The GangLeader's Girl

By ccarpenter04

85.6K 1.7K 94

(I would recommend reading The GangLeader's Baby before this book. Thank you.) A sequel to The GangLeader's... More

The Crew Members
1. He Cant Be Here Now
2. Outside Family
3. ER
4. Meeting Him Again
5. Mornings Of Bad Luck
6. The End of Us and The Start of Something New
7. The Secret Message
8. The Fired Shots
9: Battle Grounds
10. Paris Adventures
The New Crew
11. Plots in Paris
12. Lucky Shot
13. Nightmares
14. Appointments
16. Mystery Work
17. Terrible Twos
18. Ace Taylor
19. Return Of The Dead Hope
20. Home
21. Brutality
22. Bullet Wounds
23. Three Months Later

15. Let's Go Sword Fighting

2.6K 57 6
By ccarpenter04

Jessica's POV

Zach was in the car seat of Mason's car and I'm in the front passenger seat. I was wearing a baggy sweatshirt that we bought in DC. We are traveling the United States currently but I could care less. I want to go back to my home and set up a nice bedroom for the twins. I miss being able to do that. I'm twenty weeks pregnant I want to do all that amazing motherly stuff.

"We need a house." I blurted out.

"What?" Mason asked.

"," I said slowly so he understood.

I looked out the window waiting for a reply. I watch as the area around us changes to great planes from trees covering every inch. It happened slowly. We went over a bridge and parked at the closest hotel for the night.

"Why do you want a house?"

"I need a place to actually settle down for the twins. I can't take three kids all over the country without settling down."

"I understand."

"Thank you."

"How about a house in Paris or Ireland."

"Not even close to where I imagined but I guess."

He got out of the car and I did the same. I looked around and instantly turned my attention to Zach as he started to cry. Mason can handle him. Stop being so protective of him. I turned away and started texting Abby.

The crying didn't stop. I turned around and saw as Mason was being taken by the police.

"Please let me go. I'm not the one you're looking for." He pleaded.

My breath just picked up and my heart was racing. They fin-finally have him. They have the most dangerous man in the world. He never killed someone. Great our gang is Leaderless.

"Jessica Smith?" The policeman asked.


"You're under arrest for being part of a murder in Paris."

"What are you talking about?"

He never answered me. I just watched as the picked up my son. Zach was staring at me and his father being taken away. Aaron did this. He is trying to take my son away. He wants Mason and I to suffer. He fucking did this. This is his fault. I couldn't talk to Zach. All I could do was watch the policemen play with him and try to calm him down. The cuffs were put on my wrists and I was put in the cop car that Mason was in.


"Be quiet." Shouted the police officer.

I closed my eyes. The twins were having a fit. They just kicked my bladder. I put my hands in fists. I don't understand. I didn't do anything. Sure I'm part of the gang but I didn't do shit. We have not planned a murder we haven't really done anything that illegal. I don't get it. We got drove to the police station and cuffed to the chair.

"Uncuff them immediately." Said the chief of police.

"Yes, sir."

They uncuffed us and Zach was brought out. He was holding a female policeman's hand. He let go and came running to me. I picked him up and placed him on my lap.

"May I ask something?" I asked

"Yeah. Anything."

"What is going on?"

"You're Jessica Smith and he is Mason Jones."

"Yeah," I said.

"We are here to protect you."

"Huh." Asked Mason.

"We heard another gang leader named Aaron James, Jones, whatever his last name is-"


"Is after you guys and we want to have you as spies in the real gang world because you guys have a child and I've heard that you're expecting more."

Mason and I just looked at each other. I have no clue what is going on. Mason got up and he started pacing around the room. Which started to give me a small heart attack. He came to me and kneeled down. He took a deep breath and that's when I saw it. He is having a panic attack.

"Mason, it's going to be okay. We can have our home in Paris or Ireland. Even in Hawaii. I could care less where we lived. As long as we lived as a family."

He wiped a tear from my cheek. We aren't dating were not together. We haven't been ever since that moment he cheated on me and I found out.

"We can have a home with four bedrooms. One for each child and one for us. Okay."

I tear slipped from his eyes. I just looked at him. Mason Jones can cry. I've known him for a few years and I just found that out now.

"We are not in custody of the police. Th-They're trying to protect us."


He got up so our eyes were lined up. I closed my eyes and held onto Zach. I opened my eyes and he kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I just froze. He left my lips and I just looked at him. His eyes dropped to the floor.

I lifted his chin with my open hand. I kissed him. I left his lips and he had a smirk on his face. HE stood up immediatly and turned to face the police.

