Yokai Hunters Academy

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Hxros_

"Why hello there!" said the Yokai Hunter rubbing his head sheepishly. "I appologize for the lateness, you see, I had a little trouble with the teleportation spell, and I might have accidentally teleported to Antartica a couple of times...tricky things teleportation runes are."

The man spoke all of this in fluent Japanes, something Laura could understand quite easily. However, she was usually used to speaking English

"Ojosama has made it into the Academy." said Yuki with a rare smile. "Yuki thinks this calls for a celebratory meal."

"W-wow.." Laura murmured. Then she pumped her fist, her usual enthusiastic attitude reignited. "YES!! That's right folks!! I made it in!! Just wait till Sora hears!!"

"Yuki's right!" said Neko cheerfully, his ears and tail twitching. "We've gotta have something special for lunch today! I vote on fish!! Any kind of fish! Preferably salmon!"

"Actually, I'm afraid it's going to have to be a celebratory breakfast.." said the Yokai Hunter looking sheepish again. "You see, the Academy in Japan runs on quite a tight schedule..and that means Laura will need to pack her bags before 11:30 which is when I'm supposed to bring you back..."

"Wh-what!?" said Laura. "D-do I even get a chance to say goodbye?"

"Heavens you don't have to!" said the man. "They are your familiars right?" The man nodded at Neko and Yuki. "That means they can come too, provided they register at the front gate. After all, learning to fight alongside familiars is a required class in the Accademy."

"Yuki is pleased she will not have to leave Ojosama." said Yuki. "But Yuki wonders what will become of the Riswaldo family residence while Yuki is not around to clean..."

"That shall be taken care of." said the man. "Since this home is your summer residence for when the break starts, the Accademy will provide assistants to watch over your home while you are gone..I suggest you hurry, but only pack essentials, the Academy will provide much for you when you get there."

"Er..okay." said Laura.

"Hmm.." said the man. "This is quite momentous you know, you're actually the 3rd of all the Seven Bridges to join the Japan Branch of the Yokai Hunter's Academy. The 4th strongest and 2nd strongest are both there."

"Yeah yeah, forget them." said Neko. "Laura's could pretty much blow them all away! Isn't that right Laura!? Laura?"

Laura had taken out a dufflebag and was busy throwing stacks of manga into it. "Gotta take all the Fairy Tail ones..gotta take all the Fairy Tail ones...gotta take all the Fairy Tail ones."

"Ojosama." said Yuki. "He said only pack the essentials."

"These are essential!" said Laura. "Never seperate a collector from her babies!! Oh...oh no where is it!?"

"Does Ojosama mean this?" Yuki held out what appeared to be a cutsie small stuffed doll version of a girl in a middle school uniform with chestnut colored hair.

Laura's cheeks went pink with embarrasment as Neko rolled on the floor laughing and the Yokai Hunter eyed it curiously.

"Y-yeah.." said Laura taking her Misaka doll and stuffing it in her duffle bag. "Thanks Yuki.."

"Yuki knows Ojosama gets scared at night whenever he doesn't have her Misaka." said Yuki.

Laura's cheeks went even more red as Neko started laughing even harder. "Y-Yuki please."

Yuki turned towards the Yokai Hunter. "Does the Academy provide extra night lights? Because-mmmmff"

Laura had suddenly come up from behind and covered Yuki's mouth with a hand. "Okay! Sorry about that..hehehehe....Yuki I think he already knows the what the basics are....hehehehehe..."

Chain Yokai: Book 1. The Hunterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें