Infinite - Jake T. Austin Lov...

By forevermaralee

140K 1.9K 1.2K

Lara Estrada, a simple teenaged girl, lives in Alaska. She is quiet, maintains a good reputation, and a littl... More

1: A Summer Home
2: Unexpected
3: Sonic
4: Soup
5: Lipstick
6: Glasses
7: Shortcut
8: Stain
9: Chocolate
10: Drink
11: Sand
12: Cup
13: Bedtime
14: Clip
15: Sleepy
16: Awkward
17: Today
18: Ever Since Day One
19: Klutz
20: Pancakes
21: More
22: Hidden
23: Film
24: Confusion
25: Liars
26: Crazy
27: Truth
28: Over
29: Tension
30: Unwanted
31: Near but Far
32: Switch
33: Revealed
34: Promise
35: Ice Cream
37: Technology is Essential
38: Charms
39: Weights
40: Quarrels
41: Spilled Mess
42: See the Light
43: Unnoticed
44: Sudden
45: Fears
46: Fearful
47: Reminder
48: Prepared
49: Back
50: Reunite
51: Start

36: Mousetrap

1.5K 20 18
By forevermaralee


36: Mousetrap

We get out of my car almost immediately, our bodies being hit by the rays of sunshine. I am about to wrap my arm around her waist, but she walks further ahead, dodging me. I realize she doesn't want public display of affection towards her - especially while I am at work, knowing exactly why.

We walk a few feet away from each other, but as my patience runs dry, I take my place right next to her, moving at the same speed. "Jake," she mumbles out as her eyebrows knit together. "What?" I playfully speak, "I'm not doing anything. I'm just standing at a good distance right next to you while I walk to the set." I earn a small chuckle escaping her lips before she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, looking forward.

Sooner than I expected, we reach the set; we tried taking the long way already, but it seems as if time flew by as I hang with my girlfriend. "You haven't been here for awhile," I nudge her arm with my elbow, and her face is composed but her eyes are filled with fear and

Her aunt isn't one of the makeup artists for the cast today, so Lara plants herself on the couch, saying a quiet 'hello' and 'good morning' to people who pass by near the food table. I take a good look at what she's wearing: my navy blue basketball shorts and grey hoodie, and her black Converse. My eyes quickly notice the progression of her injuries - her bruises have healed immensely, but she forced me to return her makeup pouch to cover herself up to like nothing has ever happened. I am irritated with the piles of makeup on her body, but it's understandable due to what had happened to her.

"Jake," Cierra stands right next to me, "Did you hear anything I said?" I shake my head 'no,' and she laughs at me. "What did you say?" I ask her, removing my eyes off of Lara. "Well," she places her hand on my shoulder, "I said we're starting the last scene for the season, so move it!" She smiles and pushes me away, and I take one more glance at Lara who looks from the backdrop for our last scene to me. I mouthe to her that I love her, and she blows me a kiss and mouthes it back.

Point of View: Marian Lara Estrada

Six hours later...

"And scene!" The director mournfully speaks out. He wipes his eyes with his sleeve before clapping his hands, "That was truly emotional." I feel my cheeks wet with tears as well as I see the actors wiping their faces with tissues and sleeves, making me cover my face with the palms of my hands.

They have finally finished the last part of The Fosters summer season 2, and it has brought everyone to shambles. My heart hurts from the last scene and what had occurred, the tears continuously pouring.

"Hey," Jake walks up to me with bloodshot eyes, "How'd you like the last scene?" A big smile is still plastered onto his face like nothing bad happened during the making of the scene. "Intense," I use my fingers for the remaining liquid pouring down, still thinking of the last filmed part, "That's terrible what happened."

He chuckles out, putting his arms out to embrace me, and I look around to see everyone minding their own business. "Don't worry; it's just a friendly hug," He smiles and I stand up from the couch and wrap my arms around his torso. Quickly, Jake whispers near my ear, "Sweetheart."

I push him to let go of my arms and laugh at him. As I stop myself from my giggling fit, he seems to have spaced out as he just stares at me with a blank expression.

