Bechloe: BELONG

By crimsonn17

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Not my story Got it from story by: makegoodchoices More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Pain)
Chapter 3: We Meet Again
Chapter 4: Apologies
Chapter 5: Blue Eyes on Fire
Chapter 6: Photo
Chapter 7: Worth It
Chapter 8: Infinite Arrow
Chapter 9: Weakness
Chapter 10: Mystery Guest
Chapter 11: Hands Down
Chapter 12: Word Vomit
Chapter 13: I've Missed Your Ginger Hair
Chapter 14: People Always Leave
Chapter 15: Aca-Awkward
Chapter 16: So Long Without You
Chapter 17: One thousand Six hundred Twenty nine
Chapter 18: Think of You
Chapter 19: Game On
Chapter 20: Just 'Friends', My Ass
Chapter 22: I Always Can Find You Again
Chapter 23: The Challenge
Chapter 24: David Guetta's Sick Beats
Chapter 25: The Same Tattoos
Chapter 26: Last Night

Chapter 21: Blurred Lines

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By crimsonn17

Chloe stifled a groan as she heard the relentless knocking on the door.

"Ugh, who the hell…. So early…" Chloe groaned trying to adjust her eyes to the incoming sunlight and make out the time on the bedside clock. As she realized the warm body sleeping beneath her was Beca's, she couldn't help the grin that overtook her face. She tried to snuggle back into the warmth of Beca's little body, but the rapid beating on the door was just getting louder. Chloe had forgotten how deep of a sleeper Beca was, she used to joke with her that a tornado could've come through and the only thing Beca would've noticed was the fact that the bed had moved.

But, that's when Beca could sleep. She had always struggled with sleeping for more than an hour or two at a time so she was kind of pissed Beca's sleep was potentially being interrupted now.

With a huff, Chloe threw back the comforter and instantly felt the cool air in the room. The warmth escaping from the little bundle of heat they had created. Chloe took just a moment to look down at Beca. They had slept just like they always had; Chloe spread pretty much across Beca and their legs were intertwined completely. Beca had a tight grip on the bottom of Chloe's shirt. Her heart raced at seeing Beca's vulnerability splayed against the pillow. She knew it was a side that no one got to see of Beca and the thought alone made Chloe's heart pound in her chest. There was no denying that she still loved the sarcastic, broody brunette, but she was still struggling with how to get past what had happened five years ago. She was recovering from heartbreak from the same woman. But, this was the only woman that would be able to fix her. She could never take Beca leaving again; the first time nearly killed her.

Sighing, Chloe extracted herself delicately from the still sleeping brunette and tossed Beca's hoodie over her head she had left on the couch. She looked back to Beca to make sure she was still sleeping and the brunette groaned at the loss of contact and turned on her side clutching the pillow to her chest.

"Ugh," Chloe groaned grasping at her head as she padded over to the door. Her hangover was worse than she thought it would be. She took a moment to breathe in the scent of the hooded material before looking through the key hole. She let out a sigh of relief when she realized it was Jess and Amy and not Aubrey. She loved her best friend, but she was quite difficult in the mornings. Opening the door slightly and peering out to the girls in the hall, she noticed their full attire. They were ready to start the weekend.

"Good morning," Chloe yawned stretching her limbs. "Why are you bugging us so early?"

"Early? Chloe it's like 11:30," Jess stated obviously.

"Holy shit! Are you serious?" Chloe rubbed her eyes and looked to the clock on the wall. Sure enough…. It was 11:30.

"Uhhh… Yeah. And we couldn't find Beca, figured she would be in a lounge or a dark corner somewhere working on mixes, but no luck, have you seen her?" Amy asked concerned. It wasn't like Beca to sleep past 6:00 a.m. no matter how late they had been out.

A blush formed on Chloe's features unsure of how to respond without them jumping to conclusions.

"Oh my god! She's still in the room! What'd ya do? Tire her out ginger?" Amy said excitedly as Jess and Amy tried getting a better look in the room.

"Shhhh…. She's still asleep," she nodded to the girl curled up in the bed sleeping soundly.

"Hm… Interesting," Jess said looking to Amy as they both nodded to each other and skimmed Chloe's attire.

"Interesting?" Chloe questioned.

"Beca doesn't sleep, like at all," Jess added looking further in to realize that Beca was indeed asleep.

