Chain Yokai: Book 1. The Hunt...

By MR_Catterson

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What we know about Yokai 1.While commonly believed to be from Japan, yokai actually spring up as a result of... More

Yokai..What Are We?
School..Yeah Right
Yokai Hunters Academy
The Shikigami Club

The Seven Pilgrims.

130 14 6
By MR_Catterson

Laura marveled at the sights around her. All around, people and yokai moved through the city, going about their business. "This is...incredible...I've never seen such a big city.."

"Yeah." said Azami with a cheerful smile. "Shinjuku is known as the center of Tokyo. The government building is here, and the train station is known to be the bussiest in the world. It's also the place in Tokyo with the highest yokai activity. Sometimes even dragons like to pass through here."

After Azami had finished the tour of the school building, she had proceeded to show them the route to the dorms. As it turned out, all dorms were seperate from the school itself, each dorm being in a different area of Tokyo, having their own designated routes and wake up times that would allow students to make it to their classes without getting late.

"Hey look Laura!!" said Neko excitedly. "More Bakonekos!"

Sure enough, there were plenty of other cat ears and tails in the busy crowd. And Bakonekos weren't the only yokai.  A ginormous wheel with a human head in the center of it's spokes rolled through the street without any trouble having a heated conversation with a man who appeared to be in the real estate bussiness. A Yuki-Onna could be seen at a vending machine drinking a coke. And a flock of Tengu were seen flying through the sky.

Laura could even see some lesser known yokai, like a small dwarf figure who had a serpent's neck and head was conversing with a tanuki in a series of hisses.

"Many yokai gather here to do bussiness with humans." said Azami. "It's one of the reasons that the Japan branch is so large. This district also has the only Yokai only bar in the entire world, it's run by a Jorogumo named Kumo I believe."

"Jorogumo?" said Yuki. "Yuki thought that species was near extinction."

"Yes, Kumo is one of the only Jorogumo in Japan right now." said Azami. "Not many emotions have been sprouting up around spiders lately."

Yokai, as it was discovered in 2014, formed when humans formed a seriously explosive emotion. It could be anger, love, grief..anything. If the emotion was intense enough, the emotion would center around a person, animal, or object, and create a twisted duplicate of it...the duplicate would gain intelligence and later become a yokai. Bakonekos tended to be born when emotions were vibrant around cats for example. A duplicate of the cat would be created with changed features and intelligence...all a result of a strange energy known as Soul Fix that seemed to stem from human emotion. That was why some yokai resembled humans who already existed, sometimes an emotion would stem around them, the yokai's other traits would depend on the time and environment they were born in.

Yuki had been born when a mother had cried over her daughter whom she found dead out in a blizzard. In fact, had the daughter grown and matured, it was believed that Yuki would have resembled her greatly. Back in ancient times...humans misread this and thought humans were actually becoming yokai.

"Jorogumo are maidens who sometimes take the forms of spiders right?" asked Laura. "I've never actually seen one before."

"Just try not to meet this one." said Azami. "She may own a bar, but she's not exactly sociable...especially to humans."

"What does she have against humans?" said Neko. "They're not so bad...they throw you some free fish once in a while, and give you free stuff if you purr enough."

"She isn't against humans." said Azami with a shiver. "More like she finds them to be a nice rare delecacy...though international law prevents her from feeding on homosapiens...and Bakoneko...she likes Bakoneko too.."

Neko gulped. "Erm..let's not go near this Kumo person."

"Here we are." said Azami. "Home sweet home for the entire school year."

Azami stopped in front of what appeared to be an old shack-like mansion, the wood out front looked old and peeling. It had the traditional design of an old Japanese building. The dorm itself looked out of place sitting in between the two massive sky scrapers next door.

"You're joking.." said Laura. "Right?"

"Sorry about the outside look." said Azami. "But our resident yokai gaurdians like the whole haunted house look, some of them are very old and reminds them of how they used to go around frightening unsuspecting people. Cho, our head gaurdian really loves Halloween."

As if on cue, a lifeless traditional orange japanese paper lantern out front suddenly coughed to life, it's entire body lighting up from the candle flame within it. It floated off the the hanger over the front door, and opened it's large one eye and mouth.

"Did somebody say my name!?" said Cho. "Cause if so..I'm ready to set fire to whatever low life salesman desides to come knocking on- Oh! Azami! Didn't know it was you!"

"This is Cho..the head supervisor of the Shinjuku dorm." said Azami. "All the dorms are pretty much run by Tsukumogami yokai like him."

