More Than This: A One Direct...

By 1DNiallnation

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AN: We all need to read a "carrot" story to bring back the memories sometimes... I've decided to not edit thi... More

One Direction Love Story Chapter 1
Chapter 1:Part 2
Airplanes,Gummy Bears, and Sparks
Chapter 2 Part 1: Mirrors,Food, Irish Luck, and Smiles
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Love, Laugh, Trouble?
Chapter 5:Truth, Dare, or Love (LOL Cheesy title!!!<3)
Chapter 6: Promise
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Pool Time!
Chapter 9: I promised you, I'd never let you get hurt.....
Chapter 10: What do you mean You don't remember me?!
Chapter 11: memories
Chapter 12: SUPRISE!!!
chapter 13: OMG
Chapter 14: You Again.....
Chapter 15: Everything happens so fast Part 1
Chapter 15: Everything happens so fast PART 2
Chapter 16: Run....Stop.....Run
Chapter 17: Sticks and Stones....And White Cinnamon
Chapter 18: The Ball
Chapter 19: Happy Birthday Krissy
Chapter 20: Death??
Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 1
Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 2
Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 3
Chapter 22: NEW YORK CITY!!!
Chapter 23: Don't Believe Those Lies
*Authors Note* IMPORTANT READ!!! :)
Chapter 24: Happy 4th of July! Stars, Stripes, and Broken Hearts Part 1
Chapter 24: Stars, Stripes, and Broken Hearts Part 2
Chapter 26: Why Me?
Chapter 27: Its Over?!
Chapter 28: All My Exes Live on Texas......Well Harry's Ex
Chapter 29:What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas....But it'll ruin her life
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:Meeting the Family
Chapter 32: The Big Fight, and Question
Chapter 33: The Big Question
Chapter 34: The Date of A Lifetime
Chapter 35:Everybody Dies...The End?
Chapter 36:Tonight?
Chapter 37: The Last Chapter

Chapter 25: An Average Day In Life, With A Not So Happy Ending

2.7K 15 11
By 1DNiallnation

Hiya Guyyyyssssss!!!!!! So I saw that I am close to 10,000 reads! O.M.G.! Hahah Its crazy! I really cant believe it! Thank you so much!!!!! I am LOVING the comments! The more comments I get the faster I write! Hint hint cough! SO! This is dedicated to my lovely friend Musicluver1D because she is just so amazing! Im starting to dedicste my stories to fans and commenters so yeah! Okay so here! Enjoy this chapter!



PS:Krissy's Pajamas on the right! The picture! Yup....Enjoy!

(Niall's P.O.V.)

"Si-Single One!?"I coughed out. The manager rubbed his temples, "You can't do that"I said shaking my head, "You can't!"I said, "Niall listen-" "No no no no nooo!!! I love her! You can't!"I said "Niall we haven't even decided on it yet, or if we do who will break up."He said. I shook my head, I looked at him angrily. "You're going to make someone breakup with the person they love for money?"I said, I turned away in digust. I was about to walk away but I looked at him one more time, "You can never make us."I said. Then I walked back to the table. Krissy imedietly noticed my mood, "Niall? Babe? Is everything okay?"She asked me touching my arm. "Not really"I muttered under my breath. "What?"She asked not hearing me. "Nothing"I said. "Tell me"She said. "Its Nothing!"I said alittle too harsh, she looked taken back. "I'm going to the bus."I said. Then stormed back to the bus. I imedietly went to my bunk, shutting the curtain. I layed there starring at the bunk above me. I plugged in my headphones and listened to music. Soon I felt the bus begin to move. Hopefully no one would bother me...

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

I really wanted to talk to Niall but he didn't seem in the mood to talk... Everyone imedietly went to bed, "Goodnight!"I said, but no one heard me because they all had either headphones or earplugs in there ears so they wouldn't hear the bus noises. I crawled into my bunk and soon happily fell asleep. Sadly, I wouldn't stay happy...

(Liam's P.O.V.)

