
By romayne_lagretha

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"Don't be scared of the dark." "Trust me. I'm not." ------- Spelling errors will occur in this book - my apol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29

Chapter 28

421 24 21
By romayne_lagretha

Both of us running through the hospital ignoring the nurses screaming at us to slow down and shit.

I held the front of my black dress up as i ran beside Evan. When we finally got to the room i felt my heart drop.

"That was really him..." i said out of breath due to fear.

"I'll be right back..." Evan said marching away.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To find out who the hell is responsible and to try figure out where he could be."

Not another word and he was gone.

I slowly made my way in the room and looked around.

The starps on the bed were broken, glass was shattered everywhere and a note book with writing on.

I slowly picked up the note book and read...

'Darkness. No light. Screaming. Fighting. Silence. A Swan? Candle light. Not alone. Warmth...happiness. Love. Kiss. Taken away. Locked. Darkness. Strange people. Swan?! Feel lost.


Betrayed. Over. Over. Over again. Swan - black. Black Swan. Revenge.


This makes no sense...

"Y/N?" Evan called.

"Yeah?" I closed the book and held it tight.

"Let's get you home. We will find him tomorrow."

He was hiding something...but what...?

We drove home in silence as i tried to figure out what the hell Kay was trying to say in his book.

Evan walked me to the door of my flat and grabbed my hand as i was about to enter.

"Are you sure you do not want me to stay? To keep you safe?" A genuine worried look showed.

"I am sure. Your number is on speed dial if i need you." I smiled and walked in locking the door behind me.

"Hey! You're home!" Janae says excitedly. I just wave, go sit down and try figure these words out.

It felt like hours and i still had nothing.

"Y/N...?" Janae walks in.
"I made you a cuppa. You okay?"

"Sorry about earlier" i say and take the cup from her with a thanks. "Robbie was at the ball dancing with me."

"What?! How i thought-"
She took a seat on the couch next to me.

"We all did but he is gone. I found this but it makes no sense. If i can figure out what this means i might be able to find him."

"May i?" She asks holding her hand out.

I pass her the small book and she reads the words. She pulled a few funny facial expressions but then she went blank.

My eyes locked on her...

"I could and i say this again i COULD be wrong but he is telling a story...his story."

"What? How is those words his story?"

"Well...he explains he is in a world of darkness...where he is screaming and fighting...prob with himself. Swan? Maybe you?"

"He referred to me as the black swan so could be."

"The swan- i mean you were the small candle light that made him feel warmth and happiness...he does not feel alone. He fell in love. He kissed? Omg yes he kissed you...he fell in love when he kissed you or maybe even before. He got taken away and locked away remember. He was back in the dark...strange people?"

"Maybe the nurses and them"

"Yeah could be. He saw you again. He was prob not sure what was going on.. he felt lost...betrayed...?? What? Here i am lost."

"When i kissed and slept with Evan..."

"You what?!"

"It was in the moment..."

"Do you love him?"

"No! I mean yes agh it is so complicated."

"So Robbie is upset with you cos you chose Evan."

"I did not choose him. It happened by accident okay..."

"I think he wants to get revenge on either you or Evan."

I sigh as i drop my head in my hands. I spotted the back pack next to her.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"Oh yeah...uhm about that. Can i please stay over at Henry's. Miss Mills said it was okay..."




"Doing one with Henry."

"When you get home it better be done."

She jumps up and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"
She storms out the door and i shake my head laughing.

"Teenagers" i huff in a kind way.

I went to pour myself a glass of wine and sat down going over past sessions with Kay seeing if i can maybe find a place he would go to.


I check my phone.

[Text from Evan:]
Send me nudes.

I burst into laughter and send him a pic of my toes.

[Text from Evan:]
WEIRDO! Anyway- How are you? You okay?

I smile.

[Text TO Evan:]
I am fine. I promise. Now stop worrying.

There was a knock at the door and i laugh softly. I put my glass down and got up making my way to the front door.

"Evan i told you i am fine and no i do not accept booty calls either." I open the door and i stood there in shock.

"I am sure you will accept mine." Kay smirked and fear struck all over me.
"May i come in?" He came inside without really waiting for an answer.

I shut the door and i desperately wished that i had my phone with me now.

"Just as i remembered this place." He gives a soft sadistic laugh.

I look into the kitchen to see if any knives were laying around but no. For once i wished my sister did not do her chores.

"Fear is not a good look on you, darling."

He walks towards me and i feel my heart pounding. We were face to face. His fingers lifting my chin a bit to look at him. Lips almost touching.

"You have forgotten me."

"No. How could i?"

"You replaced me."


He grabbed my face - his eyes going very dark.


"Please don't do this."

His other hand reveals a knife. He softly drags the knife from my stomach upwards to my chin.

"You betrayed me. Made me fall for you and then you threw me out when you were bored."

I shook my head 'no' slowly.

"No? Oh, So him kissing you, touching you...fucking you - that was not betrayal?"

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He put the blade flat against my cheek.

"Sorry? Sorry." He laughs.

"Oh i'm so sorry." He mocks.

"No, you're not. No, you're not..." he whispers.

"I am" i try.

"NO YOU ARE NOT!!....but oh...you are gunna be. You are mine. Mine to me and i do not like people playing let alone touching my things...now...you are gunna be a good girl... you are going to text Evan saying you are going to bed early. Then switch off your phone. Got it?"

I nod my head...i felt some of my confidence come back.

"There you are." He says softly.

He puts the knife down and loosens his grip on my face.

His cold lips connected with mine and all the fear left me. Without thinking i kissed him back. This was what i wanted for so damn long.

The kiss deepened and started getting rough. Clothes being ripped off each other until there was nothing.

Our skin touching sending sparks and goosebumps every where.

Hell knows how but we were on the bed giving in to desire.

There was blood dripping from the scratches on his back that i made. Screams filled the room and his eyes would darken as he went faster and harder...

It was rough. There was a lot of pain but God...i would be lying if i said that i did not love it...

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