Make Me Beg! (BoyxBoy, Do...

By DrGigglez

1.6M 52.6K 10.7K

"Just try it, it will feel amazing." She said wiggling it in front of my face. "Ew, God no." I replied, knock... More

Make Me Beg (BoyxBoy)
1-Make Me Mad
2-Make Me Wonder
3-Make Me Ask
4-Make Me Start
5-Make Me Late
6- Make Me Regret
7- Make Me Question
8-Make Me Mock
9- Make Me Realize
10- Make Me Deal
11- Make Me Sarcastic
12-Make Me Miss
13-Make Me Think
14- Make Me Difficult
15- Make Me Motivated
16- Make Me Impress
17- Make Me Give
18-Make Me Nervous
19-Make Me Figure
All of The Facts!
21- Make Me Reveal
22-Make Me Hurt
23-Make Me Break
24- Make Me Rebel
25-Make Me Long
Take Me Now! BoyxBoy.
26- Make Me Wonder
27-Make Me Control
28-Make Me Walk
29-Make Me Adjust
30- Make Me Warm
31- Make Me Weak
32-Make Me Disturbed
33-Make Me Crave
34- Make Me Reminisce
35- Make Me Tell
36-Make Me Confess
37- Make Me See
38- Make Me Try
39-Make Me Joke
40- Make Me Express
41- Make Me Wait
42-Make Me Plan
43- Make Me Beg
44-Make Me Prepared
Things to know
45- Make Me Return *BONUS*
Heads up

20-Make Me Show

28.4K 1K 221
By DrGigglez

Bam, another part ready for you guys haha, a lot of you sounded quite mad from this cliffhanger so I updated this for you all and I hope you all enjoy mwuahhh!! and SHOUTOUTS TOOOO









                  BRYAN'S P.O.V 

                     "What the hell took you so long!?". I asked opening the door to see Dawson. I  dragged him in "Traffic and  this better be serious, My chores are not done. If I wake up bald it's your fault". He said, pointing a finger at me. 

 "I'll help you finish, just.. just look at this". I shoved the phone in his face.

 "Okay First, eww. I did not come here to see your nicely shaved balls, you hoe bag". Dawson said, pushing the phone down. 

 "Not the point". I yelled, Running a hand through my hair. "I never sent this to the Duke, I don't even know..". Dawson snatched the phone from my hand "Oh fuck, you think Finn leaked your photos?" He asked and I groaned. 

              "I looked through the websites and everything, no sign of him doing so". I said, sitting on the couch. Dawson sat beside me and sighed "Man, you can tell it's you from the birth mark too and don't you know not to show your face in nudes?" He asked and I threw my phone on the coffee table. 

    I growled "You can't see above my nose! Again not the point". I said, My heart was racing as I had so many thoughts going through my head. This photo could not get out. 

 "First thing First I'm the realist drop thi-No I meant First thing you need to do is talk to Finn". Dawson grabbed my laptop off the kitchen table and sunk back into the couch "Okay, so send him a message just asking him". I nodded.

                "Wait, I should also ask where the Duke got the photo from". Dawson gave me a duh look before shoving half a sandwich in his mouth.

 TheMonte-Where did you get this photo? I've never sent you anything.

 Duke is Typing...

 Duke-I have my ways, how about you ask Finn?

TheMonte- I don't know what the hell you think you're doing but it ain't right , What do you even  want?

Duke-I wanted to be your Dom That's all, now you have to find out the hard way Bryan Monte Dain.

 I felt my nose flare and I balled my fist up "Dawson, he know my full name..". I looked up to see Dawson glaring me. Taylor walked in causing us both to look up , he was chewing a granola bar. "I'm headed to Aspen's , call me if you need me". He muttered, hurrying out the door.

            "He has such a nice ass". Dawson murmured, scratching the back of his head. I ignored him and turned my attention back to the laptop  "What do I say back to him what the fuck else does he know". I questioned. 

"Tell him go to hell". Dawson said as he took the laptop from me and started typing. "Maybe if we show him we don't care, he will leave you alone." Dawson said. 

TheMonte- Hel, Duke.  I'm one of Bryan's friends. A Dom to be exact I don't who you are or who you think you're talking to but Dom to Dom, you need to stop or I'll call the cops.

The Duke is typing...

 Duke- Like you could do anything, Dawson

  Dawson screamed and jumped from the couch , he ran into the kitchen and grabbed a butter knife "Oh hell naw, the bitch knows my name, Get to Finn now!". He yelled , giving me an ugly look.

