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Jordyn, a WWE diva, battles her way through Love, Lies and Life. This book will be full of Complications... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Distraction & Concussion
Chapter 2 ~ Airport Mayhem
Chapter 3 ~ Fight + Feelings
Chapter 4 ~ Storylines + Titles
Chapter 5 ~ Brawls + Pranks
Chapter 6 ~ Bus Trips To Washington
Chapter 7 ~ Match Discussions + The Truth
Chapter 8 ~ Mini Reunions + Distractions
Chapter 9 ~ DQ + Botches
Chapter 10 ~ Finding Out
Chapter 11 ~ Trapped, Sick + Royal Rumble
Chapter 12 ~ Breakdowns + Charlotte
Chapter 13 ~ Gym
Chapter 14 ~ Starbucks + Ultrasound
Chapter 15 ~ Friends
Chapter 16 ~ Monday Night Raw
Chapter 17 ~ Flights Back To Philly
Chapter 18 ~ Arrested + Concussion
Chapter 19 ~ Girl Scouts + Smackdown
Chapter 20 ~ Changes in Storylines + Guess Who?
Chapter 21 ~ Dislikes + Arguements + Nappies
Chapter 22 ~ Gym + Brie-Mode
Chapter 23 ~ Good Morning + Meeting
Chapter 25 ~ Heading To Cleveland
Chapter 26 ~ Tension + Fixtures
Chapter 27 ~ Welcome Back + Potential Firing
Chapter 28 ~ Godmother + Austin
Chapter 29 ~ Packing + Parental Struggles
Chapter 30 - Wrestlemania XXX
Chapter 31 ~ Awkward + Golf Cart
Chapter 32 ~ The Match + Vince
Chapter 33 ~ Wow + Hotel Jalepeno
Chapter 34 ~ Bullies + Bullshit
Chapter 35 ~ Confrontation & California?
Chapter 36 ~ Santa Monica & The Airport
Chapter 37 ~ Three Amigos & Taco Hell
Chapter 38 - The Other Half
Chapter 39 ~ Calls & Changing Flights?
Chapter 40 ~ Mr Lopez
Chapter 41 ~ Joseph & Anaheim
Chapter 42 ~ Negotiation & Replacements

Chapter 24 ~ Indiana + Build-Up

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AN- Sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I got excluded from school the last week before we left school for Christmas which meant my parents took my phone, laptop and iPad off of me. Don't ask me how I survived without the internet because I really don't know. On the plus side, I came up with some really good ideas for this story and over Christmas I've managed to write loaaaaads of chapters so be prepared for some more consistent updates! -Ri


I climbed off the bus and Ashton got off behind me. He handed me my bag and I thanked him. He started walking funny and I frowned.

"What's up, crapped your pants?" I said in a serious tone.

He rolled his eyes. "I've hurt my legs."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Suck it up, soldier. Get used to it."

I dragged my suitcase into the arena and found the locker rooms. "You're in there." I nodded over to the male locker room.


"Joe and Josh will be in there I presume so just talk to them. I'm in here if you need anything. See you later." I smiled and opened the door.

"Bye, J." I heard just as I closed the door. I turned around and AJ, Saraya, Tamina, Brie and Trinity was all sat down on the sofa.

"What's up, guys?" I smiled as I placed my bag down by the mirrors.

"We've only got one match." Brie said.

"What, why?" I exclaimed.

"Brock is back." Tamina rolled her eyes and the rest of the girls had disappointment written all over their faces.

"Who's match has been cut?" I asked, curiously.

"Trin and Ariane's match against Summer and Rosa." Saraya said, looking up at me.

"So we're still having our match?" I asked, pointing to myself, Tamina and AJ. They nodded in delight and I smiled. "Good because I'm already..." I took my shirt off and revealed my ring gear. "Dressed." I grinned and the girls laughed. AJ was dressed and so was Saraya.

"Oh, our match has been moved forward to the first hour instead of the second now." Tamina said before walking out of the locker room.

I stood up and walked over to my bag. I took my hair down from its ponytail and began straightening it. The girls began speaking and getting ready, with the exception of Brie and Trinity, for the match. Through the mirror, I could see trinity approaching me. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Has Jonny said, about me?" She asked stroking her arm nervously.

"I haven't spoken to him in about a month so, to me.. No." I shrugged. I could see she was disappointed and she looked down at the ground. "But! It's really obvious he likes you." I reassured her.

Trinitys face lit up and she grinned from ear to ear. "You think so?"

I nodded and smiled. She left and I continued straightening my hair. After I had done my hair, I reapplied my makeup, mascara and lip gloss. There was a faint knock on the door and I answered it. Jon was stood at the door.

