We're Brothers (Justin Bieber...

By dawinabieber

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This story is inspired from Step Brothers and Evil Bieb Vs Mama's Boy in JBFF&JBFF+ I just love their stories... More

We're Brothers (Justin Bieber and Jason Mccan)
New Brother
Best Friend?
Asthma & Homeless Guy?
The Tour
Change of Heart
Care and Carnival
I need Dad
Introduce to the world.
Justin's Pain
School and Bullies
You don't know shit!
I love you
It's On!
I'm Sorry
Remember Me
Don't Come Out
Belongs To Me
Secret Revealed
Not Your Fault
We're Brothers (The End)
New Story
New Story!

Human Nature

1.5K 50 19
By dawinabieber

Jason POV

We are currently at backstage. Everyone was busy setting everything. They were running around and just so chaos. I’ve been told that the concert will start in 2 weeks so they had to settle everything.

“Justin! Christian! Stop running around!.” Pattie voice boom through the hall way. No one listen though. The two idiots keeps running around like little kids they are. Chaz was just watching and laughing. I have no idea what so funny but he just laugh and laugh. Ryan is asleep on the couch nearby. Kenny is just watching them with amuse face.

“Your dead meat Beadles!.” Justin yell at Christian chasing him.

“Wooo .. I’m so scared Bieber.” Christian said sticking his tongue out. I roll my eyes. Why are they so childish??.

I decided to shut my world from this pathetic people and just listen to my new ipod. I sat next to Pattie who are still trying to stop his idiotic son from running around. Suddenly a hand close my eyes making me jump on my seat and the earphones pull out of my ears. I turn around and immediately froze. Usher!!!

“Hey lil man!” he said excitedly. I just look at him trying to calm the hell down.

“Hey, you cut your hair. How come I didn’t know about it?.” He said laughing a little. I still didn’t say anything. My fucking idol is in front of me. OH MY GOD! Breath Jason.

“Justin man, are u alright?” he ask worried. Then it hit me. He thinks I’m Justin.

“ermmm .. ermm ..errr.” I curse myself for acting so freaking dumb. But thank goodness, Pattie came to the rescue.

“Hey usher.” She said softly. Usher look at her and smile. They went for a quick hug.

“I see, you met Jason here.” She said. Usher looks confuse.

“What? Jason? Who’s that?” he ask.

“This handsome boy right here. Justin’s twin? I though you knew already?” she said while wrapping her hand on my shoulder. Usher laugh loudly making me confuse. Me and Pattie look at each other.

“Not this again guys. Stop with the pranking already.” He said through laugh.

“What prank are u talking about?” Pattie ask. Before he could answer. Someone run to Pattie catching our attention. The stupid brat himself.

“Mom. Look what Chris did to my hand. I think my pinky is broken.” Justin whine showing his little finger at his mom.

“I told you not to run around Justin. That’s what you get for not listening.” Pattie answer making Justin whine again.

“W… wait .. Justin?” Usher stutter in shock. Justin shot his eye up to him and grin happily.

“Usher! I miss you! When did you came?” he attacks him with a hug. He hug him back but awkwardly still staring at me.

“Just a while ago. Wait a minute.. so .. so you really have a twin brother?” he ask again.

“Yeah. This is Jason.” He point towards me and smile widely.

“I thought scooter told you already.” Justin said again since Usher didn’t respond.

“Well, I thought he was just lying. I thought you guys are pranking me or something.” He said still staring at me.

“Hahaha … Scooter .. Pranks?. Don’t think so man.” Justin answer him. Usher still have his confuse face. After awhile his confuse face turns in to a warm smile.

“Well .. hey there Jason .. I’m … “ I didn’t let him finish and just explode.

“Your Usher! This is a dream come true.. gosh! I love you man.. ermmmm..” that sound gay right?.

“I mean I love your music and all.” I said awkwardly scratching the back of my head clearly embarrass.