"Jake?" I snap my fingers in front of his face; he quickly shakes his head and shows a lopsided smirk, "Sorry, Lara. I was just mesmerized by you," he spins me around, so we can walk towards the food table, "We should get going. I don't want us to waste anymore time." He grabs an apple from the basket full of fruits.

"Time? We have plenty of time," I lift my phone to my face, "It's barely 4 o'clock in the afternoon." At first, Jake analyzes his apple for some odd reason, but he straightens himself out right after, wrapping his arm around my shoulder while taking a bite from the apple, "I know, but I had something in mind for the rest of the day." A mischievous smile grows on his face, and I speak out, "Should I be worried?"

"Nah," Jake starts off, "I just need to grab something inside my trailer." I nod my head slowly, trying to show Jake a false worried expression even though I feel happy he already planned the rest of our day together. He walks out the exit door, but I quickly realize that I left my brown leather bag on the couch. "Jake, stay here," I remove his arm around me, "I have to get my bag." He nods, putting his hand in his pocket while the other continues to hold his apple.

I run back to the couch I had been sitting in for about six hours straight and snatch my bag. As I turn around, I notice from my peripheral vision David approaching. I look the other way, not wanting to face him due to the pure fear rushing inside of me.

A plethora of the events that has happened in a span of weeks flashes inside my mind. First off, the restaurant with David and Quinn. Of course, David did not know what Quinn had done to me, but he did not understand the way I had freaked out that night. Secondly, David's outburst inside Jake's trailer after my kiss with Jake. He has a right to be mad, but the way he slammed his anger was sick and horrible. The pain is still felt in my heart as he screamed at me and his costar, and I cannot forget that day. Third, his phone call to me at night and making me hurt even more with the toxic information he spoke about Jake. David twisted the truth with the video he received from Quinn, and it almost made me destroy my relationship with Jake while the video can ruin Jake's life.

With David, there is also Quinn.

The last image that paints inside my mind is the after party. It isn't David's fault that he does not know what Quinn is up to, but I had danced with David, ending up with Quinn who molested me in the bathroom moments later. If I did not dance with David, maybe I could have avoided this pain. The destruction that Quinn had brought to me. The things that had occurred at the after party is inked inside my brain; it had given me nightmares almost every single night, freaking me out - making me not sleep and leaving me into tears. Those horrible dreams have lessened with Jake by my side, but it's still there.

With David, there is Quinn.

The fear inside of me is like a thermometer reaching its maximum due to the extreme heat. "Hey," my thoughts are pulled away from me as I feel a hand on my shoulder, "You haven't been here for a while now. What happened?" His eyes are full of concern as I turn to face him. My mouth is dried up, and I cannot speak anymore. It's as if seeing him has made me become speechless; all I want to do is crawl up under a bed and hide forever, but instead, I answer back, "Uh - I - Busy. Yea, I -" I try to fix my sentence structure, but it's impossible right now. I look down at the ground, "Excuse me," moving towards the door but only to be stopped a few feet away with his hand on my shoulder again.

I look at him, the sadness in his eyes as he looks at me, but it makes the pain in my body heighten for some reason. The scars and bruises seem to have been splashed with fuel, being inflamed by the spark: David. "Are you alright - " I force my eyes shut, panic rising inside of me as tears well up in my eyes, "Excuse me!" I whisper in a harsh tone dashing towards the door.

I push the doors open, crashing into Jake's body. "Sweetheart, what's -" but before he can finish his statement, another pair of arms slam the double doors open behind me. "David," Jake states as calmly as possible, holding onto me as I continue to shake.

What is wrong with me?

"Look, I just want to know what's wrong with Lara," David states, but I cannot see the gestures he is doing to my position - buried inside Jake's chest. "You don't need to know," Jake speaks and steps back slowly, his arms still caressing me, "It isn't your business."

He ignores Jake, speaking to me as I try to drown out his voice, "Lara, please tell me what's wrong." My body begins to tremble. I feel my scars and bruises burning hotter, but no one can tell from this point of view. I grasp onto Jake's shirt, the feeling of protection trying to seep into my skin slowly although the fright overpowering it at the same time.

