Would You Love an Ackerman ||...

By Rebecca_Tannen

8.6K 106 41

Levi is struggling with all sorts of things and his lover, Erwin, wants to help him cope. And then the rest o... More

Battlefield Stress
Erwin Makes Levi Feel Good
Secrets Revieled
Shit Happens
The Demon Of The Underground
Demon Hungers For Blood
Progress In Friendship
Unwanted Visitors And Titan Trouble
Levi and Author Have A Talk
Guys I Have News!
Some Minor Injuries
Petra Wakes Up
No Longer Depressed
Lost Child

Finding A Cure

391 5 1
By Rebecca_Tannen

His eyes opened for the first time in a long while. His muscles ached and he was very thirsty. Groaning, he sat up and looked around. The room was white with little furniture. The bed beneath him was the same. He looked down on himself, checking his body for god knows what.

His abs and other muscles were drenched in sweat, and he didn't know why. He scanned the room for a towel and found one next to him. He grabbed it and began drying himself off. After he was done, laying the towel aside, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood. 

Walking to the mirror he tried to remember what happened. Looking at himself he frowned when he saw his horns were gone. His tail was still there though. He actually began to like it a little bit. He checked his teeth. His long canine gone too, he smiled. 

He felt a little safer to know he was more normal now. Though he still felt as if something was wrong. Was it his tail? Or something else? He didn't know. As he walked to the door he heard voices. Normally he wouldn't eavesdrop, but right now he didn't care. 

He heard two voices he recognized and one sounded quite concerned. "When will he wake up?" The concerned one asked. A female voice replied, "I don't know, but I did check on him yesterday and his horns were gone." She said. The male voice sighed. "Can I see him then?" He didn't hear another replied but he did hear footsteps.

He looked around quickly and saw the large lamp hanging from the ceiling. He wrapped his tail around it and hoisted himself up. He glanced at the door and watched it open. A man with blond hair and big eyebrows walked in. "Levi?" He said softly. Then he spotted the empty bed and groaned.

"Hange, he's gone." The man said and a woman with brown hair in a ponytail and glasses ran into the room. "What?" She yelled. "Where did he go?" She ran the other way and slammed the door behind him. The man with blond hair turned and walked a few paces until he was under the lamp. 

With a small smile he lowered himself by his tail and behind the man. As silently as possible he clapped his hand over the mans mouth and the other grabbed his wrists. The mans yelp was muffled by his hands and he breathed a chuckle in the mans ear. 

The man stilled and tried to look over his shoulder. With a shove he sent the man to the ground and the blond grunted. He looked up at him. "Levi?" The man questioned. Was that his name? He had forgotten. "Who are you?" Levi said. 

The man frowned. "It's me, Erwin." That rung a bell in his head. He frowned too and lowered himself to the ground. "I think I remember that name?" He said. "But why nothing else." He questioned himself. "Maybe because of the cure?" Erwin added. Levi glanced at him and nodded absent minded.  

"Could be." He said. "What was the cure for?" Levi asked Erwin. "Your demon form." The man answered. "But it didn't remove your tail." He added. "I actually like it though." Levi said. Erwin chuckled at this. "Really?" He asks. Levi nods. 

"Is that a problem?" He asks back. Erwin shakes his head. "No, I like it too." He says as he grabs the tail and rubs it. Levi moans and closes the distance between him and Erwin. "Your terrible." He says softly, then kisses the man. 

Erwin smiles and kisses Levi back. Then the door suddenly opens and Armin runs in. "Commander!" He yells. "What is it?" He asks. "It's Eren!" Armin sounded really worried. "What happened?" Levi asks. 

"He went on a rampage in Titan form." Armin says softly. Erwin glanced at Levi and saw him biting his lip. "Let's go." He said. Erwin and Armin nodded and the three of them ran out of the room. They soon found the rampage site. Everything was destroyed.

Levi saw a few cadets stuck under the rubble and ran to help them. He tried lifting the rubble but it was too heavy. Then he looked at his tail and smashed the rubble with it. It broke and he freed the cadets. They thanked him and ran of to help others. 

He then looked for Eren and saw his footprints. He ran after it. He heard Erwin yell but didn't bother to stop. He just kept running until he heard the loud footsteps of the Titan. He soon saw the beast and something else.  

In the beasts hand sat a girl. She had red hair and two different colored eyes. He cursed and jumped up the Titan. Eren looked at him and roared. "Eren, you shithead, let go of Rebecca!" Levi yelled. Eren did no such thing.

Instead, he grabbed the half demon and threw him away. Levi yelled out and smashed into a tree. He wrapped his tail around it and jumped back onto Eren's shoulder. "Rebecca are you alright?" Levi asked. 

Rebecca nodded with a big smile Levi didn't understand. "Why are you smiling?" He asked her, being very confused. "I see you got a cure, and Eren saved me when the roof of that building collapsed, only, he left the other people there." She said the last looking down a bit. 

Levi was stunned. "Really?" He asked once more. Rebecca nodded. "But now it's time to go. "She said as she raised her hand to her mouth. Levi's eyes widened when she bit herself and yellow and green thunder struck down on her. 

He almost fell off of Eren as a female Titan appeared. It had long red hair and one red and one blue eye. Rebecca. He thought and gaped at her. She smiled at him best she could and grabbed him of Eren's shoulder. Then she placed him on the ground and walked to Eren, who was watching her with great interest. 

She began to speak in a weird tongue and language. Levi did not care as he was stunned by her beauty. She looked like Annie in her Titan form but with skin covering her muscles and very nice ass too. Levi gulped and stared at a tree, for obvious reasons. 

Eren and Rebecca talked for a while until they got out of their bodies and joined Levi. "Captian? Your cured!" Eren yelled out. Levi slapped him with his tail. "Or not." Eren groaned. Levi sighed and spoke, "Eren, you could have saved other people from the debrie too you know." He scolded. 

Eren nodded his head and looked at his toes. "Yeah, sorry about that, I'll help with clean up." He said as he ran off. Levi turned to Rebecca. "So you are a Titan Shifter too?" He asked. She nodded and explained. 

"Alright. You can keep Eren in check I see, that's good." He then walked off with the girl following him. He then helped with the collapsed roof and the injured. When he was done, he was exhausted and walked to his and Erwin's room. 

He entered to see Erwin sleeping on the bed. Levi chuckled and laid next to the man. Erwin wrapped his arm around Levi's waist and pulled him close to his own body. They snuggled like that for a while until Erwin fell asleep and Levi soon after. 

It had been a long day and they deserved the rest. Rebecca chuckled and closed the door to their room saying, "Their so cute, I got to keep Hange away or she'll go crazy." She laughed and ran to her room, going to get some sleep herself.


Sorry for the wait, here is it then. Hope you liked this chapter. Till next time, bye!


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