The Night Everything Changed

By lucy41319

770 48 45

Kate Beckett's friend Lanie gets tickets for the Ed Sheeran convert in Central Park. Kate doesn't want to go... More

1. The invitation
3. Yes or No?
4. Date Night
5. Hamptons?
6. Off to the Hamptons
7. Getting closer.. and closer

2. „Oh. I'm sorry!"

118 6 5
By lucy41319

"Lanie! Why does this take so long?" Kate asked her friend. They were standing in line for an hour and Kate wanted to go in.

"Calm down. We're almost there. I guess we'll have to wait for 10 minutes or so and then we are in."

"I hope you are right." Kate said. "I want a coffee."

Lanie rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. 

Finally five minutes later, Kate and Lanie arrived at the entrance. Lanie took out their tickets and gave them to the guards, who didn't look very nice.

"I'm sorry but you can't go in here. There seems to be a problem with your tickets. You have to go over there to buy new ones." The guard said and pointed to another long line a few feet away.

"You have got to be kidding me. We payed a lot of money for these and now we have to buy new ones? I'm sorry but I'm not going to do that." Kate looked at the man with a death look. "I stood one hour in this line so either you let me in or I'm going to arrest you." Kate said an took out her badge.

"Listen Miss, I'll tell you something. I usually don't do this but you can buy your tickets here.. please follow me."

Kate and Lanie grinned and followed the man without hesitation. When they arrived at the small house, the man went to a desk and took out two new cards and gave them to Kate. He didn't look very happy.

"See, the wasn't so bad. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help." Kate smiled, took Lanie's hand and dragged her out of the room.

"Wow girl. That was awesome. I knew a brought you for a reason." Lanie teased and Kate gave her the look. Together they went back to the entrance. This time every thing went good and they got in without complications.

"Oh my god! This is huge. How many people do you think are here ?!" Kate said surprised.

"I guess about 100 thousand. I mean this is Ed Sheeran." Lanie answered. "So you want your coffee now?"

"Oh yeah. Sure." Kate had already forgotten about her thirst.


When both girls had their coffee they decided to look for a place to sit or stand and since Lanie was such a big fan she wanted to stand very close to the stage so that she could see Ed.

They sat down on the grass and Lanie looked around the park. There were really a lot of people here. That's when her spotted a small shop not far away from them.

"Kate! Look there is a merchandise shop! Can we please go and buy some stuff?" Lanie pleaded and Kate just sighed.

" We just found a place to sit. We can't just leave because other people will take it away."

"Come on. Nobody will and if they do than you show them your badge and say you're going to arrest them if they don't move." Lanie smirked, thinking of earlier when Kate did exactly that.

"That was a one time thing and I was thirsty and annoyed." She took another sip of her coffee and turned away from her friend.

"Kate please. We can't stand so close to the stage and don't wear any merch." It seemed like Lanie was not giving up and so Kate sighed again and started to stand up.

Lanie squealed and hugged her best friend. "Thank you! Now let's go before someone takes our spot." Lanie started running to the shop like a little child, leaving Kate behind her shaking her head.


A few minutes later, Lanie was wearing an Ed Sheeran shirt and an Ed Sheeran hat and Kate also wore a T-shirt and Lanie convinced her to buy a wristband.

Surprisingly no one took their spot and so they sat down again and started talking about everything they could think of.

"So have you seen a cute guy yet?" Lanie asked.

"No and I'm not looking for one. I'm here because you wanted me to come with you and to have fun." Kate answered.

Lanie started to say something but she was interrupted by the sound of drums on the stage.
People started cheering and Lanie stood up. Kate had no idea why but she also stood up.

That's when a girl that Kate didn't recognize came on then stage.

"Oh my god!! That's Anne-Marie." Lanie jumper up and down. Kate had never seen Lanie so excited.

"Who's Anne-Marie?"

Lanie wanted to answer but she was once again interrupted by a loud voice.

"Hey! I'm Anne-Marie and I'm going to sing a few songs for you before you'll see ED SHEERAN!!" The crowd started cheering again and Anne-Marie laughed. "Thank you so much for being here today! It means a lot. My first song is a song that I wrote with Ed Sheeran and it's called '2002'." Again the crowd cheered and Kate just rolled her eyes at the enthusiasm that everybody showed. She seemed to be the only one who didn't know this girl.


A few songs later Kate actually started to enjoy her music. She had a really nice voice and the texts were not bad.
The last song came far to soon for their liking. Anne-Marie said her goodbye and left the stage.

