Stress Comes Again (#2)- Comp...

By tankmama14

2.2K 70 11

Liam and Bridget made it through a year together. Now, they're going on their second year. They have their fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Three

144 6 4
By tankmama14

Bridget sighed as she unlocked to the door to her grams' house. Liam would be coming home sometime today or tomorrow but Bridget wanted to get a head in thinking. As she walked in, she was greeted by her grams' Picardy Shepherd, Paulie, and her black cat, Moose. Paulie was clearly distraught that his owner wasn't here.

"I'm sorry buddy." Bridget said rubbing Paulie's head. The dog thumped his tail slightly. Bridget looked around the house thinking of all the memories that she had in the house. A lot has happened in this house and she didn't wanna let any of it go.

"Knock, knock." Liam said as he walked in. Bridget couldn't even look at Liam as the tears started coming. Liam plopped down next to her and pulled her against him. "I'm so sorry, babe. I don't know what to say to make you feel better."

"That's not even the worst part." Bridget replied wiping away the tears. "I have to go through everything and decide what I can and can't keep. Like this house. It's been in my life for so long."

"We can move in." Bridget looked at Liam. "Of course, I don't think I can live in a house that smells like peaches." Bridget finally laughed at that.

"I just can't part with this house or Paulie and Moose, at least not right now with the house. I know my grams wouldn't care about us changing the house up. As long as I was happy."

"We're gonna get married eventually. Why not start out by getting a bigger house?"

"You always know how to make me feel better, Payne."

"That's my job." Liam pecked Bridget's cheek. "It's gonna be hard to go through everything but I have some memories in this house too. I talked to management and they understand that you need this house. It's not the far away from the lads and we should be fine."

"We can't sit here all day. I have to go through everything. My aunt has always liked my grams' bed from some reason and I promised her they could have that. My old room is still together. I was thinking about putting my old stuff in the basement and then going through my grams' stuff. I put whatever I can't part with in the basement and I guess I can give the family the other stuff."

"You sure you wanna do this today?"

"I can't sulk all day and cry about it. I know it's normal to grieve but I can't cry all the time."

"Okay then. Let's get to it." Liam pulled Bridget to her feet and they started going through everything.

It didn't take that long because her grams' house had a small upstairs with just the two bedrooms and a bathroom. The downstairs had a bathroom and an empty guest room as well. By the time they were done, it was almost dinner time. They had boxes of things downstairs including her grams' bed as well as the furniture she had and the stuff from Bridget's old room. Liam and Bridget ordered a small pizza and sat in the empty front room.

"It's so different now." Bridget said taking a bite out of the pizza.

"The house is empty." Liam replied taking a drink of his soda.

"There's too much that has happened in this house. It's just awkward knowing that the person who raised me is gone. And the fact that I'm gonna be living in this house. And it doesn't help that I'm gonna have to see my parents."

"Maybe this time it'll go good and you can finally get in a calm conversation."

"I do hope that she'll finally realize what she has done and maybe take responsibility for it. I would like to be able to see my brother's once in a while. I'm still not gonna forgive my mum and it's making me mad that everything is falling apart."

"You know I'll always be here for you."

"I know. Sometimes I just wish that I wouldn't have to be in this mess. The person who raised me is dead and all I have is you guys."

"I see where you're coming from but remember, you'll always have us. We won't turn our back on you in a time of need." Bridget scooted closer to Liam and layed her head on his shoulder. Liam wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. Bridget knew it was gonna be weird living in the house without her grams around. She was the person who raised her and now that she's gone, it's gonna be weird. "

"I'm glad I have you."

"Just think about it, babe. You'll never have to feel like nobody cares about you. I know for a fact that the lads will be there for you at the drop of hat. Perrie and Eleanor will always be there for you. We'll always be together now because you're the person I love the most."

"I love you too. I always have and always will, Liam." Liam smiled and stood up. He pulled Bridget to her feet and Bridget looked at him with a questioning look.

"What are you doing?"

"I know you just lost your grandmother and all but you need to get out of the house. You need to have fun."

"Now, I'm scared."


All five boys along with Bridget, Eleanor, Perrie, and Harry's new girlfriend, Taryn, decided on going to the pub. Since Taryn was nervous about meeting everyone, Harry and Niall both decided to sit at the table while the other three couples danced. As Liam and Bridget danced, the entire world was zoned out. With a drink in one hand, Bridget was having fun. Her mind was completely off of everything the has happened. Liam cupped Bridget's face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. Even though this isn't the first kiss they've shared, this kiss sent sparks through her body.

"You feel better, babe?" Liam whispered in her ear. Bridget grinned and took another sip of her drink.

"A lot of better, I feel amazing." Bridget replied still holding her drink in one hand.

"Maybe we should head back." Bridget smiled again. After telling the boys, Bridget and Liam headed out. It didn't take long for them to be back at the apartment. The minute they were in the door, they started ripping each other's clothes off. By the time they were in their under clothes, Liam picked Bridget up and walked into the bedroom and kicked the door shut. Bridget fell back on the bed with Liam on top of her. His lips attached to her neck causing Bridget to moan. His lips found their way to hers and their tongues danced together. Eventually the rest of the clothes came off and Liam thrust inside her without warning.

"Oh god." Bridget moaned into his mouth. His thrusts gradually got rougher causing Bridget to scream out in pleasure. Liam rolled over putting Bridget on top. She moved her hips from side to side causing both of them to moan loudly. Liam rolled back over putting himself back on top.


Bridget woke up and instantly covered her head, hiding her face from the light. She groaned instantly feeling the headache and the hangover. Liam came in with a smile on his face. He sat a bottle and some aspirin down on the dresser.

"Hangover, babe?" Liam asked with a smile on his face.

"A big one." Bridget mumbled form under the blanket. "My head is pounding." Liam chuckled and pulled the blanket off her head.

"Here, I brought you some aspirin." Bridget swallowed the pillows quickly and fell back on the bed. She rolled over on her back and rubbed her face.

"What did we do last night?"

"Do you really wanna know?" Bridget smiled and shook her head. "I'll spare the gory details, let's just say we broke one of the lamps and the bedroom door has a boot print on it."

"Wow, was I that wasted?"

"Not as bad but a little bit. I'm pretty sure you knew what you were doing." Liam turned around and showed Bridget his bareback. She laughed at the red lines going down his back. "You think that's funny?"

"Yeah, a little bit. I think I've done more damage like biting your shoulder."

"Well thanks, maybe I'll just do this." Liam pulled open the curtains exposing the bright sun. Bridget groaned and tried to cover her head. But Liam was faster and pulled the blanket off. Bridget grinned and covered her face with a pillow. "Nope, time to get up." Liam pulled the pillow away from Bridget and she got into a ball, pulling her knees against her. Liam carefully layed on top of her and pecked her cheek. "Plus, we should probably move our stuff into the house today before we get busy spending time together."

"But I don't want too."

"Too bad, if I have to get up, you do too."

"How can I get up when I have you lying on me?" Liam pecked her cheek again and then stood up letting Bridget get up. She groaned and fell back on the. "Did you get me drunk on purpose?"

"No, why would I do that?" Bridget cocked and eyebrow at him.

"Because I know you, Payne. I've known you for quite a long time and sometimes you take advantage of things."

"I do not!"

"Uh-huh, sure. Then please explain to me why I'm so sore and my legs are wobbly?"

"Because we love each other?"

"I'll settle for that answer. But know that I am never drinking that much again. What time did everybody else get home?"

"I have no clue. Get dressed so we can do this."

"I don't wanna do this." Bridget said putting her face in her hands. Liam sighed and sat down next to her.

"Which part?" Liam asked.

"All of it. I mean, I have to bury my grandmother and then I have to talk to my mom who I told never to speak to me again after she talked trash about you guys."

"You don't have to forgive her for it." Bridget just sighed and leaned against Liam. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

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