HELLSING: A trip between two...

By tprapple

31.1K 981 263

A girl from our world gets mysteriously thrown into the world of Hellsing without her knowing. She will then... More

Before reading
Prologue: Flashback
Chapter #1: Arriving at London
Chapter #2: At Hellsing HQ
Chapter #4: Welcome to Hellsing part 1: She awakes
Chapter #5 Welcome to Hellsing part 2: Meeting the crew
Author note
Chapter #6: Interview with the vampire king
Chapter #7: The first seal
Chapter #8: Of Wild Geese and Crazy Bats
Chapter #9: Jigs and Reels
Chapter #10: Gentlemen, we are Nazis!
Chapter #11: The day all went wrong
Chapter #12: Aknowledgement
Chapter#13: Fanfics for a blonde knight
Chapter #14: Lust for knowledge
Chapter#15: The vampire, The witch and the hotel
Chapter #16: A dream is a wish your heart makes
Chapter #17: The Fog
Chapter#18: The princess bride: Revelations
Chapter #19: The Princess Bride II: The ship is sailing with a corpse

Chapter #3: Fucking streetlamp, fucking street and fucking crazy man...

2.1K 73 36
By tprapple

        She stood there, cannon aimed and ready to shoot.

        "I can do this." She kept chanting to herself. "I joined the police force because of this, to protect the innocent, to make my father proud…"

        She only had to wait until the right moment, and then she would do her duty. With that in mind, she moved slowly behind a wall and readied her weapon with a shaky but determined pulse.

        Meanwhile, opposite to her, the Spanish girl kept struggling against the man holding her, and questioning her own sanity because of the absurd of the situation she was in.

        Had she been kidnapped? Was she drunk again? No, she didn't remember drinking any alcohol. Maybe she had had too much sugar? Anyway; she had better things to think about now, like who these guys were, and why she was thinking that much when she should be kicking the hell out of the creep.

        She tried to break free again, only to have her wrist painfully twisted.

        "¡Hijo de p-fffffagggh!"

        Okay, now she remembered why. She thought with tears in her eyes, feeling helpless. She hated that…She was not some damsel in distress, she was strong. Well, or at least that was what she had believed until now.

        With nothing much to do but watch and wait for the worse, she began taking in her surroundings again.

        All the strange looking people were gone, and the two men were confronting each other in a battle of glares in which, obviously, Tall Red Guy was winning.

        The shaking form of Crazy Bastard holding her was as evident as the trail of sweat that traveled down his forehead.

        Sometime between the stare contest and the uncontrollable shaking, he had loosened his hold on her head so she could at least move it. It wasn't much, but for starters, she could now see the stranger properly. He was indeed clad in a too-out-of-fashion long red coat, a ridiculous looking huge red hat, red/orange glasses and a black suit under the coat.

        In the anime it looked cool, but in real life he really looks stupid and pompous. She thought, eyeballing the stranger. "Where they filming for that new live action movie or what? But, here in Spain?" She looked again at him. He was just standing there, grinning like an idiot, aiming his gun at them.

        "W-Who are you?" Crazy Bastard asked Tall Red Guy. His breath reeked of the same coppery smell that now stained her clothes, and she couldn't help but gag at it.

        She was used to the sight of blood, being a fan of gore, but it was completely different to actually smell it.

        "I'm the trash man. I take care of filth like you." Tall Red Guy just grinned a bit more, making the ends of his mouth reach his eyes.

        Apparently, Crazy Bastard was so scared that he gripped her hands even harder, earning a cracking sound from them…No, not the bones. Slowly, little black pieces of plastic fell from her hands to the ground below; and like that, her phone was broken.

        If they had been paying attention to the young one, they would have probably noticed her left eye twitching in annoyance. She was starting to feel tired of all this shit. Movie or not, kidnapping or not, she had had enough. She was a tired, lost, confused, and mildly scared moody teenager dressed in a bloody shirt and not too modest short shorts in the middle of an unknown place! And on top of that, they had broken her phone! Absolutely NO ONE touched her phone!

        With unknown speed, she elbowed the man behind her as hard as she could and then turned around to kneel him where the sun doesn't shine.

        He fell to the ground with a howl of pain, and once he was on the floor clenching his now sore area, the girl kicked him in the stomach with all the strength she could muster. I know! It was a ruin thing to do! But hey! She was the one being held hostage so fuck it. By the time she had finished her little revenge she was breathing hard, hair wild around her, and glasses forgotten somewhere on the ground. She stood straight and with the little dignity that she had left, she straightened her clothes and turned to face the remaining man, resisting the urge to spit at Crazy Bastard on the floor just for good measure.


        It was the same mission as always: some freak and their ghouls were running rampage at some city, killing families and everyone in sight. The little shits couldn't even put up a good fight; he had to toy with them just to have some fun. But tonight the vampire was not in the mood. He just wanted to finish this quickly so he could go back to his chambers.

        That's when he saw it: the mother vampire was holding a girl hostage.

        "Well, this can be an interesting night after all."

        "…he really looks stupid and pompous". Alucard's eye twitched at this; no one was fool enough to insult him, not even think about it. "Where they filming for that new live action movie or what? But, here in Spain?" Now he was curious. What did she mean by that?

        "W-Who are you?"

        "Really, these youngsters have no idea. The least he could do is identify an elder when he sees one".