 "Okay, okay can't we just call the cops?". I panicked.

"To hell with that, and have everybody find out about this? I was just bluffing!" Dawson said, staring at the laptop screen.  

He was right.


    "What are you talking about he knows? How could he know, We've been discrete ".  I set the controller down  and took the phone off speaker.  "Whoa Taylor, slow down, I can't understand you."

              "He knows!" Taylor shouted into the phone.

 "How, I never sent anyone anything, I even have a pass code on my laptop, there is no way  .Look just come over". I said, putting some pans into the cabinets. 

              "Already on my way , Someone got into your laptop  Aspen!".  I rolled my eyes  "My password is so secure Taylor, Austin I need to go check on something". I walked upstairs and into my room "It's still here and perfectly locked".   

          "I'm almost there". He said, before hanging up the phone


               "Do you need any water?". Austin asked, grabbing another slice of cake and a water bottle out of the fridge. I looked up to see Taylor panting . "Room now". He said, grabbing the cake and water bottle before running upstairs. I wiped my hands and headed up after him .

 "Some guy named the Duke sent the photo  Bryan sent to you back to him, he's gonna friggin message you wanting answers. I heard the whole conversation!". Taylor shouted , shaking me lightly. 

              On cue,  my phone started blowing up "Who is this Duke guy?".  Taylor shrugged "I dunno, I looked him up on my phone, he lives around here and he's over eighteen, which makes it legal". Taylor said and   I sighed and sat on the bed. I was not of age, so if this photo got out and it was found out I was on this wesbite.. "Oh Gosh, What am I gonna say?". I asked, I didn't sign up for this. I should not have stuck my nose in his business.

      "I don't know but The Duke told Bryan you sent it to him". Taylor said and my heart started to race at the realization that this situation was about to blow up. 

"Oh My God". I ran a hand through my hair and rubbed my face "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess". I said, Taylor shook his head "It's fine, It's fine, you're my best friend." He said. 

 "How is it fine! I was so stupid into thinking I could actually do this!" I yelled in frustration. 

     I checked my phone it was Bryan.

TheMonte-Why would you send my stuff out?

FinnTheHuman-What do you mean?

TheMonte-Someone sent me my own photo back and I only sent it to you Sir.

    "He's still calling me Sir, isn't that a good thing?". I asked.

 Taylor shook his head "Aspen, I don't know how else to help you. You've been making your own decisions now I know you can figure it out.. maybe this is a sign." Taylor said and I gave him a crazy look.

 "A sign!? What sign, that your brother is going to kill me when he finds out what I've done. I've ruined everything and now it's coming to bite me back in the ass. I don't want to die!" I said, freaking out.

Karma was a bitch. 

 TheMonte-I need answers Sir, No one can find out about this. Please.

 FinnTheHuman-No one will find out, just trust me. Bryan

 TheMonte-I'm trying but you're making it so hard to. Why does he have my pictures?

 I looked over at Taylor, who avoided looking at me "Help me, please". I said looking at Taylor. "Aspen, I really don't know". He said, putting his hands up.  "Dis Tew much". He whispered, putting his hand over his heart.

"Haha very funny". I said sarcastically, throwing a pillow at him.

          I licked my now dry lips and stared back at the phone.


                 "Why are you looking like that Dawson?". I asked, wiping my sweaty palms on my jean. Dawson sat beside me  "Look man , remember last week when Aspen and I came over to hang out with you and Taylor?'.

            I nodded, "Yeah what does that have to do with anything?". He cleared his throat "And Jane told you Aspen isn't who he says he is?". I nodded my head slowly. What is this dude getting at?  "I overheard a conversation between them when I was going to the bathroom.. ". He started.

       "Jane and Aspen?". He shook his head no.

 "Taylor and Aspen, in Taylors room it was muffled but someone said something about Dominating  and not being able to do it ". I looked at the TV screen and laughed  "Maybe they said something else. It's Aspen and Taylor, man". I said shrugging. Talking about them was getting us nowhere. 

          "I fooled around with Taylor , Bryan someone who wasn't into that stuff wouldn't react the way he did". I rolled my eyes , hearing about how my best friend and brother mess around was the least of my worries. 

"So what are you trying to say, Aspen is this Finn guy. Get the fuck out, that dude ain't shit". I said, rolling my eyes. Dawson shrugged "You did bully him". I stood up "So? He knew I was joking. I've been teasing him since we were little.  Dawson drop it". My phone went off and I  checked it, seeing it was Finn. 

