HOGWARTS BITCHES (Darry chatf...

By Chamomiletea123

3.3K 163 118

Set in the year 2018 when Dumbledore decides to finally put wifi in the castle. Hermione decides to make a g... More

-Chapter 1-
-Part 3-
~Part 4~
~Part 5~

-Chapter 2-

644 31 27
By Chamomiletea123

Gred: Neville and Blaise was it? Why have you done this?

Platinumbitch: yes why?

420blaiseit: because it's funny

Platinumbitch: how do I leave?

Platinumbitch: wait got it

Platinumbitch has left Hogwarts Bitches!

420blaiseit has added platinumbitch to Hogwarts Bitches!

Platinumbitch has left Hogwarts Bitches!

420blaiseit has added platinumbitch to Hogwarts Bitches!

Theboywhosucksdick: 🍿 

Feorge: this Is funny

Platinumbitch: JUST LET ME LEAVE

420blaiseit: no.

Platinumbitch: imma call pansy if you don't

420blaiseit: wait fuck Draco. no.

Theboywhosucksdick: who's pansy?

420blaiseit: the Queen bitch, she is worse than Draco at being dramatic 

Platinumbitch: that's true


Gred has given platinumbitch admin privileges 

420blaiseit: DRACO NO!

platinumbitch has added pansy to Hogwarts Bitches!

Platinumbitch has changed pansy's name to queenbitch

Queenbitch: 1. name happily accepted 2. The fuck is this, why am I here?

Platinumbitch: scroll up

Queenbitch: Gryffindorks what the fuck

Ginny: Gryffindorks very creative 

420blaiseit: thank you it was my idea

Ginny: can I add someone?

Nevillegonnagiveyouup: hi Ginny, as long as it's someone that's not super dramatic sure

Ginny has added Luna to Hogwarts Bitches!

Platinumbitch: FUCK

platinumbitch has left Hogwarts Bitches!

420blaiseit has added platinumbitch to Hogwarts Bitches!

420blaiseit: have you learned nothing?

Ginny: what was with that reaction?

Luna: I'm his cousin and he thinks I hate him

Platinumbitch: Luna why have you done this?

Theboywhosucksdick: you two are related?

Luna: yes. And before you ask no I don't hate being related to him 

Luna: I hate being related to his father he is absolute trash

Nevillegonnagiveyouup: what do you mean?


420blaiseit: please

Queenbitch: please

Feorge: Alrighty then..

Gred: so...

RagingRedhead is online

RagingRedhead: what have I missed

Platinumbitch: well fuck it's this guy

RagingRedhead: I just scrolled up is that the bitchy ferret 

Platinumbitch: well fuck you to weasel 

Platinumbitch: I was trying To be nice and not call you an animal but you bring up that so.

RagingRedhead: you? Nice?

Platinumbitch: it's very likely unlike you and your bigoted house view 

RagingRedhead: we treat you like you deserve.

420blaiseit: you know we act the way we do because of that right?

Ginny: ?

420blaiseit: you treat us all like demon spawns just because of our house. Like you don't know me or pansy or basically everyone in our house but you act like we all personally wronged you. The only place where other students treat us as people is in our own house so fuck You Weasley.

Platinumbitch: last year I saw a couple of first years get into a fight because they used to be friends but because one was sorted into Slytherin they fell apart. The poor girl started to cry before running back to the common room. So yeah fuck You weasel. 

Queenbitch: yes there are evil and fucked up Slytherins we aren't denying that but not all of us are so yeah fuck you and anyone who agreed with you


RagingRedhead: well fuck sorry mates, but Malfoy is still an asshole!

Platinumbitch: I haven't acted like a jerk to you by my own want and doing in two years. And when I did I was a fucking kid raised in a strict pure blood Christian family and taught to think I was better than everyone what do you expect an impressionable kid to act like? Huh weasely? I'm lucky I learned how to get out of that mindset.

RagingRedhead: well then fuck... sorry mate. But you have to act like that in front of your family? That sucks 

Platinumbitch: yep. Now can we stop talking about this cus I'm done with this conversation.

Nevillegonnagiveyouup: I agree. Can we talk about the fact that harry has been lurking this whole time?

Theboywhosucksdick: I have not!

Ginny: mmhhhmmm quick response for someone who wasn't lurking 

Theboywhosucksdick: am I the only one who noticed that Dean a semus have not talked at all

RagingRedhead: ..... one second 

Dean: it's because once things got weird I muted the chat. And semus broke his phone by dropping it down the stairs. But Slytherin people I think I speak for all of us when I say, sorry for treating like we have. Rt if you agree

Theboywhosucksdick: rt

Nevillegonnagiveyouup: rt

Ginny: rt

Luna: rt

Dean: rt -semus

RagingRedhead: rt

Gred: rt

Feorge: rt

Platinumbitch: what is this?

420blaiseit: positive emotions, support and love

Platinumbitch: disgusting


Platinumbitch: never let it end

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