Jake's embrace is tighter as my nails dig into his skin, "David, just go back inside. We have to go." "No, I want to know what the hell is wrong with her!" David yells towards Jake, but the volume of his words remind me of Quinn's aggression during the after party - the part that Jake did not see with his eyes.

"You wouldn't want to wreck your precious boyfriend's reputation?" His voice seethes making me choke on my following words, "N-no, I don't." My voice quavers at his sight, my emotions running on overdrive as the pain in my body accentuates.

Quickly, I am pulled and shoved inside the men's restroom. My body is thrown onto the floor, tears already forming in my eyes. I hear the faucet turn on. "F-fuck," I stutter out before I'm lifted off the floor by my hips. He throws me against the wall, my head slamming with the rest of my body; my brain is throbbing against my skull, and I can barely open my eyes anymore although the tears still fall freely.

"I don't understand why those two are so fucking obsessed with you," he bites my neck. I open my mouth to scream, but as I am about to, I am reminded that I can ruin Jake AND David by protecting myself. Although David caused some of this, he doesn't deserve to lose his occupation. It's my fault. Instead, I whimper, using my fists to try and make space between me and this man, but as I make contact with him, I receive another slam onto the bathroom stall causing me to drop my hands to my sides. I feel the blood rushing up into my mind, making me dizzy. The sounds inside me start to change, making different noises. He continues his assault as his hands roam my body.

His hand rests on my stomach while the other one keeps me steady. It slowly begins to move up until it is near my collarbone. With one loud ripping sound, I feel wind slap me across my chest as the dress Jake bought me is torn open at the laced part. "Please, I beg -" but I can't finish my sentence as another swing to the wall was felt all throughout my body, "Fuck."

His mouth lowers until it is against the middle of my collarbone, and I struggle to breathe due to the lump that had formed inside my throat. I don't want to breathe anymore; this is too much to handle. I gasp in pain as I feel his free hand clutch onto my thigh, lifting it near his hip, while his teeth pull my skin.

No, please don't. No. No. No.

His hand slowly scrunches my dress, revealing my skin, and I cannot bear to watch anymore. His hand grazes my inner thigh until it is two inches away. "You're trembling, whore," he spits against my neck. As he is about to position his fingers, the bathroom entrance creeks open, giving me a sprinkle of hope. This man holding me quickly enters the bathroom stall, slamming it shut. I hit my hand against the wall immediately.

"Everything alright?" A voice calls, but I cannot decipher who it is through the blows to my head.

The man holding me quickly answers, "Yea, everything is fine, I just got some business to take care of." He stares at me with mischief and revenge; as he says that, I slap my hand against the stall wall, dropping my phone along the way.

"You sure everything is -" the stranger speaks out but is cut off, "Yes! I'm in the middle of something!" He booms against my ear. His hold on me tightens, making me feel like my blood flow is slowly ending. I hear footsteps becoming faint, meaning whoever the man is is leaving, so with all the strength I can muster, I slam the wall with both my hands as hard as I can.

"You're nothing but a fu -" but before he can finish, I try to knee him in his jeweled area, but I failed. His fist quickly collides with my knee, making me bite my lip. Right away, I feel a stinging feeling against my cheek, making me take in a deep breath of oxygen, "Sh-shit." My tears stream down without hesitation anymore, finally accepting that I will be raped since my only sliver of hope left the facility.

I close my eyes, wanting this to just be a horrible nightmare, but it is not. My thoughts are proven to be true as I hear my phone vibrate against the tiled flooring. I glimpse at it, making me hate myself more as I see Jake's photo on my phone screen. I cannot ask for help. He can't find out.

Quinn raises the phone to my ear, making me answer. I try to stop my sobs, but they will not diminish, "H-hello? J-Jake are you there?" I pause as I try to hear him, but he doesn't reply. He's angered with me because I told him I was leaving early. He'll hate me more after this, but instead of hanging up, I continue my words, "J-jake, I'm f-f-fine. Don't be mad, o-okay? I - I'm just g-going home," I lie to my boyfriend, feeling the pang of distrust and pain. I end the call with my final words to him, "Don't worry about me, have fun at the party. I - I lo-love you." Quinn slams my phone back to the ground, and I instantly break into full blown tears, falling on the floor when he releases me.