He just chuckle and give me a hug. This is definitely a dream.

“Awww .. I have another Bieber that loves me.” He coos and laughing lightly. Pattie and Justin just laughs when he says that. I just froze the fact he fucking hug me.

The rest of the day was just full of watching Justin rehearse which I might say he does have talents but I don’t need to let him know that. He’s still a stupid brat for me. After we’re done, it was 8.00 p.m. everyone was exhausted and hungry. We stop by Mcdonald and straight away went to the hotel.

“Race you to the lift!” Chaz screams at Christian and Ryan. Justin was clearly not in the mood. He looks tired and just ready to head to bed like me.

“Boys! Stop running!” again Pattie is ignored by them. She walks inside holding Justin’s hand who looks like he was about to pass out. I walk the other side of her. Scooter and everyone else were behind us.

I gaps and widen my eyes as I look inside the hotel. It’s so freaking huge and it looks like a grand ball or something. This must be a 5-star hotel. No doubt that.

We stop to wait for the lift. Suddenly Justin whine. “Mom, can I use the stairs instead?” he ask. Christian, Ryan and Chaz just chuckle behind him making him glare at them. “Baby, our room is at the 25th floor. I don’t think you wanna use the stairs.” Pattie answer softly.

“Fine.” He said again sleepily. We entered the lift and Justin is suddenly wide awake clutching Pattie hand for his dear life and breathing heavily. Okay, what’s wrong with him. Pattie may have saw my confuse face.

“He’s claustrophobic. That’s why he’s like this.” She said smiling at me.

“What’s that?” I ask. Well, I never really focus when I’m in my science class, so spare me.

“He cannot be in a small space for too long. Like elevators for examples. He’ll get panic attack.” She explain to me. I just nod. Wow. This boy needs help.

When the door opens, Justin straight away runs out of the lift while his friends just laugh at him including me. After we done laughing at him, we went into the room, my mouth fell. It was so freaking big. Everything is in there. Don’t be surprise if I get lost. They all went running in, I guess they’re use to it already. My eyes went roaming through the room. After my tour with Fredo which he kindly shows me around the while laughing at every of my expression, we decide to go bed. Me, Kenny, Justin, Christian, Chaz, Ryan and Fredo all all in one room. Pattie wanted to stay with us but she decided to stay with the girls crew instead.  I fell asleep still trying to believe that this is my life now.


“Fredo .. come on man.. give me the sour patch.” Justin whine for the 5th time. Literally okay.

 “Nahhh. I don’t think I want to give you. It’s mine. So I want to eat it alone.” Fredo said smirking and eat some of the sweet making Justin groan and get up from his seat and walk to his room. He slam his door making us jump. For a stupid candy, are you for real??.

His tree idiots looks at Fredo. “ooooo .. you done it Fredo. He’s pissed.” Chaz said.

“Come on. He cant be that pissed. He knows I’m joking right. I do that all the time”. Fredo reply unsurely. “I don’t know man. He’s a bit moody today. I think he didn’t get enough sleep last night or something.” Ryan said. 

“Nightmares?” Fredo ask and they all nod. He  stood up making his way to Justin’s room. I’m guessing to calm the stupid brat. Gosh! They so dumb. He’s acting like a stupid little kid sometimes but can’t blame him either because I’ll go crazy too if I don’t get enough sleep.

I was startle by a sound of the front door slam open. “Where the hell is the kid name Justin Drew Bieber?” a voice ask no practically screams echoing the whole hotel room. A guy came in, he’s tall and his hair was quiff  up. He was wearing ………………………..

He eyed everywhere around the room until his eye fell on me. He grin suddenly. “Yo kid!.” He beam at me and walk to me, pull me in to a hug and started to do this weird handshake that I don’t even know. When he saw that.

“Come on biebs, haven’t seen you in 2 weeks, you forgot our secret handshake already?. I’m hurt.” He said faking a pout and put his hand on his chest. I just stared at him don’t know what to say.

