The Toughest Lesson

By CapricornKitty1975

26.7K 1.3K 453

Naruto just moved from a public school to a private school at the start of his junior year. The only thing t... More

Dark Horse
Mutual Mistake
The Tutor
The Point of No Return
Dinner Date
Pool House
Fools Rush In
... and Hell
The Toughest Lesson

Make Believe

1K 51 55
By CapricornKitty1975

Wincing, Naruto rolled over on his back, opening his eyes.  He looked up, noticing Kakashi had fallen asleep, head drooped over.  He didn't have his mask on, and his breathing was slow and even.  Naruto was still exhausted, his head hurting lightly, even though he had been taking the medicine as prescribed.  But he forgot about all of that looking up at Kakashi.  He might be being a girl, but he didn't care.  Kakashi was so beautiful.  Reaching up, Naruto couldn't help himself.  He ran his fingers down Kakashi's cheek.  Kakashi stirred slightly, eyes fluttering open.  Naruto quickly shut his eyes, dropping his hand as if he moved it in sleep.  

Kakashi scrunched his eyes, looking around.  Noticing Naruto asleep, he smiled.  Smoothing Naruto's hair off the youth's forehead, Kakashi stared down at the blonde, the light glinting off his wedding ring.  Sighing, his happy mood ruined, Kakashi got gently up, laying Naruto back down.  Going into the kitchen, he made a cup of tea.  Sipping it, he stared out the window, lost in thought.  He had no doubt...he loved Naruto.  He wanted to argue the stupidity of it, for he didn't know that much about the boy, and hadn't known him that long.  But, he knew the stories.  People who could meet and know in a day, or a week, that they were destined for each other, even though they couldn't spend more than fifteen minutes telling what they knew of each other.  People who, twenty five years later, were still happily married.  Smiling, he thought of Naruto.

Suddenly, unbidden thoughts of another young boy invaded.  A boy who made Kakashi promise a deathbed promise on his honor as a shinobi.  Sighing, Kakshi sat down with his tea, childhood memories floating up as Naruto padded in, rubbing his eyes.  

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei?"  Kakashi looked up, saying nothing, waiting for Naruto to speak.  "I.."  Naruto lost his nerve.  He couldn't do it.  Sighing shakily, he smiled.  "I'm gonna go take a shower."  Kakashi nodded as Naruto left.  About twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang.  Going to answer it, Kakashi saw Sasuke.  Ushering him in, he showed Sasuke to the living room.

"Naruto went to take a shower.  Could I get you something to drink?"  Kakashi asked politely.  Sasuke shook his head no, sitting on the couch.  About then, Naruto came out, freshly showered, in sweatpants.

"Hey, Sasuke!  What, no Oreo?" he grinned.  Sasuke rolled his eyes, but gave a brief hug to Naruto.

"No, dobe.  I wanted to come over and check on you."  Sasuke frowned, checking Naruto over as Kakashi quietly excused himself to the guestroom.  "You were lucky."  Sasuke scolded.

"Yea, I know."  Naruto admitted.  He hadn't wanted to think about how close he came.  He was 17 for Kame's sake, he should be invincible.  "Wanna play some video games or something?"

"Sure, but I get to be Liu Kang."  Sasuke said.  And that was that.

Kakashi stayed in the room, leaving the boys to their fun.  He wanted to admonish Naruto on screen time, but reminded himself that Naruto hadn't really had any, so he wasn't going to step in and ruin that.  Naruto had to listen to his body on his own. Hearing the boys laugh, Kakashi smiled.  It was good to hear Naruto laugh.  Laying down, he called and talked to Rin and Rinni.  He updated them on Naruto's progress, and got an update on Rin's mom.  She was doing better, but still not at one hundred percent.  He talked to Rinni.  He missed her so much.  Turning off the phone, he heard Naruto and Sasuke still playing video games, so he turned and went to sleep.


Thursday morning, Naruto woke up.  His headache was almost gone, and his body was still sore, but it was fading as well.  Smiling as he got up, he went into the kitchen.  Kakashi was already in there, making breakfast.  "Don't you sleep?"  Naruto asked, yawning.  Looking over his shoulder, Kakashi smiled.

"Yes, but I'm used to getting up early for work."  Sliding the eggs and bacon on a plate, he sat it in front of where Naruto sat down.  Setting out some juice, he looked at Naruto.  "Do I need to set a place for Sasuke?"

"Huh?  Oh, naw...he left and went home."  Naruto started digging in.  "Damn, you can cook.  This is really good!"  Naruto said appreciatively.

Kakashi chuckled.  "Well, thank you."  Beginning to eat, neither man said anything.  After breakfast, as Naruto assumed the position of dish dryer, Kakashi cleared his throat.  "Mr. Uzumaki, could I ask you a question regarding Sasuke and his family?"

