never agaιn a cнandler rιggѕ...

By DinosaurCentral

3.5K 103 44

Natalie baker, a Fourteen year old girl from Washington has to move in with her father who lives in Beverly H... More

never agaιn a cнandler rιggѕ ғanғιcтιon ♡
never agaιn: cнapтer one ♡
never agaιn: cнapтer тwo ♡
never agaιn: cнapтer тнree ♡
never agaιn: cнapтer ғoυr ♡
never agaιn: cнapтer ғιve ♡
never agaιn : cнapтer ѕιх ♡
never agaιn : cнapтer eιgнт
never agaιn: cнapтer nιne
never agaιn: cнapтer тen ♡

never agaιn : cнapтer ѕeven ♡

184 8 5
By DinosaurCentral

Then I got a text, at first I ignored it .. but then I got a phone call, and another , and another ..  from Barbra.

At first of course I assumed it was Sam trying to call me so I just kept ignoring the texts and calls , not even checking my phone.

Then there was a nock at the door. I quickly pulled away from chandler who carried me to the bed, sitting me down and handing me a drink then a blanket.

He sat next to me and covered us both up , " Come in, " He said turning towards his bedroom door.

Then his mom walked in, " Uhm , Chandler , Barbra is looking for Natalie, " His mother spoke and we both nodded .

" Oh, okay sorry, " I said and got up , pecking a kiss on Chandler's lips before grabbing my phone and reading her texts.

Sent - 9:54 PM

From - Barbra

' Where are you?! I told you to NOT leave the house! '

7 Missed calls from Barbra and Dad .


I quickly rushed back home and into the house .

" Barbra! " I shouted then saw Sam rushing down the stairs shouting " I found her mom! " 

I just glared at him and he just smirked, " oh boy are you in trouble " he said , the smirk never leaving his face.

" shut up . " I snapped as Barbra called for me up stairs.

I groaned , not wanting to know the punishment that was coming towards me , then slowly walking upstairs.

once I reached their room my dad stood up and walked over to me, slapping me across the face. I instantly felt my face burn up.

" TODD. " I heard my step mother shout and my eyes slowly got watery as the stinging spreaded throught my face , causing more pain.

My father stared at me and I quickly raised my hand, ready to slap him back, but he grabbed my wrist before I could make another move.

" Don't you think about it, Natalie. " he spoke, his voice raspy and filled with annoyance. I just stared at him as his grip on my wrist tightened causing me to whimper.

" L-let go! " I stuttered and tried taking my hand back.

" You should be more greatful! I didnt need to take you back you meant noth- "

he was cut off by the shouting of my step mother comanding him to stop speaking but he disobeyed and continued shouting at me.

" I didnt take a bratty teenager into my home for my own pleasure, your mother forced it. I honestly was doing fine without y- "

She cut him off again with a louder shout , " TODD. Stop this nonsense! " she shouted at me.

" Barbra, SHUT UP. " he shouted turning his head toward her , his eyes showing clear anger. After that he easily turned back to me, " You mean nothing to me, you were a mistake. " he stated and my heart sunk.

I knew it.

" F-fine, maybe I-I'll just move back in with my m-mother.. who cares. " I spat out at him and yanked my arm back with all the strenght I had.

His eyes softened a bit and he sighed , " I didnt mean it like- "

" Shut up, I'd gladly go back to her. You people mean nothing to me just as I mean nothing to you. " I stated and backed away slowly, " I hate you. " I spoke, meaning it.

After the I said that I quickly turned around on my heel and walked away, hearing them call for me but I tried my best to ignore it and just go up to my room.

♡ ♡ ♡

Hours passed , I cried for most of them , or atleast until I fell asleep to my tears.

I was a mistake..

How could he say something like that? He had no emotion in his voice when he did..

He meant it.

I know he did..

I am a mistake..

Quickly , before I began crying again I stumbled over to my patio, sitting on a chair the family had set out there for me I suppose.

I stared down at my arm, the one my father gripped. It now had five dark purple bruises where his fingers and thumb were placed.

Slowly, I ran my fingers across the largest one, the tumb bruise I suppose. It hurt , but not as much as I thought it would.

