sent | wanna one

By -softbae

643K 34.7K 26.5K

❝send nudes pls :^)❞ ❝n00ds?❞ ❝ yep :^))❞ *sends noodles* in which a girl sends a message... to the wrong per... More

➢fifty three.


7K 356 289
By -softbae

— 6 Months Later —

"Hey put that down! Jihoon get back here! You two stop running around!" Jisung was panicking, trying to chase after everyone as they were all running around and causing chaos in the store.

"Jisung can you get this for me please!!" Guanlin held up the toy race car in his hands, shoving it in his face.

Jisung shook his head, "We are not here to buy toys. The only reason we're here is to scout and reminisce Toys R Us before they close forever. Now put that away and act your age."

Just as the last few words slipped out of his mouth, Jihoon and Woojin run past him, lightsabers in hand, "Speaking of 'act you age'... YOU TWO GET BACK HERE NOW!" He left Guanlin's side and ran after the pink duo.

Guanlin pouted, watching him leave. He then started to move down the aisle, searching for his best friend.


He turned around, grinning from ear to ear when he saw her at the end of the aisle. It was like she knew he was looking for her.

She skipped up to him, "There you are! Hey I heard Jisung mumbling something about you wanting this car?" She asks, pointing to the toy in his hand.

He nodded, "I really do! Can you get it for me Hyejin!?" He pleaded to her, giving her his best smile, "I'll pitch in some money! But... I only have 5 dollars."

She chuckled, patting his shoulder, "Of course! I'll pay the rest. Come, lets get it now before we leave."

The two made their way to the cash register, passing by an angry Jisung who was rounding up his friends. Guanlin puts the toy on the counter, taking out his wallet from his pocket.

"So uh, are you really going to play with the car?" Hyejin asked him, taking out her own card.

"Actually... no its not for me. It's for my little cousin. He came from overseas to visit and I really want to get him something before he leaves." Guanlin explains, smiling a bit, "He's like a mini me, and he's been begging for a toy car for days now."

Hyejin gushed at him, "Aww that is so cute! I've gotta see him before he leaves!" Guanlin shyly smiled, "Thanks for helping me buy this Hyejin, I promise I'll pay you soon."

Hyejin took the shopping bag from the cashier and passed it to him, "No need to thank me. I don't mind helping a friend like you!"

The two walked out of the store and towards their friends who were waiting out by the entrance. "Hey Guanlin, what are you doing with my girlfriend?"

The two look towards the boy approaching them. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, slightly pulling her away from Guanlin.

"N-Nothing! We were just getting my cousin a toy!" He explains, pouting at the two. Hyejin chuckled, smacking her boyfriend in the stomach, "Stop being so mean to Guanlin, he's just a baby."

"I know I know~ I'm just joking. I hope your cousin likes the toy." Guanlin immediately smiles at him, "Thanks! I'm sure he will since Hyejin helped me out!"

"Well yeah, of course. She's my girlfriend, everything she does is worth praising about." She rolled her eyes, smacking his arm this time, "Shut up trash, you're embarrassing me."

Guanlin giggled, pointing at the two, "You two are cute~"

Jinyoung looks at Hyejin, smirking slightly, "She sure is."

"Come on guys! Lets get something to drink before we head home." Minhyun called to the three. They started walking to the rest of the group, making their way towards a nearby Starbucks.

Jinyoung and Hyejin followed behind the group, letting them walk ahead. Jinyoung hung his arm around her shoulder while she let her hand intertwine his hanging one.

"You're really pretty today." He whispered to her, as if he didn't want the others to hear. She blushed, looking away, "You've been telling me that the entire day."

"Cause it's true, you're so pretty that I just can't stop telling you. I can't take my eyes off of you."

She playfully rolled her eyes, scoffing, "Oh stop trying to be a fluff ball. Quick, let get in line." She pulled him inside the store, standing in line with the others.

They chatted for a bit, cracking jokes here and there. He always knew how to make her laugh, and she was happy he could. Hyejin fawned over the boy, she knew deep down that he was the one for her. Which is why she gave him another chance that day on the rooftop. Jinyoung promised her that he would change, his attitude would drop and would be less obsessive. It took a while for her to trust him, but it worked out in the end. He kept his promise, thus the two had been going strong as the months passed by.

It wasn't that long till it was their turn to order, they walked up to the girl behind the counter, "Hi there what can I get you two?" She asked them politely.

"Two hot chocolates please," Jinyoung said, grinning at Hyejin beside him.

The girl looked at the two, eyeing them until something clicked in her head, "Oh I know you guys! You've been here before, but now it seems like your friendship has turned into something more eh?" She wiggled her eyebrows at them as she grabbed two cups, writing down their order.

They both flustered, nodding sheepishly. "That's so cute! I knew you guys would end up dating by the end. You guys were totally meant for each other." She winked at them. Hyejin blushed, giving her the money before they stepped aside, waiting for their drinks on the other side of the counter.

"I'm surprised she remembers us," Hyejin said, leaning against the table. Jinyoung nodded, resting beside her, "Yeah, I wonder how though. It's been months since we've last been here."

"She probably remembers you more than me, I noticed the looks she gave you that day. She totally wanted to get in your pants." She mumbled, moving a bit away from him.

Jinyoung smirked, "Is someone jealous?" He took her hand, pulling her softly back to his side. She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "No... But we aren't coming here again."

