The Night I Disappeared - An...

By GreaserMcGoo27

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One night at the DX, Two-Bit and Sodapop get kidnapped by an angry Bob, who is seeking revenge on Soda. Both... More

An Angry Bob
Two Hurt Greasers
Will We Ever Get Free?
Worthless Scum


836 12 35
By GreaserMcGoo27

A/N: Just to clear things up, Bob lives alone in this story and keeps Soda and Two-Bit in his basement. I didn't really say this in the actual text so just a heads up if it's confusing.

Soda's Point of View

Ugh. What happened?

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, my vision blurry for a minute, lifting my head. Where was I?

My head felt heavy and I was tired, trying to remember what had happened, looking around me.

I looked down to see I was in a chair, ropes bounding my arms and legs to it and my eyes went wide, suddenly panicked.

I suddenly remembered Bob and Two-Bit and with wide eyes, I looked around me wildly, whimpering a little. My mouth was taped shut with duct tape, muffling my whimpers, scaring me.

I jerked a little in the chair, not knowing what was going on, looking around, finally spotting Two-Bit.

He was tied down to a chair as well, his mouth taped shut, completely tied up. His head was hanging down and I figured he was unconscious.

Breathing heavily, scared, I whimpered out to him and jerked, looking down at all my ropes in a panic, seeing my arms tied around the chair, my ankles tied and my wrists were bound tightly behind me.

Oh god.....

I jerked and cried out, my eyes wide and watery when I heard a door open and someone's footsteps coming down the stairs followed by a sneer.

"Oh good, you're awake."

My head whipped over towards the voice to see the Soc that had been picking on me and Two-Bit earlier and my eyes went narrow a little, jerking around, whimpering and growling at him all at once.

I didn't know if I should be more angry or scared, tensing as he came over to me.

He almost seemed to chuckle a little as he bent down in front of me, eyeing me with a smirk as he ripped off the duct tape from my mouth.

I gasped in pain and shook a little, breathing heavily, glaring. "Wh-what the hell? Y-You kidnapped us?!" I pulled at the ropes around my wrists, looking at him with wide eyes.

The Soc just shrugged, watching me struggle around with smiling eyes. "It would appear I have."

Breathing heavily, my eyes went back to Two-Bit, who was still out. "Wh-what did you do to Two-Bit? Is he okay?!" I demanded, my voice a growl, praying this guy hadn't hurt my buddy.

"Who, the red head?" The Soc sneered, his mouth forming into a scowl. "He's fine." He snorted.

Something told me he was lying and I looked back at Two-Bit, seeing he had a big long cut on his cheek just like I did and I trembled, wondering what this guy's intentions were for us.

"So, Sodapop," I heard the Soc spat my name and I looked at him with narrowed eyes, scowling in anger, seeing him read my name tag. "Just so you know, this is payback for what you did to my car," He hissed and I glared, tensing.

"That's what this is about?!" I scoffed. "B-But Two-Bit didn't have nothing to do with you car! So if that's what this is about then let him go!" I growled, angry, jerking at the ropes, wanting Two-Bit to be okay.

"You know you're pretty sexy when you're angry," The Soc just mused with a sly grin and I felt my cheeks heat up in anger, sending him a growl.

"Actually you ain't half bad lookin' for a Grease ball," The Soc sneered. "Eh, pretty boy?"

I tensed up and continued to struggle in my bounds, snarling at him in anger, not answering his question. "Let us go." I ordered.

"Oh but I've got big plans for you, Grease, big plans, indeed." The Soc suddenly grabbed my chin and pulled me forwards a little and I went rigid in fear, flinching as he gripped my face.

He smirked dangerously at me, his nose a few inches away from mine and I cringed, a little scared.

"Wh-what are you going to do to us?" I whimpered out a little, wishing he'd let go of my face.

The Soc chuckled with a smirk. "You'll see, pretty boy. My name's Bob by the way. And we're gonna have lots of fun together."

With that he suddenly let go of my face and punched me, making me yelp, feeling his rings slice my face open.

I whimpered from the stinging pain, hanging my head, breathing heavily, feeling blood run down my face, shaking in fear now.

I looked back at him to see him smirking at me with a low snicker, huffing. "Awww, is the pretty boy scared?"

Bob started reaching for my face again and I flinched back, trying not to gasp as I cowered, when we both heard a muffled groan and Bob stopped.

I looked over to see Two-Bit was waking up and I tensed, hoping he was okay. "T-Two-Bit!" I whimpered out his name with big eyes.

Two-Bit slowly raised his head with another groan, eyes fluttering open, shaking his head a little, looking tired and confused.

But when he looked down to see the ropes his eyes went wide and he whimpered, shaking his head no, quickly beginning to jerk and struggle around.

I whimpered as I watched him, wishing we both weren't tied up. "Two-Bit!"