This is all my fault.

"I'm so sorry, Jake!" I slam my hands on the cold flooring, "I'm so sorry!" My whispered screams are stopped as Quinn grabs hold of me again, dragging me off the floor. He swings the door open and as soon as I am out, my heart breaks as I look forward. His image is blurry, but I know that it is him without a doubt.


"No one's here to save you," Quinn squeezes me even harder.

David tries to speak again, "Lara, I want to -" but as the nightmare flashes before my eyes, I begin to scream, "No!"

I am not prepared for this confrontation with other people. I cannot handle their reactions if they're told what happened. I can't do this. My chest tightens instantly, and I begin to suffocate. I hold my hands to my chest, trying to feel for my heartbeat. Deep breathes of air push inside my throat into my lungs, and slowly, I feel the pounding on my chest.

Jake's hand is behind my head, putting me gently onto his chest, "Shh, don't worry. I'm here." Silent hot, stinging tears streak my cheeks as he comforts me, and after a moment, he speaks out again, "Let's go to my trailer now." I hesitantly look up, turning my body around to see that David has left us. I nod at Jake, and he tangles are fingers together, walking to his trailer.


Before leaving the studios, Jake made us go to his trailer, and there, he gives me a white loose shirt and dark denim jeans. I asked him why he had bought me clothes, but instead of answering, he just walked away from me, making me follow him into his Escalade.

Now, we are currently walking on a busy street in Anaheim, California. I've never been here, and it seems busy for some reason. I take this time to look at Jake, his tank top revealing his muscles as dark blue jeans cover his legs while converse are on his feet. His face is shadowed by a white snapback and his sunglasses cover his eyes very well. I, on the other hand, do no have a hat but have large sunglasses on.

"Jake, why are we here?" I cannot see passed the crowded street, and he continues to pull me through loads of people until we stop. I finally take this as a chance to look around me, and in seconds, my eyes widen and shock is written all over my face.

"Surprise!" Jake chuckles out. I take this chance to jump on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kiss his cheek, "You're actually taking me on a Disneyland date?" He hooks his arms around my legs as he moves towards the gates; as we move, he digs inside his deep pant pocket for the tickets, pulling them out right away, "Yup. I don't go against my word - you texted me about this dream of yours a few weeks back, and I'm making sure sure it's granted."

I wiggle out of his grip, jumping out to get my phone. We continue walking, getting passed the gate until we're inside the park. As soon as my phone is on, I slide the camera and get ready to take a photo of us. He takes out his phone as well, holding it out as far as mine. I tap my phone multiple times, both of us doing different facial expressions each click. After my photos, he wraps his arm around me before stating, "Cheese to wishes coming true." I quickly grin at his camera, and the picture was quickly taken.

Before we can place back are phones inside their designated places, a person in Disney uniform comes towards us, "Would you like a photo in front of the garden?" I look at Jake for an answer, and he nods quickly, giving his phone and mine as well. The man holds out his large Nikon camera, going a few feet away, and he begins to count down from three. He quickly takes our photo before using our phones to do the same thing. As he finishes, he returns our devices, "You can see the photos I took online," he hands Jake a piece of paper, "You just need to create an account. Also, visit the gift shops here; I hope you all enjoy your day here in Disneyland!" The middle aged man smiles out, and we walk away.

Jake looks at the photos in his phone, smiling to himself, "I love spending my time with you," I wrap my arms around his arm, "And it's great how we can just hang out like this."

"I agree," I feel my heart skip a beat as we continue to walk deeper into the park, looking at all the rides. "We should get in line for some of the rides," Jake takes hold of my hand, kisses it, and we get behind three guys to go on one of the rides. I look up at the large mountain and back at the line, "Is this one of the main attractions?" He quickly answers me, asking if I wanted to go to the express line, but I told him I was fine waiting; not because I liked waiting, but because I want to spend as much time as I can with him.

He changes his position as we move forward in line, putting me in front of him while his hands rest on my shoulders. We talk amongst ourselves, planning to take pictures with the Disney characters. As we move up, I hear people coming from behind, meaning there are more in line to get on the wet ride. Jake whispers into my ear to make the time go by, but after moments of our time together, it is cut short with someone tapping his shoulder.

