I Saved One Direction

By jrt1114

47.8K 536 87

Im just a normal one direction fan who happens to have bin studying health and taken first aid. It helps when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thanks, Sneek peek, Favor! :D (not part of story, but useful)
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 -Epilog- The Final Chapter

Chapter 21

1.2K 13 1
By jrt1114

This chapter had two different Point Of Views. Try and and keep up! ;) VOTE COMMENT READ! xx

Chapter 21: 

I was woken up out of my sleep quite quickly. I was woken by a loud bang that came from my door. I opened my eyes, but was still half alseep and only saw a blur of a person.

"Ella." A voice said.

"Mmhm." I responded as best as i could.

"It's Liam, sorry if i startled you! I couldn't sleep." He said standing in the door way. 

I signaled for him to come with me. I really did love him. His smile, his humor, his eyes, his stange fears, and everthing about him. He crawled in bed next to me and i could feel him looking at me. I turned to face him and could no longer contain myself. I moved close to him and put my lips against his. He kissed back and then it got more intense. As much as I wanted to I couldn't. I believe that we should be married first and I wasn't even sure we were dating yet.

"I.. I'm sorry." I said backing away a bit.

"It's okay. I pushed to far." he responded.

 I turned my back against his and shut my eyes hoping to fall alseep again after the excitement of kissing Liam like i use to. Of course I did though, wasn't hard because i was in his arms. 

When day came Liam was still asleep beside me. I loved watching him sleep, but I didn't want one of the boys to come in and then start asking questions. 

"Liam! It's time to wake up! You have an interview today at noon." I said pulling him by his feet out of the bed.

"Okay! STOP STOP!" He said lying half on the bed half off.

He got up and left the room. I heard him talking to one of the  boys out in the hall. I had just hoped that he wasn't asking anything about me. That would be embarressing! 

Liams Pov::

"Hey... Way to go man!" Harry said winking at me as I left ella's room.

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"You got Ella back!" He said.

It kind of confused me, I mean we weren't official. Maybe we should be though.

 "No. Not really." I said looking down at my feet.

"But you slept with... You.. You havent asked her yet?" He said staring at me.

I started to walk away. I didn't want to talk about what a big coured i am.

"You have to ask her before the interview! You know they are going to ask you if you have a girlfriend! and you don't want to hurt her do you?" He asked me. 

"Okay." I said walking into my room shutting the door in his face.

How was i suppose to ask her romanticly in 3 hours. Do I just ask her? Nahhh. I don't know what to do. I'm kind of afraid. I don't want to get rejected. I don't know wheather it's to soon yet. Oh hell, I have to! I love her. But how? 

I went up to her door baring a note. Telling her to read it once i had left. She said okay and shut the door once i turned my back.

Ella's Pov.:

I sat on my bed opening the envelope. I was a little nervous to read it, but very curious. The note read...


I really love you! I'm not sure wheather we are together again, but i would like us to be.

If you thought we were, we weren't, but hopefully we can be. This is me asking you to be my girlfriend. Your beautiful, funny, sweet, and caring. I know it might be to soon, but I am willing to stick by your side to help you with anymore obsicles that come in your path. I love you! Will you be my girlfriend?


Ps. I'm outside your door waiting for an answer ;)

Liam's Pov: 

I sat there on the wall waiting for her to read it, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking. I hoped that she would say yes. Then the door opened and the most beautiful girl was standing there with the letter in her hand. 



Ella's Pov.:

"Okay guys, lets stop talking about Harry's mom. Now the question that you guys get all the time." The interviewer said.

"Who's single and who's taken?" She asked winking at them.

I thought it was quite funny how every interviewer asked them that. It hasn't really changed. Wait, it has.

"Taken!" Louis said to start them.

"Single!" Harry said winking at the camera.

"Single" Niall said smiling and looking at his feet.

I wonder what was going on with him. 

"Single" Zayn said then looking at Liam.

This got me real nervous! I loved Liam, but i was afraid of all the fans! I'm good at taking hate though! 

"I'm taken!" Liam said.

"OOooo! Is it Danielle?" The interviewer asked him.

"Ughh... no!" He responded laughing.

"OOO! who?" She asked him.

Liam looked at me and I could see it in his eyes that he was asking to tell them. I nodded even though on the inside i didn't want him to.

"Ugh... I'm not sure I should say." he said. 

He looked at me and smiled. He knew.

"For pete sake! It's ella!" Harry called out. 

For some reason, I was okay with people knowing. I was shocked that Harry knew, but what ever!

"Really! Again! I'm very happy for you! You guys are such a cute couple!" The interviewer said.

"Thanks!" he said looking at me again.

"Oh she's here! Get her out here!" The interveiwer

Then i felt arms wrap around mine dragging me in front of the camera beside Liam. 

"Hi." I said trying to be as cheerful as possiable. 

"Aren't you gorgeous! I heard you got hit by a car not too long ago." The interviewer said.

"Yea, But it was quite a bit ago and i just don't exsactly like to talk about it." I said trying to be polite about it.

I knew people knew about it, but i also knew that some people didn't. I really wasn't to happy about those people now knowing! 

After the interview was over we went back to the house. I knew that we would be leaving to live on the bus and in hotels soon, so i might as well enjoy living in a proper house for a while. 

"I'm taking you out tonight! Dress in something fancy!" Liam said to me as I flopped down on my bed.

"Alrighty then!" I responded.


Authors Note: 

Sorry if it was hard to keep up, but VOTE COMMENT AND READ! Oh yea the chapters are going to get a tiny bit more exciting soon!  

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