought in my head being that one day my queen and I will have more kids to love.

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