“Hey, you cut your hair and ..” he grab my arm making me stand up. “and. You’re a bit taller now. Wow. 2 weeks and this?.” He said amaze.

“Ermmm . Ry, that’s not Justin though.” Ryan decide to speak up suddenly. “What?” he ask confuse. “Well, that’s Jason. His twin.” Ryan explain slowly.

“Hahaha. Guys, you should see what happen to fredo.” Justin suddenly runs in the living room laughing. He stops laughing when he realize all the eyes are on him.

“What are you guys staring at?.” He ask confuse. He scan our faces until he reach the guy in front of me. He smile widely.

“Ry!!!!!!” he screams at the top of his lungs and attack the guy with a big hug. The guy that I know as Ry just chuckle and hug him back.

“There’s my lil man.” He said. They started to do this difficult handshake that makes my jaw drop a little. “Ouh, yeah. Ry, this is Jason. My twin brother.” Justin introduce me.

“Yeah, I know. I thought he was you just now. You look identical except for the hair though. By the way, the name is Ryan Good. But just Ry for swaggy.” He said beaming at me. I just smile a little and focused back on the tv.

“I guess he doesn’t talk much.” He said again.


I found out that Ry is Justin’s stylist and shit but he acts like a big brother to him or something. I swear they don’t act like they’re only his crew but more like a family. I gotta to admit. I’m kinda jealous of him having a lot of people that cares about him.

Justin POV

“Scoot. I don’t want to do it.” I whine for the third time. They want me to climb up the wall. Even they will put safety belt I’m still scared. What if I fall? What if there something wrong with the belt?.

“Don’t be a baby Justin. Nothing is gonna happen to you. You’ll be fine.” Scooter said annoyed.

“How do you know that?. What if the belt got lose or something?. I can die you know.” I said again. Scooter just glare at me. “Your so dramatic kid. Hahaha ” Carson the guy that handle my stage stunt said laughing at me. “Am not. It’s just the truth okay.” I defend.

“Come on Justin, we don’t have all day.” Scooter said in serious tone. Gosh! Why does he have to be so serious sometimes. I give up. Just be done with this.

“Fine! But if die up there. I will haunt you in your sleep.” I said. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be waiting.” He said ushering me.

Carson put the belt around my body. Checking every detail of it. He puts his thumb up. “You ready kid?” he ask. “Do I have a choice?” I ask pleadingly.

He shake his head and motion for the cable guy to operate the machine or something. Once it moves, I started to feel nervous. I close my eyes tightly.

“Move around Justin.” I heard scooter voice down below me. I open my eyes solely seeing that I’m already few feet up in the air. “What do you want me to do?” I ask shakily.

“Just do some flip or something.” He shrugged. I wanted to yell at him but I just decide to do what he says so this can end fast. I tried to move a bit making sure the belt is safe enough. Once I feel it safe enough. I begin to move my body. I kick the wall if front of me and started to backflip but the belt got stuck making me hang upside down. What the hell?.

“Justin!” scooter scream my name panic.

I scream for help. “Get me down! Get me down! Get me down!” I yell freaking out. All I heard was people screaming below me but I don’t really understand because I started to feel a bit dizzy. Guess the blood has flow down to my head or something.

“Scooter! Get me down. Please get me down.” I yell again this time my voice crack. I feel so scared because I’m so high up here and I don’t want to die yet.

“Hang on Justin. We’ll get you down.” He said trying to calm me. I tried my best to calm down but then I felt the belt started to untangle. Shit! I can’t control my scream anymore. Before I could do anything else, i felt my body fell and everything was slow motion for me. I waited for the big impact but I didn’t feel it. Instead I felt a firm hand holding me.

