Aftermath (A PJO/Avengers cro...

By FullMetal_SkittleZ

562K 16.7K 11.3K

After the war with Gaea, both camps are slowly coming together and things are looking up a little. But the st... More

Aftermath (A PJO/Avengers Crossover)
Chapter ~1~
Chapter ~2~
Chapter ~3~
Chapter ~4~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~8~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~
Chapter ~12~
Chapter ~13~
Chapter ~14~
Chapter ~15~
Chapter ~16~
Chapter ~17~
Chapter ~18~
Chapter ~19~
Chapter ~20~
Chapter ~21~
Chapter ~22~
Chapter ~23~
Chapter ~24~
Chapter ~25~
Chapter ~26~
Chapter ~27~
Chapter ~29~
Chapter ~30~
Wattys 2014
News Update- Aftermath's Getting Edited!

Chapter ~28~

6.7K 252 179
By FullMetal_SkittleZ

[A/N] so... I've got some devastating news.. I'm thinking Aftermath is gonna end soon... We may have 5-6 chapters MAX... I just feel like there's not much left... You all hate me more if possible now huh? Don't worry. There WILL be an Epilogue. (well, at least I'm pretty sure lol) so ya. I still can't access comments section on the retarded app so... You are ALL awesome :D but special shout out to @SonofHades4791 :D remember, he gave me some ideas of what should happen next so... Kill him not me! :D now, Chapta timeee!!!!

~Chapter ~28~ 3rd Person POV~

<•Stark Tower•>

Percy had confined himself to his room for the past two days.

He and Annabeth returned to the routine of her sitting outside his door and talking to him. Trying to coax him out.

Then, around 9:47 am, Friday morning, he came out.

The Avengers, plus Annabeth but minus Steve, sat around the large table, playing Monopoly. Tony had convinced Bruce to play, although it took at least twenty minutes of him asking Bruce over and over again, Clint thought Bruce was going to Hulk out and smash Tony's face in.

"Your turn." Tony said to Natasha, who took the dice and rolled. Just as the dice hit the board they heard a door open.
Everyone's attention turned to the hallway, and they all saw Percy walking out of his room. Annabeth noticed something, something different. He had a... strange aura around him. It seemed darker than the usually cheery atmosphere surrounding him, this one was like a low hanging cloud of anger around him. And there was something different in his eyes... a new fire she hadn't ever seen before, a new determination.

There were upsides to this new Percy, but, they may not be able to outweigh the downsides.

"Percy?" Annabeth asked from her seat at the table.

"I'm going after Calypso and Loki," He said sternly, "anyone else who wants to come is welcome. But it won't be a walk in the park. "

Annabeth stood and walked over to him. She pulled him into a tight embrace. Percy hesitated, then hugged her back.

"Always." she whispered into his ear, as she pulled away to stand by his side.

One by one, each of the Avengers stood. Except Steve, who would never stand with them again.

"We may not have saved Steve," Tony said, "but you can be pretty damn sure we will avenge him."

And so it was settled. The remainder of the Avengers, and two demigods, set out to find two all powerful beings.


Everyone needed time to 'suit up'. Well, except Annabeth, Bruce, and I.

We all sat around the now cleared off table, that less then an hour ago had held a monopoly board. We were currently trying to devise a strategy.

"Alright," Annabeth said, "we'll draw them out into the open, they've made it clear they need Percy, so they'll probably jump at the chance if he's all alone. Clint, Natasha, you two go on the rooftops, give us a bird's-eye view, Thor and Tony, take to the skies. We'll call you for backup once we've spotted them. Bruce, once we have Loki's position locked, we're sending you in. Just do what you do. Percy," Annabeth stopped and looked at me, "we'll use you as bait. I'll be standing by in a building nearby watching you. Got it?"

There was a chorus of assent from around the table.

"Hopefully, this'll draw them out." Annabeth mumbled quietly, yet I still picked up on her words.

I wanted revenge on Calypso. This plan was sure to work. I would put every ounce of my energy into fighting her. No matter what it took, she was going down. And hard. Annabeth dismissed everyone and we started for our designated locations.

Annabeth pulled me aside though, into the hallway that led to the rooms.

"Percy." she said, looking at me with a pleading expression. "Please, just... promise you'll be safe out there? I can't help but notice you've been.. different lately.."

I looked down at Annabeth, my sea green eyes meeting her beautiful stormy grey ones, a whole jumble of emotions clouded inside them.

"I will. I promise." I said, mostly just to ease her stress. It wasn't alright. It wasn't going to be. I was ready for my fate... but was she ready to deal with what may happen? What if... what if I died? The thought terrified me now more then ever.

Earlier I didn't care if I died. But I wasn't thinking about Annabeth. What would happen to her? I made a decision.

"Annabeth," I told her, "go get ready. I've got to go do something really quick."

She nodded. "I'll see you soon Seaweed Brain."

"See you later Wise Girl." I told her, giving her a faint smile. The first all day.

Annabeth went off to get ready. I went to my room and pulled out a sheet of paper. I took Riptide and began writing, despite my Dyslexia. This was important.

I finished writing and signed the paper in my usual sloppy hand writing, setting it down on the desk neatly.

I closed Riptide and pocketed it, though there was really no need because it would always return. I walked out of my room, pausing in the doorway to take one last glance before leaving.

I had a feeling I wouldn't see this place for a very, very long time.


I left Percy to do what he had to and headed straight towards Tony's lab.

He (with a lot of help from me) had finished the prosthetic arm. I'd heard that connecting the arm would be very painful. Joy. (*sarcasm*)

I used my good arm, the one that was actually there, to press the elevator button. I watched the numbers dial down as I descended.

The elevator door opened, and all of a sudden a plastic bucket flew past my face, hitting the back of the elevator. I peered out curiously.

"Bad Dummy Bad!" Tony shouted along with a few colorful words I don't care to mention. "Stupid malfunctioning robot!"

I watched him run around the lab, random articles of tools being thrown at him by a rogue Dummy. I held back the urge to laugh.

Finally Tony dove to a steel table, grabbing a prototype repulser and firing it at Dummy, effectively breaking the poor robot.

"Stupid thing..." he muttered to himself. I cleared my throat loudly and he turned towards me, a broad smile growing on his face. "Annabeth! The arm is all finished! Ready to attach it?"

Well then, somebody doesn't waste time. I shrugged and walked over.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

He told me to lie down on a steel table with thick black straps on it. I was cautious as I laid on it, feeling the cool metal. He strapped me in.

"Just in case." He informed me, although I hadn't even asked why he was strapping me in. He finished and went over to a smaller table on wheels, pulling it over as it made small squeaking sounds.

On top of the table lay the mechanical arm. It was designed to look almost exactly as a human's, though with a few more enhancements.

"You ready?" He asked me again before taking a sterilized cloth and cleaning the stump of my arm off, preparing to attach the new one.

"Of course." I said, trying not only to convince him, but also myself.

Tony nodded, and began the long and painful process of attaching my prosthetic arm

[A/N] viola. No violence. Be happy. Because these next few chapters you shall not like :D so. Hope you enjoyed! Ze plan ish in motion!

*Edited by @niajanee*

QOTD: " Ever come home and found your room messed up? Like some helpful person (hi, Mom) has tried to "clean" it, and suddenly you can't find anything? And even if nothing is missing, you get that creepy feeling like somebody's been looking through your private stuff and dusting everything with lemon furniture polish?" ~Sea Of Monsters

Until next time!




Prepare for major oncoming feels!

~Peace Love & Percy!

~FullMetal_SkittleZ (moi new username ^.^)

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