Two-Bit's head whipped up and his eyes found me, looking scared as he pulled and jerked wildly at the ropes holding him down. "Mmm mmm! Mmmm!"

His eyes landed on Bob and then they turned stormy, yelling out some more things but his voice was muffled from the tape.

I frowned deeply and gulped hard, trying not to shake, watching my friend jerk and pull at the ropes desperately and I wondered if he was more frightened or angry.

I gasped as I watched Bob get up and start for Two-Bit with a growl. "N-No! Don't you hurt him, Bob!" I cried and began jerking at my own ropes, hoping he wouldn't hurt Two.

Two-Bit squirmed around and yelled out as he jerked everywhere in the chair, glaring when Bob came up to him. "Mmm mmmm! Rrrr!"

Bob ripped off Two's tape and Two-Bit gasped, breathing heavily, his eyes narrow and wide. "Wh-what the f*** man?" He snarled at Bob, continuing to struggle. "You-you kidnapped us?! Soda are you okay?!"

Two-Bit's eyes left Bob and looked back at me quickly and I swallowed hard, giving a nod. "I-I'm okay, Two! Are you?!"

Two-Bit was still catching his breath, jerking his shoulders around quickly as he still struggled everywhere, his narrowed eyes going back to Bob. "I-I'm okay! But this a****** kidnapped us!" He spat and Bob just glared.

"Oh boo hoo, suck it up," He sneered in hatred at Two-Bit. "And quit struggling so much!" He barked.

Two-Bit was struggling a lot. He was jerking everywhere and pulling, squirming and twisting his shoulders quickly in an attempt to get his arms free.

I dunno if he was struggling so much because he was scared or if it was just a natural instinct for him. After all being tied up does arouse fear for a lot of people.

Two-Bit's chest heaved and he snarled up at Bob, clearly angry. "F*** you!"

I flinched and held back a gasp as I watched Bob punch Two-Bit hard, gaping when I saw blood flow down Two's cheek from a new cut.

D*** Bob's rings!

Bob roughly grabbed a whimpering Two's face and firmly patted the duct tape over his mouth, giving it a good slap, turning and stalking back over to me.

Two-Bit whimpered and yelled out, his voice muffled and he struggled around helplessly in the chair, blood running down his face, jerking wildly.

I listened to his muffled cries with a deep frown, wanting to help him, pulling at my own ropes, watching Bob come back over to me.

"L-Let him go, h-he didn't do anything," I whimpered softly at Bob, hoping he'd listen to me.

If Bob really kidnapped us to get back at me for doing whatever it is that happened with his car then Bob didn't have any right to keep Two-Bit here.

I was the one he wanted to be dealing with, not Two-Bit.

"Shut up." Bob snarled at me with a glare, backhanding me in the face.

I yelped and shook, swallowing hard, listening to Two-Bit's muffled yelling in the background with big, scared eyes.

Bob suddenly grabbed my chin and held me in front of him, studying me and I flinched, trembling.

Bob glared at me but then smiled, a hand going to my hair and I flinched as he petted it softly, eyeing me.

"You know pretty boy, we're going to have a great time together, you and me. Trust me, with you as my hostage," His finger began sliding down the side of my face slowly and I shook with fear, flinching badly from his touch.

"You're going to love every second of this," He whispered lowly into my ear, making me shudder, a small whimper escaping my lips.

Two-Bit was watching us and he was yelling and screaming at Bob, jerking everywhere in the chair, just screaming and hollering like mad.

His yelling was loud and his muffled voice filled my ears as he didn't stop screaming through the tape.

It was hard to listen to his muffled yelling and I shuddered, almost wishing he'd stop.

Two-Bit continued to scream and Bob still stroked my face with a finger before he too had had enough, suddenly letting go of me, his eyes narrowing into slits, letting out a furious roar of a snarl, marching straight over to Two-Bit.

Two-Bit seemed to cower a little before Bob slammed his fist into Two's face, punching him as hard as he could and I cried out with a gasp, horrified.

Two-Bit yelled out loudly in pain and whimpered, his voice muffled and I could see his eyes welling with tears as blood flowed down his face.

Bob snarled and was digging into his pocket. "So that tape ain't enough to shut you up, huh?! Come here!"

He literally snatched Two-Bit's face and with a glare, ripped off the tape, making Two-Bit gasp and Bob pulled out a thick handkerchief from his pocket.

Two-Bit saw it and flinched back, quickly shaking his head no with a soft whimper, looking scared. "N-No, p-please,"

But Bob glared and shoved the cloth into Two-Bit's mouth, gagging him roughly.

I gasped and watched with horror, helpless from my chair, jerking around weakly. "N-No stop! Stop! Leave him alone!" I yelled out, my voice pleading.

Bob shoved the fat cloth into Two's mouth and was tying it tightly around his head.

Two-Bit was whimpering as he was forced to bite down and I heard him sniffle, his eyes squeezed shut.