Naruto looked up.  "Sure.  What's up?"  Reaching past Kakashi, he put the plate up.

"Well...Sasuke seems to be your best friend, but Jiraiya specifically asked me to stay here with you.  Why wouldn't he ask Sasuke's family for you to stay with them?  I don't mind, but it just seems...odd?"  Kakashi peeked at Naruto's face.

Naruto sighed, looking at the floor.  "Jii doesn't really like them.  He doesn't stop me from being friends with Sasuke, but there' the past that Jii won't talk to me about that caused a rift between the Uchihas and Jii.  I don't know what it is."  Naruto shrugged.

Kakashi nodded, saying nothing.  As the dishes were done in silence, Kakashi couldn't help but notice how...nice...this was between the two of them.  After dishes were done, Kakashi looked at Naruto.  "Well, what would you like to do now?  Did you need me to go out and get you anything?"

Naruto grinned.  "Naw, I'm fine.  Could we maybe just play a game?"

Kakashi smiled.  "I'd like that.  You pick though."  Naruto grinned and grabbed Tsuro.  Kakashi nodded.  "Wise choice, but be prepared to have your ass kicked."

Naruto started laughing.  "Oh, we'll see about that...I am King of Tsuro."  Clearing off the table, the board game was set up and the battle of wits began.

The day waned into the evening, then into nighttime.  Tsuro led into Shoji which led into Last Night on Earth which led into Monopoly which led into Axis and Allies.  Pizza was ordered.  As the two finished up Axis and Allies with a devastating blow to Germany, demolishing Naruto's army, Naruto let out a huge yawn.  Kakashi smiled, looking at the time.  "You go onto bed.  I'll clean this up."  Nodding, Naruto padded off to bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Friday morning dawned, a rainy day.  Getting up and looking out the window, Naruto frowned.  He hated rainy days.  They were depressing.  The good thing about the day was that he felt back to normal.  Oh, he still had the aches and pains of the scratches, but his head was better, and he didn't need the dark glasses anymore.  Going into the kitchen, he was greeted by the smell of cookies.  Inhaling deeply, he grinned.  "These smell awesome, Kakashi-sensei."

Looking over his shoulder as he smoothly took the cookies off the sheet, Kakashi smiled.  Setting three of the cooler cookies on a plate, he handed said plate to Naruto.  Naruto greedily sat down, eating the cookies and drinking the milk sat before him.  When he finished, Kakashi smiled and headed out.  "Gonna go grab a shower." he explained in passing.

Enjoying the shower, Kakashi stepped out, drying his hair and then wrapping a towel around his waist.  Suddenly, he heard his phone ringing.  It was in the kitchen.  Trotting out, he grabbed the phone.  Answering it, it was Lady Tsunade checking on Naruto.  Kakashi reported that Jiraiya was due back tomorrow and that "Mr. Uzumaki was healing well."  Lady Tsunade praised him and hung up.  Closing the phone, he looked up to see Naruto in the doorway, eyes dark and hungry staring at Kakashi's towel clad body.  Kakashi's body immediately responded to the gaze; he felt himself stiffening under the look.

"Well, uh...Mr. Uzumaki, I...uh, I had better go get dressed."  Kakashi was suddenly shy.  Naruto slid his eyes down and to the right, nodding.  As Kakashi walked by, Naruto held out his hand, gently grabbing Kakashi's arm.  Stiffening, Kakashi stopped.

"Kakashi-sensei...thank you for taking care of me."  Naruto looked into those dark eyes.  It seemed as if Naruto wanted to say more, but didn't.  Kakashi waited, but...nothing.  Nodding mutely Kakashi walked off, going and getting dressed.  Coming out, Naruto sat, looking glumly out the window in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?"  Kakashi asked.

"Nuthin...I just hate rain.  It's depressing."  Naruto mumbled, staring out at the rain.

"Really?  I always thought rain was relaxing."  Kakashi said.  Naruto looked up at him, confused.  Kakashi chuckled.  "When I was little, rainy days were the best for playing make believe."  

Naruto chucked in spite of himself, trying to think of Kakashi as a little kid, dressed up as a pirate, or a shinobi, or ... whatever.  Suddenly, Naruto had an idea.  "C'mon Kakashi-sensei, I have a great idea."  Standing he looked at Kakashi who shrugged.  Following Naruto into the living room, Kakashi was curious.  "Can you go get a bunch of sheets?" the blonde asked, doing some kind of calculations in his head.

Curiosity won out, so Kakashi did as he was asked.  Handing the sheets to Naruto he watched as Naruto made a...fort?  Smiling, Kakashi looked at Naruto.  "Mr. Uzumaki, whatever are you doing?"