"Have you seen Colby?" He asked.

I shook my head. Then my eyes lit up. "Wait! Is he here in Indiana?"

Jon nodded. "Yeah, we've got a match against the Wyatt's. Building up for Wrestlemania. It's his first time back in the ring. Did we not tell you?"

I shook my head again. "I've not seen or spoken to Joe in like two or three months. It feels like it's been forever." I shrugged.

Jon rolled his eyes. "You need to speak to each other sooner or later."

"Yeah well I choose later."

Jon laughed. "Just tell me if you find Colby."

"He might be with Ashton." I shrugged. He nodded and smiled. I smiled and closed the door.


I taped my wrists just as someone knocked on the door. "Enter." I sang.

Jonah stuck his head around the door. "Your match is next. We need you to go and shoot a promo with AJ and Tamina first so if you could come with me now, that'd be great." He said.

"Okay Jonah." I sang again. I stood up and placed the tape on the side.

"Someone seems to be in a happy mood." He laughed as I followed him out of the locker room.

"Great, just great." I chirped.

We walked around the corner and the cameras and lights were set up ready. AJ and Tamina stood facing each other. Wayne, the cameraman pointed for me to stand at the side and wait for my cue to enter. Guess I've just got to improvise then.


AJ: Well, it's official. I'm the longest reigning Divas Champion.

Tamina nodded as she listened to AJ.

AJ: Just shows, there's not one diva that can take this away from me.

AJ points to her title and smiles.

AJ: At Wrestlemania, it will be no different. I mean, c'mon. Paige, a rookie? Does she really think she can beat me? I'm the best WWE diva of all time.

Jordyn claps and laughs sarcastically as she enters the camera shot. AJ rolls her eyes and turns to face her. Tamina looks at her and folds her arms. Jordyn continues laughing.

JORDYN: We've never had a title match so how do you know that you're better than all the other divas? I don't care if I'm teaming up with Paige tonight and I don't care if you have a match against her at Wrestlemania. Either way, I think you'll find whatever the outcome is at Wrestlemania, I will be the next Divas Champion.

Jordyn rolls her eyes and looks at Tamina.

JORDYN: It'll be fun seeing how well you can do without your bodyguard, AJ. I mean, she is the reason why you've still got the title.

AJ: No, no, no. I've got the title because I worked hard for it.

JORDYN: Having someone fight your opponent for you and then just using your finisher in your opponent isn't hard work. It's pathetic. Fight your own fights.

Jordyn glances back up at Tamina.

JORDYN: In all honesty, you should know better.

AJ scoffed and left, dragging Tamina along with her. Jordyn laughed to herself and shook her head and the camera stopped.

Wayne clapped. "Nice, nice. We don't need to do it again."

Jonah nodded to Tamina, AJ and myself for us to walk over to gorilla. We followed him and Saraya was there warming up. We greeted each other and AJ's music hit first. Tamina walked out alongside of her.

Next, Saraya's music hit and the crowd had mixed emotions, some booed, some cheered.

Finally, my music hit and as I walked onto the stage, adrenaline rushed through my veins and I felt like I was on top of the world. The crowd cheered and chanted my name as I walked down the ramp. I slapped hands and hugged a young fan who was holding up a sign that had a picture of me holding a divas title. It was obviously fake considering the fact that I've never been divas champ. I entered the ring and eyed AJ and Tamina. AJ seemed uncomfortable. I eyed Paige and rolled my eyes.

We argued over who was staying in and as per usual, I won. Paige climbed out and AJ stayed in. The bell rang and we circled each other. We locked up and she loosened up before kicking me in the gut. I bent over slightly as I clutched my abdomen. AJ walked over to me and I punched her. I swung her into the corner and performed an avalanche Frankensteiner. I stood up and leg dropped AJ. She slowly stood to her feet but was still bent over. I performed a running knee and swung her into my corner. I was just about to chop her when Paige tagged herself in. I looked at her in disbelief and the referee began counting me out. The crowd booed as I stepped outside the ring. They started chanting my name. I prevented myself from smiling and prevented myself from breaking kayfabe. Paige stood back and ran towards AJ with a clothesline. However, AJ countered it and swung herself into her ever-so-famous move, the black widow. I cringed as AJ locked it in tight. I stomped my foot on the apron and the audience began clapping in order to build momentum for Paige. Paige managed to turn herself around and she attempted walking over to me. I stood on the bottom rope and leaned over the top rope as I clutched onto the small string dangling off the turnbuckle. She just reached my hand and I springboard-attacked AJ over the top rope. She stood up and ran towards her corner in attempt to tag in Tamina. I dragged her back by her hair and slammed her head on the floor. I stood up and showboated. The crowd cheered. AJ slowly got back up to her feet and that's when I swung her into the ropes, when she came back to me, I got her on to my shoulders and Samoan dropped her. The crowd cheered and I went in for a pin. Tamina pulled me from the pin and she was forced out of the ring by the referee. I stumbled to my feet as did AJ. I stepped backwards and Paige tagged herself in. She came into the ring and I was forced to leave. The crowd booed loudly and I shook my head as I exited. Paige clotheslined AJ just as she made the tag to Tamina. Tamina drop kicked Paige and pinned her. She made the three count and AJ's music played through the arena. I climbed into the ring and pushed Paige as she stood up. I acted mad and annoyed with Paige as our opponents went backstage. I left the ring first and went up the ramp and backstage.

