Kevin Olusola Adopts Me (COMP...

By jasmine_smith2020

3.5K 88 79

You are a 7 year old girl who has been in an orphanage because your parents died in a car accident when you w... More

Ch. 1 When Will My Life Begin
Ch. 2 New Home, New Family
Ch. 3 Getting To Know Me More
Ch. 4 A Day With Aunt Kirstie
Ch. 5 Rehearsals
Ch. 6 The Past
Ch. 7 Birthday Party
Ch. 8 Facing The Bully
Ch. 9 Facing Fears
Ch. 10 Let's Go On Tour
Ch. 11 Presenting Sofia Olusola
Ch. 12 Vacation Time
Ch. 13 Kirvin (Kevin & Kirstin)
Ch. 14 Childhood Friend
Ch. 15 Helping Daddy
Ch. 16 Date Night
Ch. 17 Bike Riding 101
Ch. 18 Daddy-Daughter Date
Special Bonus Chapter
Ch. 19 Happy Gotcha Day
Ch. 21 My Wish
Ch. 22 My Life Complete
Christmas Special

Ch. 20 Something Beautiful

94 3 5
By jasmine_smith2020

Kevin POV
Soon it's gonna make a year since Kirstin and I have been dating. This whole year being with her has been amazing. Sometimes we bring Sofia with us and she loves her. Kirstin has been the amazing mother figure to her because for me I don't know a thing about daughters and Kirstin has been perfect. Something in my gut is telling me that I should take the next step. I should ask Sofia. So I go upstairs to her room.
(Side note: Sofia is 9 years old now)
Kevin: Hey, Sofia can I ask you something?
Sofia: Yeah.
Kevin: What do you think of me and Kirstie being together? Be honest.
Sofia: I love that you two are together.
Kevin: Really?
Sofia: Yeah because for my birthday last year I wished for you two to be together.
Kevin: Really? I didn't know that.
Sofia: Yeah. I love Aunt Kirstie.
Kevin: Okay. I have another question. How would you like if Kirstie became your mom?
Sofia: That would be awesome.
Kevin: So you would like it if Kirstie became your mom.
Sofia: Like it? I would love it. Why?
Kevin: I'm thinking about asking her to marry me and I had to see if it was okay with you.
Sofia: OMG! Yeah. I would love for her to be my mommy.
Kevin: So should I ask her?
Sofia: Yeah.

I picked up Sofia and gave her a hug.

Kevin: You should always know that no matter what, you'll always be my little girl.
Sofia: I love you daddy.
Kevin: I love you too, kiddo.
Sofia: How are you gonna do it?
Kevin: Well, it's gonna be a surprise. But when it is time, I'll have someone let you know.
Sofia: Okay.
Kevin: But don't tell her. It's a surprise.
Sofia: I won't.

I called Scott and Mitch to come over so that them and Avi can help me.

Mitch: So what is it that you need us to help you plan?
Kevin: I'm gonna ask Kirstie to marry me.
Everyone: OMG!
Avi: Dude this is amazing.
Scott: OMG! This is so exciting.
Mitch: Yes it is. I could honestly cry right now.

We all laughed.

Kevin: So will yall help me?
Everyone: Yeah.

So we all planned out what we are gonna do. A few days later, I had Sofia and Avi help me find a ring.

Avi: I thought it was gonna be easy to find a ring, but holy cow it's hard.
Kevin: Tell me about it.

We all looked around to find a perfect ring.

Sofia: Dad! Uncle Avi! What about this one?

We went over to where she was at.

Avi: Woah.
Kevin: Wow. That's a beautiful ring.
Sofia: Are you gonna get her that one?
Kevin: Yes.
Avi: We got a ring.

So I bought the ring and now everything is set.

Mitch POV
Today is the day Kevin is gonna ask Kirstin to marry him. I'm so excited. Kevin brought Sofia over to spend the night with me and Scott. We already know that we have to stick with the plan. So we all getting ready right now to head to the location where he's gonna ask.

Kevin POV
So today marks one year since Kirstin and I have been dating. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I know that Sofia has the ring and she knows that she's gonna give it to me when the signal is given to her. Now I'm on my way to get Kirstin.
(Kevin's Outfit)

Kirstin POV
Today is our anniversary. This has been the best year ever. I have a feeling something special is gonna happen tonight.
(Kirstin's Outfit)

I hear my door knock. I went to open the door and it was Kevin.

Kevin: Hey, Happy anniversary.
Kirstin: Happy anniversary.
Kevin: You look beautiful.
Kirstin: Thanks. You look incredibly handsome.
Kevin: Thanks. You ready?
Kirstin: Yeah.

So we are in Kevin's car heading to our destination.

Kirstin: Where are we going?
Kevin: It's a surprise.
Kirstin: Why do you always do that to me?
Kevin: Hahaha! It's my specialty.

A few minutes later we arrived at our destination. Which was a different hotel than the one from our 1st date.
We had dinner and we went outside went to this gazebo watching the sun set.

Kirstin: It's so beautiful out here.
Kevin: Not as beautiful as you.

Then, I hear some music playing.

Kirstin: What's that playing?
Kevin: "Stay With You" by John Legend. Wanna dance?
Kirstin: Sure.

Kevin POV
So now everything is going to plan. Kirstin and I are dancing under the gazebo.

Kirstin POV
As Kevin and I are dancing I see Mitch, Scott, Avi, Esther, and Sofia come out of nowhere. I'm really confused.

Kirstin: Kevin, what's going on?

Then we stopped dancing. Kevin is holding my hand.

Kevin: Ever since the day I realized that I started liking you, I've been thinking about the right words to say to you. Kirstie, I don't have words to express how beautiful, kind, smart, loving you are. Honestly, this whole year of us being together had been amazing. Not only are you amazing to me, but you're amazing to Sofia.

I'm already having tears coming down my face.

Kevin: There has never been a dull moment when we are together or went it's the three of us. You have made me and Sofia happier than ever. I am willing to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the exact same way.

Kevin POV
I motion for Sofia to come over and she comes and she gives me the box with the ring inside. She goes back to Mitch.

Kirstin POV
Then, Kevin gets down on one. I'm definitely in shock. I'm speechless.

Kirstin: OMG!

Kevin takes my left hand.

Kevin: Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, will you marry me?


Kirstin: Yes. Yes! YES!

Kevin and I kiss. He picks me up and hugs me. Then, he puts me down and puts the ring on my finger. Everyone is cheering for us.

Kevin: I love you.
Kirstin: I love you.

We both hug again. Then I see Sofia run to us and we all did a group hug.

Sofia: And will you be my mommy?
Kirstin: Of course, I will your mommy.
Sofia: Yay! I have a mommy.

Afterwards, we all went out to celebrate.

Hey Pentaholics! I hope you guys loved this chapter. I literally almost cried myself writing this.
Soon I'll be finish writing this story. I know. Sad. But I may do one more PTX Fan Fiction.
Also be sure and tell everyone about both of my stories.

Love you guys and stay awesome.

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