        "I'm the trash man. I take care of filth like you." He could practically smell his fear from there. The freak wouldn't hesitate to use the girl as a shield.

        "Coward." He thought, gritting his teeth, disgusted. Then he looked at the girl. She was wearing some sort of puffy shirt, although it was something someone would wear in the 19th century.

        "I didn't know humans still used that". His eyes traveled further down and grinned, noticing she wasn't wearing any bottoms. That's something he liked about this century: the way the women dressed.

        He decided to toy a bit with her. It was always fun to tease humans, but, before he could do any of that, the girl attacked the freak and spooned around to kick him.

        The vampire grinned at the sight.

        "Vampire or not, that must hurt". He thought, amused at the sight of the supposed vampire holding himself on the floor and the little girl standing tall next to him. I must admit she's a brave one or a very foolish one.

        She then turned around to face him and he gave her his best charming smirk, leaning against the broken wall of a jewelry store. They looked at each other for some time until her eyes became wide. He giggled amused, he loved scaring humans; they would cry and run from him, scream and plead for mercy. Ah yes, it was so amusing indeed.

        "He is somehow familiar; he looks just like…". Oh? Now this is new. Had the little girl seen him before? "…A pimp". The bricks under his hand cracked.

        "Is this girl dumb!?"


        "OK, one bastard less" then it all sunk in. "Oh my God! What the hell have I just done? I didn't even know I could do that! Well apparently now I can. Poor man I didn't mean to be so harsh on him. Is he ok? Oh man he's so going to charge me with aggression". She kept debating with herself for a while when she remembered Tall Red Guy was still there.

        "He is somehow familiar; he looks just like… A pimp". She could heard the loud crack of the brick wall, and she flinched at this, focusing on his…red eyes? that were now staring at her as if she had grown two heads; and without seeing the other guy slowly getting up, with a very dark aura surrounding him.

        He watched this strange girl as she had an internal monologue.

        "Definitely dumb. And crazy too". Those humans never ceased to amaze him. Then he noticed the freak recovering behind the girl.

        I can't hit him without hitting the girl in the process. He normally wouldn't care at all for a pitiful human child, but Integra had given strict orders to not let any civil die, besides, the girl was somehow amusing.

        "If I shoot him the girl dies, and if I don't, the girl dies. Damn it all. I don't have time for this".

        He was readying himself to fight him when he heard a loud explosion. The next thing he saw was the girl laying on the floor, and the fake vampire, exploding into little bloody pieces that splashed in the floor and in the already dirtied girl's shirt before turning to a pile of ash.


        Back with Seras, she had seen it all and she was quite impressed with the girl's attitude towards the vampire; that little girl had accomplished what she couldn't. But she didn't have time to compliment her.

        She loaded her Harkonen and shot him, taking advantage of the girl being a bit far from him. The explosion would hit her but not the actual projectile. After all, an injured civilian was better than a dead one.

        The young Draculina shot and hit the bastard directly in the head.

        "Yes!" The girl flew backwards from the explosion and landed near a broken streetlamp, hitting her head in the process. "Ups…"

        Alucard saw the Police Girl and then understood what had happened.

        "At least she's not completely useless".

        "Good job, Police girl. Next time, try not hitting the human. You may not want to drink blood but I don't need to be deprived of it because of your incompetence." He growled at her.

        Then he saw the girl standing up from the corner of his eye, and he turned and started walking towards her. If she had seen too much, they would have to do something about her.

        "Fuck…" The girl said holding her now throbbing head. She tried to stand up, but ended up hitting her head again against the broken part of the streetlamp instead, so she fell down to the ground, holding her head even harder. "Joder, mierda, puta farola y puta calle y puto loco. ¿Qué mierdas se supone que acaba de pasar? ¿Dónde coño estoy?" She shouted angrily, dropping the English while she lifted herself.

        She blinked a couple of times to adjust her blurry sight, which was difficult without her glasses, and she saw Tall Red Guy standing just a few centimeters from her, still smiling like an idiot.

        "¿Y tú qué miras? ¿Nunca has visto a una chica en pijama y cubierta de sangre o qué? Mira, sabes, no me importa. Quiero saber dónde estoy y qué es todo esto. Diles a tus amiguitos de las cámaras que salgan. Me importa una mierda que les haya jorobado la toma. Y deja de sonreír como idiota, voy a empezar a creer que lo eres de verdad". The obviously foreign girl finished her speech, putting her hands on her hips to emphasize what she had just said, and glared at him, but he just seemed to look at her dumbfounded. She stepped closer to him but suddenly fell forwards.

        The last thing she saw was the full blood moon that shone in the sky as she was lifted in someone's arms before everything went black and she passed out.

        "What an interesting night indeed…".


        Spanish words:

-Son of a b-fffffagggh! (She's cursing, she does that a lot XD I thought it would be funny if she did it in Spanish hehehe, right?...no?...OK :'( )

-Fuck. shit. fucking streetlamp and fucking street and fucking crazy man. What the hell have just happened? Where the fuck am I?

-What are you looking at? Have you never seen a girl dressed in her pajamas and covered in blood or what? Look, you know what? I don't care. I want to know where am I and what is all of this about. Tell your little camera friends to come out. I don't give a shit if I have spoiled the film. And stop smiling like an idiot, I'm going to start thinking you truly are one.

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