"As much as I hate to wake her, Aubrey's already on a rampage. She wants to do the brunch buffet downstairs in a half hour. I'm ready for mimosas, I love that skinny blonde but I swear she needs to loosen that pole up her ass sometimes," Amy said matter-of-fact.

"Thought that was your grand master plan?" Chloe quirked.

"Oh, it is. You just wait…. This weekend is going to be pure insanity, I called some of my guys from Tasmania for help," Amy said rubbing her hands together as if some genius plan was about to come into play.

"I'm gonna run down to the Starbucks in the lobby and grab us some coffee before I wake her up, you know how she is when she gets up," Chloe said grabbing Beca's keycard and her wallet as she threw on some chucks she had in her bag.

"I'll come with, I am still hungover and I need heavy doses of caffeine to get me through this. Heavy," Jess groaned.

"Or – you could go with my plan and just keep drinking!" Amy yelled. "I'll see you bitches soon; don't let the blonde bridezilla dragon explode!"

Chloe and Jess chuckled as Amy went the opposite direction in the hall.

"So, looks like the two of you shared a bed?" Jess said smugly hitting the elevator button.

"As if you gave us a choice, Jess. You shoved us into the same room," Chloe gasped.

"You know it was a great idea, Chlo, don't even deny it!" Jess nudged.

"I must admit, it was nice being near her again like that… it's been a long time since I've felt that secure, after I got done being pissed off, she comforted me and it was like old times…" Chloe said trailing off as the elevator doors opened to the lobby and they began walking to the Starbucks.

"Why were you so pissed?" Jess questioned.

"I don't know… I just felt bitter I guess for her thinking she can stand up and protect me like that when she's been absent from my life for so long," Chloe sighed.

"You're scared," Jess nodded.

"I'm not scared," Chloe shot back annoyed, looking up at the menu.

"You are. You're scared she's going to leave again. And she's not. Yes. It's in Beca's nature to run. She doesn't like people to get too close. But she always runs back to you, Chlo. The arrow goes back to you, it's not a coincidence," Jess stated honest.

"But-" Chloe interjected.

"Oh no, nope. You know I'm right. And whether you realize it or not, Beca's always tried to protect you, and you've always tried to protect her. But what I totally don't understand is why you're protecting each other from what you really want. Each other," Jess said. She was sick of them not having what they really wanted as she looked Chloe over and placed her order.

When Chloe opened the door quietly with the two coffees, she expected the brunette to still be asleep. She had been contemplating how to wake her up. However, she wasn't expecting what she saw when she walked in.

She noticed Beca sitting up in the bed facing the Vegas skyline and the comforter wrapped around her shoulders. Her shoulders appeared tense and she noticed she was writing in a journal.

"Bec?" Chloe questioned shutting the door and approaching her as she threw the keycard and wallet back by on the kitchen counter.

Beca quickly spun around and it was then, that Chloe realized Beca had been crying. Beca's eyes were puffy and her face was splotchy.

"Oh my God – What's wrong?" Chloe asked with instant concern as she kicked off her shoes and went to sit on the bed across from Beca.

"No-nothing, it's stupid," Beca said shutting the notebook and wiped furiously at her eyes.

"I'm sure it's not, try me," Chloe said cocking her head to the side.

When Beca didn't reply but her nervousness kicked in tugging at the neck of her tanktop, realization struck Chloe. She understood why Beca had been worked up.

"You thought I left," Chloe almost whispered in understanding.

"I totally wouldn't blame you if you did, I deserve it," Beca choked through tears, refusing to meet Chloe's eyes.

"That's not true and you know it. I just went down to get us coffee before the bridezilla weekend commences, it's sure to be unforgettable," Chloe winked and softened reaching over to grab ahold of Beca's hands and rub them reassuringly.

"You-you're still here," Beca choked once more finally meeting her eye.

"Where else would I go, silly?" Chloe smiled and reached a hand to run through Beca's dark tresses.

Beca finally let a smile tug on her face as she clutched to Chloe's hands tightly.

"Did you mention coffee?" Beca grinned.

"Here you go," Chloe reached behind her to grab Beca's coffee from the end table.

"Mmm, hazelnut. My favorite," Beca grumbled in content as she sipped the beverage.

"We haven't changed that much in five years," Chloe chided back. "I've also been instructed to wake you for brunch downstairs."