"Wow she was really not that bad. She's really young isn't she?" Kate asked her friend as soon as the crowed calmed down a bit.

"Oh yeah. I think she's 24 or something. I really like her. But now it's time for Ed Sheeran!" Lanie cheered and started jumping. Kate laughed.

"Okay well then I'm going to look for a toilet and I'll be back before Ed starts playing." Kate winked and started walking away but Lanie grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Wait. I just wanted to say thank you again. It means really a lot that you came here with me even though you didn't want to." Kate smiled and pulled her friend into a hug.

"You know what? I'm glad that you convinced me. I'm having a great time with you Lanie. Thank YOU."

They hugged one more time before Kate left in order to look for a toilet.

Half an hour later Kate returned to their spot and plopped down next to her friend who gave her a questioning look. "I'm sorry. The line in front of the toilets was sooo long. Seems like everybody had the same idea to go the toilet before the actual convert starts."

Lanie laughed. "I thought you found a hot guy and you started talking with him." Lanie said which earned a slap on arm from her friend.

"I told you-" Kate stared but Lanie interrupted her. "You're not here to find a boyfriend. I know but Kate it wouldn't hurt to have a date with a nice guy."

Kate ignored that. She doesn't need a boyfriend. She's fine alone. Nobody would want her anyway so why should she try.

Loud cheering brought Kate back to reality
She stood up and look at the stage. Her eyes widened and she couldn't stop the squeal that left her mouth. There, on the stage stood Es Sheeran with his guitar and he was smiling.
Kate looked over to her friend and that's when she noticed that Lanie was crying.

"Lanie ? What's wrong?" Kate asked and Lanie just shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm just so happy!!"

"Thank god! I thought something is wrong." Kate laughed and together they started singing to Ed's song 'Castle on the hill'.


Kate was surprised. She was having a great time at the concert. Lanie and Kate were dancing and singing. What Kate found most surprising was that she knew a lot of songs even though she doesn't have much time to listen to music.
Ed was great. The whole crowd was singing with him. It was magical.

After the 5th song it was starting to get dark so everybody took out their phones and turned on the flashlight.
The whole Central Park was lit and everybody was having a great time.

The only thing that bothered Kate was that she was extremely thirsty. She needed something to drink.
Next to her, Lanie was literally shouting the lyrics.

"LANIE!!" Kate tried getting her friends attention.

She tapped on her friends shoulder and shouted her name again. That got her attention.

Kate made her way out of the crowd and smiled. She was having one of the best nights ever.

She looked around and saw that the line in front of the toilets wasn't that long so she decided to go to the toilet before she gets herself something to drink.


Ten minutes later Kate walked around with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Humming along to 'Perfect', she looked to the stage and saw Ed Sheeran singing and smiling brightly. She smiled and continued to walk.. and BUMP!

"Oh. I'm sorry!" She heard a deep voice so she turned around and found herself looking into the bluest eyes she has ever seen. "I was looking at the stage and I didn't notice you." Kate only nodded. She looked down at her shirt and saw that the coffee was all over her shirt.

"Oh no. I spilled your coffee.. let me buy you a new one." He suggested but Kate shook her head.

"No it's fine. I am not that thirsty it's okay." She lied. To be honest she hadn't even started drinking her coffee and she was still thirsty but she didn't want that guy to worry.

"I insist. Come on. Follow me please." He said smiling and Kate could not help but smile back.

A few minutes later Kate and the nice stranger sat on a bench, both holding a coffee.

"Thanks again. You didn't have to though." Kate smiled and he just nodded.

"Of course I had to. I spilled your good coffee." Kate laughed. "It's also my fault. I was looking at the stage. So it's not only your fault. It's also my fault." She said.

"Oh. I'm Rick by the way. Rick Castle." He said and held out his hand.

Kate took it. "Kate. Kate Beckett."

"Pleasure." He said and Kate laughed again. Why was she laughing all the time ? That wasn't even funny.

"So Kate. Big Ed Sheeran Fan I assume ?" Rick pointed at her shirt.

"Oh no. Actually not. I enjoy his music. My friend wanted me to buy this. She's a big fan." Kate told him. "Speaking of her.. I should probably go back." Kate started to get up but Rick grabbed her hand.

"Wait. You can't just rush of like this. I enjoy talking to you."

"She's probably wondering where I am.." She didn't want to leave. But she didn't want Lanie to worry.

