What if I stayed ?

By VanessaMustafa7

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There are times in our life when we miss someone or something more than everything else. But it seemed too i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

133 9 2
By VanessaMustafa7

" Amusement park ? " ask Hayal while she gave Yusuf the look like she was kinda disappointed.

" Yes, Do you like it ? " he answers and smiles at her.

" Are we children ? "

" Come on, it will be fun. "

They get out of car. " Hayal, which one do you want to try first ? "

" You brought me here, so you choose that too. "

" Are you sure ? "

" Yes, I'm. "

" You'll regret it. "

" I won't. Did you choose ? "

" Yes, first we'll ride roller coaster,  Pirate ship, then Mad Swing. "

" All of them ? "

" Yes, If you're afraid you can quit and that means I'm the winner. "

" You dream about it. If I do all of them, you'll ride Merry Go round. "

" Deal. Let's go. "

The scream, joy and excitement that's happening is priceless. They're scared to death and laugh so hard, they hold each other hands all the time without noticing it.

" Ah , I told you that I won't lose " says Hayal after they rode all the Yusuf chose.

" But admit you was scared to death. "

" Look who's talking. You almost cried. " They both start laughing.

" Now, you have to ride the Merry Go round " says Hayal. 

" Let's eat something first, then we'll ride it together. "

They eat while looking at each other in the eyes.

" I can see the joy through her eyes. Thanks to her, this day will be one of the most beautiful days of my life, I wish there will be a lot of days like this one. "

" It's such an incredible feeling to see my reflection on his beautiful eyes. I wish I could always see it. This for real was a special day. Thank you. "

While they was going to ride the Merry go, Hayal sees some hair bands.

" Oh amazing. They are so beautiful " she says.

" Take which one you like. "

" Really ? " Yusuf nodded. " Ok, then Let's get couple Mickey Minnie Mouse ears. " she says.

" No way, I'll not put that. "

" Come on, it will be fun. Just like you said. "

" Fine, I'll feel so embarrassed. " they both put them on. " You look so cute " she says with that joyful voice.

" You're cute. "

" Let's have cotton candy too, it has been a long time. "

" Who's more childish now ? Let's have it. "

They take cotton candy and ride Merry go round too. It's gets dark and Yusuf tell her that they need to go somewhere else.

" Where are we going now ? " she asks.

" we're going to the bridge. "

" Why there ? "

" Ah, you're not a little patient. "

When they arrive there, a lot of fireworks start.

" Amazing, this is such a beautiful coincidence " she says.

" It's not a coincidence. "

" What do you mean ? "

" I prepared it for us. "

" Wow, they're really beautiful. "

" They really are, but you're more beautiful. " He holds her hand, and Hayal's heart is nearly exploding, but she lets him hold it.

After spending such a beautiful time together they go home, tired but excited they sleep.

In the morning a message from Jimmy wakes Hayal.

" Did you wake up ? Do you have time to meet today ? "

Ah Jimmy, I'll destroy you, I was dreaming a beautiful dream. I should go home today, I'll just take shower and tell Yusuf.

She gets up and goes to take a shower. She finishes the shower but she's not dresses yet, someone is ringing the doorbell.

Where is he ? Why isn't he opening the door ?

Still the doorbell is ringing.

Ah, seriously ?

She wears the bath towel and goes to open the door in rush. Hayal is shocked, so are Yusuf's parents.

" oh god. What am I seeing ? " says Yusuf's mom.

" I...I... " Hayal doesn't know what to say, she's so embarrassed.

" What are you doing there ? No way, did you do... ? " asks Yusuf's mom.

" No, It's not what you think. I... I'll leave now " says Hayal.

" Dressed like that ? " asks Yusuf's dad.

" Excuse me, I'll change. "

Hayal is so embarrassed and nervous, so are Yusuf's parents. Yusuf isn't home, no one is here to save Hayal. She wears her clothes and takes the phone. Then she goes in the living room where Yusuf's parents are.

" I'm really sorry about what happened, I'll go now " says Hayal with her head low.

" Where do you think are going ? We need to clear somethings first " says his mom.

Hayal is standing without moving with her head down.

" I don't know what happened between you and my son, I don't even want to know , so don't try to explain because it doesn't matter, only thing I know is that whatever It was it's wrong. You should go, and when you take your foot out from this house, you and Yusuf don't know each other. I don't want you near my son again, I have the right to say that, don't you think ? I want my son to have decent woman, and I'm sorry to say this but you don't fit in the picture" says Yusuf's mom.

Hayal leaves immediately without saying a word. She's busted in tears, and can't even breathe properly. She runs away, far away from here like crazy without looking where she's going.

" Don't you think that you was a little harsh on her ? " ask Yusuf's father.

" No, I was trying so hard to hold myself from saying more. I know girls like her, she's after my son only because his money, after what her mother did she's trying to make a living, people like her don't have what to lose, they've lost already. "

" Honey... " Yusuf's father stops talking because Yusuf came. He is surprised to see them in his house. 

