Take The Risk

By scarletwidow06

30.5K 737 157

When Steve asks his little sister Chloe to let Bucky room with her till he gets on his feet after a failed di... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 6

1.3K 36 5
By scarletwidow06


It was two weeks before Christmas Chloe was standing in her basement with Bucky as she looked for her Christmas stuff and she finally found her tree and had him take it up the stairs as she carried her box of lights and ornaments. They decorated their tree together and then turned it on. "Perfect." she said then her phone rang and she saw that it was Nat.

"Hey Nat what's up?" Chloe said

"What are you two doing?" Nat said 

"Um we just got done putting my tree up why?" Chloe said

"Good you two are already in the Christmas spirit so come over and help us and have dinner with us. Taylor said you two need to come help make their Christmas wish ornaments." Nat said

Chloe moved the phone from her ear and said "Wanna go to Steve's and help them decorate?" 

"I don't mind to go." Bucky said 

"Hey Nat yeah we will be over in a bit." she said 

"Great!." Nat said 

They hung up. "I guess I'm going to go take a shower." Chloe said 

"Hey can I ask you something?" Bucky said

"Yeah." She said

"Would um like to come with me to the Christmas Party at the firehouse this weekend?" Bucky said 

She looked at him and saw that he was asking for a reason. She walked over to him and said "Hey what's wrong?" 

"I don't want to go alone Chloe. Everyone that I work with I've known since highschool and they are all still married and have kids and then there's me that just got divorced and no kids." Bucky said 

"Hey yeah I will go with you. I don't mind to go Buck." she whispered as she wiped a tear that fell down his cheek. 

"Chloe thank you. I know you didn't plan on me staying this long but I'm glad that you don't mind me being here." He said to her 

She smiled at him and said "You can stay as long as you want. I personally lilke having you here with me. It's been a lot of fun with you." 

He smiled at her and kissed her forehead and said "It's been fun for me too." 

They both got showered and changed headed over to Steve and Nat's house. When they got there they were attacked at the door by Taylor and Chase and pulling them into the kitchen to do their Christmas wish ornaments. 

"Aunt Chloe my wishes are for you." Taylor said 

"ok what are your wishes." Chloe said as she grabs the marker 

"No I'm going to write them this year Aunt Chloe and you put them in the jar and you can't read them." Taylor said 

Bucky was told the same thing by Chase that he didn't want him to write them but wanted him to help put them in the tiny jars. Taylor's one and only wish she wanted for her Aunt Chloe was to fall in love with Bucky and Chase's wish was for Aunt Chloe and Uncle Bucky to have a baby together.

After they helped them do that and they ate dinner with them then they started to decorate the tree. Chloe was standing on the step ladder hanging ornaments and lost her balance and Bucky caught her and he said "You always seem to lose your balance doll good thing I'm always around to catch you when you fall." 

She smiled said "Yeah it is." as she looked into his eyes as he sat her down. Taylor saw the look on her aunt Chloe's face and start to giggle with Chase but it was completely tuned out of Chloe's head as she and Bucky continued to stare into each other's eyes for a minute or two longer. 

Steve said "Chloe you are alright?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Um I just need some air." she said 

Bucky swallowed hard and looked at Taylor and Chase as they were smiling and said "What are you two up to over there?"

"Nothing Uncle Bucky. Can you help me put the star on the tree." Chase said 

Bucky picked him up and helped him put the star on the tree. Chloe was outside pacing and Nat came out with a glass of wine for her and said "You sure you are ok?"

Chloe took the wine and said "Yeah Im fine. I think I'm just tired I've worked the last 48 hours with very little sleep." 

"Why are you working that much?" Nat said

"Cause I want to get the kids everything they told me on their list that they wanted for Christmas." She said 

"Chloe you spoil those kids to much. Please don't work yourself to death for my kids." Nat said 

"It's fine Nat they are the only kids I've got so I'm going to spoil them." she said 

Bucky came out and said "Hey you ready to go?"

"Yeah I'm ready." she said 

They hugged the kids bye and went home. They were laying on the couch watching Christmas movies as he rubbed her back he said "I missed you the last two days why were you working like that?"

"I needed extra money to do my Christmas shopping." she said 

"Doll you could just ask me they are my nieces and nephew too maybe not by blood but they are mine too." he said as he kissed the top of her head

"I know." she whispered as she was slowly falling asleep.