"Ugh… Fine. But I'm sticking bridezilla on your ass if we are late," Beca grinned as she enjoyed her coffee and reminded herself that Chloe was in fact still there.

But… she must have grabbed the coffee wrong…

"Fuck!" Beca winced in pain looking down at her hand which was bruised from the punch delivered to dick-face Brad last night.

"Oh my God, Bec! Your hand! This is why someone as tiny as you can't go around punching boys in the face," Chloe said in shock at how horrible Beca's knuckles looked. She reached a hand out for Beca to grab with her good hand and pulled her up from the bed.

"Well, if said boy deserved it… I regret nothing. Besides that dick can't talk to you like that, it's like… the law," Beca groaned as Chloe made her way over to the full sized kitchen in the suite.

"What law? The law of Beca?" Chloe chuckled, Beca was the worst at trying to hide jealousy and she still found it adorable.

"Mhm," Beca grimaced slightly as Chloe placed an ice pack on her hand.

"That will make it feel better you big baby," Chloe grinned and decided to toy with Beca a little as she stood closer in Beca's personal space. "Besides… If that doesn't work, I know what will…."

Beca gulped at their closeness and nearly dropped the coffee she was holding in her good hand, she was pathetic for how nervous she got from Chloe.

"What's that?" Beca whispered back darting her eyes down to Chloe's lips unconsciously.

"An Amy special," Chloe laughed with a wink, pulling away from Beca and taking a long sip of her coffee.

"Not fair, Beale!" Beca yelled as Chloe walked to grab clothes out of her bag.

Beca and Chloe had rushed to get ready and head down to brunch. When they arrived, Aubrey was already shooting them daggers.

"Yikes…" Beca groaned softly to Chloe as they sat at the two vacant seats next to each other with Beca next to Amy and Chloe across from Aubrey.

"Well, look who's decided to show up to brunch, it's almost dinner time now," Aubrey spat.

"Bree, we aren't on a schedule, would you please relax," Chloe sighed.

"Where have you two been exactly?" Cynthia Rose smiled raising an eyebrow at the two.

"Yeah – you know how I get if I don't have my post Award-show party brunch showdown buffet," Amy mentioned. "Damn! Shortstack! Your hand looks horrible!"

All attention went to Beca's hand as she picked up her water on the table.

"He deserved it," Beca shrugged. "Besides, Chloe put ice on it. It doesn't even hurt."

"Uh huh, I bet Chloe put some ice on it alright," Stacie winked.

"Oh God," Beca groaned as the table fell into different conversations.

Beca leaned over and whispered to Amy, "Aren't you like supposed to be getting Aubrey a drink? Why is she so uptight?"

"Something about how it's not 'appropriate' to start drinking at noon, it's VEGAS. She should STILL be drinking, but don't worry, we have a plan," Amy winked to the bartender.

"I shouldn't have asked…" Beca stated.

"Oh! Look! The gang is all here!" A voice from behind stated with sarcasm.

"This weekend sure is off to a GREAT start," Aubrey mocked. "Why are you here Lindsey?"

"My girl RiRi is here, so of course I'm here, what are you ladies doing?" Lindsey grinned approaching the middle of the table.

"RiRi?" Beca questioned, "Who the fuck calls Rihanna 'RiRi' and why are you even awake? Don't you normally pass out in stranger's houses until late afternoon?"

"Awwww… That's cute, Becs. You remembered," Lindsey chuckled, which absolutely disgusted Chloe.

Beca looked insane amounts of uncomfortable as she began fidgeting her legs and biting her lower lip. Beca had given Chloe a pleading look and Chloe could sense her uneasy energy as she reached over to still her leg.

Beca took the opportunity to quickly link their fingers and it did offer Beca a sense of reassurance.

"Bartender!" Amy yelled motioning for more drinks to the table as she sipped her last drop of mimosa.

"Heard you got into some trouble last night, Becs," Lindsey giggled.

"Oh my God, why are you still here?" Cynthia Rose gritted.

"It's my bachelorette weekend, obviously," Lindsey said with a flip of her hair.

"Of course it is," Chloe sneered back, rubbing the top of Beca's hand with her thumb.

"So convenient," Stacie added with an eye roll as they all watched and waited for Aubrey to pounce.

"I heard you broke up with that hottie Brad publically last night Red, such a shame. He's super attractive," Lindsey smiled.

"Are you here for a bachelorette party alone since you clearly have no friends?" Aubrey asked.

