Unstoppable -> S. Stilinski {...

By XxNeonHeartxX

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Season 3A Zoey and her pack have survived against a blood thirsty Alpha and a Kanima killing in revenge for i... More

Season 3A Descripton
Season 3B Description
Book 4!


1.6K 33 3
By XxNeonHeartxX

Quote: "Knowing too much about other people puts you in their power, they have a claim on you, you are forced to understand their reasons for doing things and then you are weakened."

Published: August 6, 2018


Chapter 9: "The Girl Who Knew Too Much"

I'm sound asleep and I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. I feel arms tighten around my waist and I look over my shoulder to see Stiles passed out asleep. I reach over out of his grip a little as I grab my phone. As I quickly look at the caller i.d. I answer it.

"Its two in the morning, what is it Lydia?" I whisper out into the phone.

"I - I'm at the school and..." She stutters not finishing her sentence.

"And what? What's wrong?" I quickly sit up.

"Dead body." Is all she needs to say for me to be wide awake.

"We'll be right there."

I hang up the phone as I try to wake up Stiles. I shake his shoulder whispering his name, so his dad doesn't wake up and all he does is let's out a small breath as he rolls over. His back is now facing me and I loudly sigh as I grab the pillow I was laying on and I hit him on the head with it.

He jolts awake as he looks at me still half asleep.

"Ah, Zoey." He groggily says. "What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter. Lydia found another dead body."

"What? Another one?"

"Yes, at the school. Now get dressed." I say as I get out of his bed and I just throw on his lacrosse sweatshirt over my tanktop. It'll at least keep me warm along with my sweatpants.


After both getting dressed we quickly head over to the school. I'm still way too tired for this and since I didn't have my car anyways seeing as it was at my house and I was at Stiles' we both rode in his jeep.

"Where is she?" I ask Scott when we meet up with him.

"Over here." Allison says and we look over as her and Lydia walk up to us.

"Lydia?" I ask her waiting for her to explain everything to us.

"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body." She explains saying the last part to Stiles and I.

"You found a dead body?" I ask. "That's what you told me over the phone."

"Not yet." Lydia says.

"Not yet?" Stiles asks frustrated. "What do you mean not yet? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body."

"Oh, no, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on."

"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body." Stiles rambles.

"Okay as much as I want to laugh at your argument right now," I tell them cutting them off. "Can we calm down for half a second to figure everything out."

They look at me nodding their heads.

"Guys." Scott calls as we all look to him. "I found the dead body."

We all look over to his direction of sight to see a dead body laying on top of the Beacon Hills High School sign. I look closer at the body to catch a familiar face.

The dead body is Deputy Tara.


"Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similies, all tools the writer uses to tell their story." Ms. Blake rambles on as she walks around the classroom.

We find a dead body last night and we and up stuck at school hours later. English drags on slowly and I start to get bored. Ms. Blake stops walking around the class and I look over my shoulder at her to see her stop next to Lydia.

"Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many talents." She tells her and I look at Lydia's notebook to see a very well drawn out tree. It kinda looks like the same one she started to draw out when we were trying to find Deaton.

"You and every guy I ever dated." Lydia retorts and I snort out a small laugh, but I quickly cover my mouth and look back towards the front. I see from the corner of my eye, Stiles has a small smile as he looks at me.

"Oh, um, well, that was an idiom, by the way." Ms. Blake says a little shocked at Lydia's response and she continues to walk and talk to the class. "Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture." She stops at the front of the class and I don't miss the glance that she sends Stiles, Scott, and I. "They're phrases that only make sense if you know key words. Saying jump the gun is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race, or a phrase like seeing the whole board."

"Like chess." Stiles says aloud.

"That's right, Stiles. Do you play?"

"Uh, no. My father does."

"Now, when does an idiom become a cliche?" She asks the class.

I zone her out as I listen to Scott, who sits on the other side of Stiles, converse back and forth to each other.

"I think I can get to Ethan. I'm pretty sure I can make him talk." Scott says.

"What do you want to do that for?" Stiles asks him.

"The druids are emissaries, right? So what if the Darach was an emissary to the Alphas?"

"Okay, first of all, I cannot believe that we've gotten to the point where a sentence like what if the Darach was an emissary to the Alphas? Actually makes sense to me. Second of all, we're gonna have a huge problem getting to Ethan."

