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By Sessakag

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New danger is on the horizon for the shinobi world. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again... More

The Beginning
Man Up
Love At Last
Creeping Darkness
Sixth Sense
Loving Gem
Carnal Climax
Blooming Flower
Right Place Wrong Time
The Otsutsuki
Frigid Confrontation
Desert Nightmare
Big News
Uncomfortable Reunion
Party Planning
Love and Drama
A Deity Speaks
Akechi Village
Childless Clan
Anything But Orange
Drunken Antics
Entity 504
The Fodder
Restless Night
Endless Worry
Lean On Me
The Final Entry
Don't Like It? Fight ME!
The Truth
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Uzumaki's
Honeymoon Adventure Part 1

Just a Cold

888 22 17
By Sessakag

Chapter Twenty-Five

Just a Cold

April 10, 2010

His girlfriend was sick.

Naruto frowned as he stroked back damp, black bangs.

Cheeks flushed an angry crimson, smooth pale skin covered in a thin sheen of glistening sweat, the drowsy Hyuuga was the personification of illness misery. She lay nestled beneath the single, paper thin bed sheet that she could bear to have placed over the raging inferno that was her body.

A bad cold she insisted.

Something worse than that he thought.

He straightened, taking in her disheveled form with concerned blue orbs.

Were colds usually this miserable?

He didn't know, couldn't recall ever being sick himself. He crossed his arms, a thoughtful scowl suffusing his face while he searched his memory for a single day of sickness. A familiar giggle brought his gaze and attention back to the sickbed. Heavy lidded, amused, lavender eyes watched him over the hem of the sheet. Her beautiful, flushed face was alight with mirth despite the ailments of her body.

"Its only a cold, Naruto-kun." she assured him.

Her voice was softer than her usual gentle cadence and laden with more fatigue than he'd ever heard come from her lips.

"I haven't had one in a very long time," she continued, "but its not out of the ordinary for me catch one after a mission."

Far from reassured, he moved to her bedside. Taking a knee, he indulged a worried pout.

"You're burning up though," he disputed, "maybe we should take you to the hospital, dattebayo. Make sure its not serious."

She shook her head before gracing him with a small smile of reassurance.

"All I need is a little rest," she countered, "I'll be fine in a few days."

This cold seemed as though it would last longer than a few days.

He frowned, but kept his skepticism to himself.

What did he know about being sick?

He remembered her saying the same thing during her stint of eye strain, and in that case, her prediction had come to fruition. Within 48 hours, her eyes had returned to normal, but that brief episode of had been nothing like this. This cold was sapping her strength and engulfing her slender form in a ball of fire. It was disconcerting, seeing her ill, considering she had never had so much as a sniffle since they'd been together. He didn't like it. Didn't like to see her so uncomfortable, especially since there was little he could do to help her. He was no medic, no expert on caring for a sick female and he was afraid his clumsy attempt at care taking would leave her in a worse place than she was now.

Maybe some advice from his teammate would help ease his mind.

Sakura was busy most of the time, but if got lucky, he could catch her on her lunch break and see if she could come over and check Hinata out, and, if it really was a cold, give him some tips on how to take care of her.

Something he'd never really done for anyone before.

"I don't know much about colds, so I'll take your word for it," he murmured, "but if it gets worse, or doesn't get better in a few days, you'll let me take you to the doctor, right?"

She nodded.

"Promise." she agreed.

She looked seconds away from sleep.

"Going back to sleep?" he asked.

She nodded again with a sluggish blink.

"You know I'm not a good cook," he said with deprecating smile, "but how about I make you something to eat and you can have it when you wake up. Maybe it'll make you feel better."

Food always made him feel better, though his ailments were injuries sustained from hard training and skirmishes out in the field. He wasn't sure if the healing powers of a full belly translated to a sickness of body, but it was the first thing that had popped into his head.

She nodded again, eyes alight with appreciation and mirth.

"I like your food," she murmured drowsily, "you always try your best, and I can taste it in every bite."

He grinned.