Even though it was 2am I couldn't sleep. I had been laying in my bunk for an hour and I still couldn't sleep! I took out my earplugs, then I heard something, crying? I slipped out of my bunk and followed the sound. It was coming from Krissy's bunk, I opened the curtain, surely enough she was crying. But she was still sleeping. She clutched her stomach, "Please! Stop, pl-please"She said. She sounded like she was in pain, "Krissy! Wake up!"I said poking her. She didn't. I carried her out of her bunk and placed Her on the couch. "PLEASE!"she scremed then shot up. She opened her eyes and looked around. When she saw me she bursted into tears and hugged me. "Shhh, Shhh"I said comforting her. "There back"She sobbed. "Whos back?"I asked her. "My nightmares.."She whispered silently crying. I remembered, Niall had asked me how to make bad dreams go away. He told me Krissy was having them.. "Do you want to talk about it?"I asked her, she hesitated then slowly nodded her head yes. "Its the same as always...My dad, he was beating my brother, I tried to stop him but I couldn't. I finally got him off Josh and then he pushed me into a wall then beat me, Josh went to hide Lily. Then he got the knife...and..and you know the rest! Because it really did happen and and "She began to choke on her on tears. I calmed her down, I did know. That news show told the whole world. "I'm so sorry"I said. "But, I can't help but ask...You told Niall which I understand...But you also told Harry but none of us.."I said. She looked up at me, "Its hard to even say his name, let alone say what he did to me!"she said. I shook my head, "Of course..Sorry for asking.."I said. "Its really not good that you always have these dreams...Maybe you should talk to someone about this?"I asked her. "Like go to consuler?"She said. "I have, she gave up on me. I'm too much for her"She said shaking her head. "I'm to much of a mess, she couldn't even tell me in person. I couldn't go anymore because I'm a mess"She said. We stayed silent for awhile...She pulled away from my hug. "Did I wake you?"She asked me. I shook my head, "No, couldn't sleep."I said. "Ohh, Sorry."She said. "I think I'm going to take a shower, it'll make me feel better"She said. I Nodded. "I think I'm going to make some food. Want some?"I asked her, she nodded. She went into the bathroom and I stayed in the kitchen. Then heard something coming from the bathroom, I pressed my ear against the door, Krissy was singing.

"Roads In Front Of Me, Taking me astray."

"Are you leaving me, or are you leading the way?"

"Can you hear what I'm saying?"

"I need to know I need to know I need to know, I need to know"

"Feel like I'm trying to breathe underwater"

"Trying to climb but I keep climbing farther, yeah"

"....Will you take my hand?"

"Feel so far away, wanna see your face, are you even there?"

"Can you show me, can you make me believe,"

"I need to know, I need to know, I need to know, I need, to know..."

I listen to her untill I heard the shower turn off and her stop singing. I quickly ran back to the kitchen. She soon came out in new pajamas. She walked over to me. "Thanks"She said as she took the cup of tea. "So, What were you singing in there?"I asked her sipping my tea, she then choked on her tea, "You could hear me??"She said. "Yeah, Your really good"I said, she blushed. "I've never heard that song before, what is it?"I asked her, she turned red. "I sort of wrote it.."She said focusing her eyes on her tea.(Okay, I didn't want to put any of my real song lyrics on here because I say they suck, so I used Kris Allen's song I Need to Know, its not mine, just pretend!...Maybe I'll share a couple lines of one of my songs another time, MAYBE) "Really? Thats really good! You really wrote that?"I asked her, she nodded sheepishly. "No one knows I write songs! So please don't tell anyone!"She begged me, her eyes silently begging me. "Why?? You have talent!"I said, she stayed starring at me, her eyes still begging. "I guess, since you don't want me to..But you're really good."I said. She thanked me. We stayed there sipping our tea. "Well...I'm going back to bed. Thanks for the tea"Krissy said, she washed her cup then went to sleep. I tried to sleep but really had trouble. But soon, Luckily, I fell asleep...

(Niall's P.O.V.)