He hurt me, and meant to do it.

He told me how I was a mistake, how he didnt want me..

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the amazing Chandler Riggs opened his window, smiling.

" Hey, Natalie. " he said softly and locked his window in place, then leaned on the window seal.

I turned around and nodded towards him, " oh, hi Chandler. " I said softly , quickly hidding the burises as best I could.

" So.. what happened with the entire parent thing? " he asked and i sighed looking down.

" Nothing really, yelling mostly. " I answered , leaving out some parts. " Im thinking about going back with my mother. " I added with a sigh.

His eyes drooped and his shoulders fell forward, " what? why? " he asked , concern in his voice.

Honestly , I was happy someone cared, especially since what just happened a few hours earlier .. but I cant handle it, my father and him constantly looking over my shoulder.

The judging that Sam easily gives with without even moving a limb.

The fake care that Barbra tries to share with me but I refuse to except.

The only thing I look forward to is Chandler.. but he has a life , too.

I just cant take my family..

I dont want too.

" I refuse to stay in a household where I am being judged for how much and when I eat, constantly being watched , and criticized by my own family. " I said , looking off at the distance. Honestly I didnt want eye contact at the moment , I did want to know how he was taking this.

" I refuse , I'm sorry Chandler but I'm going home to my mother. Although I am not sure when, but I know for a fact I am and it best be soon. " I said and glanced at him slowly.

He looked broken , the way he looked broken honestly felt like a stab in the throat then a slice down the back. I hated breaking him but I couldnt take it.

At this rate instead of me getting better with my disorders , I will easliy be getting worse.

" Im sorry then, Ms. Natalie, but I refuse to live in a world with out you. " He said and slowly straightened up, " So, to my conclusion, I must find out why you feel the way you do and Fix it immediately. " He said and as he did so , around his last words , a noticed a small smirk appeared across his cheeks.

My heart started pounding,

" Chandler, No. Dont get into it, its family drama. " I tried to tell him but he ignored and shushed me.

" Oh, Natalie. according to your step mom I am family, therefore it is my problem. Also, you are my girlfriend. I refuse to except the fact your wanting to leave me before the fun starts. " He spoke and as he did so I listened , sighing.

" In the blood family , Chandler. " I tried to say but he shushed me once more.

" Blood or not, your my girlfriend and I need to fix this at once. " He spoke again and I sighed.

" Chandler, its drama. Please, Please, Please, stay out of it. " I begged , " Its nothing , really. "

" Well then, if its nothing then I shall fix this ' Nothing ' . And, since it is ' Nothing ' it shouldnt matter if I fix the problem or not. "

" Chandler, please no, its something. Something I dont want you to get pulled into. "

" Oh , but Natalie, sweet Natalie, " he cooed , " It is. " He whispered softly and I groaned quietly.

" Fuck you, " I said in a joking way causing us both to laugh a bit softly.


" Natalie, " my father said as he shook me to my awaking. " wake up. " he said and I groaned.

" No! " I exclaimed , annoyed. I honestly still hated my father, its only been a few days since the drama and I'm still fed up.

" Excuse me? " he asked throwing a pillow at me. " Wake up Natalie, now. "

I groaned and threw the pillow back. " You wake up! " I shouted and he rolled his eyes.

" I am awake. " he replied causing me to glare at him.

" I will wake up, once your gone and get me a plane ticket back to my mothers. " I snapped and threw the blanket over my head.

" No, your mother wants you to live with me. There for you shall. Deal with it Natalie. " he snapped back as he walked out of the room.

" I expect you be ready for school once I come back! " He shouted at me once he was in the hall way.

I groaned .

Ugh , the first day of school. Great.

I just hope I can possibly have a few classes with Chandler.

Although I didnt want to get ready I did, throwing on some jeans and a T-shirt that read ' I may look happy but the only way I'd really smile is if you cut me ear to ear. '

Then I combed my hair, tying it into a messy bun .

Then came my shoes and I quickly slipped on some white convers. Once I finished my outfit I slipped into the bathroom and applied some mascara.

Once finished with everything I walked down stairs , skipping breakfast for today.

