Arc of the UNSC (RWBY x Halo...

By Typical_Assassin

175K 1.5K 2.9K

Note: This Story was made as experiment with a friend at the time. Don't hate on this please, this is my firs... More

Prologue: Memories of a Painful Past and a Slipspace Failure.
Chapter 1: Memories of a New Life and Arrival to Remnant.
Chapter 3: The Remnant Reaction.
Chapter 4: Forerunner Discovery, First Encounter.
Chapter 5: UNSC Assault.
Chapter 6: The Arc's Spies, Infiltrating Beacon.
Vote: UNSC gets Discovered? Yes or No.
The Votes. (Vote closed)
Chapter 7: Discovery by Siblings, First Contact.
1k Reads!!! Plus some Votes.
Vote Closed.
Chapter 8: A Bitter Reunion.
Vote: Torture Methods. (Updated a bit)
Vote Closed.
Vote Closed Again.
Chapter 9: Reinforcements and the Atlesian Demise.
(Not a Chapter) Omake: Big MAC.
Random Vote. (Updated)
Guide to Countering Huntsmen.
Vote Closed
Second Vote Close
Chapter 10: Back to Beacon
Random Images
Random Images 2
Chapter 11: Valean Defense
What do you want to appear in the next Chapter?
Vote Closed and Some Facts.
Fuck, Mary, Kill: RWBY Edtion
Author's note.
Fuck It! I'm done!
One Last Message for this Story
Chapter 12: Spirit of Fire and the Banished
Christmas Special Short
Omake Short: UNSC, Open Up!
Short Tale: The Rush to Atlas

Chapter 2: Village Defense and UNSC Retaliation.

7.5K 73 277
By Typical_Assassin

(Imagine the Dragon shaped continent as UNSC territory above Vacuo and Vale. Vacuo is orange and Vale is green.)

Jaune's Spartan Armor

I wouldn't use Helioskrill cause to me, it wouldn't make any sense. So please, don't complain about this. If you don't like it, just imagine your favorite Spartan Armor. I only choose the War Master Armor because to me, it looked ok and it would suit Jaune better since he's a master of war.

Back to the Story.


~Timeskip 6 months later~
~Jaune's POV~
Location: Somewhere Isolated.

It has been 6 months since we started to settle into our new home. Attempts to contact UNSC Space have failed but I already had a feeling that me and the ships of 33rd Fleet under my command have been listed dead or missing by the UNSC but they most likely think we're dead by now. Me and those of the 33rd Fleet were settling on Remnant and expanding while going undetected by the radar any other kingdom such as Atlas. During those 6 months of expansion, he has built more bases, hospitals, secret docks for the ships, schools, military academies, farms, and factories to make more clothes, armor, ammunition, weapons, equipment, and vehicles. We have built a huge wall with the strong strongest metal that we have as the wall was protected with turrets ranging to Anti-Infantry​, Anti-Vehicle, and Anti-Air. Surprisingly, Anti-Infantry turrets can kill an armored grimm. In the 3rd month of our expansion, we have made a huge city-like settlement as we have chosen to make this city our capital. The capital is surrounded by a lot of military bases and heavily guarded. Sure, you could say that we're just a growing Kingdom but most of us still refer ourselves as the UNSC but if you still insist on referring us as a kingdom, then I guess you could say that we're the Kingdom of Eden or something like that. I have apparently been chosen as the commander and leader of all the UNSC on Remnant and being the leader is kinda complicated for me plus we named the city capital, Reach. (I'm not good at city names)

The usual reports I get are pretty good like getting rid of grimm infested areas or successful expansions of growing settlements. I sometimes received some reports that say that some civilians are joining either the Marines, the Army, or the ODSTs. I even had a report that says that a few volunteered to become Spartan IVs. As I finished reading the reports and looking at the city from the highest level. I was thinking of letting other humans and faunas into the UNSC but it may risk the UNSC being discovered by the Kingdoms, especially Atlas. The last thing that I need to worry about is Atlas constantly asking the UNSC to trade their technology. If Atlas wants it, then they're going to have to go through me and all of the UNSC to get it.

"Jaune! Something has happened!"

I was cut off from my thoughts as my SIC (Second in Command) Ryan burst in. I never mentioned this much but Ryan was a close friend of mine when I was still marine.

"What is it?" I asked while looking at Ryan.

"I got reports from the scouts that say that a village far from here is currently under siege by the White Fang. What do we do?" Ryan reported

"Mobilize the troops. Get any nearby forces to the village and have them prepared to defend the village. I'm joining in on this defense personally."

"Understood." Ryan said as he left to mobilize the troops.

~3rd POV~
Location: Village

The White Fang members didn't stop their attack on the village as villagers were being gunned down on sight by the White Fang as even children were being gunned down by them as well. Many buildings were being burnt or blown up as civilians were running and hiding to avoid being massacred by the White Fang members there.

"Look at them run." Laughed a White Fang member while gunning a villager insight.

"Ahahahaha! Run!" Said a White Fang member as he was shooting at

"Die!" Yelled another White Fang member as he shot a male human in the face.

All of the White Fang surround the village as a faunas elder begged "Please!! Have mercy!" as he and the other villagers were about to be executed.

