soulmate | bnha soulmate au [...

Por pxrtalchopped

113K 2.1K 1.9K

"๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ." [On Haitus / Update Unknown] ๐’‚ ๐’„๐’๐’๐’๐’†๐’„๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’๐’‡ ๐’”๐’๐’–๐’๐’Ž๐’‚๐’•๐’†-๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’”๐’†๐’… ๐’๏ฟฝ... Mรกs

heart of gold | hizashi yamada
vermillion | katsuki bakugo
hazy memory | todoroki shouto [1/?]
a pain, isn't it? | aizawa shouta
into the unknown | tenya iida
alone | shinsou hitoshi
ouch | midoriya izuku
bright future | kirishima eijirou
stalker much? | poly! izuku and shouto
maybe | katsuki bakugou
hazy memory | todoroki shouto [2/?]

to let me smile | mashirao ojiro (+doggos)

3.7K 65 72
Por pxrtalchopped

Au were your greatest fear is written on your soulmate's wrist.

Requested by: tommyvandale56

Word count: a lot like 2k+


If you were to ask Ojiro what his greatest fear would be, you'd probably already know his answer.

If you were to guess such, his answer would remain in two categories:
One, something of a bland answer, expected.
Or two, something of a waste-of-time answer. "I don't have one."

It's kind of sad when you have to put it like that, either way, you know his response to something would be so boring, but if you look the part I guess you act the part. That's what everyone figured, at least.

And so he always stayed away from those questions, because he didn't want to be remembered as the plain hero Ojiro. He wanted to be remembered as the brave Tailman.

...Not someone who's scared of clowns.

But no one would know about that.

"Hey Ojiro, are we up for the date tonight?" you asked the moment you came out of the school doors. 

He always picked you up from your Highschool, as he had to attend his far earlier and thus got out earlier than you did.

And he was a gentlemanly boyfriend, so it was just nice for him to do all in all.

"Of course!" he grinned, looking down at you with eyes sparkling in excitement.

The two of you were going to go to the fair tonight, something that you've wanted to do the moment he asked you out.

It was your ideal date ever since you were a little kid; the cotton candy you'd eat, the bumper-cars, the little-stuffed toys he'd most definitely be able to get you with his heroic skills,

oh, and let us not forget - the cheesy "rest-your-head-on-his-shoulder" session you'd have to do the moment you and him step on to the Ferris wheel.

This date was going to be amazing.

He intended so.

"What do you think I should wear tonight? I was thinking like a small dress or something - a little loose, of course, not skin tight but something that lets me move around, you know?"

"We're... going on rides that'll lift us up a bit, ___, and not only that, but considering your personality... don't you think a dress would show a bit... much?" he chuckled, looking off as he held your waist.

"Ah, I guess you're right," you responded, "that's okay, then. How about shorts and a big shirt? A little sloppy, but in a cute way, you know?"

"That sounds good," he responded.

"As for you though," you giggled, poking his chest, "you'd probably look nice in anything, so just look good for me, okay babe?" 

He laughed at your words, kissing your nose as he finally brought you to your house. "Okay. I'll surprise you, princess," he teased.

You stuck your tongue out at him, laughing and turning away. 

Pulling out your keys from your backpack, you waved at him with a smile, ignoring the slightly annoying jingle they gave off in your hand. "Bye!" you called.

He only put his hand up in the air for a second before walking away, but you were happy with his goodbye none-the-less, and with that, you inserted the key into the door, turned the knob, and walked in.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home~!" you called.

It was silent.

"...Mom?" you whispered, confused.

Still nothing.

You felt a chill crawl up your spine, and you shivered at the thought.

"Oh my god..." you whispered in horror...


It was at this point you realized you were probably better moving back into your mom and dad's house instead of this rented apartment.

You turned off your AC and walked over to your small aquarium, feeding your little water-living animals and jumping on to the couch.

You love your boyfriend, and you wanna look great by all accounts, but you're not getting ready for at least another three hours.

He can wait - you wanna rewatch the last episode of adventure time.

(Personally, I wasn't allowed to watch AT so I'm sorry for your losses, guys, I can only imagine how tragic that must feel.)

While you were watching shows, Ojiro was spending his time getting everything perfectly ready. He'd already figured that he'd just wear some black, slightly skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a printed jacket, 

He wanted to go to the store and buy flowers for you, just to add a little sugar to the date, but, he supposed that he can just win you all sorts of prizes at the Fair so he decided against it in the end.