He laughed, ruffling her hair, "Okay cutie, no more hot chocolate." She gasped, looking at him, "I said we aren't coming here again! Not no more hot chocolate, meanie." She frowned, looking away.

"Two hot chocolates!" The barista yelled out, putting out the drinks infront of them. They took them, thanking her before walking out and into the mall again. Majority of the boys already got their drinks, so they were just waiting outside until everyone was done.

"Oh hold on wait—" Hyejin stopped a little before the entrance. She passed her hot chocolate to Jinyoung, which he took just before she let go, "I think I forgot my wallet..." She unzipped her bag, searching through for it.

"W-What? Are you sure its not in there?" He asks, a little worried for her. She shook her head, giving up on her bag and patting down her pockets. "No, I think I left it on the counter—"

She turned around quickly, only to almost bump into someone. "O-Oh sorry."

"No, I'm sorry." He apologized quietly, "Uh, here." He passed her a black wallet, her wallet. She gently took it from him, "O-Oh you had it?"

"You left it on the counter, and I knew it was yours so..." He awkwardly explained, reaching for the back of his neck.

Jinyoung gave him a small smile, "Thanks bro, she would've went ballistic if she couldn't find it. You saved us lots of time."

He smiled back, looking over at Hyejin, "It's no problem. Why wouldn't I help her?"

She looked at him softly, "Thank you, Woojin. Seriously, I don't know what I would do witho—, ...thank you."

He nodded, giving her a small smile, "Anytime." He then turned around, walking back to Jihoon who was still waiting for their drinks.

The two then walked back to the group, who were all in their own world. They sat on a bench, sipping on their hot drinks while watching shoppers pass by them.

"Hey," Jinyoung tilted her chin towards him, noticing her sulking, " I know what you're thinking about, and it's okay. You know he's trying to move on, and he will."

She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder, "I know, but I still feel bad. He wouldn't talk to anyone for weeks."

"Well looks like he's doing much better now." Jinyoung points over to Woojin, who was still inside Starbucks. They could see him smiling while talking to the barista at the counter. It was a smile they haven't seen in a long time, a genuine one.

"And looks like he's officially moved on." She smiled when she saw the girl pass him a note, most likely containing her number. Jinyoung and Hyejin looked at each other and laughed.

"Alright losers lets walk to the bus station, the next bus will be here in 10 minutes." Jisung motioned the group to start moving once everyone met up. Hyejin and Jinyoung saw the smug look on Woojin's face, he was totally blushing.

"Jisung are you ever going to buy a car that'll fit us all? I'm tired of riding the bus!" Daniel complained, sulking behind his friend.

Jisung looked over his shoulder, "Lend me some money and I'll buy us a party bus." Everyone started hollering and cheering, creating a scene in the mall. Jisung could only shake his head in disappointment, questioning why he's friends with a bunch of five year-olds.

Hyejin felt a tap on her shoulder, making her look beside her, "Yeah?"

"Wanna race to the bus stand?" Jinyoung smirked, taking her hot chocolate out of her hand. She bit her lip, trying not to smile as she tied her hair up, "Oh its on."

Jinyoung passed their drinks to Minhyun, who looked at them in confusion, "What on earth are you two doing?"

"Racing to the bus stand, duh." Jinyoung replied in an obvious tone. The couple looked straight ahead, mapping out their route.

"Okay ready?" She nodded, getting in place. "One, two—"

Before Jinyoung could finish the countdown, he bolted off, leaving her dumbfounded. "Ugh you poopoo head! Get back here cheater!" She ran off after him, the boys laughing behind her, watching the two speed off.

Jinyoung was still running, but he turned behind him to see her slowly catch up. He then maintained his pace, wanting her to pass by him. Hyejin used up all her energy, reaching the inside of the bus stand before he did.

"You..." She huffed out, bending over to catch her breath. "You let me win, didn't you?"

He laughed breathlessly, walking up to her and pulling her into a hug, "Why wouldn't I let my baby win?"

She rolled her eyes, slapping his back, "Oh shut up, you're so annoying. You do this all the time. Just let me win at least one time."

He pulled out of the hug slightly, resting his forehead on hers, "But you did win something."

She rolled her eyes, "Let me guess, your heart?" He nodded sheepishly, "Hehe, yeah."

"Well you're right, and you won my heart too."

His heart fluttered, he lightly pressed his lips on her forehead, pulling her even closer to him. "And I will do everything to not lose it."


- Bae Jinyoung's ENDing -


ew that was so cheesy, i'm suddenly lactose intolerant

gotta start the book with jinyoung, and end the book with jinyoung. only makes sense :^)

but.... is it really the end?


writing this now bc i rather keep the last one some what blank :)) if u can catch a hint as to what i might mean... ;)

i'm so sad, ; . ; this fic is (almost) over! but thank you all so much for reading! i never expected this fic to gain this many readers. i wrote this fic for fun and im glad you followed up until the end! means so much to me! boutta hit that 170k!

please do check out my seongwoo fic!! i will be focusing on that now that this fic is (almost) over. the new girl on the other hand... needs major editing. i suggest you dONT check it out ty :D

i will also be writing a new fic! its an NCT fic, it will also be a texting fic, so do look forward to that too! i will upload the first bit once i mark this fic as complete.

NOTE: I WILL BE DOING MAJOR EDITING FOR THIS FIC BEFORE I LABEL AS COMPLETE! (im tryna enter the wattys before the deadline (which is also why i ended this fic sO FAST)

the very LAST part of this fic will be uploaded soon, please look forward to it ~

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