School..Yeah Right

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Laura opened her eyes wearily. " brain feels like oatmeal...what time is it?"

Laura rubbed her eyes and looked at the digital clock on her bedside table. "'s only eight, no biggie."

Laura closed her eyes again and slept for a total of five seconds before suddenly opening her eyes in horror. "Oh my's EIGHT!!"

Laura jumped out of bed and tore open her closet, ripping out clothing like her life depended on it. Finding a nice black skirt and a dark blue longsleeved shirt, Laura pulled her clothes on at the speed of lightning.

"My lucky hat.." Laura said looking around her room in fright. "Where is my lucky hat!?"

Laura ducked her head under the bed to find the black leather beret just sitting there. She snatched it up and put it right on her head. "Ah..that's better.."

Laura dashed out of her room and into the hall. Already, a plate of bacon and eggs were set up on the dining room table, Neko was eating next at the chair across from where Laura usually sat, happily chewing on some bacon while Yuki was at the stove frying up some more bacon.

"Yuki!" Laura exclaimed. "You know you shouldn't be around hot things!"

"Ojosama." Yuki greeted Laura with a bow. "I assure you it is no trouble."

"But you're a Yuki-Onna!" said Laura. "Do you wanna melt!?"

"That is a mere myth Ojosama." said Yuki. "While it is true that high temperatures make Yuki more uncomfortable and feverishly dizzy then humans..Yuki's yokai species does not melt.."

"But know I'm supposed to do the cooking.." said Laura taking her hand and feeling Yuki's forehead. "See you already feel warm from being near the I'll finish the bacon."

Yuki shook her head. "Yuki already knows that Ojosama's testing time for the Japan region is at 8:30, if Ojosama does not finish her breakfast quickly then she'll miss her test.."

"R-right!!" Yuki exclaimed. "She ran over to Neko and dragged him out of his chair. "Neko! Finish the bacon!"

"Eh!? But I'm just a kid!" said Neko.

"Yeah, but Yokai age slower then humans, so you're already about 10 even though you look like a 5 year old, and my mom taught you how to cook before. So go look after the bacon and let Yuki get some rest, she's already burning up.."

"Mutter..mutter..grumble.." Neko got up and took the pan and spatula from Yuki, using his large fluffy cat's tail to prop himself up like a cushion so he could look over the stove.

Laura jumped into her chair and began shuffling bacon and eggs into her mouth.

"Ojosama is still nervous?" Yuki asked sitting in a chair next to Laura with a glass of frozen green tea.

"Of course mmff...Sora said they wouldn't want someone reckless mmmff and look at mmmff me.."

"Yes, but Ojosama knows Japanese, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, and Italian." said Yuki. "Surely Ojosama's credentials overshadow her recklessness by a fair amount."

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better Yuki." said Laura as she got up quickly and placed her plate in the sink. "But I really won't know until I try."

"Ojosama..I have your lunch on the counter." said Yuki.

"Oh..thanks!" Laura quickly took the bento box from the table and stuffed it in her gray backpack before opening the door and running out.

Chain Yokai: Book 1. The HunterWhere stories live. Discover now