Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

162K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 30

2.1K 62 15
By TeresaSullivan427

"I will tell you how many and then Adrian will tell you what they are. Is that ok with the both of you?" She asked.

Roza and I nodded, but Roza still looked like she was in shock. Because now we both knew that we were having at least two children with her first pregnancy.

"Ok, you both need to sit down." Adrian laughed.

We all sat back down then turned back to two of our spirit users.

"Ok here goes. Rose, Dimitri... you are having five children!!!" Sonya squealed with a happy smile.

"Five?!!!" Roza exclaimed then turned to me in shock.

"I am going to kill you." My angel said as she looked into my eyes which just made everyone laugh because she was smiling the whole time. And I knew that she wasn't serious not only because of her smile but also because the closer that we got the more our bond opened up. And I could feel her excitement that we would get to have the big family that we had both always dreamed of having together.

"Ok, are you ready for what you are having?"

Roza grabbed my hand.

"Yes." We said together.

"Three girls, and two boys."

My eyes flew to babushkin remembering what she had told me a while ago. (grandmother's)

"I never said that they were five different pregnancy's if you will recall." She said with a huge smug smile.

The rest of the night was filled with smiles, tears of happiness, cheers and toasts. The three pregnant women toasted with sparkling cider. While all the other adults had champagne, the kids had milk, water, apple juice or orange juice but they were allowed to drink their drinks from champagne flutes. So that they would feel like they were being included in the celebration just like the adults.

A week after our announcements Roza and I were in her office. She was showing me the things that I would need to know when I became king.

"This is harder than it looks." I commented.

"Not after you get used to it, it just takes some time to get accustomed to it to be confident in what you're doing. You will be fine just trust me."

I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb over her cheek bone. "I do trust you my Roza I trust you more than anyone else that I have ever known. Lyubov' moya I trust you more than I have ever trusted anyone before in my entire life." (My love)

She smiled shyly as she blushed.

"Thank you, Mitya."

I kissed the top of her head "you're welcome milaya moya." (My dearest)

We trudge on for a few more hours until there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Roza called.

One of Roza's returned guardians, from outside the door, opened the door and took two steps inside.

"Your majesty, there is a Princess Vasilisa Dragomir here to see you."

Roza sighed, "give us five minutes."

The guardian bowed, "yes, my queen." Then backed back out the door.

"What in the hell do you think she wants?" Lyubov' moya asked. (My love)

"I don't know milaya moya, but please for yours and all of our baby's sake try to remain calm." (My dearest)

"I do not intend to let her or anyone else ever put the lives of our children at risk Mitya. Not now, not ever."

"Thank you. Just remember, no matter what she says, that I love you and our children. I love all six of you with all my heart, mind, body and soul milaya moya." (My dearest)

She cupped my cheek, "I love you too we do, papa."

My God, I loved the sound of that, papa. I leaned in and captured my beautiful fiancée's soft full decadent lips. As I was kissing lyubov' moya there was a warning knock on the door which we paid no heed to. (My love)

I intentionally continued to kiss my breathtakingly beautiful fiancée just as passionately as semi publicly possible, and all while keeping that hateful little suka waiting. I knew that she would not only hate mine and Roza public display of affection but also being kept waiting. (Bitch)

After I broke our kiss I once again said to lyubov' moya, "I love you detka." And I made sure to say it loud enough for the precious 'pain in the ass' princess to hear. (my love, baby)

"As I do, always have and always will love only you, Mitya."

Standing up at my Roza's side we both turned towards the interloper.

"Thank you, Guardian Richards you are excused." I told him.

He bowed again, "yes, your majesty."

And again he backed out the door, after all everyone knew that you did not turn your back on the queen because it was a major show of disrespect, and a colossal no-no. And if Roza wanted the infraction enforced then you could spend up to three months in a jail cell. No matter who you were.

The guardians had all started calling me your majesty as well knowing that as soon as Roza and I were married if not before. Thanks to the changes that she'd already made with our laws I would become her king.

I turned and looked at Lissa. "What can her majesty Queen Rose Ivashkov do for you today Princess Dragomir?"

She looked at me and smiled that disgustingly nauseatingly flirtatious smile. That smile that was so like Tasha's that it made me even more ill.

"Dimitri..." She sighed.

"That is Guardian Belikov to you Princess Dragomir. Now I ask you again, for what better be the very last time, what can our devastatingly beautiful queen do for you today?"

When I corrected her use of my name she looked upset.

Turning to my Roza she said, "Rose..."

"You address her properly or you leave. I will allow no disrespect from you of all people, towards our queen." I again interrupted her.

"Correct, you are to address me as either Queen Rosemarie, your majesty, or your royal highness. Only the people that I care for are allowed to address me in the familiar. And you are most definitely not one of the people on that list, not anymore."

I watched as Lissa's hands twitched and her lips became a thin line of frustration at mine and Roza's words. She wasn't being treated better than everyone else for a change and that made her angry. Tough shit is what I thought about her dislike of the current situation.

