The Night Everything Changed

By lucy41319

770 48 45

Kate Beckett's friend Lanie gets tickets for the Ed Sheeran convert in Central Park. Kate doesn't want to go... More

1. The invitation
2. „Oh. I'm sorry!"
4. Date Night
5. Hamptons?
6. Off to the Hamptons
7. Getting closer.. and closer

3. Yes or No?

110 7 6
By lucy41319

"Dinner was awesome. Thanks again." Kate said and bumped his shoulder.

They were walking down the sidewalk after having dinner at a nice restaurant that Castle picked.

"I really enjoyed it, too." Rick answered and took her hand in his. She looked up at him and smiled, squeezing his hand. "You wanna go the park?"

"Sure. But not too long. I have an early shift tomorrow." She replied and he immediately nodded, making his way to the park and pulling her with him.

They sat down on the swings and began talking about everything they could think about.

"I love your laugh." He spoke when she laughed about something he said.

She blushed and looked at him, getting lost in his ocean blue eyes. "I love your eyes." She responded shyly. She didn't know what made her say it but it felt right.

He started to lean in and brushed the hair out of her face. Rick put his hand on her cheek. She smiled and also leaned in.
Their noses touched and their lips were about to touch when..

Kate shot up in bed. Did she really dream this?! It felt so real.
That's when she noticed her phone ringing beside her. So that's what interrupted her dream.

She yawned and took her phone from her nightstand to look at the caller ID. It was Lanie.

"Hello?" Kate answered, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Hey girl. Did I wake you?" She heard her friend saying.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I slept long enough." Kate sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, trying to forget about the dream she had just a few seconds ago, before she added. "So what's up?"

"Well.. we didn't really talk yesterday after the concert and I really want to know more about this Rick guy. You seemed to like him."

"Seriously? That's why you're calling me at.." She looked at the clock on her nightstand. "Nine o'clock on a Sunday morning?" She questioned while shaking her head.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just so curious." Kate could hear how Lanie let out a breathy laugh. "So tell me everything. How did you meet and what did you find out about him?"

"Well.. we bumped into each other and he accidentally spilled coffee on my shirt. He was so sorry and so he bought me a new one.-" 

"That's so sweet of him!" Lanie interrupted but soon realized that Kate hasn't finished talking. "Oh sorry. Continue please."

"Thanks. Anyway that's when we started talking. He is 34 and has a 14-year old daughter named Alexis. Eh.. he's a writer and loves Star Wars and playing laser tag with Alexis..." Kate continued to tell her friend everything about the man she was so interested in.

When she finished Lanie chuckled. "Seems like he swept you off your feet."

"That's not true. He's nice but nothing more." Kate explained but deep down she knew that this wasn't true.

"Keep telling yourself that." Lanie stated. "So, did he call you or did he text you?"

"Actually he did." Kate said, remembering the text from the day before. "Yesterday. When I got home. He asked if I want to meet him today. But I'm not sure if I should.. I mean I barely know him." She was really insecure about meeting him again. She didn't want him to get into her messy life.

"Kate, sweetie. I saw the way you looked at him yesterday. He clearly means something to you. And the fact that he texted you after less than an hour says that he feels the same way. Don't be scared. It's worth a shot isn't it?" Lanie explained and Kate realized that she was right. She can't hide her whole life. She could give it a try and if it doesn't work out.. well then she at least tried.

"You're right. I think I'm going to call him and say that I have time today. Thank you!" Kate exclaimed with a small smile on her face.

"Good idea. Then have fun and I guess I'll see you tomorrow at work." Lanie answered and they both hung up.

At Rick's loft

Rick Castle has never been this nervous in his whole life. Well maybe when Alexis was born but this was different.

It's been 10 hours since he texted Kate and she still hasn't answered. Maybe it was a mistake. He shouldn't have texted her so fast. She probably thinks he is a strange stalker or something.

"Hey Dad. I made breakfast. Do you want something?" His daughter asked when she opened the door to his bedroom.

He smiled and got up. "Yeah sure. Thanks pumpkin. I'm just going to put on some clothes and then I'll join you in the kitchen." He explained and the young girl nodded and left the room.

They ate in silence until Alexis couldn't take it anymore. "Okay dad. What's bothering you? You seem sad."

"Nothing pumpkin. Everything's alright." He assured her. He didn't want her to worry.

His daughter saw that he was lying though. "Dad, I know that that's not true. You were in your room until past eight and that only happens when something is bothering you." Man his daughter was smart. He couldn't hide a thing from her.

"Okay, okay. I am a bit sad but it's nothing serious." The 14- year old gave him a look that said spill it. He sighed. "As you know I went to the Ed Sheeran concert yesterday." She nodded. "Yeah.. and I met a really nice woman. We talked for an hour or two and I enjoyed it so much. She is beautiful and so interesting. Anyway at the end of the concert I asked for her number and she gave it to me. I texted her as soon as I got home and she hasn't answered. I have the feeling that I shouldn't have texted her so soon. I'm afraid that I scared her away." He told his daughter honestly and she smiled and touched his arm.

"Maybe she's not awake yet. Don't worry dad. She wouldn't have given you her number if she isn't interested. I think it's good that you texted her. It shows that you care about her." He smiled. His daughter always knew how to make him feel better.

"Come here pumpkin." He opened his arms and his daughter put her arms around his neck without hesitation. "Thank you." He whispered and kissed her hair.

"No problem, dad. I was afraid that you might fade because you're so nervous." She chuckled and he did too. "So what do you say? We have a laser tag- match so that you're a bit distracted. She's probably still sleeping." She suggested and looked up at him.

He just smirked and made his way into his office. "Get ready to get your ass kicked." He let out an evil laugh and took out their gears.

"I will kick your ass." Alexis challenged as she changed into her gear.

Soon father and daughter were running around the loft having fun. The conversation from earlier completely forgotten.

Suddenly Rick's phone rang and his heart immediately started beating faster. He told Alexis that he has to get this and sprinted into his bed room. That's when he read her name on the screen.

He took a deep breath before he answered his phone. "Hello?"

"Eh.. Hey Rick. It's me Kate." She sounded nervous. Thank god he wasn't the only one.

"Oh hey Kate. How can I help you?" He tried to sound casual but she could probably hear how nervous he actually was.

„I'm calling to tell you that I am free today. So if the offer still stands we can meet somewhere." She explained and he felt his heart beat quicken.  She really wants to meet him.

He grinned from ear to ear and sat down on his bed. "Of course the offer still stands. When do you want to meet?" He asked. He looked up and noticed his daughter standing in the doorway.
She gave him a questioning look and he just smiled and nodded.

"How about tonight? We could meet at my place or your place, order some takeout, if you like that and watch a movie?" She requested.

"Sounds perfect. Do you want to come over? I have a big TV."

"Sure but what about your daughter. Isn't she there too? I wouldn't want to intrude." He smiled at the fact that she mentioned his daughter.

"No she's staying at a friends place tonight so I would be alone. You're welcome to keep me company." His daughter gave him a thumbs up to show him that this was a good idea and left the room to call her friend.

"Okay then I guess it's settled. Is 7pm okay?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. Seven sounds perfect. I'll see you later, Kate." He smiled widely and she laughed.

"See you then, Castle." She answered and hung up.

He grinned. Castle, he liked that.

„Tonight is going to be great!" He said to himself and left the room with a big smile.

Third chapter finished! It's a bit short but I want the date to be in a single chapter.
I finished this because my friend KittyKat3715 wanted me to.
I hope you enjoyed it!
I will go to Crete in a few days so I don't know when I will update this story.
Thanks for reading!! Leave a comment please

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