"You're a disgrace to your own kind and traitors like you don't deserve mercy!" A White Fang member yelled as he slapped the elder as another White Fang member said "The only thing you deserve now is dea-" as he didn't face as his head was blown off by a railgun as all the villagers who were covering the children's eyes as well as White Fang members were horrified that a person's head was blown off.

A man wearing War Master armor reveals himself as Jaune Arc as he was the one that blew off a White Fang member's head off with a railgun.

"S-Stand back you filthy human! We got you outnumbered and outgunned!" Said one of the WF (White Fang) members as they all pointed their weapons at Jaune, who were trying to intimidate him.

"No. I believe that you're the ones that are outnumbered." Jaune said in a cold and deadly tone as that sent chills to their spines.

Then all of a sudden, the WF members are surrounded by a lot of UNSC Marine and Army troopers while the ODSTs had cut off the White Fang's escape route.

"W-who are you." A White Fang member said as all the White Fang members were surrounded by a lot of UNSC Marines, Army troopers, and ODSTs.

Jaune was silent for a few seconds until he would say something that would make all of the WF members regret attacking the village.

"For the atrocities, you have all committed. You are all sentenced to die!!"

Without a second thought, Jaune fired his railgun at a WF member as he blew right through the member's aura as it blew a huge hole on the WF member's chest.

All of the UNSC Marines, Army troopers, and ODSTs fired on the WF members as the WF members retaliate back and much to the dismay of the WF, that dust bullets can't penetrate UNSC armor and most of the WF members got killed easily since UNSC bullets, rockets, and railguns go through aura.

~Few Hours~

The surviving White Fang members were against a wall as they were eventually executed for the atrocities they committed against the villagers they attacked as the atrocities the WF members committed was attempted genocide against unarmed civilians.

"It's a shame that your village is destroyed." Jaune said with sympathy.

The faunas elder said sadly " can never be rebuilt now. I and the people of this village no longer have a home. Thank you for us."

"I can offer you a place in the UNSC, we'll give you homes, jobs, medical care, income, and all that you need." Jaune offered.

"Really?" Said the elder as he then said "You can do that?"

"Of course. Feel free to consider my offer." Said Jaune

The villagers have considered Jaune's offer as pelicans arrived and at first, they kinda hesitated at first but eventually, they got in the pelicans as the pelicans then flew back to the city of Reach.

Ryan said to Jaune "Jaune. What do we do now."

"Now. We retaliate. Show the White Fang, how powerful the UNSC is!" Jaune stated as he then ordered "Mobilize the troops for an attack. It's time to retaliate! I'm going assassinate the White Fang's Lieutenant."

"Yes, sir." Ryan said as he runs off to mobilize the troops for an attack

A marine walks up to Jaune and said "Uh....sir. You may want to see this." as the marine shows him some sort of missing poster with a pic of Jaune

Jaune crumbled up the poster while throwing it away and thought 'What the fucking fuck!? Who the hell is looking for me? Ozpin? No! I'm not going back to that fucking hell hole that Beacon put me through!'

~3rd POV~
Location: Another Random White Fang Base

The WF members were mostly doing whatever they were usually doing, some on guard duty while some are on break. Unknown to them, there were ODSTs that have sneaked into the base and the UNSC was about to assault the base.

(The ODSTs would look something like this.)

The ODSTs went in and killed any of the WF members with ease as they went into the radio station and killed every other WF member there as they have disabled the White Fang's communications and they won't be able to contact reinforcements.

UNSC Marine and Army troopers attack without warning as they kill every single WF member without mercy.

"We're under att-ahhh!" A WF member said as he didn't finish speaking as he was shot in the head by an ODST with a sniper rifle.

"Die terrorist scum!" Yelled another faunas in marine armor as she shot a WF with a shotgun.

Eventually, the UNSC forces have killed all the WF members without suffering any causalities (UNSC Soldiers are well trained and equipment plus they don't accidentally blow themselves up with their grenades) as the UNSC takes the base and clears out any remaining survivors there.

~Jaune's POV~
Location: Vale Docks

It's time to send a clear message to the White Fang. A message to all of the White Fang to never ever fuck with the UNSC. I was on the roof of another building, currently aiming a sniper rifle at the White Fang lieutenant at the docks far from me. I can see that he's talking to someone but that's not important. I slowly pull the trigger after scoping the area out for any WF snipers that may be nearby and it turns out, there aren't any.

As I took the shot, I can see through the scope that the WF lieutenant's head was blown away as I noticed that the WF members were panicking.

"Heh. These White Fang bastards more pathetic than a bunch of Covenant grunts." I said as I went into the pelican was parked in a secret location out of everyone's sight as I flew away back to UNSC territory.

~Unknown POV~
Location: Unknown

I was enraged by the reports I have received by my fellow White Fang of my men being slaughtered while attacking a village, the destruction of one of my bases, and worst of all, the assassination of one of my top lieutenants plus reports say that the Lieutenant was assassinated by a projectile that didn't use any form of dust. I was so enraged that I pulled out my katana while slashing and destroying everything thing in my quarters.

"When I find out who did this. They will die a slow painful death." I said as I sheathed my katana away "No one escapes the White Fang's wrath!"


To Be Continued

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