Drowning (editing) (complet...

By DarkAngelofFire16

181K 6K 320

This story is about a girl, who lost someone dear to her, and was forced to have a change of scenery. She has... More

Chapter 1
Don't/My Baby
Oh hell yes!
What the hell is that?!
Who are you?
She is..
Panic atack?
Hello sleeping beauty
What the hell just happend..
Darkest death
Who am i?
You're welcome
Darkness Is Coming
Ruin The Soul To Save The Life
Its time
She Does Not Know Mercy
I hope
Its here!

It Never Ends

4.2K 169 2
By DarkAngelofFire16

A worrier steps through my door.

I raise my eye brow "who are you?" I ask emotionlessly.

"Rain." she says simply.

A female worrier is not common at all.

Her short black hair hanging just below her jaw, Her eyes a dark stormy gray blue, her cheek bones strong and high, her lips filled perfectly, her nose straight, her body lean muscular strong...her poster strong, fierce, ready, steady, garded, couscous almost as is she's afraid but wouldn't dear show fear. her jeans tattered and her shirt snug she wears a bow and a large knife in a leather holster.

"Why are you here Rain?" I ask slightly curious yet still void of emotion.

"I am not sure." her rough yet smooth Scottish accent flows from her lips.

"What do you mean?" I ask raising an eye brow.

She walks closer to me she stairs at me and says "i am here because I'm supposed to be...i feel it." She says sure of her words.

I feel my eyes burn as my body aches "If you have yet to see I am in a mood that i am unwilling to control... so if I hurt you, it is in fact your own fault." I say keeping my voice as steady as I can.

"I understand." she says stiffly showing no emotion.

I feel my bones shifting and I wince my eyes burn brighter and my painful I cringe.

I feel a presence in front if me I reach out with intentions of causing pain but a hand catches mine.

"Leave!" I growl out my glowing eyes shot up to see my brother towering over me holding my hand.

"No." he says softly.

I snatch my hand away from his grip "get out! NOW!" I growl again feeling a burning sensation burst through my body as my eyes flash, I see my brothers body slam in to my wall.

"Stop! elit, sed te ipse reducis, rediit animus, .. Jaxon caliginem, fefellitus mihi crede." (focus, bring yourself back! come back Jaxon..mind with the darkness, let it in. trust me.) he say so sincerely that it shocks my mind.

I listen to his words and whisper "sanguis, dolore, et in caliginem." (Blood, pain, and darkness.) looking straight in to Timor's eyes.

He nods his head and brings out a knife and gently takes my arm and slides the deadly sharp knife down my arm.
"What the hell are you doing to my sister!?" Axel yells.
"It's helping her, Axel just watch." I hear Rain defend.
I don't flinch or say a word but I feel the darkness merge with my soul, as the blood drips from the wound and the ache and burn begin to fade, I feel my body fall limply in to my bed and my eyes seal shut.

My hand grips Timor's as he begins to stand forcing him to kneel again, he tugs slightly but my hand doesn't budge.

"Lets let her rest, come Axel." Rain says gently.

Axel silently obeys as the door opens and closes.

"quid vobis dimittere solebat? pulchra tenebris"(why wont you let go? beautiful darkness) Timor utters quietly.

"Because, you make everything you make it all make seance. You came and you haven't left me, the pain isn't thought of when you are around. with every one else the pain It never ends..." I mutter in a trance type state and fall in to a deep sleep.

A/N: so I've been working on the part be tween lunch breaks and I couldn't get much done. I know most of you hate me... it has been to long since I posted. I LOVE YOU ALL!! what do you think Timor's part in everything is? what's going on with Jaxon? who the hell is Rain? and how does she fit in to it all? tell me what you think!

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