He waited along side his shikoku dog until it was time for him to pick you up, and once it had that thirty-minute mark, he walked out of the house.

Wrapping his knuckles on the door of your flat, Ojiro smiled as you opened the door and pecked his cheek.

You were wearing something casual, a bit flirty, and cute nonetheless.

Normally, you don't use a lot of make up, if any, so he was surprised to see mascara and a matte coat of lipstick on your lips.

"You look hot," he blurted, before widening his eyes and waving his hands profusely, "s-sorry! I didn't mean to say that, oh my gosh-"

You interrupted his stammering by a fit of giggles, blushing at his compliment. "Thanks, babe, I tried," you grinned, wrapping your hand around his. "Shall we?" you asked.

His lips pushed together into a line, nodding as he suddenly had interest in his shoes.

"Okay," he sighed, still looking away. God, that was so embarrassing. Way to go, Tailman.

The fair wasn't far away at all, really. In fact, the school you were attending was able to see the fair. It was like - a block or two away from you, so you could literally walk to the fair after school got out.

Which is what the two of you did; you walked to the fair without needing to waste gas. To be honest, with all of the prizes that he'll inevitably win for you, this will be a bad decision later, but at least it gives the two of you a more comfortable atmosphere, and he can directly look at you while chatting on the way there.

"How's school going, ___?" he asked, swinging your hand with his to and fro.

You nodded off, "not much to say about it, actually. I finally got that C up to a B, so I'll finally be able to not stress about my grades at the very least... oh! And," you almost forgot, and you blushed looking back up at him. "As you know, Homecoming is this week... so... I wanted to ask if you could come with me? Not to say I wouldn't love to go with you- but I mean you don't even have to go because I don't know if that's your thing..." you smiled, twiddling with your thumbs.

He looked down at you without saying anything. You were always so considerate, no matter what. It's something that he really admired about you. Sure, he was considerate too, but he needed a partner as understanding as you, that with him being so serious about training and being a hero and all. 

He was glad you were so willing to go with everything if it was for the sake of his happiness, but little did you know that this sly little fucker is the exact same kind of person.

"Actually, I was thinking about us going to Yuuei's Homecoming, you know? I know how you always ramble about how cool Todoroki-san's quirk is, and seeing as he's going with Midoriya-san, wouldn't it be nice to finally meet them in person?"

He already knew your answer, and your little dorky self was beaming at him like a four year old at a good All Might impersonator.

"Really??" you exclaimed, jumping and squealing, "oh my gosh, thank you babe!! Ahh I'm so excited!!!" you jumped on to him and hugged him, letting him twirl you around in the air as the two of you laughed.

(Am I the only one who imagines Ojiro to be almost a perfect, romantic boyfriend? Like the kind of boy you see with those girls in movies that's literally goals? Idk here I am being a hopeless romantic thanks bye)

"Yeah yeah, no worries. It's what I do," he grinned. "Ah, look where we are." 

He set you back on the ground and you turned, smiling at the sight of carnival rides and kids laughing around the park.

There was the casual Ferris Wheel, great, and the Carousel, and many many others that you were dying to ride in the span of four to six hours, making you jump again in glee.

"Well, come on then! There's no time to waste- we have to ride as much as we can!" you exclaimed.

You heard him chuckle again and he didn't hesitate to follow your every turn.

The first ride you decided to go on was a roller-coaster. It was tiny; not the biggest one, but you planned on getting the coasters done first before anything, and the tallest height would be the last thrill before going on to another carnival genre.

Your hands were wrapped around his the entire time, because one: being scared and clinging to your boyfriend is cute as hell and you wanted him to think you were cute and two: you were actually legitimately scared as the ride went on.

He was fine with it, which was understandable considering the amount of times he's swung around like spiderman with his tail, but you were a screaming mess.

Which brings me to your newest thought as you finally finished all of the roller coasters:

I'm probably not going to be able to talk tomorrow.

Next was one of those rides where you would sit down and it would spin really fast, almost like anti-gravity happened and you'd kind of fly up.

Holy shitaki was that fun.

The next ride was something a bit similar, except this one was an out-door ride and your seats were kind of like swings.