" We came to see you, because you're so busy these days " says Yusuf's mom.

" I'm happy that you came, did you wait long ?" says Yusuf.

" No, we just came " says his mom.

" Did someone open the door ? " asks Yusuf.

" The thing is... " says his father but his mother interrupts him by saying " no , nobody was here, the door was open. "

" oh, good. Did you had breakfast? " ask Yusuf.

" No, we came to eat out breakfast with you " says his mom.

" Ok, let's go " says Yusuf. They went to eat breakfast but Yusuf is worried about where Hayal is, he is worried about why she left without telling him.

After walking and crying a lot Hayal is standing in front of her house.

Hello my dear dark house. I walked all around the city, still I didn't have where else to go, I came back to you without no other choice. I keep thinking if you're a prison and not a house, because you keep closed all those painful memories inside, as long as I walk in all those memories will suffocate me, it will be scary and hard to breathe. It's fine, I lost everything already.

She opens the door and walks in..

I can smell my mother's smell, I swear it's her.

She goes in her mother's room , And takes her blouse and sits on her bed.

I miss you mom, and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that you're in prison now, that's because of me. I'm sorry that I can't do nothing, grandpa was right I'm such useless person.

Look at us now, our life fell apart and that's only because of me. I should've done something, I should've stopped this. Why didn't I run away with you before this happened ? why was I afraid to leave ? There wasn't nothing much worse than this to happen. I'm sorry mom , I'm sorry...

She gets up and takes the scissor and cuts her long hair, from tailbone length now she has neck length.

Someone rings the doorbell, she goes to open the door, it's Jimmy.

" You came home ? My mom saw you. Are you ok ? Why are you crying ?  What happened to your hair ? " he ask because he is shocked and worried.

" I don't need them. It's better in this way " she answers with cold voice.

" You look beautiful. Why didn't you tell me that you're coming ?  " he is trying to calm her " I'm happy that you're home now, because we'll be near. Did you eat lunch ? "

" I don't have appetite. "

" My mom cooked so many delicious things, or let's go out and eat. "

" No, I don't want to, you can go. "

" Ok, we'll go later. "

Jimmy gets a message from Yusuf : " Are you with Hayal ? I don't know why she left without telling me. Text me back when you see this message. "

" Hayal, did Yusuf bring you home ? "

" No, I walked. "

" Did something happen between you two ? "

" I don't want to talk about it. Starting from now don't ask me such questions. "

" I apologize. "

He texts back Yusuf : " We have to meet. I text you when I'm free. "

After spending some time with Hayal Jimmy says " I'll go to buy something, I'll be right back. "

" It's fine, I can stay alone. You don't have to come, I'm not a kid. "

" No, I'll be right back. Beside I'm bored to stay at my house, I'll sleep here tonight. "

" You don't have to, seriously I'll be alright. "

"  I know but I want to, please. "

" Ok. "

He text Yusuf : " Meet me at the park. "

When Jimmy arrives there Yusuf is waiting for him.

" Did you wait long ? " asks Jimmy.

" No. Where is Hayal ? Is she ok ? " asks Yusuf.

" She is fine. Did you do something to hurt her ? "

" No I didn't. "

" Tell me the truth . " says Jimmy with angry and pushes him.

" Why would I hurt her ? " Yusuf pushes him back.

"  I hope not. I told you not to hurt her, if you did I'll destroy your world. If you think you can buy everything with money, you're wrong. Nothing can save you from me. "

" Are you out of your mind ? Why are you talking such nonsense ?  Did something happen to her ? "

" I don't want to see you near her again, never ever again. Don't dare and come at her house again. I'll kill you. "

" What are you taking about ? I didn't do nothing wrong. "

Jimmy walked away leaving Yusuf in such mystery. While he was going home, he bought a  lot of favorite Hayal's food. Yusuf went home too.

What did I do ? I didn't do nothing to hurt her. Is she upset that I let her alone at home in the morning. No, she wouldn't act like this only because of that.

Why does my heart ache like this ? Why am I worried this much ? Why does my heart ache and beat faster when I think of her eyes ? What if... ? Am I ? Am I in love with her ? I thought that I just liked her. Ah fool, what are you gonna do now  ?

She doesn't want to see you, you should find why did she leave in such hurry.

No way. Did my parents meet her ?

There is only way to find out.

He gets in the car and goes to his parents's house.

It's late, I hope they didn't sleep yet.

He rings the doorbell, and the servant opens the door.

" Welcome sir " says the servant.

" Are my parents sleeping ? "

" No, they're in the living room. "

" Ok, thank you. "

" Do you want something to drink sir ? "

" No. "

His parents are surprised that he came at this hour.

" Darling, you came home " says his mom.

" what are you doing ? " asks Yusuf.

" We almost went to sleep. What about you ? Why did you come at this hour ? " asks his dad.

" Honey, our son came because he missed us. This is his house too, he can come whenever he wants " says his mom.

" Actually I came to ask you something " says Yusuf.

Both his mom and dad look at each other suspicious.

" What do you want to ask us ? " asks his mom.