I woke up the next morning and went straight to the kitchen. We were still an hour away from North Carolina. I made some cereal.. Soon Krissy woke up, "Morning Babe!"She said getting herself a bowl of

Oatmeal. I decided to look through twitter. She placed the bowel on the little coffee table thing across from me. "Whatcha doingg?"She asked me looking over at my phone. "Twitter"I said. "Ohhh"She said nodding, she ate her oatmeal quietly. Then I saw something a fan had sent me, it was a couple pictures of Krissy, I couldn't tell if they were real or not. It was her, and she was at a football game and she was in a cheerleading outfit. She looked pretty adorable. "Hey what highschool did you say you went to?"I asked her. "John Burrows Prep"She said (Idk, I think its a real school, but who cares.) it was real pictures! "Haha! I didn't know you were a cheerleader!"I said showing her the picture. She blushed, "Ohh that..."She said giggling a bit. "So, wheres your little outfit?"I asked her, "Shush it boy"She said laughing. She sat down next to me. "I heard Cheerleaders"Harry said coming over to us. "My goodness Harry"Krissy said rolling her eyes. He chuckled, "Wait! Aww, hey harry can you hand me my oatmeal?"She asked him. "Why? Just stand up its right in front of you!"Harry said. She reached out her arms, "I can't reach it and I'm comfortable!"She whined. Harry smirked pushing it even farther. "No, sorry!"he said laughing evily. "Meanie!"she said. I laughed then looked at twitter. Then to Krissy and I laughed even more! She was reaching her feet out to grab her bowl! And she did! She grabbed the bowl with her feet then got it in her hands, "Haha What are you doing??"I asked her laughing. "I'm to lazy to get up!"She said laughing, I kissed her cheek, "Your too adorable."I said. She smiled cheekily. Soon Cat came out, "Sup"She said sitting down next to Krissy. "You know what I feel like now?"Krissy said. "What?"I asked her. She looked at Cat and smiled, "ICCEE CREEAAMM!!!"Her and cat sang. I laughed rubbing my ear, "Want to make me go deaf??"I asked them making them laugh. We soon arrived at the hotel "A beach! Lets go! Pleasee! We have like 3 hours before the show!" Krissy said. I agreed, "Come on guys! Lets go!"I said. They all agreed since it was really hot here. We went up to the hotel room, to change. We each had our own rooms, well I shared with Krissy, Cat and Harry, Liam and Seline..You get it. Krissy came out of the bathroom. "I can't go swimming"She said. Sitting down on the bed. "What? Why not??"I asked her. She mumbled something. "What?"I asked her, she sat up, "I left my foundation at the old hotel"She said. I knew what foundation was because Lou would sometimes use it on us if we needed to cover a pimple up or something. "Why do you need that?"I asked her confused, she looked down. "My scars.."She said so quiet I almost didn't hear it. I frowned, "Babe, I'm sure they won't even notice them! And if they do they won't care."I said. She half smiled. "Come on, For me?"I asked her kissing her nose, she giggled. "Fine..But if they do I'm not even taking off my shirt!"She said running into the bathroom to change. Soon she came out in a sundress and a white bikini. "Ready?"I asked her. She nodded and we linked arms and walked down to the lobby where we were meeting everyone. "Took you long enough!"Louis said as we came down. "Wheres Zayn?"Krissy asked looking around. "Fixing his hair"Louis said rolling his eyes, soon Zayn came over. "Ready!"he said. We all ran down to the beach. The hotel was on the beach so it took about 5 minutes to walk. We set out our blankets and everything. "Ohh! Volleyball! Lets play! Please please please!"Krissy said, I knew she played the sport and was really good at it. I didn't want to make a fool of myself. "Pleasseee"She begged giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine"I said walking over, we formed a team, Me, Krissy, Cat, Ashley, Liam and Louis. We went against some other people at the beach. They were good. "Yay! Come on guys!"Kriss cheered laughing. I served the ball. Luckily it made it over the net. I was pretty good! Ashley set the ball and Krissy spiked it over getting us a point. "Good job girly !!" Krissy said highfiveing Ashley. We played along the game, Krissy sereved overhand, which was a harder serve, she always got it but it would go high so it was easy for them to hit it back, one of the guys ran over to our side when Krissy was going to serve, "Here let me help you uhhh" "My names Krissy"She said smiling he nodded, "I'm Mike, So try positioning your hips this way"He said putting his arms around her waist and positoning her, I felt jealousy grow inside me. He shouldn't be doing that! Shes my girlfriend! And he's touching her and shes in a bikini! I coughed, "I think she gets it"I said rudely. The guy looked at me like I was being crazy "Thanks"She said, then she served the ball, it went perfectly over the net and fast. The other team couldn't get it and we scored a point. "Yay! Thanks Mike!"She said hugging him. That got me really angry. I couldnmt even look at her or I might explode. Luckily that was game point and we ended the game. We went over to our beach blankets. "Lets go in the water! Come on Niall!"Krissy said grbbing my hand, I stayed sitting. "Why don't you go ask whats his name over there to go swim with you" I said harshly to her. She looked taken back, even though I couldn't see her eyes through her ray bans I could tell she was shocked."What??"She asked me. "You heard me"I said. "Niall, are you..Jealous?"She asked me. "What! No!"I lied looking away. "Come on Niall, he was just helping me. I don't like him! I like you!"She sia poking my stomach. "He likes you"I said looking over at him. He was starring at her. He waved, she smiled. "Well, he should know that I'm taken"She said smiling, then she pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed her back, I felt her smile causing me to smile. Once we pulled away I saw Mike walk away defeated. I smiled, "Better now?"She asked me, I nodded. "Come on then!"She said grabbing my hang and running to the water. We splashed around the water Harry had rented some boogie boards and we all got to surf."Look!"

