Dwayne's Middle School Days

By Tiana_xoxo_

2K 128 7

{3rd story of the series} It is Dwayne's first year of middle school and he's already anxious about it. Despi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Middle School Choir Montage
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
New Announcement/Important Update

Chapter 5

82 6 0
By Tiana_xoxo_

After we got back home, I went upstairs to lay down for a bit. I had a really long day and I needed to relax. I sighed as I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I yawned and realized how tired I was so I closed my eyes and drifted off.


I woke up and smelled pizza sauce. I slowly got up and walked downstairs. "Oh I was about to come get you." Mom said while placing a small pile of spaghetti on one plate. "Dinner is ready." I continued down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sat down at the table and stretched a little.

JD and Ricky both joined at the table. "Mommy, Ricky almost punched me." JD whined.

"Yeah almost." Ricky said.

Mom sighed. "Well be careful next time and did you grab Lucille like I told you?"

"Oops." Ricky said quickly as he ran to the living room and grabbed Lucille from her tummy time mat and sat her on her high chair.

Mom placed chopped noodles with a little bit of sauce on her tray. "Here you go sweet girl." Mom said quietly.

"When will Dad be here?" I asked.

"He should be here by now." Mom answered. A few moments later Dad walked into the front door. "Just in time for dinner, babe."

"Good." Dad sighed. "After all those damn hours of working I'm gonna need some food and relax." He sat down at the table and began to eat his spaghetti with the rest of us. "So how was you guys' first day of school?" Dad asked us.

"It was good." Ricky said.

"Yep." JD said.

"Pretty good." I said.

"Good to hear. Good to hear." Dad said. "Made any new friends yet?" We all nodded our heads. "Good good. And how was your first day at daycare?" Dad asked Lucille as she banged her hands on her tray giggling.

"I took her to your mom's house." Mom said.

"I thought we enrolled her to a daycare?" Dad asked.

"Remember? We thought about that until we realized that your mom is always available so now we always drop her off there." Mom explained.

"Oh, yeah." Dad laughed. "I guess work had got some of my memory messed up."

We all continued our dinner for like another 30 minutes. "When you guys are finished make sure you take a shower and put on your pjs." Mom ordered. Me and my brothers nodded and put our plates in the sink. We ran upstairs and Ricky yelled, "I caught first!" I stopped running and went into my room. I sat down on my bed then JD stood in our doorway.

"Um, can I talk to you about.....something?" JD asked quietly.

"Sure. Come sit down." I said as I scooted over. JD slowly sat down and looked down at the floor.

"I think I don't like reading things out loud anymore." JD said.

I grew a little confused. "Why?" I asked.

"Because there is this boy in some of my classes that like to make fun of how slow I read." JD answered with sadness in his voice. I started to get a little angry. JD did had some trouble reading things throughout his first couple years of school but he's gotten a lot better ever since. But some random boy teasing my brother, and possibly other classmates because they have learning disabilities is just plain disrespectful.

I sighed coming out of my thoughts and asked, "Have you told any teachers about him teasing you?"

"No." JD said quietly.

"You never even told Ricky about it either?" I asked again. JD slowly shook his head and began to cry. I hugged him and try to comfort him. "You wanna tell Mom and Dad about it?" I asked hoping he says yes. He shook his head no. "Well they gotta know about this. You can't hide it forever." I said.

JD let go and I sighed. "I guess." He shrugged. I went downstairs with JD behind me.

"Mom, someone has been bullying JD." I began.

"What? Who's been bullying you honey?" Mom asked.

"S-some boy in my class." JD said.

"And why was he bullying you?" Dad asked.

"B-because I was a slow reader." JD trembled. I saw Ricky in his pjs walking downstairs so I went upstairs to go in the shower next.

As I walked upstairs I heard Mom ask, "Did JD tell you about a boy bullying him?"

"No." I heard Ricky answer. I sighed and shook my head as I climbed the last step.

People these days really just irritate the hell out of me.

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