He didn't believe a word of it. Their anniversary dinner had been the only edible meal he had ever cooked and that was due to the fact that he had chosen simple, foolproof, recipes and then forced himself to follow every instruction to a T. While his hard work had turned out a palatable meal, it certainly hadn't been anything to write home about. Outside of that one day, he was a terror in the kitchen, his creations often blowing up in his face. She was a trooper though. Forever determined to remain in his corner, she resolved herself to eating whatever his pathetic machinations produced, complimenting his hard work and deepening his love for her in the process, but even he knew it cost her dearly. Some of the lengths she went to in order to make him feel less of a failure chef left them both in a fit of giggles.

His grin deepened as he replayed one disastrous dinner after another.

Memories depicting her ongoing battle with his atrocious cooking.

Of Hinata smiling while she chewed on half cooked rice so crunchy he could hear it across the dinner table. Hiding grimaces behind soft coughs while she slurped spoonfuls of soup laced with a bucket of salt. Of her taking delicate nibbles at barbecued meat grilled to the consistency and color of charcoal. He had vowed to them both to stay out of the kitchen whenever possible, unwilling to torment his lover with his horrible culinary skills, regardless of the reactions they both found humorous.

"You say that but we both know I can't make toast without blowing up the kitchen," he chortle, "but I don't wanna spend all afternoon cleaning so how about a sandwich when you wake up?"

Meat, bread and cheese. Safe, simple and right up his alley.

Sandwiches he could do.

"A sandwich sounds wonderful," she slurred, "thank you, Naruto-kun."

Her drowsy gaze could barely maintain his, but the gratitude they reflected filled his heart with tenderness. He reached out, sliding the back of his finger along the smoothness of her cherry colored cheek just as her eyes drooped closed.

"Get some rest," he encouraged gently, "I'll take care of you."

She was out moments later.

Inhaling and exhaling in a threadbare whisper, her slumbering face pebbled with sweat. She'd never seemed so vulnerable and delicate. So drained and in need of his care. He knew this was one of the normal functions of a family, caring for each other when the other couldn't, but he'd never thought such a responsibility would fall to him, nor had he thought he'd welcome the domestic obligation as he did now. Despite his skepticism about the level of care he could offer her at his inexperienced hands, the fact that he was needed in this regard suffused him with a distinct and deep sense of purpose.

Of necessity and finally belonging to a family unit.

It was as sweet and fulfilling a sensation as he had ever dreamed of. Enveloping his lonely heart in a soothing balm of togetherness and closing the yawning emptiness his growing years had left behind.

He stood, tucked the sheet under her chin, then headed for the living room.

Standing in the archway of the spacious room, he lifted his hands and formed his favorite seal. One puff of air later, a perfect replica of himself appeared at his side. With foreknowledge of what the original wanted, the shadow clone padded to the front door, stopping only to adorn a pair of sandals before leaving the apartment.

Naruto glanced at the clock hanging on the far wall.

It would probably be a while before Hinata woke up.

He debated weather or not to grab some breakfast before dismissing it. For once, his empty belly could wait. He didn't have much of an appetite anyway. He walked over to the couch and sat heavily. Sprawling out on the neon orange furniture, he grabbed one the pillows and placed it between the back of his head and the armrest before tossing his legs over the other armrest. He lay back and began to muse, the low tick of the clock filling his ears as he shuffled through his thoughts. The last couple of days seemed an endless stream of worry.

Kurama still hadn't heard from Shukaku, nor had Naruto gotten word from Shino about what had happened to the childish bijuu. They'd been unable to pinpoint the location of those currents of chakra or learn what those disturbances represented. Added to that, the near kidnap of his lover.

His frown deepened.

Hinata's mission left him with a permeating sense of disquiet. The information she'd obtained coupled with Toneri's twisted obsession with her deeply disturbing. He revisited each and every revelation as the clock ticked.

Hamura leaving his chakra with Hinata in fear of the lurking Otsutsuki and their motives. Toneri gaining the power of the Tenseigan and utilizing it with his eyes. Confirmation that Cyilo was still alive and most likely unsealed.

His stomach knotted.

What were the Otsutsuki up to?

And more importantly, what were they going to do about it?

It had taken everything he and Sasuke had to put Kaguya away. What would they have to do to stop a being that even the Otsutsuki seemed weary of?

He doused the worry in chest.

Whatever was necessary, he decided.

He had no desire to surrender the future he wanted to the ambitions of the Otsutsuki.