" You meet someone at my house, am I right ? "

" What do you mean ? Who was we supposed to meet ? " asks his mom.

" I'm asking you, come on tell me mom. "

" I don't really know what you mean. "

" Mom... "

" Yes, we did. Is this why you came to ask us ? " asks his dad.

" Did you say something to her ? " asks Yusuf.

" What are we supposed to say to her ? " asks his mom.

" I'm sure you said something bad to her. "

" I said the truth. I told her everything that she didn't know. I told her place where she belongs. "

" Again ? Again with this Rich society ? Where does she belong mom, tell me. "

" Anywhere in the world, but not near you. You and her are different, I fixed something for you, so you don't have to feel guilty anymore. Don't worry, We'll help her. I'll help her to find a job. I know that you're being sensitive to her story, I know that you're helping her because you're sorry for her and that she reminds you how you felt back then, you know when you... "

" I heard enough mom, I always liked this quote " Don't help others without their permission. Sometimes we want to fix things about them that they don't consider to be broken. " I'm sorry to say this, but you really hurt my feelings. "

He gets up. " Where are you going ? " asks his mom.

" I'm going where I belong "  he answers and leaves.

After he leaves his parents are in pain too. They're worried about Yusuf, and his mom feels responsible for hurting him.

" Honey, why did you mention that ? You know he never wants to talk about that. "

" I didn't want to, it slipped out accidentally. He left because of me, I'm such a bad mother. " she starts crying and her husband tries to comfort her.

Yusuf is hurt and worried about how Hayal feels.

She is hurt enough, now she is even more hurt. Until when ? Until when will others get hurt because of you ? You fool.

He doesn't know what to do, he goes to Hayal's house.

What should I do ? She is hurt because of me, will she be more hurt if I talk to her right now ?

He stays in the car for a long time staring at Hayal's house, not knowing what to do.

I'll come again tomorrow, I should let her get calm. I want to explain everything to her, but I can't be selfish I've to think about her feelings.

Jimmy wakes Hayal in the morning.

" Good morning, sleeping beauty. Are you coming to school today ? "

" Get lost. "

" Seriously, I mean it. "

" I also mean it. Get lost, I'll sleep. "

" Hayal, you should come to school, the year is almost over, there are so many exams, you can't pass if you don't come. "

" Ah, You took all my sleep. I don't care if I don't pass anymore. "

" Fine, don't come. Don't think that you'll survive tomorrow from this again. "

" Just get out, and don't forget to close the door. "

" Have a good sleep sleeping beauty. When I finish school we'll go out. "

" Leave already, you fool are talking to much. "

" Bye, if you sleep all day doesn't mean that you'll become prettier. No way, do you still believe in these fairytales? "

" I'll kill you. " she gets up to catch him, but he runs away laughing with her.

She gets back to bed, but somebody rings the doorbell.

" Stop playing, I'll really kill you this time " she says while she was opening the door.

" What ? " says Yusuf.

When she sees him she is shocked and closes the door.

" I have something to talk with you, please open the door. "

" Go away, I don't have nothing to talk with you, I don't have a reason why to listen to you. "

" But you have to, please just listen. "

She stands a while just listening at him then opens the door.

" Thank you for opening the door. Can I come in ? "

" Ok, just tell what you want to tell, then leave."
He steps in, and sits on the coach.

" I heard what happened and why you left. I'm really ashamed by my parents's doing, I apologize on their behalf. I'm really feeling bad because you're hurt because of me. You didn't deserve the words that they said and they was unfair to you, I'm really sorry about that. "

" No, the words that they said are true. It hurts, but they're true. "

" What do you mean ? "

" It's true, everything that they said is true. It's true that you and I are different, and that you deserve a decent woman and that I don't fit in the picture. So I left, I left before things got complicated. I don't want to see you again, please don't look after me anymore. This is my decision, so don't think that someone affected it. I heard enough, please leave now. " he listens her with his head down, every word hurts him.

" What about me then ? What should I do about my feelings ? Can you be a little less selfish and think about me. I want to be near you. This is my decision, and no one can affect it. So no matter what you say or how much you push me away I'll find my way back to you. "

He goes near her and puts his hands on her shoulders and says " I really like you Hayal. So please don't punish me by other's doings. I'll leave now, but I'll come back again, and again... no matter how many times you'll reject me. "

She doesn't say anything. He leaves, and she doesn't say a word. She stays quiet for a long time on the coach. Then she dresses up and goes out to walk. While she was walking she sees a poem written on a wall :

" Family" by Choi Bum Young.

" If you can't say you're hurt when you feel hurt, you're not family.

If you can't say you're happy when you're happy, you're not family.

A sweet and soft ice cream cone isn't enough to become a family.

Pain, happiness and love must be shared

And you must endure all hardships in prayer

Until you can feel it together.

That's how we become a family.

You must be able to express your sadness

And be able to cry together to be a family.

You must be able to express your happiness

And be able to be happy for one another to be a family.

You must feel like you're under the same blanket no matter where you're

To be a family. "

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