"Of course not, my girls are over at that table, just wanted to come over and say hi, Beca you were looking so fine last night at the awards, you look pretty adorable this morning too," Lindsey added eyeing down Beca with a wink.

Chloe found herself attempting to stand, few people got under her skin but this bitch knew all the buttons to push with her.

"Nope, don't try it, she's not worth it," Beca whispered in her ear as she tugged Chloe back down.

"Oh – Lindsey! My office should be sending you some paperwork just for informational purposes, I'm sure you will love the contents," Beca responded with a wink looking to Aubrey who finally smiled knowingly.

"Can't wait, see you ladies around!" Lindsey said with a last glance over of Beca as she strutted away.

"Nope!" The whole table shouted back.

"I wish I could see the look on her face when that restraining order is dropped on her lap, but that means having to her again, and I ain't about all that," Cynthia Rose said to the table as the group laughed with a nod.

Beca looked over to the drinks lined up in front of Amy and grabbed several to start passing out, if that wasn't a sign to start drinking, she wasn't sure what was.

The night had begun blurring together as the rest of the day had been filled with walking the strip and day drinking.

They had gotten ready in Aubrey and Jess's suite and walked out to the front of the hotel to pile in the limo and Amy instantly popped the champagne.

They were all in little black dresses with 'Bridesmaids' sashes while Aubrey had on a white 'Bride' sash.

"I just want to say to all my ladies, thank you for being here on my special weekend. I love all of you bitches!" Aubrey giggled out lifting her now full glass for a toast.

Amy's plan had definitely been working and Aubrey had been pretty drunk all day.

"We have definitely been crushing it – but you just wait until we get you to this club blondie," Amy replied lifting her glass.

"To the Brideeeee!" Chloe yelled as they all toasted.

"Yup, gonna need some more of that," Amy said popping another bottle as Jess took photos.

Beca couldn't help but ogle Chloe in that dress, she was trying not to. God, was she trying. But every bit more of alcohol handed off by Amy fueled her ogling even more.

"Stop staring," Chloe leaned over to whisper in Beca's ear. Her lips brushed just slightly causing Beca's breath to hitch.

"Can't help it when you are wearing that," Beca mumbled looking her over again.

"I wish you'd sort that fucking toner out, Mitchell!" Aubrey yelled across the limo pointing the champagne bottle towards her.

"Busted!" Chloe giggled looking at Beca's, now flushed, face.

"Seriously, you two are making me hot, and if you two don't do something about it, I'm capable of doing something stupid, like making a move on blondie over there," Stacie laughed pointing to Aubrey.

"When are you NOT hot, Stacie?" Beca retorted with an eye roll. She let out a sigh of relief as they pulled up to the very exclusive club. They had the VIP booth reserved for the bachelorette party.

They all crawled out of the limo and Beca tipped their driver.

"How the hell are we getting in here?" Chloe questioned seeing the line wrapped around the block.

Lily mumbled out something softly.

"NO! No fires Lily!" Amy pointed to her.

Beca tugged the redhead behind her forward, they were linking hands so frequently now, she barely even noticed she was pushing her along.

Beca said nothing as she walked to the front of the line and the bouncer smiled upon seeing her.

"Mitchell! It's been awhile! What brings you here, not usually your scene to dress up," The bouncer, Mike, joked while unclipping the red rope to the front of the busy nightclub.

"Aubrey's bachelorette party!" Beca answered with a smile ushering the girls through the front.

"No way! Really taking the plunge there Aubrey?" Mike joked back.

"Abso-fucking-lutely," Aubrey giggled holding up her ring finger and leaned over to place a sloppy kiss to his cheek.

"Oh boy, down girl," Chloe joked pulling Aubrey away from him.

"She's had some Amy specials tonight," Mike laughed.

"Uh, duh!" Amy sarcastically gestured.

"Hey – Jake! This girls drinks are on me tonight!" He yelled to the main bouncer at the front gesturing to Aubrey.

"You ladies have fun, good to see you Beca," Mike said high fiving the little brunette.

"Thanks man," Beca smiled back as they walked in the club.

Sure, Chloe had been to nightclubs, but not one like this. This was insane. There were six different rooms available to go dance in with different themes and scantily clad women everywhere.

"Beca, how in the world did you swing that? The line was wrapped around the building for blocks!" Chloe said in awe as they sat in the VIP booth in the middle of the nightclub. It was completely packed and the music and lights blared.

