Practice- A Dricki Fanfic

By xSiMxSiMx

75.3K 2.6K 247

When one of Nicki's friends introduce her to Aubrey Graham, also known as Drake, she isn't convinced. She'd... More

Just So You Know
-Chapter One-
+Chapter Two+
*Chapter Three*
>Chapter Four<
×Chapter Five×
:Chapter Six:
÷Chapter Seven÷
•Chapter Eight•
^Chapter Nine^
[Chapter Ten]
%Chapter Eleven%
$Chapter Twelve$
Should I??
.Chapter Thirteen.
;Chapter Fourteen;
)Chapter Fifteen(
(Chapter Sixteen)
-Chapter Seventeen-
+Chapter Eighteen+
%Chapter Nineteen%
#Chapter Twenty#
&Chapter Twenty-One&
*Chapter Twenty-Two*
'Chapter Twenty-Three'
"Chapter Twenty-Four"
@Chapter Twenty-Five@
;Chapter Twenty-Six;
:Chapter Twenty-Seven:
)Chapter Twenty-Eight(
(Chapter Twenty-Nine)
&Chapter Thirty&
-Chapter Thirty-One-
+Chapter Thirty-Two+
%Chapter Thirty- Three%
•Chapter Thirty-Four•
!Chapter Thirty-Five!
'Chapter Thirty-Six'
@Chapter Thirty-Seven@
$Chapter Thirty-Eight$
-Chapter Thirty-Nine-
*Chapter Forty-One*
What Do YOU Wanna Do? Vote!
Sequel Is Up!

+Chapter Forty+

950 38 3
By xSiMxSiMx

Nicki's POV

I'm tied to a chair for the second time in my life.

The second fucking time.

"Y'all really need to stop actin' like y'all are a fuckin' mob," I sneer at Safaree, who's standing in front of me with a content look on his face. "This chair shit gets old, bruh!"

"Nah, chill girl! I ain't here to hurt you. You lucky we only tied your arms in the first place." Safaree walks closer to me and I can smell his fresh Axe cologne. "I just need to tell you what's goin' down. Ya know. With Drake and yo little girl, uh. . ."


Safaree snaps his fingers, remembering. "Ah, that's it! Audrey. Beautiful name, by the way."

"Gee, thanks. My boyfriend came up with it. Emphasis on 'boyfriend', nigga, so don't get no ideas."

"Chill, girl. I'm just supposed to talk to you first."

"So talk!"

"Well, for starters. . ." Safaree paces around the room, holding his chin like he's thinking. "You ain't gon' be with ya boy Drake no mo', that's one thing. . ."

Wait, what?

"Whatchu mean?" I ask in a high voice.

Safaree takes a seat across from me, facing the back of the chair towards him so that his chest is against it. "Well. . ."

So he explains the whole situation with Aubrey and this girl named Kelsie.

Maliah's sister? Oh, God.

Then about. . .

"A DAUGHTER?!" I shout. "What the hell? He got another daughter?!"

Safaree nods, not really caring. "Mmhmm. She pretty, too. Wanna see her?"

"Uh, sure," I mumble, still fuming.

A daughter.


Safaree pulls his phone out and shows me a picture of a smiling girl with bouncy curls that frame her round face. Her eyes are a shiny hazel and she has Aubrey's smile.

Oh, God.

She looks exactly like him!

  "Holy shit."

"A'ight, so now that you know about her, apparently Kelsie and Drake agreed on something. . ."

As Safaree goes into detail, my heart drops lower into the ground and my eyes begin to water. He's leaving us? He can't. We need him.

"Where's Audrey?" I suddenly blurt.

"Audrey? Oh! She's in the next room. I'mma get her for you, okay?"

I nod. Safaree is being extremely nonchalant about this whole situation. Knowing him, he's got something up his sleeve.

I dated Safaree about three years before I met Aubrey. He was the longest I'd been with at that point. I loved him. We did everything together.

Before the beatings.

He would come home drunk and high at the same time, horny when I wasn't. He never took "no" for an answer and raped me. It was like that almost every night, and if he didn't have sex with me, he would hit me instead. And it was all the same in the morning, full of "I'm sorry's" and "I didn't mean to's". I would accept those apologies because I didn't want to lose the one relationship I had a hold on. But one day, he took it too far. I had found out I was pregnant about two weeks ago and was planning on telling Safaree when he got home from work.


"Hey, baby!" I say, hugging his nicely toned body.