"I'm making a fort.  We can watch a movie laying in the fort."  Naruto gave an impish grin.

Kakashi couldn't help but laugh at Naruto's enthusiasm.  Agreeing, he went to look for a movie.  "Do you have a preference?" the silver haired man asked.

"Naw, your choice."  Naruto finished setting up the fort and went into the kitchen.  Popping some popcorn, he brought in a big bowl, along with a couple sodas.  

"Ah, remembered the nectar of life."  Kakashi said as he chuckled, taking a Mountain Dew.  Sitting under the fort, the movie started.

"Bridge to Terabithia?"  Naruto asked.  He didn't remember Jiraiya owning this.  Shrugging, he leaned on his stomach to watch it.

Kakashi chuckled.  "It's about make believe.  Watch it before you knock it."

Naruto grabbed some popcorn, watching the movie.  By the end, he had shed some tears.  Sitting up, he looked over at Kakashi.  "Well, that was appropriate on a rainy day.  Sad as hell."

Kakashi chuckled.  "You have to appreciate the sad to really appreciate the happy."

Naruto rolled his eyes.  "Kinda like having to have rain to have  rainbow."

"Exactly."  Kakashi stretched, grabbing the bowl of popcorn to notice that it had all been eaten.  Getting up, he called over his shoulder, "You pick, I'll get more popcorn."  Coming to sit back down with more popcorn and soda, he saw Naruto grinning.

"Don't judge." is all Naruto would say as the movie started.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, but said nothing...until he heard the beginning of the movie.  "Pretty Woman?  Really?"  Kakashi asked.  Naruto stuck out his tongue and went back to the movie.

"It's my guilty pleasure." he mumbled.


By the end of Pretty Woman, it was time to have a late lunch.  Eating salads, both decided movies under the fort was fun and they would pick a final movie that neither of them had seen but that was random.  Closing their eyes, they put on Netflix and turned on a movie.  Opening their eyes, they saw that it was a movie called "The Wedding Date" with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney.  It was about a woman who hired an escort to pretend to be her boyfriend at her sister's wedding.

At the end of the movie, Kakashi yawned.  "Well, see?  Rainy days can be fun."

Naruto smiled.  "Yea, I guess so."  Getting up, Kakashi looked over their mess.  "I'll clean this up.  You go on and get some rest."  Naruto nodded, heading out to his room.  Kakashi picked up the dishes, putting them in the sink, and folded the sheets, placing them neatly back in the closet.  After making sure everything was picked up, he went towards the guest bedroom.  Stopping at Naruto's door, he was about to knock...but stopped.  Naruto was probably asleep.  Padding away from the door, he went into his room, stripping to his boxers and laying down on the guest bed.  Rolling over, he plugged in his phone and closed his eyes, to head off to dreamland.


As he was drifting, but before he could fully fall asleep, Kakashi heard a knock on his door.  "Come in."  Kakashi said.  Naruto opened the door, coming in, the moonlight from the window framing his face.  "Mr. Uzumaki, is something wrong?  Do you not feel well?"  Kakashi sat up, swinging his legs over the bed to get up and check on Naruto.

Naruto walked over to the edge of the bed, his left arm holding his right elbow, his naked chest gleaming in the moonlight.  "No, Kakashi-sensei, I'm fine.  I...I just wanted to ask you something."

"Of course, Mr. Uzumaki, what is it?"  Kakashi asked, his curiosity peaked.

Naruto bit his lip.  "I know that Jii is coming back tomorrow.  I also know that I've never been happier than when I've been with you.  C...can we make believe we're a couple...just tonight?"  The rawness in Naruto's voice was a punch straight to Kakashi's heart.  "I won't ask again, and I won't say anything, but...please, Kakashi-sensei...I ... I love you, and I want you to be my first."

Kakashi couldn't breathe.  Naruto stood there, looking so vulnerable.  Looking up into Naruto's eyes, he knew.  He knew this was wrong.  And he couldn't stop himself.  Standing, he walked over to Naruto, lifting the teen's chin with his finger.  Catching those eyes in his, Kakashi leaned down, kissing Naruto with all the passion and feeling in his soul.

Naruto mewled at the sensation.  Wrapping his arms around Kakashi, he pulled himself to the older man, kissing him back feverishly.  Pulling back after a few moments, Kakashi stared at Naruto with hooded eyes.  Picking the blonde up, he laid him on the bed.  Crawling on top of Naruto, straddling him, Kakashi leaned over, kissing Naruto gently on the lips.  Naruto eagerly opened his mouth in response.