My wide eyes were welled with tears as I watched, desperately wanting to help him, eyeing the large cloth that he was now forced to bite on, the cloth huge, filling up Two's entire mouth.

Bob tied the cloth tight behind Two's head and then gave his head a smack, sneering something at Two that sounded like "Maybe that'll keep ya quiet," before he came back over to me.

Two-Bit whimpered out, his voice highly muffled now and he squirmed around helplessly, blood dripping from his chin.

"T-Two-Bit," I whimpered out and his scared eyes met mine and I felt my lip quivering a little, listening to his muffled whimpers.

Bob came back to me and I trembled, scared of him now. "Pl-please don't hurt me, let us go....."

Bob just smirked at me, ripping off a piece of duct tape from the roll, making me flinch when he patted it down over my mouth, and I let out a whimper.

"Sorry grease, no can do....." He suddenly punched me hard and I screamed, my voice muffled, whimpering out in pain, feeling blood run down my face.

Bob just smirked and punched me again and again, seeming to be enjoying himself.

I yelped and shook with pain, my face smarting horribly and I whimpered through the tape, hanging my head.

Two-Bit was yelling in the background at us, his muffled yelling filling the whole room.

Bob punched me again before he finally stopped, petting my hair, shooting me a smile. "I'll be back in awhile. Y'all have fun now."

And with that he just left and me and Two-Bit were all alone.

Holding back tears of pain I looked up at Two-Bit, letting out a sad whimper with big eyes.

Two-Bit looked back at me and whimpered out things through his gag as if I could hear him, his voice entirely muffled as he struggled.

I frowned deeply at him and just shook my head no a little, jerking weakly at my bound wrists, wondering how long Bob was going to be gone for.

I was tired and hurt and hungry, blood flowing heavily down my face and after a few weak attempts of struggling, I gave up, finding it useless and too tiring, sniffling.

Two-Bit however was still struggling nonstop and I wondered why he hadn't given up yet. I watched him tiredly as he pulled at his wrists and bound arms over and over, jerking and struggling endlessly.

He was whimpering and growling as he struggled and I frowned deeply as I listened to him, kinda wishing he'd stop.

I didn't like listening to his whimpers, the sound of him whimpering just making me upset and saddened.

But I don't think he knew how to stop just like he couldn't stop struggling.

Bob was gone for a long time and I was stuck listening to Two's muffled whimpers, watching him struggle for what seemed like hours.

Bob finally started coming back down and we both looked up, me raising my head tiredly, hoping he wouldn't hurt us anymore.

"Time for bed, fellas, let's get y'all settled." Bob announced and came to me, making me whimper faintly as he grabbed my chair and dragged me over to the middle of the room.

I frowned as he turned my chair around and flinched when I heard the sound of him ripping off more duct tape, him taping up my fingers together, making me frown under the tape.

I couldn't see Two-Bit behind me but his whimpers got louder as Bob dragged him over to me, sliding his chair up against the back of mine.

The back of our heads touched and my eyes went wide a little, slowly nudging his head softly with a whimper, him nudging me softly as well.

I felt Two's hand brush against mine and he tried to find the rope around my wrists but Bob growled and grabbed his hands, taping his fingers together too.

Great. Now we can't untie each other, I frowned. Softly, we just nuzzled the back of our heads together, both helpless.

Bob sneered at us and huffed a growl of a 'good night' and left, slamming the door shut.

Two-Bit was struggling behind me and I frowned deeply, listening to him whimper, wishing he'd stop.

Nuzzling the back of his head, I tried to slip his gag off him but it wasn't working and I let out a soft moan of defeat, Two-Bit just continuing to pull and squirm.

He's gonna be so tired and weak if he doesn't stop soon, I thought and frowned, keeping still in my own chair.

After several minutes of him struggling and struggling, I tried to whimper out his name to tell him to stop but he couldn't understand me and only muffled things back.

I shook my head in disappointment and just kept still, thinking as he just continued to whimper.

God, what's Darry gonna think when I don't come home? What about Pony?

Are they already out looking for me right now?

And what about Two-Bit? They're prolly worried about him too......

Oh man.....I prayed i'd get to see my brothers again, hoping this wasn't a serious kidnapping situation and Bob would just let us go by morning.

I shuddered as I thought of him, remembering him stroking my face with a finger, making me squeeze my eyes shut in fear.

God he scared me. The way he had hurt Two-Bit and hurt me and the way he smirked at me like that just scared me.

We better get outta here soon, please God, please.

Two-Bit was still struggling and I just sighed, shaking my head at him, wishing he'd stop, not wanting him to become so weak and tired.

It was a long time before I found myself getting drowsy, my eyes drooping.

I hung my head and eventually fell asleep to the sound of Two-Bit's muffled whimpers, hoping that when we woke up, this awful nightmare would all be over.

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