L "Look at me!"Louis said standing on the bogie board surfing a small wave. We all laughed. Soon Liam returned with 2 surfboards. "Who wants to go?"Liam asked holding the extra one. "I'll go!"Louis said throwing the boggie board aside, they surfed awhile. One was a really long one so two people could fit, Its big enough so might as well try! "Come on lets try!"I said pulling Krissy. We both got on a surfboard and paddled out we got on 1 wave and stayed for a bit then got off, "That was fun!"Krissy said. We went again, but then this wave got pretty big, we both fell off the surfboard. "Hahaha That, was, so, fun!"Krissy said climbing back on the board. We paddlef back to the beach. Krissy and I decided to take a break, we watched everyone else swim and stuff. "Hey, wheres Cat and Harry?"I asked looking around. "I don't know.."Krissy said. "Bathroom maybe?"Krissy said, "Maybe "I said...

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I saw Cat start walking somewhere so I followed her. She walked to a lighthouse...I follwed her up the stairs and to the top. She looked at the view, it was beautiful.."Beautiful view"I said, she jumped,"Jesus Harry! You scarred me!"She said. I leaned on the ledge next to her. We just stayed there in silence, I wrapped my arms around her. "Harry?"She said. She looked me in the eyes. "Yes?"I said. She smiled. "I-....I do Love You"She said. I felt a big goofy smile form on my face. "You do?"I asked her. She nodded smiling. "I do"She said. I got so happy, I pulled her close then kissed her. She deepened the kiss. This was perfect. She pulled away. "I love you"I said. "I Love you too"She said... Soon we had to go back to the hotel for the show. After we all got ready we drove to the arena. Before the show we were meeting a daughter of the arena owner or something. "Hi! I'm Ruby!"She said "I'm such a big fan!"She said hugging each of us. She was reallt nice, little did I know her niceness would quickly go away. "Haha I love you guys! Omg Louis a striped shirt! Haha!"She said. She sort of said it sounding rude but I'm sure she didn't mean it. "Oh! I love your blouse! I have the same one in white"Seline said filling the awkward silence. "Really? Because this is for petite girls"Ruby said rudely. She looked over Seline. I could tell that hurt Seline. "Umm, I'm not trying to be rude or anything...But that came out a bit mean, I'm sure you didn't mean it though! But you might want to-"Krissy began but Ruby cut her off. "Are you trying to say I'm mean!"Ruby snapped. Krissy shook her head, "No! Not at all! I'm just saying-"She cut her off again "Are you saying I have to apologize? I didn't do anything? You don't like me eh? Why are you being mean to me?"Ruby said. Krissy's eyes widened No no! I'm so so so sorry! I didn't mean to!"Krissy said. "You are so mean! How could you? Your horrible!"Ruby said. Kriss looked like a puppy that just peed on a new carpet. "Listen she didn't do anything, she never said."Nial said defending her. "Of course she did!"Ruby said. "I'm sorry"Krissy said. "No, don't apologize to her"Cat said giving Ruby a dirty look. "I think you should leave"Louis said."I'm leaving because I want to!"Ruby said storming off. "Sorry!"Krissy said to her as she walked away. "You don't have to apologize yo her!"I said. "I just felt bad."Krissy said. I rolled my eyes. We had 20 minutes till we had to go on to perform. We were bored out of our minds. "Hey guys Meeting now in Zayns dressing room."A manager said. Nialls eyes widened. "Why now!?"Niall asked. "Why not after the show, so we don't get bummed! You don't want us bummed!"Niall said fast. I gave him a questioning look, he looked away. "Fine, after the show."The manager said. As he was walking away I stopped him, "Wait! Why would it make us sad?"I asked the manager, he brushed me off then left, I looked at Niall. "Tell me"I commanded. He looked down. "Well,....BYE!"He said running off. I chased after him. "NIALL! YOU BETTER TELL ME"I shouted chasing him. "NEVERR" He shouted, then he ran Behind Liam