He pulled the blanket over them and fell asleep himself. 


It was the day before Bucky's Christmas party/dinner for work. He was getting ready to head home when his phone buzzed and he saw that it was Dot calling he sat down before answered it and still had his locker open as he looked at the picture hanging in it was a picture of him and Chloe that Taylor took.

"Hello." He answerered

"Hey James." Dot said 

"Do you need something?" Bucky said 

"I was calling to let you know that I'm getting remarried next month I didn't want you to hear it from someone else. I also sold our house." Dot said 

"Oh so you just wanted to call and tell me that you moved on." Bucky said 

"James don't be like that." Dot said 

"I have to go Dot I hope you have a nice life with whoever he is." Bucky said and hung up the phone. 

He looked up and saw the picture of him and Chloe and slammed his locker door and left the firehouse. When he arrived home he walked in and started yelling for Chloe he knew she was home she had the day off. "I'm in my bathroom." Chloe yelled just as she was getting in her tub full of bubbles. 

He ran up to her room and knocked on her bathroom door "Chloe can I come in please. I need you." he said as tears formed 

"Um yeah sure." she said 

He walked in and said "Whoa I'm sorry I um." he turned around 

"Bucky it's fine I'm covered by bubbles." she said 

He turned back around and she said "Buck what's wrong? Is it Steve did something happen to my brother." 

"No no it's not anything like that." he said 

"Do you want to get in the tub and talk to me." she said 

"I um I." he said then he started to get undressed and Chloe closed her eyes and kept them closed till she felt him get in.

She opened her eyes and he said "Dot called me before I left the firehouse. She's getting remarried next month and she sold our house." 

Chloe saw his tears fall and she said "Hey Buck no there is a no crying rule in my bathtub." 

He laughed and said "Then you break that rule all the time." 

She laughed and looked down and said "Buck I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me a few months ago. She didn't deserve you and she certainly doesn't deserve these tears from those blue eyes." 

"I guess I should listen to myself sometimes." Bucky said as he wiped his face. 

"You should." she said 

He grabbed both of her hands and enterlaced them and said "I just when she told me that it felt like she was just trying to dig the knife in deeper. Then I saw our picture in my locker and all I wanted was to get home to you. I had no idea that you would be just getting in the tub is this what you do when you are off and I'm not." 

She giggled and said "Sometimes and sometimes I run around the house naked." 

"Oh darlin that's not funny." he said with a smile 

"I thought it was funny." she said 

"Can I ask you a question that's been bugging me since you told me?"Bucky said 

"What question is that?" Bucky said 

"Is there another reason why you haven't wanted to you know have sex?" He said 

She sighed and was about to let go of his hands and lay back in the tub but he pulled her and said "No  doll tell me." 

"I um I want babies...the person I lose it to I want to be sure that they are the right person so we don't have to use protection. I want to make sure they don't leave me in the end. I know it's silly and stupid and that's why it's never happened for me and probably more than likely never will." she said 

"Chloe it's not stupid or silly. And I have told you to not give up on love." he said to her 

"I would give you a hug Buck but I um don't want to make it awkward." she said 

He laughed and said "I have felt boobs against me before Chloe it may have been awhile since I've seen a woman naked but I still know things." 

She took a deep breathe and scooted towards him and hugged him and whispered "Its all going to be ok Buck we have each other and that's all we need right now." he wrapped his arms around her and said "Thank you Chloe." but feeling her like that made him go crazy on the inside. She pulled away and said "Ok the water is getting cold time to get out. Close your eyes." 

"Ok." he said as he closed his eyes as she got out of the tub.

She wrapped the towel around her and said "Ok I'm going to get dress in my room here's you a towel Bucky." 

She pulled the plug on her tub and left the bathroom. She got dressed and he came out of her bathroom in his clothes. "Thanks for letting me join in on your fun." he whispered in her ear as he came up behind her. "Mmm I enjoyed it." she whispered as he placed his hands on her hips.

She said "We need to go Christmas shopping are you wearing that or changing?" 

"I'm changing." he said 

She waited for him in the kitchen as she was reading over the kids list that they gave her. Bucky said "I will handle Chase's list and you take care of Taylor and Charlee." 

"Oh so I get the hard ones." she said 

"No you don't." he said 

He grabbed his keys since she made him his own set of keys to her car and said "Let's go babydoll." 