Jake quickly turns around to see four girls with big smiles on their faces. Their eyes widen as soon as he fully faces them, and I cower behind him. "You're - it is you!" One of the girls blurts out loud, "I can't believe we're meeting you right now in a line to go on Splash Mountain!" I hear him chuckle, and he puts one of his hands behind his back to take hold of my hand, "Yea, it's me," he states before I am pulled to be by his side.

The girls stare at me in confusion, looking me over a few times. "Are you his girlfriend?" I freeze in my spot, not knowing what to say as Jake squeezes my hand to comfort me. I look at him through my pair of pitch-black sunglasses, and a smile reaches his lips. I hold onto him even tighter, scared of what he'll say.

"Yea, she's mine," Jake pecks my forehead as he answers one of the four girls. They nod in agreement - as if they have some sort of telepathic communication - and look back at Jake. "We're glad you found someone who you love," one of the girls with braces smiles out.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he let's go of my hand to hug each of the four girls. I feel my heart beat faster as I see how nice Jake is towards his fans, no matter what the occasion. They seem to fluster at his touch, but they regain their composure due to line continuing to move. "Can we get a picture?" The last girl that hasn't talked finally speaks up. I look at her eyes begging Jake for one, and I hold out my hands to take her phone immediately.

Jake seems pleased with my action, while she mouthes to me a 'thank you,' and all four girls surround him on either side. I lift the phone to eye level, but before I can click the capture button. Jake interrupts me, "Can you guys promise me one thing?" The girls give him their undivided attention, nodding in unison.

"You got to promise me no one can know about my girlfriend." They seem puzzled by his statement, but nevertheless they agree, wanting a photo with the Jake T. Austin. He lifts up his pinky to show how serious this case was to him, and it made me giggle. "Don't laugh at me, sweetheart," he gives me a playful glare before pinky promising each of the four girls, "Now take our photo."

Soon enough, I finish taking their photos, and they don't make anymore conversation as they all text each other the pictures. I can't help but feel worried that it'll be all over social media that Jake has a girlfriend, but as I begin to, Jake pushes it away from my head, "Don't worry. I know when a fan is loyal or not," he leads me forward down the line, "Because I knew how loyal you were in the beginning," he smirks out. I try to figure out what he is saying, and as I realize what he meant, I try to punch him on the arm, "Stop bringing up my book addiction." He holds onto my wrist before it lays a finger on him, "Never, because I know it gets you to turn hot in an instant." His face hovers near mine, his hand caressing my cheek.

"You're burning up," he bites his lip, "I told you so."


Point of View: Jake Toranzo Austin

We rode a few rides here and there, starting off with Splash Mountain. It's been crazy fun hanging with her today, but I think my favorite part was when we went in the Haunted Mansion; Lara might have been scared, but I do not regret bringing her into it because now, she is closer than she was before.

Now, we are inside the Ferris wheel all alone. We are elevating up into the sky, and even in the darkness, the light shines off of Lara as I see her smile and eyes radiate. It is very slow and steady as of now, and Lara speaks up. "Jake, it's so pretty from up here," she looks down at the different attractions and lights popping out due to nighttime approaching faster and faster; it seems as if time is playing a trick on me because I swear I feel like we just got here.

I look down at my new crewneck that states "I ♥︎ Minnie" before looking at Lara. She told me it wasn't necessary I bought it, but I decided I'd give her the full Disneyland experience by buying her the Minnie Mouse ears while I got myself Mickey's and her having a hoodie stating "I ♥︎ Mickey" to match mine. It seems childish, but who cares; it's all for her and she seems to not mind.

I take out my phone, sliding it on the camera so I can take a photo of her back turned away from me; she leans on the side of the gondola, looking out at the coruscating colors. "Jake, we should -" but before she can finish her sentence, the gondola swings without warning, making her fall against my chest. She sits up next to me, resting her head on my shoulder, "We should -"

"Kiss?" I state without any hesitation or doubt in my voice. Her voice stutters as if becomes pitches higher, "No, I - I wanted us to take a photo together." I hold out my phone, clicking it right away. I look at her immediately after, and as if she can read my mind, she bites her lip almost instantaneously to make me avert my attention to her. Her lips are closely coming towards my face - our lips inches away - and she doesn't make another move to come closer. I realize she is trying to tease me, so instead of letting her, I lock our lips as she is about to speak - not losing another second.

