Behind the Mask (Naruto fanfi...

By hey0_0hey

363K 8.5K 2.2K

Fake emotions Fake smiles And a mask All of them hide the pain and suffering I went through and the lonelines... More

pls read
Chapter 1-Meeting Team 7
Chapter 2-Emotions
Chapter 3-The mission
Chapter 4-Friends
Chapter 5- Breaking point
Chapter 6-Hatred and understanding
Chapter 7-Time for an explanation
Chapter 8-The Nightmare
Chapter 9 - Dinner
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note. Pls read
Chapter 22
The end
Extra - Naruto's birthday
10K special

Chapter 15

6.6K 193 17
By hey0_0hey

I started running with Kurama in my arms but it was too late. When I heard the words that were said I imediately got tears in my eyes.

"IT'S THE KYUUBI. THE KYUUBI BRAT LET HIM LOOSE AND HE'S GOING TO ATTACK US!"The villager behind us yelled with rage in his voice.

My tears were already running down my cheeks. They were finnaly treating me like a normal person and now everything is back to how it was. They didn't even realise that it was baby Kurama and that he had no power now. They didn't even wait to see what was happening. All I could do is run. Run away and hope that they don't find me. I told Kurama to go back and dissappear so that he wouldn't get hurt aswell. If he got hurt because I let him out, I would never forgive myself.

I was running away. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't go to my house because they were probably waiting for me there. It felt like ages that I was running but I arrived at Sasuke's door. The meeting finished already so he was probably there. I needed a palace to hide and I knew Sasuke wouldn't tell anyone where I was.
I started banging with my fist on the door. My hand hurt from how hard I was knocking but I was too nervous and scared to care.

"Sasuke please open the door," I said as I kept on knocking.

The door never opened and I could feel the villagers' footsteps behind me. I started running again. I needed my teammates help. So the next pace I could try to hide was in Sakura's place. I just hope that she's at home and she can let me in.

I was infront of her house. I started knocking on her door. No one was there though. The lights were off and not even her family was there. I started crying out of fear of the villagers. I didn't want to hurt them because if I did, they would hate me even more. A weird empty feeling started growing in my stomach as I sprinted away. I couldn't keep on running forever. I needed to find a place where I could hide but all my hiding spots were all ready filled with angry villagers. It was my last change. If I go to Kakashi's house I'll be safe.

I arrived at his house and there were no villagers nearby. I knocked again. My hand felt like it was about to fall off because of how much I knocked in a small amount of time. It seemed that the world hated me in this instant. No one opened the door. The only people that I could depend on weren't there. I was alone and I had to deal with rage filled villagers. There was no where I could hide. The only choice I had is to tell them that it's all a misunderstanding. However, I have a feeling that they won't listen to what I have to say.

I walked over to one of my hiding spots. I couldn't run anymore and since I wanted to talk to them, I could walk to the place.My hiding spot was in between two apartments. It was dark and narrow but no one could see you there. When I arrived there were a few villagers there waiting for me.

"We found him!"

"There he is!"

Those were the words most villagers said. I screamed wait and they all shut up at the same time.

"Listen to me first. I know you think I let out the Kyuubi to attack you but I didn't. The form I let out for a little while was only a cub version of the Kyuubi. He had no power so he couldn't attack you. I only let him out so he could have a bit of air. I would never want to attack the village."I told the villagers who were looking at me.
The responses were positive. They all understood what happened and soon they dropped all of their weopons on the floor. I smiled as they started leaving. However the world ,as I already guessed ,hates me and things started going worse.

"Are you just going to leave. You saw that he can summon a baby kyuubi. He can probably Summon the full powered one aswell. Are you going to let him roam the village freely. What about your children and families. What happens to them If the Kyuubi attacks?" One of the villagers yelled. I got tears in my eyes once again as the others soon joined.

"Yeah you're right!"

"Let's make him pay!"

"Let's teach him a lesson for befriending the Kyuubi!"

I couldn't run. They blocked me in a corner. I was stuck and scared. In the dark alleyway I could only see glowing eyes filled with hatred and the glint of sharp metal objects. I closed my eyes hoping it was just a Nightmare. I started crying even more. When I opened my eyes, I was still surrounded. I started begging for them to let me go but they didn't move.

It was a feeling I could never forget. A feeling that would haunt me even in my dreams. The feeling of the metal object stabbing my skin.The feeling of my warm blood running down my cold skin. The feeling of my tears and begs as I lied down on the floor. The feeling of betrayal that clenched my heart.The feeling that everyone hated me. And the empty feeling filling my stomach as the stabs reached ten. It was then that I realised that no matter what I did, I was still a monster that deserved to be dead.

It went on. And on. I lost count of the stabs and bruises I got. I lost count of everything. They left soon after. Leaving me on the ground lieing in a puddle of my own blood. I had lost all life in my eyes. I forced myself to stand up from the floor. The pain that hit me made me let out a pained cry. I stumbled to my knees and started crying. My head hurt and my body burned. Kurama tried conforting me but I couldn't hear him. The pounding in my head stronger. I got up again and started walking. Walking in the dark roads of the village that tore me down. I had place I wanted to go. One place that would end my suffering.

Author's Note:

Thank you guys so much for 2k reads💜💜💜💜 I'm so happy😝
Anyway, i know I said I would update next week but I was dying to write this part. So I hope you enjoy♥️♥️♥️

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