"Perks of being famous I guess, besides I've DJ'ed here several times," Beca shrugged.

"You've DJ'ed here?" Chloe said slack jawed. She still had a hard time wrapping her head around famous Beca as she noticed the brunette blush.

"Yeah – you hosted New Years Eve here…. Two years ago?" Jess questioned as they all grabbed the drinks that were brought.

"Yeah – the year Amy and Bumper were kicked out for 'disruptive conduct'," Beca said air quoting.

"What! What'd you guys do?" Chloe intrigued.

"Look shortstack, it's not my fault if management doesn't like two people trying to do the deed on the table," Amy shrugged.

"Now, THIS is a party!" Stacie whistled toasting her glass with Cynthia Rose.

"Not an image I needed to remember," Beca shook her head trying to rid the engrained memory.

"I'm surprised they let you back in!" Jess said with a swat to her arm.

"Oh whatever! I liven this place up! Besides my friend Ralph from Tasmania would never let me not come back here," Amy stated waving to, who Chloe assumed, was Ralph the bartender.

"Your friend from Tasmania's name is Ralph?" Chloe questioned.

"Yeah? We doing this or what bitches!" Amy shrugged as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and winked to Ralph who approached with drinks in hand.

"Oh no…. Amy!" Aubrey groaned as she dramatically put her head on Chloe's shoulder.

"Last time we were here, Ralph made us his specialty, it was SO good that Aubrey was hungover for two days," Beca said with a chuckle as several of the girls laughed at the memory.

"I don't want to do that tonight Amy! This is only night one!" Aubrey complained.

"No worries! I told him to change it up tonight!" Amy responded as she leaned over to grab the tray of drinks he had brought and whispered something into his ear.

"Oh god," Aubrey said taking the liquid to her head.

"HELLLLLL YEAHHHHHHH TO THE BRIDE AUBREY POSENS BACHELORETTE PARTY!" Stacie stood on top of the table and yelled out to the crowd, grabbing another shot from the tray provided.

The crowd all raised their glasses and screamed for the blonde now standing on the table next to Stacie.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED BITCHES!" Aubrey yelled taking the shot to her head with the rest of the crowd. All the bridesmaids stood and cheered.

"Damn! I love drunk Aubrey!" Beca yelled.

"Aubrey Posen's Bachelorette Party! I wanna join!" A familiar brunette approached from behind the group.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Cynthia Rose huffed with a glare.

"Of course you're here right now," Beca mumbled leaning in closer to the safety of Chloe's warmth and reattaching their fingers.

"Don't look so surprised to see me," Lindsey stated to the group.

"How are you like an unwanted disease that keeps reappearing?" Amy said with a grimace.

"I don't give a fuck if that crazy bitch is here, BECAUSE ITS MY BACHELORETTE WEEKEND!" Aubrey yelled to the crowd again who whistled back.

Stacie and Aubrey starting dancing on top of the table to the bass beat from the DJ, truly not giving a damn about the girl who kept showing up trying to ruin her weekend.

"You heard the lady, we don't give a fuck," Chloe winked to Lindsey.

"Whatever, Bec – Ellie and Rihanna are over there, you'll have to come over and chat eventually," Lindsey said walking back to her group.

Beca saw Ellie Goulding standing next to Rihanna who was gesturing her to come over.

"Ugh – let me just go get this over with," Beca groaned as she unlinked her and Chloe's hands.

"NO WORK, BECA!" Cynthia yelled to her.

"Yeah – NO WORK! Loosen that fucking brunette up would you Chloe?" Aubrey yelled from the tabletop as she continued dancing.

"If only she knew we talked like that about her…I've just got to go be friendly since Rihanna is one of my artists and Ellie and I are friends. I won't put you through dealing with that crazy bitch. Stay here and have fun, I won't be long," Beca said with a wink and kiss to Chloe's cheek as she walked over to Ellie.

Chloe couldn't help the flush feeling that came over her entire body as Beca's lips brushed her cheek.

It had been more than a few minutes and Chloe was getting slightlyyyyyy annoyed.


Maybe a little more than slightly.

She noticed the brunette continuously taking shots with their group and she noticed that fucking trashy girl trying to dance up on Beca.

And yes.


Chloe was jealous. She could admit it.

And Beca looked uncomfortable.

It was the right thing to do, she had to step in.