He sighed.

Reaching into the pocket of his sweats, he fished out a small box. He popped the lid and stared at the band of diamonds inside. He found himself repeating this pattern often. Contemplating the titles of husband and wife but more and more, marriage seemed like a distant possibility.

Maybe he could give her the ring and they could put off the wedding until the looming threat was over.


Dull heat filled his cheeks.

If she accepted his proposal and let him slip the ring on her finger, he knew, he wouldn't want to wait any longer to make her his wife. He didn't want or need a long engagement. He knew what he wanted. Knew the amazing life they would have together and the incredible family they would create.

His desire for wedlock hadn't abated since he'd purchased the ring.

As far as he was concerned, the only thing standing in the way of his proposal was opportunity. Their anniversary had been the perfect time and if not for the caustic downpour, perhaps they would already be husband and wife.

He pouted.

When would he get another perfect setting like that?

Opportunities didn't just knock on the door.

A heavy knock thudded against his front door.

He jumped, losing his grip on the ring in the process. Naruto scrambled, his nervous hands bouncing the precious box from one clumsy palm to another. He snagged it out of the air moments later, stuffing it in his pocket as he threw an inquiring glance at the front door. He stood, then padded over to the door, hoping it wasn't an impromptu mission. If he was needed, of course he would gear up and head out, but today, of all days, he really, really wanted stay home with his ailing girlfriend.

He was pretty relieved when he met the eyes of a very familiar, very greedy, interloper.

"Is your nose stuffed up or something?" he joked, "Hinata didn't cook breakfast this morning."

Kiba crossed his arms while Akamaru whined in disappointment.

"I ain't here for breakfast, dipshit. Got some information for ya."

Interested, Naruto widened the door, stepping aside to allow both man and canine enter.

Kiba looked around as they meandered into the living room.

"So where's Hinata? I'm hungry."

"She's not your personal chef and I thought you said you didn't come here for breakfast." Naruto huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I didn't," Kiba shrugged, "but since I'm already here..."

"Too bad," Naruto informed with relish, "Hinata's not in any condition to make you anything. She's got a cold. Besides, aren't you living with Tamaki? Why don't you get her to make you something instead of mooching off my girlfriend."

Kiba scowled.

"Tamaki's on a mission, not that it matters since she doesn't really like cooking when she's home anyway and it ain't that appetizing when she does."

Akamaru whined.

"She's like you in the kitchen. Its sandwiches or burned rice and every once and awhile, you get something that resembles actual food."

Naruto glared, but couldn't refute the assessment. He absolutely sucked on the stove.

"Well you're just gonna have to make your own damn food cause Hinata's not gonna and neither am I."

Kiba grimaced.

"Like I'd eat anything you slopped together. Whatever. Not that hungry anyway," he glanced over his shoulder and down the hallway, "she sleeping?"

Naruto nodded.

"Yeah, she felt hot when she came back from her mission and then this morning she had a fever. She says its not serious," he frowned, " but I think she should go to the doctor. She's burning up."

"Good luck dragging Hinata to the doctor. She's stubborn when she gets sick. Says its a waste of time and resources to go to the clinic for a little cold."

A coil of worry unfurled from his stomach.

"So she's been sick like this before?"

"Yeah, I mean, we don't all have your immune system, people get sick. The Hyuuga make salves and medicinal teas for minor illness and injuries. You can stop by the compound and get some medicine for her cold but you'll probably have to fight her to take it."

The Inuzuka chuckled.

"She doesn't like how it tastes." he explained.

Relief spread further.


Finally something he do for her. He pressed his hands together and produced another clone.

"I can get her to drink it." Naruto proclaimed as his twin walked over to the front door.

"Good luck with that," Kiba scuffed, "anyway, since food ain't gonna happen, might as well give you the run down so we go find something to eat."

Akamaru wagged his tail in agreement.

"We just got word from Shino."

Both Naruto and Kurama turned their focus to the bestial nin.

"He searched the Desert of No Return top to bottom," he began, "nothing suspicious that he or his insects could detect, and no sign of Shukaku either."

Disappointed, Naruto sighed. He'd hopped for better news.