"Come on. Just text her that you're fine. Please. I want to get to know you, Kate." He suggested and Kate smiled.

"Alright but if she doesn't read it and she starts looking for me, it's your fault." Kate answers.

"I'm willing to get shouted at by your friend." He gives her a charming smile and Kate returns to her seat next to him.

"So tell me about yourself Kate." He says and Kate starts talking..


What felt like 10 minutes was actually 1 hour.
Kate and Rick found out a lot about lot each other.

Kate was just laughing about a joke that Rick told her when they heard Ed Sheeran's voice from the stage.

"Thank you so much for this amazing evening. This song is going to be the last song. Feel free to sing with me!" He said and started playing with his guitar.

Kate recognized the song immediately and it seemed like Rick did too.
"I've always loved this song." They said at the exact same time.

They looked at each other and started laughing.

"Wow that was creepy." They said, again, at the same time.

They smiled and Kate started singing along.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know.."

"Wow. You sound beautiful." Rick said and Kate blushed.

She continues to sing and Rick does too after a while.

"When it gets hard, you know it can get hart sometimes.
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive.
We keep this love in a photograph, we make these memories for ourselves.
Where our eyes are never closing, hearts are never broken and times forever frozen still..."

In the middle of the song Rick put his arm around Kate's shoulders and pulled her close. At first Kate tensed put soon relaxed into his arms.

They continued to sing the song and smiled at each other when it ended.

The whole crowd cheered and applauded. Kate and Rick stood up and applauded too. Everybody was sad that the concert was over already.

Soon everybody went home so they passed Kate and Rick who returned to sitting on the bench.

Suddenly somebody tapped on Kate's shoulder. She turned around and looked into the eyes of an angry Lanie.

"Where the hell where you?! I was worried.. well.. I didn't notice that you were gone until the concert was over.. but still! I couldn't find you!!" Lanie shouted and Kate couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry. I met Rick here.." she said and pointed at Rick. "He asked me to stay so that we could talk.. I texted you that I am here."

"So it's all my fault.. you should be angry with me." Rick said and smiled at Lanie.

Lanie looked at Rick and then back at Kate. "So .. you met Rick?" Lanie smirked which made Kate slap her on the arm.

"Shut up." She said blushing. That's when she noticed that she sat extremely close to Rick and that he still had his arm around her.

"Yeah.. well.. eh.. we should go then." Kate stood up and grabbed Lanie's arm.

"Wait!" She heard which made her heart flutter. She turned around and looked at him.

He was standing a few feet away with his phone in his hand.

"Could I get your number by any chance? I know you're very busy but I really enjoyed our talk and I would like to see you again.." he said and looked down, scared that she didn't feel the same way.

Kate looked at Lanie who smiled like an idiot and nodded.

She took her phone out of her pocket and walked towards him. "I enjoyed talking to you too and I would like to see you again some time soon too. So yeah.. I will give you my number." She answered and he looked up with the biggest smile she has ever seen.

"Really?! Oh my god. That's awesome Kate, thank you !!" He couldn't help but hug her.

Kate chuckled and took his phone out of his hand to give him the number he was hoping for.

She gave him the phone back and smiled.

"So.. I guess I'll see you around Rick." She said and walked away without giving him the chance to answer.

"What was that ?!?!" Lanie asked as soon as they where in a cab.

"What do you mean?"

"You gave him your number and walked away!" Lanie almost shouted.

"Yeah.. I mean he can call me if he wants something." Kate answered and looked out of the window

"You're strange Kate." Lanie smiled at her friend.

They arrived at Kate's apartment. Kate hugged Lanie before she got out of the cab. "I had great time Lanie. Thank you!"

"I did too Kate. Oh and by the way.. you have the day off tomorrow so maybe you can do something with Rick" Lanie winked and Kate rolled her eyes.

When Kate opened the door to her apartment, she began smiling.
She couldn't stop thinking about Rick.

She dressed into her pj's, brushed her teeth and went to bed.

She looked at her phone and saw that she had a message from Rick. She smiled and opened it:
I had a great time with you tonight. I never thought that I would enjoy this evening as much as I did. You are an extraordinary woman and I would like to get to know you more. Maybe we could meet tomorrow? Tell me if you want to or not.
Good Night.
XO Rick

Kate smiled and turned off her phone. She would text him first thing tomorrow morning.
She needs to think about his offer.

Second chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what I can do better!!
What do you think? Will she say yes?
Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of the chapter!

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