And okay.

She DEFINITELY couldn't help it when 'Blurred Lines' started blaring through the crowded nightclub.

Chloe approached the brunette who was already dancing in place a little as she listened to Ellie talk.

"Sorry, Ellie, I'm stealing her from you," Chloe winked to the blonde.

"Hey Chloe!" Ellie smiled leaning over to give Chloe a side hug.

But Chloe wasn't loosening her grip on Beca's hip as she stood behind her.

And okay.

Maybe Chloe got a small rise from Lindsey looking like she was absolutely seething.

Beca turned in Chloe's grip and followed as Chloe led them out to the middle of the crowded dance floor and they started dancing near the Bellas.

Beca laughed as Stacie bumped into them while making out with some dude.

"Surprised it took you so long to come over, Chlo. What was it? Ten minutes?" Beca smirked as she pushed the redhead in front of her and danced into her backside to the song.

"It was way more than ten minutes! And besides, I don't like how that stupid girl looks at you," Chloe said turning in Beca's arms to make eye contact with her.

"It so was not! I've been watching, only three songs have played and you guys have done six shots just in the time I was gone, oh, and three guys have tried to get you to dance with them," Beca grinned.

"You were watching," Chloe beamed.

"Maybe I was, but you were jealous," Beca said as she gripped Chloe's waist a little tighter.

That fucking black dress might be the death of her.

"You had three shots with Rihanna and two with Ellie," Chloe said keeping eye contact.

"Sounds like someone was watching me too," Beca winked.

"Maybe, and I might have been a little jealous," Chloe chuckled against Beca's ear slightly ghosting over her collarbone. Chloe felt Beca swallow and breathe a little heavier.

"Might have?" Beca choked out.

"This song is totally one of my lady jams," Chloe said pushing herself even closer to Beca as they continued to dance in their own world.

"I know you want it," Beca breathily sang the lyrics into the redhead's ear as she heard her moan in surprise as Beca grabbed a little tighter to her hips and looked over her perfect figure.

"The way you grab me, must wanna get nasty," Chloe lustily sang back into Beca's ear.

Beca couldn't help the low moan that escaped her throat as she felt the redhead press her lips just slightly to the skin on her neck just below her ear.

As if gravity had pushed them closer, Beca looked into Chloe's eyes with a lust-filled gaze and attached their lips roughly. It was stupid, but Chloe was fucking hot and that dress should seriously be illegal.

Broken momentarily from their pull to each other, they heard all the girls and the entire club yell the lyric, "You the hottest bitch in this place!"

"Wanna get out of here? The hotel is only two blocks? We will need to take the back door," Beca asked to Chloe's ear to which the redhead agreed.

They grabbed their bags and Beca made sure the tab was taken care of at the bar for the rest of the night. Beca waved goodbye to Ellie and Rihanna who were still trying to usher her over.

She walked back up behind Chloe who was talking to Jess and linked their hands.

"You promise you'll take care of Bree?" Chloe slurred out slightly to Jess with a pat to her shoulder.

"Scout's honor, now get out of here," Jess said raising her hand with a wink.

As they walked to the hotel, they were silent, but Beca could still feel the heat radiating between them as they hit the elevator button to their floor.

As soon as the doors closed, Chloe attached her lips to Beca's harshly, dropping the heels that were in her hand to the floor.

"Oh god…" Chloe mumbled as she felt Beca sucking at her pulse point as the elevator doors opened. Beca smirked as she leaned down to grab Chloe's heels.

Once Beca nervously got the door open, she tried to find her inner courage again as she looked over Chloe in that dress again and threw the heels behind her.

"That dress just isn't even fucking fair, Beale," Beca grunted as she approached Chloe who was leaning against the door and began pulling at the fabric hastily.

Chloe gasped as she felt herself being pulled off her feet and instantly wrapped her legs around Beca's waist. Beca had pinned Chloe's back to the door harshly and Chloe swore it was the hottest thing she'd ever experienced.

"This isn't a good idea," Chloe said against Beca's neck, placing sloppy kisses on any piece of skin she could find.

"You're totally right, horrible. Horrible idea," Beca groaned back as Chloe bit down on her collarbone.

"So bad…." Chloe said as she soothed the area she had just bitten harshly on the brunette's neck.

"So bad," Beca agreed as she spun around and reattached their lips as she practically threw Chloe on the bed.