Sam glared at me,

" what are you wearing? " he asked with an almost horrified look as he read my T-shirt.

" clothing. " I replied , still angry with my entire family.

" Clothing that should end up in the trash. " He said and I looked at him .

" shut up. "

"Make me. "

" you wish. "

We went back and fourth until my father interrupted us, " Shut up. You both. Now, are you ready for school? You dont want to be late. " my father informed us and I rolled my eyes.

" I am. " I said standing up and walking over to my back pack which was a blood red Jansport.

Sam shook his head , " dont go all emo on me Natalie. " he said and I turned to face him.

" Emo? " I asked as I tossed my bag over my shoulder.

He nodded, " you wear all dark colors and you dont eat. I bet there is some self-harm under those long sleeves of yours. " he said.

" Excuse me? " I asked stepping forward.

" You heard me. " he replied and I shook my head.

" Your a dick. " I said and walked to the front door, opening it then walking outside.

Sam smirked and followed me.

" Awe, come on Natalie. Its not a big deal. " he said and I shook my head.

" Fuck off. " I said looking down as I climbed into the truck.

" Natalie! " Sam shouted jogging over to the truck and climbing inside.

" Go away. " I growled looking at him and he smirked.

" Calm down, its not a big deal. "

" It is Sam! "

" no- "

" It is. But you wouldnt understand. "

" Yes I - "


" But yours could be too- "

" shut up, no it cant. " I said as I opened the door and climbed out of the car, " Im walking today. " I mumbled looking down.

Sam shook his head , " The school is like five blocks away! " he said, opening the car door and climbing out then chasing after me.

" I dont care. " I snapped as I continued to walk forward, not even taking the time to look back at him.

" Stop. " Sam said but I just ignored him.

" Natalie! " he continued.

And I continued ignoring him until my father walked out.

" Both of you in the truck now. " My dad shouted.

" No! " I protested , glancing back at them both.

" Whats your problem? " Sam asked.

" you. " -- I paused -- " Everyone. Dad, You, Barbra! Ya'll are just pretending to care and I want to go home. Im tired of all of yours bull shit okay? Its not worth my time and I'm planning on leaving even if I have to walk. " I snapped at them both before folding my arms across my chest and continuing walking to school.

" Natalie! " My father shouted for me.

" WHAT?! " I yelled , annoyed.

" dont you dare talk to me like that. " He said .

" Fuck you, " I said shaking my head, " I'm calling my mom . She'd actually help me get home. She isnt like you people. "

" Excuse me? " Sam asked.

" You heard me. You all are jerks. " I said and continued walking to school as I dailed my mothers phone number.

I quickly called and she answered on the third ring.

" Hello? Natalie? " she asked and I sighed.

" Yeah, its me. " I mumbled into my phone.

" Awesome! Hows Cali? " she asked and I glanced around.

" Horrible. " I mumbled and she gasped.

" What? Why! " she asked confused.

" I want to go home. "

" Natalie.. "

" please mom I hate it here.. " I begged and she sighed.

" Your father misses you.. "

" bullshit. He didnt even try to talk to me as I grew up. He doesnt care. "

" Yes he does. " She said and I shook my head.

" No, no. He doesnt. He judges me left and right.

I. Want. To. Go. Home. "  I snapped and she sighed once more.

" Natalie please baby dont do this. "

" Mom I want to go home. I cant take it. "

" Natalie it isnt that b- "

" Yes it is! "

" no- "

" Yes mom! Yes it is its horrible please! "

" I dont know when I can get the plane ticket. " She mumbled almost disapointed.

" Really? Your saying I can come home? " I asked excited.

" I just said that I cant get a plane ticket. " she replied and I smirked.

" But I can. " I replied and she sighed.

" Natalie cant you just try to li- "

" Thank you mom. I'll get a plane ticket asap. Love you! Bye! " I said and before she could finish I hung up.

Then I walked to school thinking about how I could gather all this money I needed to get back home.


After about twenty minutes or so I reached the school.

Damn was it huge.

I would probably enjoy the one in Washington more..

But I just have to make it through seven hours..

No big deal..


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