Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic

By CranberryPower

152K 9.1K 8.1K

Mark's homeless and broke, looking for a job when a friend suggests he should apply for a job at RMFinacial w... More

Broke asf
First day
Mrs. Wang
A Walk
Another day
Yes Master

I miss you

4.4K 287 346
By CranberryPower

Jackson POV

"Where is that bitch! Where is she so I can kill her! Damn bitch!"

"Mom, relax."


I sigh.

"How are you so calm? I know damn well you're not fine. You just watched Mark get hit by a damn tru- I really wanna kill that bitch. Let her see how it feels to get hit by a truck. I should hit her with a plane or a bo-"

"Mom. Just stop. You bitching isn't going to make this any better."

"But seriously Jackson, how are you taking this?" Mom looks at me concerned.

I shrug. My heart is in pain but my face and actions refuse to reveal it.

"You little-" Mom slaps my arm. "At least show some emotion. Good Lord."

"I don't show emotion. Never have, never will."

Mom stares into my eyes. Suddenly, she hugs me.

"Oh my little Jackson! You cold bastard. It's okay to be sad, everyone gets there moments. And seriously, when Mark gets out of here propose to him." She pats my head.

"No." I gently push her off of me.

"Mr. And Mrs. Wang?" A tall man in a white lab coat walks out of the ICU doors.

"Please don't say it like that. Sounds like we're married. That's horrifying to marry my stone cold son."

"Wow." I roll my eyes.

"Ah. Sorry about that." The man chuckles. "You two came with Mark Tuan right?"

"Yes! How is he? Is he okay? PLEASE TELL ME HE'S OKAY!" Mom grabs the man's hands and holds them tightly.

"I'd be lying if I said he's okay, but he is in a stable state." The man smiles grimly.

Hearing those words makes my heart ping with pain.

"Oh my God." Mom's knees buckle and she falls to the floor.

"Miss! Are you okay?" The man kneels down to the dramatic woman lying on the floor.

"Can we....see him?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes you can. But not for too long, he has another surgery soon."

"More surgeries?" Mom whimpers.

"Get up mom." I help her get off the floor.

The two of us follow the man into the Intensive Care Unit. The hallway is dark and gloomy, just like my heart.

"What's your relationship with Mr. Tuan?" The man asks me as we walk.

"His boyfriend." Mom answers quickly.

"Don't listen to her. I'm his boss."

"Master." Mom coughs and whispers in a hushed voice.

I glare at her. She's so damn irritating.

The man chuckles.

"Here we are." The man opens the door to Mark's room.

"I'm scared. You go in first." Mom pushes me towards the door.

I honestly don't want to go in first, but nevertheless, I enter the room.

The room is empty, except for a single bed in the middle. The beeping from the heart monitor beside the bed greets me.

I walk closer to the bed.

Mark lies in the bed, unconscious. His face bruised and swollen, an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth, his head wrapped in white bandages. His once bright blond hair now fades away and is dirtied with blood.

His left arm in a cast. Both hands bloody and bruised. I can see through the hospital gown that his chest is covered with white, bloodied bandages.

I notice how slow he's breathing.

The sight before my eyes is just too much to bare.

"Baby...." Mom stares at Mark with tears in her eyes.

"When Mr. Tuan was hit, the truck was going approximately 55 miles per hour. It's fortunate that the ambulance came quickly. If they were any later, Mr. Tuan wouldn't ha-"

"Don't say it." My voice is crisp and firm.

The thought of Mark dying is too much for my frail heart.

The doctor nods his head and apologizes.

I sit in the chair beside Mark's hospital bed.

I brush some of his hair off his face. My fingers linger in his soft warm hair.

"In the next surgery, Mr. Tuan is being put in a medically induced coma." The doctor speaks after a minute of silence.

"Why?" Mom asks.

"He hit his head pretty hard. His brain is swollen, for the swelling to decrease, it's better to put him in a coma then leaving him conscious making the swelling worse." The doctor explains.

"Do what you have to do. As long as he's alright." I tell the doctor wholeheartedly.

"Aw Jackson! You care!" Mom hugs me from behind.

"Get off me woman." I push her away.

"Dr. Kim, we're ready for the patient." A nurse peeks her head through the door.


"Well, I'm Dr. Kim. Kim Yugyeom, and I'll make sure Mr. Tuan comes back healthy and alive. Trust me." Dr. Kim bows.

"I trust you." I smile curtly.

I look at Mark one last time before Dr. Kim and the nurse wheel Mark out of the room.

A week has passed since the incident. Truthfully, the worse week of my life.

I miss Mark, the little ball of sunshine.

He always had those weird outbursts, always smiling, always kind and loving. His happiness made me jealous and irritated, even if he was having a bad day, he would've still smiled like nothing was wrong.

I miss waking up and seeing him singing in the kitchen. I miss how whenever I come home from work he always greeted me with a bright smile and asked how my day was.

At home it just feels so...empty. Everything feels empty even when I'm not alone.

"Oh! Good evening Mr. Wang. You came earlier today." Dr. Kim greets me happily as I enter Mark's room.

"Good evening. How is he today?" Everyday after work, I'll always drive the 2 hours to this hospital.

"He's responsive now. He can turn his head on command and squeeze hands." Dr. Kim smiles at me.

Thank God. Just last week he flatlined 3 times. I thought I lost the light of my life forever.

I make my way to my usual seat beside his bed. His breathing is still irregular but at least he's breathing.

"Hey Mark."

Mark's finger twitches once I speak.

A genuine smile spreads on my face.

I take Mark's hand in mine and rub circles into it with my thumb. I gently rest my free hand on his head and caress his hair.

"I miss you kid." My voice sounds sad and desperate.

Behind the oxygen mask, Mark's lips twitch.

Mark's lips quiver and slowly and weakly,

He smiles.

A sweet taste of Jackson's POV(:
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for so long. I've been sick for months and I still am. I'm powering through it :') so forgive me

If I dont update for a while feel free to spam me. Cuz honestly sometimes I forget😊

And thank you all so much for 10k reads and your awesome comments! I'm in a lot of pain and seeing how  you guys love my book really eases it.
Thank you so much!❤

Thanks for reading!

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