Afterlife ✧ kol mikaelson [2]...

By -chosenone

209K 5.4K 1.9K

In which the angel moves to New Orleans, trying to move on from her former love. ►►► [seasons 2 & 3 of the o... More

part one
01. we're together now
02. pretty girl
03. proposition
04. show off
about me :)
05. the feeling
06. a trip down memory lane
07. stuck in the middle
08. she's my family now
09. promises
10. space between us
11. the power of love
12. everything is not as it seems
13. it'll break you
14. you'll be okay
15. who are you?
part two
16. day one hundred and ninety
17. i see her
18. nobody needs me
19. now or never
20. never leave me again
21. you ruined my life
22. take a joke vampy
23. a threat to everyone
24. i don't wanna die here
about me part 2!!
26. give 'em hell
27. you chose the wrong side
28. sending my love
BOOK THREE (republished)

25. see you around

3.4K 112 72
By -chosenone

*10+ comments for next update*


ARIEL'S SCREAMS filled the air as Kai continued the spell on her. All she could feel was pain, nothing else. The loss of Davina haunted her mind as well so nothing helped her calm down. Tears streamed down her face, her body convulsed uncontrollably, blood trickled down her nose.

"Come on," Asher pleaded and squeezed her hand. "I can't lose you too."

Her breathing started to lessen, everyone's hearts startled as the possibility of death was becoming more and more prominent.

Kol hit Kai's arm. "Hurry up! She's dying!"

Kai ignored vampy's comment and took one last breath before finishing the spell. He fell backwards a little, no energy left in him. Ariel's eyes were almost closed as she felt the wound heal up and go away. Her head lifted up, looking around at Asher and Kol staring right at her. Behind them, Davina still laid motionless.

"Oh god, it's happening," Kai stood back up and felt himself slipping away.

"Kai..." Ariel ignored the dizziness as she stood up and went toward him. "What's going on?"

"Only Cade knows how to heal your wound since he made the angel blade. I, um, I made a deal with him so you could live."

Ariel shook her head, already seeing his feet start to disappear. "You're not going back there. I won't let that happen!"

"I'd do anything for you Ariel," He took her hand as his last seconds on earth were slowly slipping away. "See you around."

Ariel watched as her best friend went back to Hell because of her. Her knees wobbled, but Kol caught her before she could fall to the ground. Her body shook, making a scream come out of her mouth. She was angry, saddened, tired of everything bad happening in her life. When would she ever get a break?


Ariel had taken Kol back to her apartment, wanting to let Asher handle Marcel. She watched as her love sat on the couch, staring at the wall. She cleaned his clothes and skin, not wanting their best friend's blood to be seen anymore. It dull and melancholy between the two. What were they supposed to say to each other?

The door broke open suddenly, an angry looking Marcel Gerard stomping in. He pointed his finger at Kol. "What are you doing here?"

Kol didn't speak as he had tears in his eyes. He looked at Ariel, trying to find the courage to speak. "T-The ancestors had a hold of me. I was out of my head. I would have never hurt her! I tried everything, but nothing worked."

Marcel stared at him for a couple seconds before running forward and throwing him across the room. Ariel pushed Marcel back and used a barrier spell so he wouldn't get to them.

"I don't even understand how you've spent this long with him," Marcel says in disgust. "He's a Mikaelson. Sooner or later they ruin your life!"

"That's enough!" she yells at the vampire across the room. "Witches can be brought back, correct?" Marcel nods his head. "Then lets bring back Davina before it's too late."


Not being able to see Davina lifeless for any longer, Ariel went somewhere that was the last place on her mind: the Mikaelson mansion. She really didn't know why she was going here, but her feet wouldn't stop moving. She entered the gateway and saw Freya through the doors doing some sort of spell.

"What are you doing here?"

She turned around, seeing a depressed Klaus Mikaelson watching her from the balcony. Ariel shrugged her shoulders. "Needed closure, I guess."

"I tried to kill you." Klaus came down stairs in a split second, standing only a couple feet away from the angel. "Lucien lied to me; Cami died and I regret ever believing him and sticking that blade through you."

Ariel tried holding back her tears, but her wall broke down so easily. "I thought we were family, Klaus! I loved you like a brother; I looked up to you. We've been through so much together, yet you decide to end this bond between by sticking a blade through my chest."

"Ariel..." Klaus tried forming words, but nothing would help her. "I'm sorry and it was a mistake. That's all I can say."

"Well, that's the last thing you're going to say to me for a while. I'm done with this town–"


"No!" she yelled at him after being interrupted. Her heart crumbled as she let her feelings out. "You hurt me! I hate letting people in because I just end up getting hurt in the end. I can only trust Kol and my brother. Davina's dead, Kai got sucked back into Hell. Kol's on the verge of having the ancestors ruining him and Asher's so close to leaving this place for good. My life is so messed up, but you were honestly the only constant going for me. Now, I don't even know who you are anymore. Goodbye Klaus."

Ariel turned away, not wanting to hear anything else out of his mouth. Klaus stood there, feeling the most broken he has in a while.