"Oho!" said Cho. "A new student!!! Come out my glorious staff!! We have a new resident to greet!!"

Immediately, Tsukumogami  of all kind started coming out of the windows and doors. There were rags with eyes, a television with four stumpy legs, a few living brooms, one Umbrella which hopped out on one leg, it's one eye peering all about, multiple bowls and plates all with their own legs and eyes too and one refrigerator who lugged himself out the door, his beady eyes looking rather expressionless.

There was cheerful chatter that came from the crowd of living objects, all of them bidding welcome to Laura and her familiars.

"S-so many Tsukumogami!" said Laura. "It must have taken a lot of human emotion and a lack of living objects to create this many."

"Oh actually, many of these Tsukumogami have been around since ancient Japan. "said Azami cheerfully. "While some others like Telly and Aisu over here." Azami nodded at the television and refrigerator. "Have only been around for around 3 years max."

"I am the oldest of all the Tsukumogami ever to work at the academy." said Cho. "You see, it's the best way we're able to help Yokai Hunters, especially considering we aren't the kind of Yokai who are suitable to becoming Yokai Hunters in the first place. We Tsukumogami are extremely weak if we're not in large numbers. Though, I'll admit, if I come across stupid tresspassers or salesmen, I'll let a little of my lantern fire burn em till they run off screaming!"

"The Tsukumogami are also the heads of dorm security." said Azami. "They're even better then a home security system."

"Yeah.." muttered Laura. "I can imagine." Laura pictured a thief breaking into a house only to be attacked by all the furniture.

"Yuki has always wanted to get a Tsukumogami to assist with housework." said Yuki. "But many Tsukumogami these days only take very high pay."

"Well I would imagine so." said Cho. "We're much more convenient then human housekeepers. Not only can we basically store ourselves everywhere, but we can endure any task without tiring out due to our unique bodies...though please remember, we do have our limits."

"Well that's enough standing around." said Azami. "Come on, I'll show you the inside."

After looking at the outside of the dorm, Laura wasn't feeling too thrilled about seeing the inside. However, the moment she walked in her jaw dropped. It was a fancy freaking mansion in here!!

Not only was the inside way larger then the outside, with it's towering roman style columns and it's balconies and marble walls and floors and plush red carpets and furniture. But it even had a large steaming pool in the center of the room where other youths in bathing suits could already be seen relaxing in while those getting out were immediately dried by towel Tsukumogami.

Some other residents were seen carrying laundry baskets across the room while a Tsukumogami laundry basket with legs and followed and assisted.

"Impressed?" said Cho who had just floated in after Laura. "I hope so. I'm the one who helped with the spell casting to create this little heaven for you students. Mind you, the Shinjuku district is actually the smallest dorm, but I think it's the small size that makes it more homely."

"Th-this is small?" Neko squeaked. "So would you consider the mall normal sized?"

"I know it's a lot more then you're used to." said Azami. "But Japan is pretty well off compared to the rest of the world right now. In year 2456, we were ranked 2nd in the world economy right under the U.S."

"That was 10 years ago though.." said Yuki. "Before this country became so secretive thanks to the increasing rank of it's Yokai Hunters. Does Japan still do measuring?"

"As far as the government tells us..we're still second." said Azami, her cat ears twitching thoughtfully. "But to be honest, I'm not sure what to believe of the government these days."

"My, my, miracle of did make it in.." said a familiar voice.

Laura turned to her left and let out a "WHAAAAAA!!!?" as she pointed at none other then Lily Ellis. The snobby rich daughter of the owners of Ellis Corp who had taken the test with her.

"Y-you're in the same dorm house as me!?" said Laura. "What the heck!?"

"Oh, don't be so nervous little peasant." said Lily breezily. "I'm just glad I have my own little pet to play with while I'm here."

"Grrrrr...." Laura clenched and unclenched her fist. "What did you just call me..?"

Before Lily could say anything in response, Yuki quickly placed herself in between the two girls, her bright yellow eyes seemed to flash as a freezing chill eminated from her. "Did the well dressed girl just call Ojosama her pet?"

"Hmm..a Yuki-Onna." said Lily. "How cute little pet, you got yourself a rare familiar, a pet of a pet if I ever saw one."

The marble floor around Yuki's feet became covered in a thin layer of ice as Yuki brought up her hand that was currently holding what appeared to be a miniature blizzard. "It looks like Yuki must clean up some filth for Ojosama."