      FinnTheHuman-I'll talk to you later on tonight, around nine.

      TheMonte-Alright, Sir.

       It was 6:54 now. "Come on, man I'll buy you something to eat then we can come back here and chill". Dawson said rubbing my shoulder. I nodded and put my shoes on.


      "Where are we getting something?". Dawson asked "Ihop is fine"   He stopped at a red light. 

                 "At least we're going to a party tomorrow". He said, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah, I guess maybe it will take my mind off of all this". I said, groaning. "And which way will you be  swinging ?". He asked wiggling his eyebrows.  I shrugged "Hell ,maybe both". He high fived me and agreed.

         The light changed and he exited, turning left. The parking Lot at IHOP wasn't full which was a perfect sign. "What's up with IHOP? it's always IHOP with you". I chuckled "IHOP is amazing". It's actually  where we found Taylor, in the parking lot. In nothing but a ripped shirt and some dirty ass underwear. His family was in America to get treatment for his Father, only it didn't turn out so great.

             I got out the car and walked in, "It's cold as hell in here". Dawson said, "Grow a pair". I muttered sitting at a booth. "I certainly did when I spanked your brother". He said. I scoffed and thanked the lady for the menu.

              "I can get more than one thing, right?". I asked and he  groaned "I just wasted gas money on you  and you asking for more food, you not my man". He laughed ,then nodded "Go ahead, but I get to taste".

               ASPENS P.O.V

      "All this over a phone?". Taylor asked, playing with his fingers. I nodded "I didn't now this would happen,. Believe me I did not think I would actually start liking him. I just wanted to help him out and get out of my comfort zone for once and now I really like him and I don't know what to do. He's gonna kill me if he finds out Taylor, I rather him keep teasing me then stop talking to me for good what if he go-"

  "Deep breaths Aspen".  Taylor said calmly, holding a hand up.

I relaxed back into the chair and rubbed my temples.

          Taylor sighed and continued eating his cereal "Ion know man, maybe you should just block him and lose all contact with him". That sounded like a way better idea compared to my plan. I was about to do something I did not ever want to do. 

          I bet I was going to hell.


         "Quit shaking my God, it's not like he's gonna message you right at nine". Taylor said, smacking my thigh.

I looked at the clock.


            "Are you seriously still hungry?". I asked, Taylor nodded and took a huge bite of pizza smacking his lips on purpose "It is  good, maybe if you'd stop stressing and enjoy this  piece if heaven with me you'd have nothing to worry about ". He said and I frowned. 

I was way too nervous to eat, let alone keep it down.

  I logged onto my computer and went to the website. "Aspen, you know what ever happens I'm not going anywhere." Taylor said, pulling me into a hug.   Austin came in, with a box "Mom said this is the stuff you ordered". I nodded "A little bit of retail therapy." I said nervously. 

             My monitor went off and Taylor lured Austin out, sitting beside me. "I'm with you every step of the way". Taylor said. I raised an eyebrow "I know, I'm feeling sick too, I'm never this nice Oh God, bye". He got up and walked out the room making me groan. 

  TheMonte- Do I get answers now, how did the Duke get my photo?

  FinnTheHuman-I honestly don't know Bryan.

 TheMonte-Who are you?

 FinnTheHuman-I'm Finn..

TheMonte-You didn't answer my question.

FinnTheHuman-Please, just trust me. Don't make this hard.

TheMonte-I don't know if I can. I don't even know your name, where you're from what your intentions are. My photo was leaked!


            If anything is going to continue. I had to see him. I wasn't going to put myself in a situation where I could be blackmailed, or played with. I was started to have real feelings for this person and it was so stupid. I didn't even know who they were. 


              TheMonte-Show me you, a pic or something. Just show me that's it real, please.

           I was getting a picture.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

          *New video request*

 "This is it, man". Dawson said, squeezing my shoulder. I clicked accept, looking at the black screen.

      Finn- Bryan, I'm so sorry.

            It adjusted and showed Aspen Carter.

 I swallowed my breath and stared  at the screen  "I'm so sorry". He sobbed. I froze in my computer chair. My ears were ringing, everything was still. As I listened to him sobbing.

          "I trusted you."


 Aspen, you've been exposed.

I didn't want it to happen this way but yeah comment exposed if you read this and I love you. I will update whenever does not  matter the votes. WHAT DID YOU THINK? ARE YOU GUYS SHOCKED?.

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