"I'll do it."

He nodded his head and Mason looked back at me. I nodded my head and went back to watching Zach fall asleep in my lap. I ran my fingers through his thick light brown hair. He yawned and fell deeper into sleep. We need to buy a house so this doesn't happen as often. I mean not the being arrested part but Zach falling asleep in my lap. I can't do that when I'm ready to pop. A cop tapped my shoulder and I looked up to face her.

"We just wanted to let you know that with this agreement you three have to live in a few of the places with the most crime. We will provide housing though."

"Oh, thanks for letting me know."

I slightly smile.

"One question mama, how old are you?" The cop asked.

"Nineteen almost twenty and my son is almost three."

She nodded her head and went to her desk which was in the far corner. I then pulled out my phone and texted my mom.

Me- Hi mom

Mom- Hi Honey Good Morning

Me- It's practically midnight here mom

Mom- Oh

Mom-Well what are you doing up so late?????

Me- I just can't sleep. We are in the police office. I got arrested.

Mom- WHAT!!!!

Me- I'm not going to prison you're fine. I'm actually sitting in the waiting room

Mom- Oh, okay. Be safe I gtg bc I'm cooking breakfast

Me-Okay mommy Love you

Mom- Love you too

I smiled slightly and started to doze off when someone tapped my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and Mason was standing right in front of me.

"I'm sorry Jess but we have our first location," Mason paused, "Time to go pick out our home in Nagasaki, Japan."

"I'm not gonna have any friends there."

"I know a few people."


"Gang-related people."

I sighed and leaned back in the chair. He ran his fingers through his hair. I watched him and looked down at Zach. I slightly shifted in my seat to make myself a little more comfortable. I still can't believe that I am here.

"Mason? We get a free house of any choice."

"Let's start looking in the morning."


"Hopefully the houses are actually decent, and we had to make some compromises about the deal."

"Oh god."

"We just need to make sure that we don't plan to have the twins there. Oh, and we are going to need an office. They said that they will give us new locations once in a while so we must keep in touch. I also... need to get a job."

"Both of us?"

He nodded his head. Oh my god. Why?

Five Weeks Later

We are currently all in Japan. The rest of the gang is in hotels. We also just finished moving into the house. Well, penthouse in a huge apartment building. I must say it isn't like the millionaire penthouses that is for sure. This one is smaller. Both Mason and I found jobs which is great. I became an English translator and Mason became an undercover cop because that was part of the deal.

I'm currently sitting in my new dining room that Emmy helped decorate. You can tell that she helped because there is a theme of the wild animals around the world. She also picked out a few pictures of the last years that she has of her and Mason. Then she printed some out of me and her. She and I went shopping and picked out the dining room table that we thought would fit great in the room.

The walls are white tile and in some areas, there is some paneling. The windows are covered with blinds and the floor is the famous wood flooring of some guy that I don't know.

"Jess, can you come to the living room?"

"Yeah, One second."

I closed down my laptop and went into our very spacious living room. It has tan walls with dark wood flooring. The flooring changes in each room. Anyway, I see Mason sitting on the couch and Zach is watching some Japanese TV show. I wish we could watch something that we could actually understand.

"They just called me and said they have a job for me a few miles away."

"That's fine. We need to keep the deal going or we actually go into prison."

"Jess, we don't actually know what would happen."

"I know."

He slightly smiled and got off the couch. He walked over to me but I was just staring out the window the whole time.

"Remember they are just trying to protect us from a very abusive gang leader."

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish that I could go somewhere we will actually be safe at."

"I don't think that exists in our time."

I smiled and he made me look at him.

"Jess, I know we aren't together anymore but what do you have planned when he decides that we are a waste of time?"

"I'm not sure."

"Should I get a lawyer for custody?"


"If you don't want to it's fine. We will figure things out."

"Mason, the reason we aren't together is because I originally didn't want Zach to lose someone he just called his father.

He looked around the room.

"Mason Andrew Jones, I am so madly in love with you it's crazy."

"That's odd?"


I looked around the room with two couches and a flat screen tv. Looking for something that was off. The curtains and blinds were fine and everything else was in place. What is wrong?

"I feel that same way."

I turned around and spotted Aaron.

"Why the hell are you here?"

Zach looked and Mason just picked him up. Mason brought him down the hall into his room.

"Jess, I'm sorry for killing your boyfriend's friend-"

"I-I don't have a boyfriend."


I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Our kitchen is small but a great size at the same time.

"I see that you take pride in keeping your new home fresh and clean."