They headed out the real reason why he wanted to do his alone was because he was also shopping for her. He knew he wanted to get her a new apple watch cause he accidentally knocked hers into the sink while she was doing dishes earlier in the week. Chloe didn't mind that he wanted to do shop alone cause she also wanted to get him a few presents. So she got the girls done and then went to look for something for Bucky she knew he needed a new phone case one that was more fire proof so she found one and then she found him a new pair of sunglasses and new sleep pants. Bucky got his shopping done pretty fast and then went and got Chloe something besides her watch and that was a diamond necklace and diamond earring set. They bought their stuff separately and met at the car. After they were done shopping he took her to get dinner. 


The next night was the dinner party Chloe was upstairs staring mindlessy at her closet trying to decide what to wear. Bucky came up to check on her cause they had to leave in 30 minutes and she wasn't dressed all she had done was her hair and make up. "Darlin I hope you aren't planning on wearing that." he said as he saw still standing in her pajamas.

She looked down and he said "Hey what's wrong?"

"I don't know what to wear." she said 

"Um clothes would be nice althought I'm not oppose to you going naked but it's cold and snowing." he said 

She pushed him and said "Stop." 

"Doll you have a closet full of clothes just pick something we have to leave in 30 minutes." he said to her 

She sighed and sat on her bed. "Darlin seriously what is going on with you?"he said as he sat beside her.

"I just I don't want people asking a bunch of questions. I get enough of that from Molly." she said 

"What do you mean?' He said 

"You have no idea how many times a day Molly asks me if we have slept together yet or when are we going to start dating cause she said that her room mate doesn't do the things you do for me and I told her the other day that maybe she needed to find a new room mate then." she said 

"You do realize that everyone I work with I've known since middle school or elementary school." he said 

"Yeah I know." she said as she looked down 

"What is it?" he said 

"I don't want people to think that I'm the reason your marriage failed. That you were having some secret affair with me." she whispered 

"Darlin hey no. Nobody thinks that about you. Sweetheart my marriage failed because me and Dot got married way to young and we grew up and grew apart it had nothing to do with you." he said to her as he knelt down in front of her and kissed her forehead 

"Everyone knows why my marriage failed babydoll and it wasn't you." he said to her as he helped her up and went over to her closet and said "Now please can we get you dressed." 

"Yeah." she said 

She picked out a dress and matched a pair of white heels with it. She put them on and he zipped her up when she came out of the bathroom. "Beautiful babydoll." he said to her as she slipped on her heels. 

"thank you Bucky." she whispered 

He lifted her chin and said "Doll you look beautiful and gorgeous and sexy." as he wrapped his arms around her waist and she started to giggle and blush. He said "You are perfect doll." he pushed some of hair back.

"Buck I'm not perfect." she said 

"Yes you are." he said as he rested his forehead against hers and held her hands 

After a few minutes he lead her down the stairs and helped her get her coat on and they headed to the dinner. They got there and they were a few minutes late and they sat down and got the drink and food ordered. Chloe said Hi to everyone and Bucky kept one hand on her thigh to let her know that she was ok. 

After awhile Charlee started to get fussy and she said "Hey Nat here let me take her so you can eat I'm already done." She fed her and rocked her and then she seen her nephew acting out and after a few warnings from Steve and Nat Chloe stepped in and said "Chase Jackson sit down like your mommy and daddy asked you to now." 

"Yes aunt Chloe." Chase said 

"Thanks Chloe." Nat said 

"It's not big deal." she said 

Clint's wife Laura said "You are so good with them." 

"Thanks Laura." she said then Chase started his antics and Chloe sighed 

"Chase didn't aunt Chloe just tell you to sit down." Bucky said 

"Sorry." he said 

Steve said "We should bring you two out with us more often." 

"Really?" Nat said 

After dinner was over and they went home she was laying on him in a pair of black knee high socks and a plaid button down t shirt in his room. "Thank you for going with me tonight Chloe." he said to her

She looked up at him and said "You are very welcome." 

He cuddled her and said "I love when you lay with me.." 

She moaned and scooted closer to him and said "I love laying with you too." 

He placed his hand on her side and said "But you do need to stop doing that." 

"What?" she said 

"Wiggling this ass of yours against me crotch." he whispered and she started to giggle and said "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be sorry baby." he whispered 

He started to play with her hair and she slowly fell asleep as he did too. 

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