and hid. "NIALL!"I. "Guys! What is going on??"Liam asked. Lifting his arms. """" shouted, we ran around Liam. "Boys your on!"A producer said, "Were on!"Nial said running on stage. We all ran on stage, "Helloooo North Carolinnaaa!"Louis said into the mic, we began singing Na Na Na, it was Liams solo, "Zayn! Switch spots with me!"I whisper shouted, "What? Why??"He asked me, "Just do it!"I said, we switched so I was next to Niall. "You better tell me leprechan"I said. We began to sing. "You'll find out after!"he said inbetween songs. Finally we finished the show and went to Zayn's dressing room. The whole Management staff was waiting for us. "Hello Boys."The one with the nametag Nick said. "Know as we all know you are becoming very big, am I right?"Nick said. We all nodded. "Well, your percentages are dropping, and yes, that is bad."Nick said. We listened. "They have been lowering ever since all of you got girlfriends."He said. I began to figure out what he was going to say. "Girls are liking you less because no one is single! Everyone is taken, and that means the girls think they have no chance with you so they won't listen to your music or 'fangirl' over you anymore."Nick said. I was scared of what he was going to say next. "Sorry boys, but we need a single guy in the group. Andif none of you are willing to break up with your girlfriends, then-"He began but trailed off. "Then what??"Liam asked. "Then you all will break up." "But what if we don't want to?"Louis asked. "You have to, we have a contract. We know whats best for you boys."another manager said. "But-But!"Niall began but he looked down. "You can't make us!"Zayn shouted. "But we can, and you can't tell the anyone that were making you break up with them."They said. "Wait! How much time left do we have with the girls then? You can't make us break up with them now!"I said, they looked at each other then got in a little group and talked. They returned to us. "You have to decided whos breaking up by Next week."Nick said. Our mouths dropped open. "What!?"Niall said. "You better enjoy your last week with them, because who ever breaks up will never see that girl again." And with that they ended the meeting. Niall looked as if he were about to cry. We all looked around. We stayed silent. "We better get going."Liam said. I nodded, "Yeah"Niall choked out. He was hiding his head in his shirt. He was crying, I could tell.. "Come on Mate, don't wanna worry the girls"I said, he wiped away his tears and manned up. We walked out to the girls. Except one of them wasn't there..."Wheres Krissy?!"Ashley asked me. She looked extremely worried. "What?! What do you mean you don't know?!"Seline said to Liam who looked scared. "She went to go find you guys an hour ago!"Sydney said. "Then after 10 minutes Cat figured she found you and forgot to tell us and went to look for you but she came back saying you guys were in a meeting! Krissy is no where to be found!"Ashley said shaking me. "What?! We have to find her!! We leave in an hour!"Niall said. He looked around franticallly. Wheres Krissy?!

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

I was walking down the hallway looking for the boys. "Nialllll!!! Harry?...... Liam?.....Zayn?....LOUIIS?" nothing. No one was here really, they had left to clean up. Then I felt someone hit me in the head with something hard and everything went black...

I woke up in some storage closet, I couldn't have been out long, I looked at the watch, I had only been out about 10 minutes. "Hello?"I said. I tried to open the door but it was locked. Then the lights turned off leaving me in complete darkness. I was deathly afraid of the dark, luckily my watch glowed a bit. It didn't help much but I had something to look at. The someone yanked my hair from behind, the stranger wrapped their hands around me tightly. They had some voice disguise thing so there voice sounded HELLA SCARY. They slowly whispered in my ear, there breath hot on my ear. "Time For Revenge."

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