"Although he did see what looked like tracks Shukaku might have made leading out of the desert, though a lot of the sand sort of covered it up. He asked the Hokage for more time to investigate it."

Hope bloomed.

"Kakashi-sensei let him go?"

Kiba nodded.

"Yeah, he gave him the go ahead to follow the tracks. Shino says he'll send back updates when he can."

It was something at least. Shukaku hadn't just disappeared into thin air. There were indications that he had left the desert alive.

'Don't get too optimist, kid. Even if Shukaku left there alive, it doesn't mean he is now.'

'I know, but he was alive in that desert and left there alive. Until we know for sure what happened to him, there's still hope.'

"Thanks for the news, Kiba."

Kiba huffed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Man," he complained, "I should've just let the Hokage call you in, but no, I had to listen to my damn stomach. Could've been knee deep in a stack of pancakes right about now."

Naruto grinned.

"I can make you some breakfast if you want as a reward for coming all the way over here to give me the message."

Akamaru shook his head, a low growl of disapproval leaving his mouth.

"Thanks but no thanks," Kiba rejected, face scrunched in distaste, "anything you put together is a punishment not a reward."

Naruto chuckled.

"We're outta here. I'm guessing Hinata's gonna be sleeping all day today. She usually is when she has a cold. Tell her we came by and that we'll be back once we smell something appetizing."

Man and dog headed for the door.

"Hey, hold on a sec," Naruto called, following them out, "got any advice on what to do while Hinata's sick?"

Kiba turned, inquiry on his face.


"Ah, yeah," Naruto confirmed, bashfully ruffling his hair, "I uh, don't really know how to take care of a sick person. Never really been sick myself."

To his surprise, Kiba didn't make fun of his ignorance. Instead, he offered up what he knew.

"Hmm, well its not that difficult. If she's hot, a cool cloth against her skin would help a lot. Make sure she gets a lot of fluids. Soft meals like soups are really good. Keep the apartment quiet so she can sleep and when your clone gets back with the medicine, have her take that for any headaches or muscle aches. Her body is gonna have to do most of the work to fight off the virus. Not much you can do but keep her comfortable and make the symptoms easier to bear. Nothing to it."

Sounded easy enough, though he wasn't so sure about the soup part. He wasn't looking to add to her misery with salty soup.

"She should be fine in a few days, a week at the most. She doesn't get sick that often and it doesn't usually last long when she does."

Kiba turned, Akamaru following. He raised a hand.


Confident after the trove of information, Naruto waved.

"Later." he replied, heading back into the apartment.

He shut the door and wandered into the bedroom to check on Hinata.

She was sleeping, but fitfully.

The thin sheet was tangled around her legs, exposing her naked ivory flesh to the morning rays peaking through the bedroom blinds. Her smooth skin was pinked and damp, dark hair tangled and spread across their pillows. Taking Kiba's advice, he walked passed the bed and into the bathroom. Finding a small basin beneath the sink, he filled it with cold water, then dumped a clean wash cloth inside. He carried his burden it into the bedroom, sat the container on the floor and knelt next to it.

He grabbed the cloth, rung it out and bathed her forehead in cool liquid.

Hinata roused with a sigh of relief, turning her head towards the cloth. Eyelids lifting half mast, drowsy lilac met tender blue.

"That feels nice, thank you." she whispered drowsily.

"How do you feel?" he asked quietly.

"A little better," she sighed, " my head doesn't hurt any more."

Happy that her health wasn't in a decline, he dipped the cloth in the basin, rung it out then wiped sweat from the graceful column of her neck and throat. Here eyes closed beneath the gentle bathing. He wet the cloth again, and dragged it across her chest. While the sight of her glistening, coral tipped mounds were enough to bring a flare of heat to his groin, his burning desire to provide comfort and care was a potent leash against his growing ardor.

"Kiba stopped by," he told her, "he says Shino sent word that Shukaku wasn't in the desert he disappeared into but he thinks he might have found some clues that he left there alive. Kakashi-sensei gave him permission to follow the trail."

"That's good news," she replied, "You must be relived, Kurama."

Kurama sighed within the confines of his mind, but declined to verbalize his doubt.

"Mmmm," Naruto hummed, wiping moisture from her upper arm, "Kurama's not as optimistic as we are."