"WHOAH!!!" said Cho suddenly floating up to hover in between what was apparently becoming a possible brawl. "There will be no fighting in the dormitories!! NONE!! And Ms. Ellis, there will be no behavior of that sort towards other students..we are all equal and must do our part in the living quarters of the Japan Yokai Hunters Academy. Don't make me report any of you right at the start of the semester, cause I'll do it."

"Fine.." said Lily. "Not that it would have been an issue familiar far outclasses that pathetic Yuki-Onna and Bakoneko. Godric..if you will?"

A hulking suit of armor walked up from behind Lily. It's horned helmet had two glowing red eyes that could be seen in the darkness behind the visor. It had a ginormous battle axe on it's back. Godric spoke in a low metalic voice..almost like a robot. " something wrong?"

"That's a Shikigami!" said Azami in surprise. "Wherever did you get it!?"

Shikigami were artificial spirits created to serve and do the bidding of Yokai Hunters. They usually served as artificial familiars for those who could afford them.

"My father had the company whip one up for me." said Lily. "Godric is completely obediant. Unlike non artificial yokai and their stupid talk about free will. If you're going to have a master, you might as well obey that master unquestionably without any complaint. Godric, please carry the last of my luggage to my room."

"As you wish Mistress." said Godric as he moved over to some large suitcases on the floor and picked them up in his massive metal hands. Godric clanked away with Lily close behind.

"Oh..." said Laura as a small chain danced out of her palm and started writhing around in a furious manner. "I just want to....rrrrrrgggghhh!!!"

"Shikigami.." muttered Necko. "I hate Shikigami. Stupid humans all thinking they can replicate a perfectly good yokai because they're too lazy to pay attention to the needs of their familiars.

"Now now.." said Azami waving her hands in an attempt diffuse the tension. "Why don't I show you our room? Since we're roommates, it'll be great to not be alone for once..hehehe.."

"Sure." said Laura. "Let's go." Laura's mind...all she could see was the arrogant smirking face of Lily Ellis.


In the southern area of Tokyo, a strange mist could be seen hovering over the area. The fog was so thick, that it might as well been smoke...the area within the mist was eirily silent..and for good reason.

Cars in the road had become stopped. People and Yokai alike were lying in the road, completely knocked out for some unknown reason.

That's when they came...

They started out as silhoutes in the mist at first. Then they got closer and closer till they were to revealed to be seven figures all in single file. They dressed in what appeared to be traditional Japanese clothes and ragged cloaks. Their faces were obscured by large bamboo hats and ragged hoods.

The seven travelers trecked through street in their erie single file line, not even pausing to look at the strange scene around them. Though of course, strange was more a matter of perspective, considering these particular seven were used to walking into a misty sleeping town unannounced.

It was said that very few had ever been awake to see these travelers..however, those who did see them experienced death soon afterwords.

As the seven strangers continued on their way further into the city, a young Yokai Hunter peered out at the group from behind a car, beades of sweat coming down his face like a nervous waterfall. "I-it can't be them...of all places...why did they come here?"

The man brought out a cell phone and frantically pressed an option on the screen. He brought the mouthpiece up and spoke into it. "Sir..this is seargent Yamato....tell the board it's an emergency. What kind of emergency? I'll tell ya..the Seven Pilgrims, they're back."

Suddenly Seargent Yamato started shaking violently in fear, he had just notice a large shadow over where he was crouched.

Dropping his phone, Yamato looked up to see the Seven Pilgrims, their obscured black faces all staring down at him silently from where they stood.

That night...screams rippled through the erie mist...screams unheard by any except those who were listening on Seargent Yamato's phone.

Yokai Notes.

Tsukumogami, according to myths, are innanimate objects that reach their 1 hundreth birthday, and as a result, recieve a soul and become living things. However, thanks to research by the Yokai Hunters Academy in 2016, it was discovered that Tsukumogami are usually the results of intense human emotion gathering up in an area where there aren't many other living things to latch to. As a result, the emotions either create a yokai that resembles the one who made the emotion, or the emotion will replicate an inanimate object, creating a Tsukumogami. Cho is a Chochinobake, a type of Tsukumogami that are created from Japanese lamps. Other categorized Tsukumogami that also appeared are Karakasa, a Tsukumogami made from an umbrella, and an oryou, a yokai originating from a pot. Despite the categories though, Tsukumogami can be anything..from a T.V. to your laptop, to a rock or book.

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