“Got you.” The voice said. I realize it was Kenny. He look at me worried. He put me down on the stage floor still holding me. They all crowded around me with worried face. I started clung on Kenny’s shirt and cry. That was so scary. I really thought I was gonna die. Kenny sooth me for awhile. After I have calm down. I begin to move myself but suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm, I scream in pain.

“Arrghh! My arm .. my aa ..arm” I said in pain. Kenny took my arm gently checking it. “I think he broke his arm scooter.” I heard Allison’s voice. “No, he didn’t, it’s just a sprained. But need to check it though.” Kenny said picking me up to the dressing room. “I’ll get the doctor right away.” Scooter said as he went out with his phone.

“Justin bud, I’m so sorry.” Scooter said coming back in the room kneeling down in front of me. “It’s okay scoot. Things happen you know.” I try to smile but the pain in my arm are making it hard. He nod but still look guilty. “It’s not your fault scoot. Stop feeling like it’s is.” I reassure him again.

After the doctor came and look at my hand, he said that my hand just sprained a little due to the impact so he only bandage it and remind us all that I cant use my hand too much and let it heal for awhile. Thank god.

Since scooter feels so guilty, he clears all my schedule for 2 days so I could get better fast. I ain’t complaining.

“Dude! You’re a machine or something?” Chaz whine at me. I just smirk at him. He’s been losing playing COD with me, yet he never learns the lesson.

“Just give it up Chaz, you can never beat up Justin, even when he’s cripple” Christian said laughing. I glare at him.

“Quit moving around Chris!” Ryan said. “Hey, it’s my hand, I can do whatever with it.” Christian replied annoyed. Apparently, Ryan is trying to draw tattoo on Christian’s hand with a marker.

“You do know that’s permanent right?” I ask referring to the marker. Ryan instantly stop what he’s doing and look at the marker. Christians eyes go wide.

“Well.. ermm.. well.. You suck BIEBER!” Ryan said running away before Christian could say anything. They both end up chasing around the bus until they went outside. I just laugh watching them. “Hahahaha. Chaz .. chaz .. you sho-..” I turn to Chaz seeing him sprawl in front of the tv with still a game controller on his hand. He’s asleep?. My god, I have the weirdest friends ever.

The sound of the bus door open caught my attention. Seeing Jason climb up the bus. “Hey Jason, where have you been?” I ask standing up. “None of your business brat!” he hissed. “Sorry, I was just asking.” I said timidly. I broke the silent after a few minutes.

“Do you want to play video game?” I ask excitedly looking at him. He just glare at me and sit on the couch playing with his phone. Gosh! This is boring. I decided not to bother him since I don’t want him to get mad or anything

besides I need to take care of my arm. I heard Jason went to the bathroom or something before I fell into my sleep.

“Justin?” I shot up when I felt a hot breath on my face. I rub my eyes and saw Carson the one that help me with the stage stunt kneeling in front of me smiling giddily. What is he doing here ? Somehow I felt uncomfortable around him.

“Ermm.. Carson? Can I help you ?” I ask slowly since he didn’t say anything but just kept staring at me creepily.

“ermm .. nope. Just wanted to check on you.” He smile and sit beside me on the couch but way to close. I shift my body a bit but he kept coming close to me. “Ouh, thanks. I’m fine don’t worry.” I smile.

I tried not to gaps when he put his hand on my tight firmly. “Well, I just felt bad because I was involve in it too right?”. He said moving his hand up and down my tight. My eyes went wide staring at his hand. I brought my to legs close to each other and brought my knees to my chest.

“But I’m glad your alright.” He said again getting closer to me with still that creepy smile. I scoot away from him again. He is scaring the shit out of me. He grab my wrist firmly making me flinch. “Where do you think your going?” he ask me smirking. I look around seeing nobody is in the bus with me. Oh my god! They just leave me here alone.