"Don't give up yet, Kurama."

Again, the fox declined to respond.

"Are you hungry?" Naruto asked.

She shook her head, eyes closing.


A little less alarmed at her fatigue after his chat with Kiba, Naruto chuckled.

"You gonna sleep all day?"

She smiled.

"Would you mind if I did, Naruto-kun?"

Tossing the cloth in the basin, he leaned over the bed and pulled the rumpled sheet up to her chin.

"Nope," he answered, "Sleep away, princess."

She scrunched her nose, but left her tired eyes closed. He grinned. Princess, the Hyuuga Princess as some referred to her. It was a nickname she'd picked up in conjuncture with the notoriety of his own. The Hidden Leaf Hero and the Hyuuga Princess. It embarrassed her, assigning a level of conceit and haughtiness to her name in her opinion.

"Naruto-kunnnn." she rebuked without heat.

His smile widened.


Even if she didn't like connotations of the title, in his eyes, she was a princess. His princess. He stroked a hand over her forehead, the leaned down to press his lips to hers once and then again. She accepted his smooch, but wrinkled her brows when he retreated.

"You're going to catch my cold."

"Ahhh, don't worry about me," he dismissed, "I won't catch your cold, 'ttebayo. Getting sick isn't really my thing. Besides, what's the point of staying healthy if I can't kiss you?"

Her eyes lifted a sliver, pupiless depths alight with emotion. She reached out, sliding gentle fingertips over the horizontal lines gracing his cheek before tracing the amusement curving his lips.


A knock at the front door echoed down the hall.

He pouted beneath her fingertips, blue orbs moving in the direction of the interruption.

"Now who is it?" he mumbled into her fingers.

"Maybe a mission for you." she speculated.

He hoped not.

With a sigh, he stood and headed for the door.

It wasn't who he expected.

Three sets of eyes glared at him when opened the door.


Sakura swallowed behind her surgical mask but made a concerted effort not vomit.

The stench was horrendous.

Ino sat atop the beautifully manicured grass of her backyard; legs folded, long blonde hair pooling around her while a thick cloud of black smoke seeped from the pores of her forehead, bare shoulders and arms.

She'd modified the purging technique, opening more avenues of escape for the negative energy she'd accumulated.

There was a lot.

A troubling amount.

More than either of them had thought. They'd spent the whole of yesterday trying to purge, a short session that had resulted in nothing more than a few wisps of smoky mist. Panicked, struggling to force out the oppressive slop, Ino had informed the pinkette of a problem. There was a jam, an immense amount of dark energy clogging her system and not enough escape ports to funnel it through. It was stewing, festering inside of the psych nin.

The two kunoichi had then sat down to plan out some modifications of Ino's purging jutsu that would force the smog to vacate through new openings. Today, Ino had put the altered jutsu into action and an overwhelming, retched smelling flood had ensued. The sky behind her house was laced with smoke so dense, so thick, it bloated out a large swath of the warm rays of the sun.

Sakura was convinced the build up had greatly contributed to her friend's early morning breakdown.


Sakura turned, watching curiously as one of Naruto's clones hopped down from the roof of her house.

Pink brows creased.

What was Naruto doing here?

It couldn't be a mission. After her talk with the Hokage, he had cleared her to care for Ino for the rest of the week and she certainly wasn't leaving until she was sure the other woman was stable.

The doppelganger of her teammate grimaced, then pinched his nose as he neared.

"What the hell is that-"

She placed a finger over the mask where her lips resided, then gestured for him to back up near the back door of her house. Confused, the clone halted his approach, but followed her silent direction and took several steps back.

"What the heck is that smell?" he asked the moment she reached him.

Leaving her mask intact, Sakura moved to the slice of shade her roof offered.

"Ino needs to concentrate on expelling a continuous flow so keep your voice down. That's the purging jutsu I mentioned. She's removing the muck she picks up from the Jubokko through her pores and it comes out as a thick, really disgusting smelling smoke," she explained, "It'll be a while before she's finished. "

Concerned cerulean orbs took in the dense billowing cloud painting the clear blue sky an ominous black.

"That looks like a lot, 'ttebayo."

Sakura sighed behind her surgical mask.