"What's that?"

"Having to go through Aiden." I say cutting into their conversation.

"Ever since he's been back at school, they're always together." Stiles adds to our statement. "How are we gonna separate them again?"

I get their attention again and nod behind me as the three of us turn around to look at Lydia.

She looks up from her notebook at us to see us staring at her and she sighs in frustration.

"What now?"


"Why are you even talking to me?" Ethan asks Stiles, Scott, and I as we stand in the hallway. It was pretty easy for Lydia to distract Aiden just for us to talk to him. "I helped kill your friend. How do you know I'm not gonna kill another one?" He glances towards Stiles.

"Is he looking at me?" Stiles asks gesturing to Ethan. "Are you threatening me? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to break off an extra large branch of Mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking..."

"Okay, Stiles." I say cutting him off and pulling him back. "We get it. And as cute as it is you threatening a werewolf..." I stop as the other two look at me. "Okay, off topic. We're talking to you because we know that you didn't want to kill Boyd. And if something like that happened now, I know you wouldn't do it again."

"You don't know what we owe them, especially Deucalion." Ethan tells us. "We weren't like Kali and Ennis when we met him. We weren't Alphas."

"What were you?" Scott asks.

"Omegas. In actual wolf packs, omegas are the scapegoat, the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest of the pack."

"So you and your brother were, like, the bitches of the pack?" Stiles asks and I slightly elbow him for the comment.

"Something like that."

"What happened?" Scott asks.

"They were killers. I mean, people talk about us as monsters. Well, they were the ones who gave us the reputation. And our Alpha was the worst of them."

"Why didn't you guys just fight back? Form voltron wolf, you know? Kick everyone's asses?" Stiles asks.

"We couldn't, we didn't know how to control it back then."

"I remember that." I tell him. "You two not being able to control it. That was back then when you were all trying to get me to join the pack. I got you guys to finally leave town and Deucalion said that he would come back when I was older and stronger. Deucalion taught you to control it." I state.

"And then we fought." He says. "We took down the whole pack, one-by-one. And by the time we got to our Alpha, he was begging for his life. And we tore him apart. Literally."

"What about your emissary?" Scott asks and Ethan shakes his head. "They're all dead? Kali and Ennis' too?"

"All of them except for Deucalion's."

"You mean Morrell?" Stiles asks.

Ethan suddenly grunts in pain as he puts his hand to his chest.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Scott quickly asks.

"Not me, my brother."

Ethan quickly takes off and we all rush after him and into the locker room. We see Aiden holding a weight over his head as he hits Cora with it. He's about to do it again, but Scott and Ethan quickly stop him.

I quickly kneel down next to Lydia and Cora and check Cora for any injuries. The weight Aiden was holding clatters to the floor.

"You can't do this!" Ethan yells at Aiden.

"She came at me!" Aiden yells back.

"It doesn't matter! Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him or her." Ethan says and silence falls around us as he pulls Aiden out of the locker room.

"Hey, guys, I think she's pretty hurt." Stiles states breaking the silence and we look at Cora to see a gash on her forehead.


"You okay?" I ask Cora as she tries to clean the blood off her forehead.

"She doesn't look okay." Lydia says.

"I'll heal." Cora says as she takes a step back, but she almost falls over as Scott and Stiles keeps her steady. "I said I'm fine." She shrugs them off of her.

"Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was?" I ask, scolding her as if she was a child and I was the adult, even though she's older than all of us in the room. "What were you thinking going after them?"

"I did it for Boyd. None of you were doing anything."

"We're trying." Scott says.

"And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies." She says as she turns around and walks out of the locker room.

"She definitely a hale." Stiles states.

"We'll make sure she gets home safe." I say as I pull Stiles along with me to catch up to Cora.


We're in Stiles' jeep right now, I'm in the passenger seat and Cora is in the back. I would have to go back go to the school later to pick up my car.

"Philosophers?" Stiles asks Allison over the phone as she explains to us on what she found.

"And guardians, which after last night has to mean something like law enforcement, right? Stiles, you have to tell your dad. Tell him whatever you need but you have to get him to believe. Tell your dad. Warn him."