I smiled at AJ and walked over to her. "Good match, good match." I said.

She patted me on the shoulder. "Really got the crowd going." She raised her eyebrows and nodded, still out of breath.

"Where's my cousin?" I asked.

"Tamina?" She questioned, I nodded. "Medic." She pointed over to the medical room. "She landed badly on her ankle after performing the drop kick."

I pouted. "Aw. Hope she's okay."

"Me too." AJ said.

"Shall we get some food?"

"We shall." AJ smiled as she stood up from her chair. We walked down the corridor and headed towards catering. I sat down with AJ at the table where Brie, Trinity and Zack were seated.

"Who's match is on?" I asked nobody in particular.

"Jon and Colby vs Wyatt's." Zack answered, intrigued with the match. They hadn't actually started fighting, they were only talking. Well Jon was. "This is going to be a really good storyline." He said. We all nodded and continued watching the TV.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Joe and Alyssia enter the room. They were talking and laughing over something. Recently, they've been spending a lot of time together. I don't know why, I've not spoken to Joe in god knows how long.

"Joe, bro!" Zack waved to Joe, catching his attention. Joe nodded over to us and looked at me. Alyssia smiled and waved at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen. The two of them began approaching the table and sat down with us.

"Girl, I need some food." Trin said, standing up from the table.

"Me too." AJ said, standing up. "I'm starving."

"I need a drink." Brie said as she followed them to the food counter.

"How's JoJo?" Zack asked Joe.

"She's doing good, due in a few weeks." He replied. Jonah entered catering and approached the table.

"Joe, man. We need you in gorilla." He said. "You're going to go out to the ring to make the teams even when Bray comes out."

Joe nodded. "No problem." He stood up from the table.

"See you later bro." Zack smiled and shook Joe's hand.

"Later Zack, Alyssia... Jordyn." He nodded before leaving catering with Jonah.

My attention turned back to the TV as Brays music hit and the lights went off. When the lights came back on, he was stood in the ring with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper by his side. They were facing Jon and Colby with smirks on their faces. Jon began to laugh and pointed into the crowd where the shields music hit. Joe came down the stairs quickly and in a matter of time, he was in the ring. Joe took a step forward, as did Bray. Next, Jon took a step forward and so did Luke Harper. Finally Colby and Erick Rowan inched closer. A huge brawl broke out between the two groups. The camera zoomed out and Raw came to an end.

"The way the crowd reacted to that slight buildup was unbelievable. The reaction was incredible. At Wrestlemania, the match will be huge as will the crowd reaction." Zack said. I nodded and smiled.

"Hey, Jordyn." Ashton said as he sat down next to me.

"Ashton." I greeted him. "Everybody this is Ashton." I smiled. "This is Alyssia, Mike's daughter."

"Hey." She waved.

"This is Zack." I nudged Zack who shook Ashton's hand.

"Sup, Bro."

"And this is AJ, Brie and Trinity." I said, pointing to the girls sat at the other side of the table.

"Hi." They chorused.

"When are we leaving the arena?" Ashton asked as everybody began talking amongst themselves.

"Whenever." I shrugged. "We are travelling tonight to Cleveland, Ohio."

"Oh, okay." Ashton nodded.

"We've got to leave here no later than midnight because it's a 4 hour drive to Cleveland and we need to be there in plenty of time to practice and rehearse because it's Main Event tomorrow." I explained. "Did you here the good news?" I squealed.

"No?" He said, a questionable look appearing on his face.

I punched his arm. "You've got a match tomorrow!" I sang.

"What? Against who? On Main Event?" He said quickly.

"Against Bo Dallas and yes, on Main Event." I smiled.

He grinned widely and I could tell he wanted to scream with joy and happiness, he didn't, but he wanted to.

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