"It is. More than there's ever been. She had an...episode the other night. A nightmare about Sai and some monster under their bed killing her. She ran to my house in the middle of the night and has been here ever since."

His concerned gaze swung abruptly to hers, his blonde bows creased with surprise.

"I spoke to Kakashi-sensei about. He has us both on leave for the rest of the week. After, we'll assess Ino mental state before going back to our assignments."

She could tell from his frown he found little comfort in the news.

"You think its a good idea for her to go back if its already this bad?"

"No, I don't," she answered honestly, "but I don't think I can keep her from going back. There's nobody else that can navigate their mental space the way Ino can, and she knows that. The only thing I can do is be here for her when she needs me and...hope that comfort can keep her sane."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Not yet, but I don't see things getting better. The creatures being captured have information we need and we've been able to recover bits and pieces from their memories, but Ino has wade deeper and deeper into their sub-conscious to get it every time."

They would have to come up with something. Precautions and protections that would create a buffer between the Ino and the corruption within the Jubokko's mind.

"The Yamanaka are working on a few ideas to increase protection for her when she's inside, but seeing as the Jubokko aren't really human, its a slow process. For now at least, she's in recovery and not scheduled back for a while."

He cast a troubled glance at the silent woman in question before turning a speculative look to Sakura.

"What about you, Sakura-chan?"

She knew what he was referring to. An old burden settled over her slim shoulders. In the midst of Ino's crisis, it was easy to ignore her own demons and a welcomed distraction from her own slice of nightly hell.

"We're making improvements to the treatment Orochimaru helped develop in the labs. There's no need for testing at the moment and those we've already administered treatment to have long since expired or are in stable condition as of now."

In short, none of her patients had died recently so there was no new guilt to add to the mountain already eroding her heart and soul.

His blue eyes melded with worry.

"You know you can talk to me about it, right?"

She closed her eyes, tuning out his earnest expression, his open invitation of comfort and a listening ear.

"I might not understand all the medical stuff but I'm a good listener, ya know. We don't see each other as much as we used to but I'm still here any time you need me."

She did know. Naruto was no scholar, or connoisseur of education, but he had the biggest heart of anyone she'd ever met in her life and knew he would help anyone he thought needed it.


She didn't want to talk about it. Didn't want to lay bare her many failures. To give voice to the crippling panic she felt each time she picked up a scalpel. To reveal the painful, shameful struggles that kept her up at night.

She didn't want anyone to know.

"I'm alright, Naruto," she said, meeting his regard with what she hoped was convincing confidence, "I promise, when I need an ear, yours will be the first I nag off."

Unwilling to give him a chance to call her bluff, she changed the subject.

"Was there something else you needed, because I really should get back to Ino."

He stood silently, assessing, a small frown tugging his lips. Her emerald orbs telegraphed a different message this time. A stonewall unmistakable.

I don't want to talk.

"Ah...yeah, there was," he replied after meaningful pause, "Hinata's sick."

Her brows creased in concern.

"What's wrong with her?"

"On her last mission, she got hurt and they patched her up, but she felt hot when we got back and this morning she had a fever. She says its just a cold, but I was kinda worried about it. She hasn't been sick once since we've been together."

"Hmm, well its not unusual for a fever to follow an injury, even its been repaired. That's still a trauma the body responds to. Did you take her temperature?"


She shook her head. Poor guy was out of his element with this.

"I have an extra thermometer in the bathroom and some easy to follow medical books on the common cold and flu. They're on the bookshelf in the living room. Take those back with you and read through them, it'll give you some tips on how to make her comfortable. Take her temperature when you get home, if it's 103 or higher, take her to the doctor, if not, follow the books."

He looked a bit relieved as she spoke.

"Its not anything to get worked up over," she assured him, "everyone gets sick every once and a while."

She paused.

"Well, almost everyone." she amended.


"Naruto-onii-san! Good afternoon!" Hanabi called out to the clone stepping through the doors of the Hyuuga compound.

The smiling teenager skipped to meet him.

"Yo." the blonde greeted.

"What brings you here? Finally announcing your engagement to big sis?" she teased, half joking, half hopeful.

Pink colored his cheeks.

"Ahhh, not yet."

Hanabi pouted, hands fisting at her hips.

"Well why the heck not?"