"Okay, okay, okay, I know." Stiles says and he hangs up the phone.

"What are you gonna do?" Cora asks.

"I'm gonna tell him the truth. And I'm gonna need both of your help."


"Okay, okay, okay, okay. Yes, okay. No, uh..." Stiles says pacing around the room.

Cora and I sit on Stiles' bed as Sheriff Stilinski stands. We wait for Stiles to figure a way on how to explain everything to his father.

"Stiles?" Stilinski asks waiting for an explanation.

"Dad, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just - I'm trying to - I'm just trying to figure out how to start here."

"Hey, I don't have this kind of time."

"Um - for the last year, you've had all these cases that you couldn't figure out, right? I mean, all the murders involving Kate Argent, and then Matt killing all the people who drowned him, and all these murders right now. It's like - it's like you've been playing a losing game."

"Stiles, the last thing I need right now is a job performance review from my own son."

I watch as Stiles struggles to explain this to him. I would just straight up show him my powers, but it would be easier to explain everything first before just jumping the gun.

"I know. Okay, see, but..." Stiles sees something and he quickly walks over to the dresser and picks up the chess board that layed on top of it. "That's - that's just it, dad. The - the reason that you're losing the game is 'cause you've never been able to see the whole board. I need to show you the whole board."

Some time later Stiles has the chess board layed out and has our names on small sticky notes that stick to a few of the chess pieces.

"Scott and Derek are werewolves?" Stilinski asks.

"Yes." Stiles answers.

"And Kate Argent was a werewolf?

"Hunter. That's - purple's hunter."

"Along with Allison and her father." Cora states and I just keep quiet.

"Yeah, and - and my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?" Stilinski asks getting it wrong.

"Well, no, no, no, no, no. He's a druid, okay? Well, we think." Stiles says pointing to him, Cora, and I.

"So who's the Kanima?"


"No, Jackson's a werewolf."

"Jackson was the Kanima first, and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he's in London." Stiles rapidly explains.

"Who's the Darack?"

"It's da-rock." He sounds out.

"We don't know yet." I state.

"We don't know yet." Stiles repeats.

"But he was killed by werewolves?" Stilinski asks.

"Slashed up and left for dead."

"We think." Cora says.

"We think." Stiles repeats us yet again.

"Why was Jackson the Kanima?" Stilinski asks.

"'Cause sometimes, the shape that you take reflects the person that you are."

"And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?"

"Uh, that would be more of an expression like the one you're currently wearing."

"Yeah." He simply says as he stands getting ready to leave.

"Dad - dad." Stiles gets up as well as he stops his father from leaving. "Would you - I could prove it, okay? Look, she's one of them. A werewolf." He says gesturing to Cora. "And Zoey, I didn't tell you yet, but she's a witch."

"Stiles, Stiles! That's enough."

"Dad, can you please just hold on?" Stiles asks as his dad stops in the doorway. "You ready?" He asks us, Cora and I stand up from the bed and I stand more in front of her. "All right, dad, just watch this, okay?"

I raise both my hands in front of me, palms up, about to produce the green flame from my hands. But as I'm about to do it, I hear a thump behind me and I quickly turn around to see Cora on the floor.

Stilinski quickly kneels down next to her and the same gash on her forehead is bleeding again. "Call an ambulance." He says and I quickly pull out my phone to call for one.


Stiles is at the hospital waiting on any news on Cora and trying to still explain the supernatural to Stilinski. I'm already back at the school, waiting for the recital to start.

Scott caught up to me as we thought how the Darach was going after philosophers as in law enforcement, but he told me that it was as in teachers.

The Darach still needs one other teacher, which will be hard to figure out who it'll be since they'll all be at the school watching the recital. Since the recital is being held to honor the losses which we all know were actually murders.

Scott and I are in the back of the room where the recital is being held as we look around, trying figure out who the Darach is.

"I thought you were going home?" Scott asks as Lydia comes up to us.

"I can't." She tells us. "I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe if I just stopped trying to fight it, I'd find them before it happens, maybe with enough time for someone like you to do something about it."

"You find us the time, and we'll do something about it." I tell her. "I swear to God, we will." I'm just tired of people dying in our town and we have to try and stop these murders from happening.