"Holy shit," Chloe choked out biting her lip at how extremely hot Beca was making her as the brunette looked down and raked over her body. Damn.

Beca tugged at the fabric again groaning when she saw Chloe was wearing a matching red bra and panties. She tried to adjust her eyes to read the permanent ink on her ribcage, but she doesn't have enough time because Chloe is tugging on her dress too, and before she knows it they are laying in just their bras and underwear attached by their lips.

But something inside Beca is screaming.

She knows it isn't right.

She pulls away and sees the glassy redhead's eyes looking back at hers.


Her head was spinning from the amount of shots she had.

She wanted Chloe so bad, but not like this.

She needed to make sure Chloe still wanted this, sober.

It took every bit of strength she had left but Beca pulled back even more and let her breathing even out from their heated encounter and placed a soft, sweet kiss to Chloe's forehead.

"Are you seriously stopping right now?" Chloe groaned frustrated and reached to try to reattach their lips hurriedly.

Beca pulled back with a slight smile tugging on her lips.

"I want this Chloe, so much. You have no idea how bad. But not like this…. And you know I'm right," Beca said with a soft touch to Chloe's cheek.

"Ugh! Fine!" Chloe huffed throwing her head back into the pillows with a stammer and pulling the blankets over them slightly.

"I should win a medal for that, it's been five years," Beca rasped leaning over to look at the redhead's body again.

She wanted Chloe. She wanted Chloe so bad she physically ached. She had thought about this moment for five years, wondering if Chloe would ever want her that way again.

But Chloe was pretty drunk and she was definitely tipsy. There was no way Beca would take advantage of that; no matter how much she wanted her.

"Fine," Chloe groaned again with glassy eyes and a slight pout, reminding Beca just how drunk Chloe was. The pair remained quiet for a moment as they reveled in what had happened and turned to face each other in the bed. Chloe had closed her eyes and Beca breathed in Chloe's scent lightly, instantly feeling comforted by her natural warmth. Warmness radiated from Chloe's personality right onto her skin.

"You really hurt me, you know?" Chloe stated quietly opening her eyes again to meet Beca's.

Beca was taken aback by Chloe's sudden words.

"I know I did and I hate myself for that, but I would never do that again if I had the chance," Beca replied honestly as Chloe's eyes welled just a little. Beca stroked the redhead's hair softly as she tried to think of how to ease her worries.

"You're-You're not going to run off again… Right? You'll still be here in the morning?" Chloe hitched out vulnerably in a whisper.

Beca sighed. Chloe still thought she would be gone in the morning when she woke up, she can't blame Chloe, but damn if she isn't trying her hardest to prove that the redhead is all she can see herself being with.

Her heart starts pounding knowing Chloe is waiting for her answer. She doesn't even know what to say, so she does something that she knows comforts Chloe. She snakes a hand over her arm and reaches into the red locks as she softly soothes out in song.

If you were here beside me instead of in New York
If the curve of you was curved on me
I'd tell you that I loved you before I ever knew you
'Cause I loved the simple thought of you
If our hearts are never broken and there's no joy in the mending
There's so much this hurt can teach us both
There's distance and there's silence, your words have never left me
They're the prayer that I say every day

Come on, come out, come here, come here

If you were here beside me instead of in New York
In the arms you said you'd never leave
I'd tell you that it's simple and it was only ever thus
There is nowhere else that I belong

Chloe was so touched by the words and couldn't help but repeat the one lyric in her head.

"Did you write that?" Chloe questioned as the tears spilled out again keeping her eyes closed in case this hadn't been real, she was so moved by Beca's voice.

"I did, when you were living in New York with Aubrey," Beca nodded as she used her thumb to wipe the stray tears away. "I told you, no more crying Chlo."

"We kind of suck at this friends thing," Chloe opened her eyes to meet Beca's.

"Maybe a little, but there's nowhere else I belong," Beca repeated from the song to make sure Chloe understood.

"Five years, huh?" Chloe asked with a bit of a glint in her eye.

"Shut up, Beale," Beca said with an eye roll at Chloe's question and pulled the redhead to her as she softly kissed her forehead again.

Chloe rested her head against Beca's chest, content that Beca would still be there when she woke up.

For the first time in a long time, Beca was happy.

Songs used in this chapter are: Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke, T.I. and Pharrell.

And the second song used where Beca sings to Chloe is "New York" by Snow Patrol

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