"Hey, Nic, how was your day?" he replies in his deep voice.

"Good, good. Yours?" I lead him to the kitchen, where I have a spaghetti dinner laid out on the table.

"Not too bad. Whoo, wee! Baby, you done it tonight! Thanks." He seats himself and begins to eat.

"Not a problem. Hey, uh, I got some news." I smile while he watches me with interest.

"I'm pregnant!" I squeal, giggling. "Isn't that great, baby!"

Safaree stares at me.

I frown. "What's wrong?"

"How the fuck long have you known?" he asks in a low voice.

Alram bells ring throughout my head, alerting me of danger. "F-for two weeks."

"And you ain't tell me?" Safaree stands up, his knees bumping the table so that the plates clatter.

"I wanted to wait," I say, also getting up and backing up against a wall. "I didn't know for sure, and--"

"Fuck you mean!" Safaree gets close to me and grabs my neck.

Fighting for air, I wheeze, "Please let me go. . . Please. . ."

"Bitch, you fuckin' think I'mma let you off that easy? The least you coulda did was tell me!"

Still gripping my neck, he punches me in the stomach, and pain races up and down my body. I cry out, tears streaming down my face.

Safaree continues to deliver hits to my lower abdomen.

"What are you doing?" I shriek.

"Teaching you a lesson."

Safaree hits me one more time in my chest, before he lets me go and I collapse, feeling liquid drip down my legs. I look down to see blood seeping through my jeans. I almost faint, because deep down, I know I lost the baby.

Why? Why do people constantly hurt me?

-End of Flashback-

In the end, I called the police after two hours of laying there in shock and was rushed to the hospital, while explaining to the policemen that Safaree had started abusing me a few months before. They took him away and locked him up. I was in a horrible depression, and that's when I met Jerri.

But that's another story.

Safaree returns, his grip on a skinny, frail arm as he walks through the door.

"Come on," he presses. He shoves in a little girl and she lands on the floor.


The girl looks up, her cheeks hollow and eyes sunken in her face.

This girl can't be my Audrey.

Her usually happy and springy curls hang limp around her face. The bright light in her eyes are dull. Lifeless. I can see her ribcage through the tank top she's wearing.

She can't be. . .

"Mommy," she says in a raspy voice. She crawls over to me, dragging herself with her arms as if her legs don't work.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"My baby," I whisper.

Audrey finally looks into my eyes, and I notice the marks all over her body. Whip marks, bruises, burns, you name it. She's suffered every type of torture.


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" I scream, making sure my anger is heard through my voice. Audrey continues to stare at me.

"I didn't do anything," says Safaree calmly. "I ain't gonna say names, though."

  I fiddle with my tied wrists, with small enough motion so that Safaree doesn't notice.

"So how did I get here?" I ask, just out of curiosity.

"Had my man fill yo house up with some sort of knockout gas through the vents." He shrugs. "Only you would be able to smell it, 'cause Drake had gotten injected with some scientific shit, I don't even know. It was supposed to kill his ass, but for some reason, Kelsie got a little soft on us and didn't put all of it in him."

Dodged a bullet there.

"Hm." I nod, and hold in a gasp when I feel the cold rush of blood flowing to my hands. I'm free!

"Can I ask you a question?" I say with innocence in my voice.

"Shoot." It gets on my nerves the way that Safaree is talking, like we're just friends conversing over a cup of coffee and some cookies.

Fake ass nigga. . .

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I smirk at him.

Safaree frowns. "How the fuck and I supposed to know that? How many?"

"ONE." I lunge from my chair and punch him in the face. He falls to the floor with a loud thud. "And it says 'fuck you'." I hold up my middle finger towards his unconscious body and pick up Audrey, who's gotten so much lighter. "Come on, baby girl, let's go."


Yeah, short, I know. (;-_-)ノ Drill me on it later, but I have bad writer's block right now.

And I need someone to vent to.

I spent the entire morning reading the most awful fan fiction. I'm not gonna say names, but for real.

I'm thirteen and I have better grammar.

I mean, the story has great potential! It's a very good read! But, bruh. Correct ya grammar. Please.

If you don't already know, I have GPS. Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome. Meaning my brain has the automatic need to correct any and all grammar errors.


Not for real. Whaaaaaaat, I'm not crazy, y'all trippin' like untied shoes. . .

Anyway, just needed to tell someone that. Next chapter is being made now.

*country voice* Ain't I a goofy goober!



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