The recital starts and I look around the room, but I notice that Lydia isn't next to me anymore. I look to see that Scott isn't looking at me and I look around for Lydia once again. Not seeing her anywhere in the room I leave out into the hall without anyone seeing me leave.

I get this familiar bad feeling as I look around the empty halls. I start walking down the hall and the feeling in my stomach just keeps getting worse. I walk into a classroom and I'm shocked when I see Lydia knocked out and tied to a chair.

"Oh, my God. Lydia." I say dropping down in front of her. I try to get the ropes untied, but I hear a noise behind me. I turn around seeing a familiar face, but I'm knocked down and I fade into darkness.

When I come to, I'm tied to a chair and Lydia is awake as well.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asks.

"Ms. Blake." I say revealing that I'm awake.

"Hm. The witch has awoken. And I'm doing what's necessary. I'm still surprised that none of you seem to get that. You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the Latin sacrificium, an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil."

"Stop." Lydia says as Ms. Blake finishes tightening the ropes on her.

"Oh, I wish I could. But you don't know the Alphas like I do."

"Stop doing this." I tell her as I try to get out of the bindings.

"I'm not going to Zoey, sorry but Lydia's not just a sacrifice." She says as she goes behind Lydia with some kind of cord. "You're just a girl who knows so much. Actually, a girl who knew too much." She says putting the cord around Lydia's neck. "Lydia, don't!" She yells as Lydia tries to get away from her.

"Stop! You're gonna kill her. Please stop!" I yell at her, but I quickly try to cover my ears as Lydia let's out a loud ear piercing scream.

"Unbelievable." Ms. Blake says as Lydia stops screaming and she walks around to face in front of her. "You have no idea what you are, do you? A supernatural sister to the most powerful witch." She says gesturing to me. "The wailing woman. A banshee, right before my eyes. You're just like me, Lydia. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It's too bad, though - and too late."

"Like you're anything but innocent." I say getting her attention off Lydia as she looks to me.

"With your power Zoey, I'll just kill the most powerful witch first." My heart doesn't even race, as she comes up behind me. I don't care about dying as long as the others get here in time to save Lydia first.

"No, please..." Lydia says trying to stop her.

"Just a powerful creature and then one last philosopher." She says ignoring Lydia. She takes duct tape around my wrist making sure my hands are bound enough so I don't get out like Lydia almost did. She grabs my hair pulling my head back as she grabs out a large knife placing it against my neck.

She's about to slice my neck when a voice stops her.

"Drop it!" She lets go of my hair and I look up to see Sheriff Stilinski holding up a gun. I sigh in relief to soon as Blake throws the knife she had against my neck imbedding it into Stilniski's shoulder. He drops his gun and drops to the floor.

I gasp shocked as I hear a loud roar and I look to find Scott in the doorway completely shifted in his werewolf form. Stilnski is watching everything as Scott attacks Ms. Blake.

As they're fighting I concentrate my hardest and get my flame to appear. As I get the duct tape and rope to completely melt off, Blake throws a force at Scott knocking him into a set of chairs and desks.

I hear footsteps and I look to see Stiles at the door, but before he can get in, Blake forces a desk in front of the door to block Stiles from getting in.

I steadily get up from the chair and throw a force at Blake. It hits her almost knocking her off balance. She looks to me and throws a force even stronger at me since I'm still very weak. I hit the wall behind me as my head smacks against the floor.

I watch with blurry vision as Stilinski still has the knife in his shoulder, but he picks up the gun and points it at Blake.

"There was a girl." Stilinski states. "Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?"

"Maybe I should've started with philosophers, with knowledge and strategy." She says walking closer to Stilinski and he shoots her in the leg, but her skin just stitched itself back together, completely healing. "Healers..." She states and she grabs the knife in his shoulder raising him up in the air and he drops the gun again. "Warriors. ." She pushed him up against stacked desks. "Guardians..." She says ripping off his badge and crushing it in her hand before dropping it onto the floor. "Virgins."

I watch in disgust as she kisses him and then in shock when I watch her pull away and her face is completely scratched up and gashed. I slowly get up with dizzyness and I hear the window crash.

"Dad?" Stiles asks once he finally gets through the door, but it's too late as we look through the broken window. Ms. Blake, the Darach, took Stilinski.

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