“Let me go please.” I plead trying to pry my hand from him but he’s to strong. He just smirk again and started to get on top me. Holding both of my wrist on top of my head. I wanted to scream at the pain of my bruise arm moving and the shock of what he’s doing now but he put one of his hand on my mouth. So, only my muffle of scream could be heard.

“Shh baby. I know you want this. Trust me.” He said again. I whimpered. I keep on struggle under him until suddenly I become tired. I guess he got fed up when he slap me hard across the face. “Shup up! Shut up or I break your arm!.” He yell. I stop struggling and my tears start to fall. He let go of my mouth. “Here you go.” He said. “Plea. Please let me go. What are.. yo-- .. you doing?.” I said barely audible. Why is he doing this to me?.

He begins to undo my belt which took me by surprise and my eyes go wide. No no no. Please god no. I struggle again but weakly.“What.. what ar.. are you doing?”. He ignore me and pull down my pants harshly. “ Sto-..stop.” I started to sob. My tears didn’t stop falling. My breath started to hitch. I can feel my heart beat faster. This is not happening. God! Help me.


Jason POV.

That was some delicious ice cream I just ate. I walk to the bus following the boys. Yeah, the boys, as in Justin’s friends. I guess they are not that bad well I’m not telling them that. When we saw Justin fell asleep maybe due to the medicine he took for his broken arm, They don’t want to disturb him, so Chaz suggest we get some ice cream and what shock me they invite me too but I’m not complaining. We were walking when suddenly we hear someone call my name. I turn around to be met with Kenny. “Jason, you know where Justin is?” he ask. “Don’t know. I left him sleeping in the bus just now.”. I answer “Okay then.” He said walking to the bus with us trailing behind.

“Stooo. Stop .. pleeae.” We stop on our track when we heard a small voice inside the bus. “Guess he’s having bad dreams again”Ryan said sighing walking to the bus door but stop on his track . “Don’t make this hard. Stop moving!”  We heard another voice but the voice was deeper follow by a loud smack. Okay! What the hell?. “What the fuck?!” Alfredo said shock with wide eyes and sprint to open bus door.

Kenny look at me with wide eyes and began to run to the door but it was fucking lock. We heard Justin sobbing from inside. “Open the door now!” Kenny yell pounding on the door. “Please ..please don’t do.. do this” Justin voice said between sob. Hearing that was the last straw for us.

Kenny and Fredo start to bang on the door with their body no matter how it hurts. Christian was practically crying in Ryan’s arm scared of what’s happening to his friends. Chaz was just in shock.  After 2 tries the door flew open and the sights of what inside was surprisingly breaking my heart. Some guy was on top Justin pinning both his hand up and his pants was below his knee. He was sobbing and the guy was smirking  looking down at him but immediately  freeze seeing us and tried to make a run for it.

“You bastard!” Kenny yelled in anger taking the guy down on the floor. The guy struggle to get out of his grip but clearly Kenny is a lot more stronger. I think Kenny might broke the guys arm or something because I heard crack. Oh well.  Kenny pull out his phone. The guys ran to Justin trying to calm him down. He was gasping for air now. Of course his asthma. Without any warning. I ran to his room and grab his inhaler and bring it to him. He took it from me and breath in hardly. I kneel in front of him staring at his pale face that still have tears running down and his body were shaking .

“Shhh… Justin. Your okay now. Breathe okay.” Fredo try to calm him down hugging him from the side. After a few minutes he finally calm down. After a few minutes Pattie rush in to his son and decided to let him sleep with her while the others deal with the sick bastard.

I actually felt angry at him for doing that to Justin. I don’t know why but I feel my heart was breaking a bit when I saw the situation my twin was facing. Yeah, my twin. I know I finally admit it. I cant feel sorry for him can i? I cant just accept him like that right? Do I starting to care about him or something?. Nahh. I think it’s just human nature to feel what I fell now. Yeah. I’ll stick with that.

I hope it's long enough .. what do u think ?? .. leave a comment and vite please .. Hope u love it .. :)

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