~Part 4~

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Semus has come online

Semus: why is harry screaming into his pillow?

Nevillegonnagiveyouup: why do you think?

Semus: yeah [platinumbitch] why is harry screaming?

Platinumbitch: why is it my fault!? I'm just looking for Blaise... so i can kill him!

Semus: i think i figured it out I scrolled up, i mean Malfoy.... damn.....

Platinumbitch: 1. THANK YOU 2 FUCK YOU

420blaiseit: Draco I'm sorry can you stop looking for me?

Platinumbitch: ill stop......... for now....... imma go get food tho so bai

Platinumbitch has gone offline

420blaiseit: thank the lord i needed breakfast before class

420blaiseit: bye Gryffindorks

420blaiseit has gone offline

Semus:  Yeah we should all go and eat bye guys

Semus, Theboywhosucksdick, Nevillegonnagiveyouup and four others have gone offline 

Queenbitch: time to cause some chaos

Queenbitch has added Millicent, Vincent, George, Theodore to Hogwarts Bitches!

Queenbitch has gone offline

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