He reached up, swiping bashfully at the back of his neck.

"I'm working on it, 'ttebayo," he muttered, "listen, Hinata's sick and Kiba said you guys make medicine for colds."

"We do, but good luck trying to get big sis to take it. She hates it with a passion."

Naruto crossed his arms.

"That's what Kiba said. What's so bad about it?"

Hanabi laughed.

"She says it tastes like what she imagines a dirty, sweaty, month old gym sock would taste like."

Naruto grinned.

"Must be bad if Hinata's complaining. She doesn't like to complain."

Hanabi pulled a face.

"Not so much as a complaint as it is an accurate description. That stuff is foul...unfortunately, it works. Let me get you some of it and you can figure out how you're gonna wrestle it down her throat."


Shino awoke to the jarring motion of his body carting itself across the vast sea of desert sand, limping beneath a blazing sun and kicking scorching grit into his sandals, a sensation he neither acknowledged nor felt. Unease filled his chest and goosebumps pebbled his skin. Terrified, he reached for control of his disjointed limbs, of the burgeoning ache that was his wayward body. His bones creaked as he struggled to grind himself to an halt while his stiff joints protested the sudden resistance.

He stopped.

His legs shook with weakness and a wave of nausea crashed through him.

A mental link unfurled in his brain, attaching him to the world around him. Slowly, painfully, sensation spread, connecting his panicked mind to his body. Physical awareness bloomed and then, he began to feel. Deep, permeating misery seeped into every inch of his hunched physique. His insides took on a torturous throb and the muscles lining his body felt barely attached to his bones.

His skin stung and itched.

Crawling in a way that was grotesque and irksome.

Moments of torments passed before he recognized the pinpricks climbing along and below his flesh.


Millions upon millions of insects.

He twitched, slapping jerkily at the pockets of movement beneath his skin. They crawled away from his awkward smacks, moving to areas hard to reach. Their retreat further irritating his senses, filling his mind with horror.

These weren't his insects.

They weren't apart of him.


An infestation of foreign organisms living inside his flesh.

A surge crashed through his body. He groaned, clutching his stomach as ungodly agony exploded within the pit. He trembled, fingernails clawing at the fabric shielding his abdomen. Gasses wafted from the bowls of his stomach and into his esophagus, filling his sinuses with the ghastly stench rot. Pain tore at his insides.

He howled, stumbled.

Creaky joints struggling to hold his weight.

Whispers, unholy whispers flooded his ears. Their soft command hollowing the inside of his conscious mind with the effectiveness of a knife.

'Move' they told him.

'Obey' they hissed.

An inferno erupted inside his gut. Churning and twisting his intestines into knots. A pulsation of pain began, enveloping his belly in a agonizing drumbeat. The rhythmic impulses mimicking a slow, steady heartbeat.




Bile rose in his throat.

The sound grated against his ribcage, disturbed him on a core level he couldn't avoid. He dug trembling fingers into his stomach.

He could feel it.

Alive inside of him.

Pulsating and quivering.


Insects, unfamiliar and unwelcome, clambered beneath his skin. They scuttled and scrambled from one pore to the next. Their tiny feet a maddening staccato. He tore at his jacket, digging desperately at his flesh. Scratching and tearing at the warm dermis beneath his coat.

He twitched again, clawing at the pinpricks of insects crawling below the flesh of his cheek. Nails carving deep, crimson troughs in his irritated skin. Warm liquid traced his chin, dripping into the high collar of his coat. He snarled, grimaced, tearing at the bugs that wouldn't leave his flesh. They bolted and he followed. Growling as he covered his throat and collarbones in bleeding abrasions. Gnashing his teeth loud enough to wake the deep as he ripped at his skin.

Torturous agony drew a cry from his chapped lips. He trembled, wrapping both arms around his middle, doubling over as the thing inside him ripped at the inner lining of his abdomen.

He gagged, then let out low moan of torment.

They were speaking again.


Urging and demanding.


He needed to spread it further.







He stumbled along soft sand.


Climbed over sand dunes.

"Spread." he repeated.

Pain flared, wracking his insides. He slung an arm over his belly, pushing his protesting muscles to move.

"Spread." he wheezed into the acrid wind of the desert plane.




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