After the heartbreaking conversation with Klaus, the Mikaelson mansion was the last place she wanted to be. She loved Davina, of course she did, but she couldn't handle seeing her face, knowing it may be the last time she would see it. Ariel knew Freya was powerful, but the ancestors had a deal with Lucien and they sure as well didn't wat Davina cheating death because of a Mikaelson.

Ariel walked into the church, admiring the painted windows and statue of an angel that stared right at her. She kneeled down on the steps in front. Clasping her hands together, she closed her eyes and prayed. "Angels, God, I know I haven't done this in a long time, but I need peace. I - I can't handle it anymore. The people I love are dying and I can't seem to stop it. I need your guidance. Show me how to get rid of this pain and to help my friends. Please."

A bright light shone through her eye, making them to open to see an angel right in front of her. It was Angel Mary, one of the elders she grew up admiring. She set out her hand, Ariel taking it. "You're still a young woman, Ariel Summers. You will face obstacles, but just remember that you are an angel. Angel's are one of the most powerful beings in the universe, yet you seem to forget that at times. Maturity will come with power–"

Mary stopped, a look of fear crossing her eyes. "You must go to the Mikaelson mansion," she quickly changed subjects. "Your friends need you. Go!"

Ariel was frozen as Mary disappeared into thin air. She felt her heart race; what could be happening? She teleported in front of the vast house, seeing bodies walking in there. When she went inside, Vincent, Kol, Marcel, and a witch she didn't know looked at the broken circle in the middle of the room.

"Where's Davina?" Asher came running into the room. Tears were still on his face from his earlier conversation with Davina. "Why is the circle broken?"

Marcel got up from the floor, rubbing his neck. "Elijah jumped me. Freya took down Davina, somehow."

Kol stared at the circle flustered. "My brother. Why would he do that?"

"Forget about him!" Marcel snaps at him. "We need to resurrect Davina now."

Ariel's heart hurt at Marcel's pain behind the hard front he was putting up. She should've came here with Asher, been an extra protector for Davina if something were to happen. She sensed the guilt filling her brother up as well as he was gone when Freya did this.

"Van is gonna use every bit of his Regency power to bring her back," Vincent calls out the random guy they brought here.

"Good," Marcel nods at the plan. "I'll get Davina's body."

He walks out of the mansion, purposely bumping into Kol on the way out. Ariel grabbed onto his hand as Van was pushed into the circle bu Vincent. Asher stayed on the other side of the room, not making any eye contact with his girlfriend's killer.


Once Marcel brought Davina's corpse back to the mansion, Asher went into the other room. Ariel gave Kol an apologetic look as she followed after her brother.

"Hey," she closed the door behind her and saw he was looking out the window. "Aren't you going to help them?"

Asher glanced at his sister, his tears glistening in the sun shining through. "I can't do anything. I especially am holding everything back to not hurt your precious fiancé."

"That wasn't Kol, it was the ancestors," Ariel went to quickly defend her love. "Ash, nothing you say will change my mind about him. Just thought I'd let you know."

"You haven't lost him!" Asher snaps at his sister. "He's here! Davina's dead and I doubt these New Orleans witches will be able to bring her back."

Ariel walked up to him, pushing him away from the window. "Are you kidding me? I've lost Kol two times! You don't know the pain I've been through because just a while ago you decide to come to earth to greet dear 'ole sister. Yes, we all loved Davina, but we can't hold onto the pain or else it'll ruin us. Trust me. I know that."

Both stopped arguing when Marcel spoke up from the other room. The got in just in time when Van said, "The ancestors got to her first. It was like she wasn't even there."

Asher's anger took over and he held Van against the wall. "Where is she then?"

"That's it man," Vincent solemnly says. "She's gone."

Everyone in the room goes silent, not a single dry eye. Ariel watches as Marcel leans down and kisses her forehead. She remembers the good times they all had, when it was just herself, Davina, Asher, and Kol. She doesn't know who to hold for support, so she just wraps her arms around herself, embracing that Davina had left this world.

Van starts to leave, but Asher tries to go after him. Vincent grips his arm. "It's over. This is what Davina would've wanted."

Asher doesn't listen to Vincent and throws Van out of the mansion. Marcel gets up from the ground and points an accusing finger at Kol. "I should've known better than to trust your family. You destroy everything you touch."

Kol doesn't say anything, just stares him down. To make him suffer more, Marcel adds, "Next thing you know it's going to be Ariel."

Grabbing Ariel's hand, Kol lead them out of the mansion. He sped them to her apartment.

"I hate this town," he mumbles and throws a glass on the floor.

Ariel places her hands on his face, making him look at her. "Then lets leave. Give it a couple days, but we have to think about us, our relationship for once. We never put ourselves first."

"We can elope in Vegas."

Even with all the darkness surrounding their lives, Kol still managed to make a joke. Ariel smiled, kissing his lips as if it were for the very first time.


it's super late and i'm sooo tired. but i finally finished this chapter. SO MUCH STUFF HAPPENED. when this happened in the show, did you decide with marcel or the mikaelsons?

also, only like two-three chapters left in this book djebfjwj

make sure to vote and comment!


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