Click. Click.

She holds onto the railing with one hand as the other grips onto my shoulder, not wanting the swinging gondola to throw us against the different walls as I kiss her. My hands are careful, this time: one hand putting away the phone and placing it behind her neck while the other holds onto the seat.

For each swing that happens, I feel her gasp against my lips, making me want more, but I do not let my desires win. Our lips move in sync - delicately. I let her make the first move as she places her body on my lap. The gondola swings again, making me fall on my back as I bring her down with me.

"I love you," she smiles during our kiss as I whisper that into her lips. "I love you," she returns my words, but before her lips touch mine, a spark is heard from outside our gondola, causing me to lift my head up.

Fireworks are seen in the night sky, painting pictures of beautiful lights. She smiles at me as she watches the constant new fireworks burn and disappear, and I hold onto her hand. She looks down at our intertwined hands, and as my eyes reach her pupils, I see tears falling on her cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you so much when I leave, Jake," she engulfs me in a tight hug, not letting me go as her tears still continue down my new sweatshirt. This is the first time she has told me she's leaving without me being asleep, and the pain inside me feels as if knives are being stabbed into my skin. I feel my throat dry up at her words, and the stinging feeling in my eyes made me realize I, too, am crying. I wrap my arms around her body, closing any space left between us, "I'll love you no matter what."

She takes short, deep breathes as she speaks once more, "But we'll be so far from each other. We won't be able - I won't be able to see you anymore. I won't be able to hold onto you like now. How will we work out everything?"

"Distance means so little when a person means so much more," I pull away from the hug, and as the fireworks outside light up again, I place both my hands on her cheeks and let my emotions run inside of me rule the kiss.


10:26 pm

We are currently driving in Lara's neighborhood while I find Auntie's house. We've been in the car for over half an hour, and inside that time, I reminded her about my promise and how when she leaves, I'll never give up on her. She returns my speech with words of her own, telling that she won't lose communication with me; she didn't tell me exactly when she'll be leaving, but I've been dying to know. I look at the road before me, driving at fifteen miles per hour.

"Jake," she shakes my arm as I still continue to drive, "Stop the car. Stop the car." I slowly press onto the break, making it park by the sidewalk.

I look out my window to see why Lara made me halt, and now I clearly see Aunt Lea standing outside her car door with worry inside her eyes. She is parked at someone else's sidewalk, and I'm beginning to wonder why. I return my gaze to Lara, and she quickly removes her seatbelt, getting out of my car without another word. She runs towards her aunt across the road, and I see Aunt Lea speaking to her; Lara's arms flail around as if something bad has just happened, and I remove my seatbelt, take the keys out of its socket, and open my door, making my way towards them.

"Auntie, you're joking!" Lara's voice is close to breaking, but she maintains herself as her aunt speaks out. "I wish I was, my dear, but I'm not," the sorrow is felt in the air between these two, and my heart begins to beat harder than usual. "I can't believe it," Lara lets a deep breath out of her system, "Auntie, I can't - I don't want to leave - not yet anyway."

My blood runs cold at her words: she's leaving. Now, sooner than ever, but I need to confirm it. "W-wait, what's going on?" I interrupt their conversation, wanting to know why both of them are panicking. Lara gets her phone out, removing the case as quickly as possible, and slides it into her pocket.

Her eyes do not meet mine as she mumbles out the words that knock out my breath with one blow, "My mom is here, and I'm leaving..." I wanted to speak up, but as she chokes on her last words, my throat closes in on me, making me speechless.


Eh, kind of a filler chapter for the most part, but I had to tell you guys some info that wasn't known, so you guys finally know what happened to Lara at the party, and how clueless David is with this - or is he?

And I leave you with a cliffhanger ;) Next chapter you're in for a treat...

Question of the day: What do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter?

Remember, more comments & votes = faster updates. Anyways, I love the support I'm getting for my book. Keep it up beautiful readers!

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