Someone threw up on it. You grinned.

After two hours, Ojiro had suggested that the Ferris wheel should be done before you guys win prizes, since you didn't have anyone to watch them during your ride. You nodded and took time to enjoy the ride thoroughly.

His hand intertwined with yours once more, and you leaned your head on his shoulder almost instinctively. You sighed pleasantly as the two of you watched the dusk begin to form. 

"We live in such a beautiful city," you admired. "It's a shame there's always villains that want to ruin it."

"Not for long, though," he reassured. You looked up at him as he continued, "when we graduate, I'll make sure to protect you and this city from any and every threat. You can count on my friends and I to do that."

You smiled and lifted your head, enjoying a pleasant kiss at the peak of the ride.

Later... uwo

About four hours in the two of you decided to spent about an hour or two on the small prize-winning games, and Ojiro and yourself got eachother almost all of the big stuffed animals you could win.

You mostly won on the throwing games, he would win you those once-a-month allowed win games that required balance. You got a giant monkey from him and you called him Aiyo.

You also managed to snag like two or three goldfish, too.

Not that you won them, or anything, but Ojiro paid like 5$ worth of the little ping-pong balls and since the fish you can win are like 46 cents the workers just gave you a bag automatically.

So it was, naturally, now really fuckin' late. The park was gonna close in like... an hour so you decided that it was better for the two of you to lea-

"Ojiro, look!! A circus tent!"


"H-hey, ___, it's getting pretty late, don't you think?" he grinned, tugging you along.

You love him, but you were much too excited. Your very. First. Circus experience.

"There's lion-tamers in there! I can hear the lions!! Let's go, babe!" you yelped with a grin.

He wasn't having it, no. "Uh... I'll tell you what, we can go tomorrow! I'm allergic to cats, anyway, so it's probably for the best-"

"Nuh-uh, what's the point in going tomorrow if you're still gonna be allergic to the cats? Come on, Ojii, let's just go in for like, a few seconds. Is a few seconds so bad?"

Damn it. She's not gonna give up, Ojiro thought.

"___... Please, let's just go," he whined. His tail moved up to pat his cheek as he bit his lip, looking for a frantic escape.

"Mashirao Ojiro, why do you want to leave so bad? It's literally only for a few seconds, I honestly don't see the proble-"

"I'm scared, alright? I don't like clowns. They freak me out and- and I get anxiety and I don't wanna feel like I'm being tormented inside of a tent."

You stopped, turning around to look at him. He had to be it. Your wrist proved it.

But that wasn't important right now- he was. He always is.

And currently, he looked like he was fighting tears.

"I mean, if you wanna go in so bad, I guess I can close my eyes or something, but, I really don't like them, babe... God," he started mumbling to himself, looking down as if he was ashamed.

Even being this terrified... he'd try to fight his fear to let me smile? 

"Ojii, hun you're trembling.." you sympathized, walking back up to him.

He was completely comfortable with you hugging him, and you nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 

"This is so embarrassing," he muttered, nuzzling back.

"Nah, don't be embarrassed. Telling me this is a good thing," you whispered, smiling gently.

"And why is that?" he asked.

The hyper, yet fun-sounding tunes of the carnival surrounded the two of you, and the two of you could barely even hear anyone talking by now. It was just you and him.

"You're my soulmate, babe, can you believe that?" you grinned, separating to look at him in the eyes. 

Those of which widened comically, analyzing your wrist with a slight smile.

"I thought you were the one. I had a feeling in my gut," he grinned, kissing your wrist before kissing you.

You laughed, picking back up the stuffed bear as the two of you turned to start walking out of the fair.

If you could be holding hands right now, you would be, but with all of these prizes, the two of you were content by just being beside each other; together and happy.

...."So does that mean that you're afraid of butterflies?"

"Hey Ojii, baby, how about you shut the fuck up ok?"


..end uwo..

oh my gosh it's finally done i did it y AY

now it's time for the dOGGOS !

Only three people dm'ed me and I still took forever :')

but anyway here's the doodles (cara i'll insta urs ;0 but im stealing ur dog ok thanks bye)


heres a good boi for u


A good boi for u

Hope u enjoy :'-))

and to those who didn't dm but commented, here's my spicy vamp boi for spooky season
Thanks for 7k 💕💕👋🏻👋🏻

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