"Yeah, We do."

"We. Hmm. That's funny."

"Why is that?"

He started walking closer to me. I looked down at the wood floor while watching his feet. Backing up until I hit the counter. Stupid tiny grey kitchen.

"Because we hade a house together once. With a nice dog. Oh, I brought you something."

He pulled the backpack I never noticed he was wearing our and unzipped the bag. There was a terrible odor that filled the room.

"What is that?"


"You're a psychopath."

"I already knew this. I mean I did kill Charlie on purpose."

He dropped the bag and kicked it over to the stainless steel fridge. I just watched it as it glided across the floor. Slowly but still had a momentum to make it to the fridge.

Aaron started to walk towards me. He went to pull something from his back pocket.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I looked passed Aaron and spotted Mason with a few of his gang-related friends. Who are also undercover cops now. This world isn't that big. Before Aaron turned around he took the thing out of his pocket and stabbed me with it. He was shot down by Mason twice. This is great news for him.

I slowly looked down. The twins.

"Th-The twins."

I instantly started to ball my eyes out in devastation and in pain. I soon saw Mason come near me with a phone to his ear. I no longer could hear anything. I couldn't feel anything. Shortly I couldn't see anything.

Mason's POV

"She just blacked out."

"Sir, please calm down."

I took a deep breath in. I knew this was stupid. I knew I shouldn't have trusted the cops. I never really have. They killed my dad. I ran my hand down Jessica's face. Why would he do this? He loved her.

I looked at the knife still inside of her admin. Poor poor girl. I hope the twins will be okay. I looked at Mr. Ross. He was working on putting cuffs on Aaron.

"I need to wait until the hospital to actually clear him for attempted murder."

"Not only attempted. He killed Charlie."

"Ah, poor man. Good luck. Oh, and congrats on the twins."


Zach! Shit.

I ran to his bedroom. Aaron showing up here was a distraction. Where the fuck is my son?


I spun around and spotted Zach with tears down his cheeks. I practically ran over to him. I picked him up. He hugged me but he had blood on his arm.

"What happened buddy?"

"Buddy in bag?" He cried.

Who the hell is buddy? I set him down and took me to the kitchen. I saw a backpack that reeked of something rotting. Buddy was a living thing. I slowly opened the bag while gagging at the smell. It was the head of a dog. Aaron is evil.

The cops and paramedics should up and Jess was rushed to the hospital. As well as Aaron. I had to drive to the hospital mostly because of Zach. Mr. Ross decided to go home with his girls but he said he would stop by at the hospital tomorrow.

"Come on Zach let's go pack a bag."


I grabbed the dirty backpack and brought it into the dining room. I'm not sure what to do with it. I see another officer from the corner of my eye. I can watch him stare at me as I place the bag near the garbage. I zip up the bag to try and hide some of the stench. I stand up and start to walk towards Zach.

"Officer Jones."


"Who is the guy that is cuffed?"

"Aaron James. He is a gang leader."

"We will take him in custody as soon as he recovers."

"That's good. He needs to be in there."

"Why is the gang leader of one of the most dangerous gangs helping us?"

"I need to get my record cleared. Plus it's fun."

"All of your allies, what do they think about it?"

"Actually a lot of my allies have learned about it and they joined in too."

"How many gangs are you allied with?"

"One here in Japan, two in Russia, one in Norway, absolutely none in the United States. Only because that is where my gang comes from. Oh, and three in Brazil."

"Wow does every gang have allies?"

"Sorta. Unless if they are just starting off. My gang has always had strong connections around the world because of my father. I branched off of his gang so after that, he and I had reveal gangs until I learned that I got the heir to the gang crown."

"Gang Royalty."

"Pretty much."

He smiled and left me alone. I got myself thinking. Do I want Zach to take over the gang?

I pushed the thought aside and helped Zach pack to go see his mom. He even helped me pack. What a cute little fellow. I still can't believe that he is my son. I mean how could I help create such a handsome young man.

Yes, it still shocks me. I grabbed both of our bags and told a lady to put it near my car. I picked up Zach and locked up the house. I think we are just going to be here for the baby shower which is in ten weeks. That isn't so bad.

I walked down a whole bunch of stairs because the elevator was taking to long. Now that I think about it I should have taken.

"Ready to see mama?"


I slightly smiled at him. He is some great kid. We got into my car and drove off to the hospital.

PLEASE READ——— Author's Note
This story has not yet been edited so if there are spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes feel free to let me know. And don't forget I love you guys for reading my work. Have a great summer!

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