As Kakashi started kissing down Naruto's neck, the boy whimpered, running his hands over Kakashi's back.  Running his tongue down that chest he had dreamed of, Kakashi stopped to circle a pink nipple.  Nipping and sucking on the nub, Naruto gasped, arching his back in pleasure, pushing his hardening shaft against Kakashi.  Smiling at the reaction, Kakashi then kissed over to the other, neglected nub, biting and nipping on that one.  "Ah...K...Kakashi..." Naruto moaned, his head rolling from side to side.

Kissing farther down, Kakashi stopped right below the navel, planting several small kisses there.  Naruto ran his hands through Kakashi's hair, arching his back more.  Pulling back, Kakashi sat on his knees, grabbing Naruto's boxers and pulling them off, Naruto's erection sprang into the air.  Kakashi felt his cock twitch and harden at seeing the teen laying there, naked and wanton, on the bed underneath him.  Slowly he reached down, running a finger over Naruto's hardened cock, swirling a finger through the pre-cum that glistened on the purple head.

"K...Kashi..." Naruto moaned, bucking his hips up farther, wanting Kakashi's touch.  His head was back, his mouth open in abandon.  Kakashi's cock twitched.  Lowering his head, Kakashi ran his tongue along Naruto's cock, watching the teen's face.  Naruto bucked and jerked, letting out a loud, low moan.  Unable to stop himself, Kakashi took Naruto in his mouth, until his nose rested in blonde curls.

Naruto sucked in a huge breath, his eyes rolling back in his head at the feeling of pleasure from Kakashi's mouth.  Whimpering, he bucked his hips up, wanting to feel more of that warmth.  Slowly, Kakashi began to suck, applying pressure to the base of Naruto's cock, rubbing in a small circle with his finger as he gripped Naruto's balls lightly.  Naruto's eyes went in a full circle, his back arching as far as it would go as his toes curled.  As Kakashi slid his mouth up and down Naruto's cock, Naruto felt that tingling, felt that coil in his stomach that told him he was about to feel something amazingly wonderful.  Whimpering, bucking without any rhythm, in a frantic pace, his muscles locked as he called out loudly, unloading in Kakashi's mouth.  When Kakashi had milked every bit from Naruto, Naruto lay, breathing heavy, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead.

Kakashi was breathing raggedly, his cock impossibly hard at watching the blonde writhe and cum beneath him.  Leaning up, he kissed Naruto hard, passionately, running his hands through the blonde's hair.  As his cock twitched, Naruto opened his eyes, looking at Kakashi.  "Kakashi...please...make me yours." he whimpered impatiently.

Kakashi stared at Naruto for a moment, then nodded.  Running a finger up to Naruto's lips, he pushed gently for entrance.  Naruto kept his eyes locked with Kakashi's, but licked and sucked on Kakashi's fingers, nibbling on the tips, making Kakashi's eyes roll back a bit.  Pulling his fingers out, the senesi slid them down, sliding one in.  He'd never had gay sex before, but it was pretty commonsensical to figure it out.  Sliding his finger in, the silver haired male felt the teen's walls clamp around his intruding finger.  As he gently worked first one, then two, and finally three fingers in, he kept a careful watch of Naruto's face.  There was pain, but pleasure too.  Crooking his fingers, trying to wiggle and make room, he found that bundle of nerves that he'd never experienced as Naruto cried out, stiffening, his cock hardening again. 

Naruto started to hump Kakashi's hand.  Kakashi took that as a sign that Naruto was ready.  Lining up to the blonde's entrance, he looked at Naruto.  "Ready?"  Kakashi asked.  Naruto nodded.  As Kakashi slipped in, he stopped.  Naruto looked up at Kakashi.  Looking at Naruto, everything fell into place, and Kakashi knew what Guy had said was right.  "I love you, too, Naruto.  I'm in love with you, my Sōrumeito."  Naruto let a tear fall from his eye as Kakashi then pushed gently into the hilt; keeping a watch on Naruto's face.  The pain changed to pleasure as Kakashi bumped Naruto's prostate.  Kakashi's vision went pink at the feel of Naruto around him, squeezing him.  Grabbing Naruto's hips, Kakashi started moving, slowly, sliding in and out.  As Kakashi could tell Naruto was enjoying himself, he started to go faster.  Naruto clamped down on him, making the older male cry out as he thrust deeper and more erratic, the pleasure thrumming through him.  Feeling his balls tightening, Kakashi knew he was going to come, and soon.  Thrusting, he grabbed Naruto's sticky and weeping member, tugging on it as he came, crying out loudly.  As he bucked into Naruto erratically, emptying all of himself inside of Naruto, Naruto came again, all over Kakashi's hand.  Shaking, trembling, both men were covered in sweat.  Rolling over and laying down, Kakashi gently pulled out, pulling Naruto up to him in his arms.  As both men fought to catch their breath, Kakashi knew that this love was not make believe.

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