Finally she choked out a, "your majesty. I came to see if you would see your way to returning Dim... Guardian Belikov to me as my guardian."

"No. Anything else?"

"B... but he wants to be with me?!" She shouted. And when she did the door was flung open and four of Roza's guardians rushed into the room guns and stakes at the ready. I raised my hand telling them that everything was fine so they left the room.

Roza turned to me, "Mitya, do you want to be her guardian and be with her?"

I couldn't help myself I started laughing and it was some time before I could stop.

After I calmed myself I asked her, "did what you just walked in on not give you at least the smallest clue as to where I want to be and who I want to be with? I am exactly where I want to be, right where I have always wanted to be, with my Roza. Is that somehow too difficult for you to understand? I thought that you were supposed to be smart and understand English. I guess you aren't the smart one of the duo after all." My Roza busted up with laughter at my words.

Eventually Lissa regained control of her voice and temper. It was obvious that my words had made her furious.

"But you said that after you fulfilled your duty at this post for a few months that you would come back to me." That was a yeblya lie and the little suka knew it!!! (fucking, bitch)

I forced myself to start laughing again before I lost my temper and punched her in the yeblya mouth. "Where in the blue ad did you come up with such a blatant yeblya lie?!" (fucking, hell, fucking)

"That's what you said the last night that we spent together the last time that you made love to me."

Now Roza and I were both laughing.

Lissa stomped her foot, "stop laughing!!"

"I would apologies but you are just being ridiculous, yeblya ludicrous even. Mitya has never slept with you. Any more than he's ever slept with that creature formally known as Natasha Ozera. You are both out of your ever-loving minds." Roza said while still laughing. (fucking)

"That's not true he has slept with me he even told me that he loved me. That he had never loved you that he only slept with you because you were as close as he could get to me at the time."

Now I was pissed off, "how yeblya dare you?!! After everything that you have already said and done to my Roza. After every-yeblya-thing that you have put her through!! How yeblya dare you say such bred sivoy kobyly hoping that she will believe it and leave me?!! How dare you try to put doubts into the mind of my fiancée and the mother of my children?!!! I may not have been a virgin when Roza and I were together the first time which I regret and she already knows about. But I have been with no one but her since the very first time that I even saw a picture of her!! And she knows that too!!!" (fucking, fucking, fucking, bullshit)

Roza stood up and patted me on my chest. Turning to the little ingrate she asked, "have you finished your punishment for lying to the previous queen my aunt?"


"Now, for lying to me and trying drive a wedge between my fiancé and myself as well as the added stress that you have brought to my unborn children." She said as she rubbed circles on her stomach.

"You are sentenced to seventy-five hours a week for the next year. To which thirty-seven and a half hours a week will be spent in the hospital, the dhampir wing specifically. Eighteen and a half hours a week you are sentenced to working in the dhampir hospital cafeteria. Where you will be washing dishes and mopping floors. The next eighteen and a half hours a week you are sentenced to also washing dishes and mopping floors but this time it is in the dhampir café at the center of court. The last half an hour a week you are to spend in the dhampir nursery and daycare. Maybe filling your time with actual work will occupy your mind and take it off of causing problems for other people. Your guardians will follow you around to make sure that you carry out your sentence. You will also be watched and recorded on the security system so that your hours may be tallied at the end of each week. If you do not live up to your sentence each week then the following week it will be doubled. If it happens twice you will be arrested and sentenced to Tarasov for treason. Which you committed the moment that you raised your voice to the queen. Or... you can leave my court and never return. Now make your decision and take what little dignity that you have left and leave my palace. If you do stay at court then you make for damn sure that unless it is a real situation. That you stay away from me, Mitya, as well as any and everyone else that we know or care about. If you are seen closer than one hundred yards to any of us except for mandatory court meetings then you will be arrested for stalking. Which is now also against our laws. The sentence for which is seven years in solitary confinement at Tarasov."

"You can't do this to me, I am a princess, I am the last Dragomir!! Doing tasks like that, helping dhampir..." she sneered.

"... is beneath my station and it is humiliating."

"Good then maybe you will think about that before you try lying to someone else, especially to or on either one of us. This is your last warning by the way, if you disrupt our lives with this type of bred sivoy kobyly ever again. You will spend the rest of your life locked in a padded cell in Tarasov. I am sure that you remember those cells don't you? They did terrify the living hell out of you after all. After you are locked away I will have a DNA search done all through out our world in order to find the person with the most Dragomir blood. And that person, be they moroi or dhampir, will be the new Dragomir prince or princess. So I would suggest that if you wish to keep your money, possessions and position in our society that you stay the ad away from us and everyone in our circle. And yes that also includes my brother Christian and his new girlfriend. The actual love of his life. Now which punishment do you choose? Leaving and staying away for good or doing actual work?" (bullshit, hell)

Lissa continued to look from me to Roza. She was shocked that either one us, much less the both of us, would deny her anything. I guess she is finally figuring out that being the so called last Dragomir isn't a one way ticket to everything that she wanted anymore.

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